Sweet, vibrant Aneros energy!

Hi guys,

Even though today I need to continue working on my taxes, earlier this morning I had a session that nearly blew me away.

This morning I used only the following models in succession: Helix Classic, Maximus, Tempo, Progasm Classic.

First I began with Helix Classic. It seemed that it "fit" me perfectly and massaged all the sweet spots in my anal canal, and along and around my prostate. I purposely avoided anal contractions and focused on the "do-nothing-approach." Wow! Immediately there was sweet, vibrant energy surrounding my prostate and the Helix Classic it did its magic. In a way, what I experienced is similar to what physicists are trying to do in causing sustainable and "safe" nuclear fusion. They are trying to put the nuclear fuel of heavy or tritium Hydrogen in a "bottle" of plasma to ignite nuclear fusion. This is what happened to me this morning with my awakened prostate and Helix Classic in this bottle of sweet, yet vibrant energy. I think this was the experience of Getting in the Zone with Aneros or Zoneros! While in Zoneros, I focused on the sweet, vibrant sexual pleasure, and its dynamics and textures. I get horny thinking about all this.

Same thing happened Maximus. Maximus does reach along and around my prostate as it massages it. I thought I was going to die from pleasure!

Newb's First Session

First session notes – wherein I expose my newb-ness

The Helix Syn came in the mail a few days ago along with the other supplies. I had about an hour and a half of uninterrupted privacy to look forward to, so I grabbed the chance to play.

Expectations – I just wanted to practice getting the Helix inside me and feel what it was like. I like CrimsonWolf's write-up about the do-nothing approach, but this time I just wanted to experiment. This was about 4 days after my last ejaculation.

• ROOKIE MISTAKE – A mistake even before I began? Yes, and I knew this going in. I wasn't aroused at all. I've read that the Aneros amplifies arousal, and if there is no arousal, then you can't really expect to feel anything. That was fine for this session; I just wanted to go through the mechanics.

I'm going to add some details so other newbies can follow along –

1. First, I stripped, and then had a bowel movement followed by an enema rinse )2 @ 4 oz warm water(. Probably not necessary, but I felt more comfortable this way.

2. I lubed my finger with some I.D. Glide, and smeared some around my perineum and into my anus. I scraped about a teaspoon of shea butter off the chunk I'd purchased, quickly rolled it into a bullet shape with lightly lubed fingers, and shoved it into my anus.

Oh, Progasm Classic & Maximus, you guys send me!

Hi guys,

This morning I used my favorite Aneros models in the following order:

Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, Progasm Classic, Tempo, Maximus.

Both Eupho Classic and Helix Classic performed admirably. They set the stage for Progasm Classic which I never used so soon in a session. It is interesting that my anal canal craves Eupho Classic first at bat. Eupho Classic primes me for Helix Classic. But wow, today when I inserted Progasm Classic, my hungry ass wanted this big bruiser too! My educated anal musculature and sphincters manipulated that BIG tool in such a way that it was an awesome autof**k which produces aaww some really sexual sweetness. I must have worked with Progasm Classic for a good twenty to thirty minutes!

Then I took a brief intermission, maybe ten minutes or so using my PC. Then I recommenced with Tempo, my good buddy. And finally I finished with a good twenty to thirty minutes with Maximus.

I have gotten to the point in my sessions for some months now that I can work with each of my Aneros models and feel their exquisite work in my butt. I am gradually developing greater and greater control over all my Aneros models too! The upshot of all my recent sessions is that I have developed anal sensitivity which is so sweet and exquisite.

But at the same time, I am doing all this in Aless. It is all so sweet making glad that I am a man!

Mixing Aneros models up in sessions

Hi guys,

In my Aneros sessions of late, I have been mixing things up as it relates to my Aneros models and their order of use.

For a long time, at least a good year, I have been using the following order of models:

Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Classic.

This order of models has served me well. Eupho Classic, I use to open my sessions and open me up. It has the most freedom of movement when inserted and it "dances" a great deal. Eupho Classic prepares me for Helix Classic which I enjoy for its penetration and how it relates in general contact with my prostate. I get horny when I think about Helix Classic.

Then I go on to Maximus which has given me a great ride for months on end, certainly when I began using that model in the fall of 2013. Then I go on to Tempo which during all my sessions massages both my anal sphincters and canal so well. Tempo continues to tone my anal musculature too.

Finally I end sessions with Progasm Classic which delivers such a heavy-duty massage which makes me feel so complete as a man.

A few days ago some guys in Aneros chat praised Progasm ICE which I hadn't used in many months.

So yesterday during our daylong snowstorm, I enjoyed the coziness of my apartment by having a long, leisurely session with the following order of models:

New user here and wondering if you guys can help me

Been using my Aneros since Feb, and so far I've had no luck. Not ready to give up yet but at the very least I want to know if I'm making progress… weird as that sound.

I've read the wiki (seriously there's a wiki for anything huh) more times than I could remember, but… theory and practice is pretty different IMO haha.

I've a lot of questions and no idea where to begin so I'll just write those at the top of my head now.

  • Involuntary contraction: I suppose this is the thing that gets the whole motion going, but I haven't been able to do so consistently (if at all). I've tried contracting the external rectal muscle, the PC muscle (the muscle that you use to stop your pee haha), and still nothing. Do I have to contract it consistently, or do it occasionally, sorta like 'teasing' the internal muscle to contract involuntarily? The wiki said to go with small movement, but I can't even feel if I'm doing anything at all. How do I know when the involuntary contraction starts? I've read comments that the toy should be moving in and out on its own?

(NOTE: My knowledge of biology is abysmal at best and the terms I'm using is based on what I read so far so pardon my incorrect usage)

The first session.

)This post was first written for posting on the Aneros subreddit. Any formatting errors are likely due to the discrepancy between Reddit's and the Aneros site's methods of handling certain kinds of text.(

Just so I don't set up bad expectations for people looking to get into things with an Aneros, let me set down the ways in which I had kind of a leg up on getting the most out of the Aneros experience. And there are quite a few ways.

I have been maintaining kegel muscle tone through casual use for about 15 years

I have experienced hands-free orgasm before without the aid of any sort of toy, tool, accessory, or substance

I am incredibly relaxed person–massages do nothing for me because there simply isn't any tension to massage out )side note, the bafflement of people who try to give me a massage anyway is priceless(

Since puberty my most frequently consumed sex-related viewing material by far is fairly academic in nature–I know a lot of things about a lot of parts, and a lot of ways to be safe in sexual situations, including ones that I frankly never plan to be involved in

So, my girlfriend tripped across mention of the Aneros online, sent me the info, and so today I received my Helix Syn. What follows is a pretty detailed account of how I used it for the first time.

A Breakthrough

Laying on a bed doing kegels never did anything for me. But I had a major breakthrough over the weekend and it was incredible. Here's what I did differently:

Don't lube up the aneros. Inject a LOT of lube into your butt, maybe 2-3x as much as you think would be a reasonable amount. Then make sure the outside of your butt / anus is dry. Next, slowly work the aneros in dry. With the extra lube inside it will move very freely, and you'll be able to have much more control over it's movement because it's not slippery when you do kegels.

Next, I just forgot about it, went about my business. After about 30-45 minutes of doing chores around the house I almost couldn't feel it. About 30 minutes after that something different started happening. I started getting an intense tickling feeling from my p-spot, very different than the feeling of just pressing on or rubbing my prostate.

That's when the magic started to happen, this tickling would get stronger and stronger until it was unbearable and dry orgasm after orgasm would happen. Anytime I sucked in my stomach, tightened my abs and worked my PC muscles I would have an intense orgasm. I found that sometimes standing with one foot on top of another cause orgasms almost immediately once I reached this point.

It's been two days since then and everything is more sensitive, even having regular PIV sex without the aneros is WAY better than before.

COMPLETE BREAKTHROUGH: TIFU by trying to relax at home, after overeating at a New Year’s Eve party

The best I can do about describing this is going to be simple and a little bit clinical, and graphic if you don’t like toilet humor. (It’s essential for the plot though.) I’m still incredibly turned on and a little embarrassed by remembering this, but I want to be exact so that I can remember it properly. Is it weird to want to start tracking this stuff, the success stories? Here we go…

I’m a huge introvert. Small gatherings are easy – family dinner or whatever. For larger things (parties, formal occasions, etc.) I can do fairly okay, but I need to decompress afterwards. I’ve always loved having a day off. My home is small and cozy and a place to be safe.

When I’m finally home from an exhausting social event I like to take the rest of the night off (or the next morning, or whenever I can set this all up) for a "spa day" sort of thing, doing things I like to do to relax, and usually doing as much of them together as possible.

The usual: shower, settle in pajamas on the couch or at the PC, maybe order takeout or make something to eat, maybe have a drink or light up, and enjoy myself. Sometimes I watch porn, and I put out towels and masturbate or use sex toys, and clean up after.

About 40 hours of Aneros session time now, time to share again

So I have had about 20 sessions since I have started my glorious journey with Aneros products and I feel it's time to share some of my personal findings!

Sit back and relax, I will probably be as wordy as I ever am! Enjoy!

I'm not sure where to start this exactly so I will talk it out as I go, I guess =D

If you have kept up with my previous blog posts you will get an idea of where I was at. Well let me assure you it as only gotten better with time. I cannot claim to be rewired, but my good lord has the experience and the pleasure been absolutely breathtaking!

I have continued my sessions moving forward with lighter contractions, on RARELY really deep contractions anymore (Unless I am going for a Super-T)

I gotta say…. sticking with the light contractions, alternating between direct anal contractions and PC contractions has sky rocketed my pleasure levels! P-waves a plenty, oooh my goodness! I haven't had any Super-O's yet, or any hands free dry-o's, but I don't even care. The build up has been glorious!

Since I have started I have added 5 more models to my collection. I have outlined each of them in the forums, but I will touch base here to keep this from being pages long, and I will include the link to the thread it's in as well.

Fifth Session – Taking a slightly different approach

I think I'll hit the forum with this bit, but I have to say there is a lot of mixed information as to how one should approach using the product. )Reference to the prostate toys – not Peridise or others(

Some say manually contract and relax. The instructions say contract and relax. Some users say do nothing and see what your body does. Others say if your Chakra and life is out of balance to work on centering.

It's rather frustrating. Not intended to sound negative towards anyone either. All the information is great, it seems to be more of a belief system than a real scientific or medical approach. If you believe in it, chances are it will work )Mind over matter I guess(

OK! On with it!

So this time around I've decided a different approach…

First off – the usual. I prep my space to get ready for my session. I've found some nice relaxing tracks that I put on my phone to listen to with headphones again. These tracks are peaceful soft music with woman and/or men softly moaning in the background. Some of them are instructional in the sense they remind you to breathe or focus on specific aspects of your session. Not really goal oriented, just "pay attention to these feelings and go with the flow" kind of instructional reminders.