Session 1 – Auto Contractions

I am a 20 year-old from Georgia.
I have tried to use my aneros before, but tried to hurry into a prostate O than dry O; therefore, this is consider my first time really trying to create dry O.s
About 15 min into the session, I contracted by PC muscle and started to get involuntary contraction, it feels a little bit good, not like awesome or anything… I was sitting in a chair as that involuntary contraction started, so I climbed into bed and really start to work for it.
Very interesting thing happened: as I was having auto contractions, I started to play with my nipples, and it creates this insane sensation that makes me want to release somewhere, it also make my body feel very hot, occasionally I would feel as if a warm halo is surrounding me; but since the sensation is too great, I had to stop nippling myself.
The auto contraction, again, didn't bring me super awesome feeling. Just, good feeling. Since this auto contraction is on the pc muscle, i tried to translate it to my anal muscle to see if I will create an anal contraction; tried several time, and I think I had seconds of good feeling paroxysmally. In the end, I feel tired and tried to beat off. At the same time, I tried to incorporate tantric breathing – trying to lead the building orgasmic sensation up the spine than out the penis. However, the orgasm was only ok, didn't feel too good. I haven't been having good feeling orgasm for a while, and I just wonder how can I improve my orgasmic pleasure level?
to be continued…

So; experimentation and Mark Twain's Remarks on the Science of Onansim.

Well, my wife and daughter went off to visit another daughter and my grandchildren for the day and night. Around midnight Friday, I was wondering how my regular reflexes and possibilities were doing after the previous day's hypersensitivity. So down in my lounger, I undressed, lay back, put my laptop on my belly and found nice a porn of sweet young things making love. (; search lovers orgasm over 10m to get ones by, who specialize in female/couple-friendly artistic HD porn They kiss a lot, laugh a lot, and seem like they give a damn about one another.

My standard jack-off to ejaculation worked fine, and I'd had time enough since the last time to have some secretions available. )It seems to take me about four pwaves, losing my erection between them to get there.(

So, there I was, a few hours later; wondering how things would go with the helix; considering …

I still don't have the tight kind of control; I lost it onto the rug in the bathroom getting up from loading it in. Got onto the bed and reloaded it. A half-hour into it, using my normal doing-nothing, I had progressed from a few timid flutters to waves of super-Os howling at the moon; literally this time, since I was alone in the house. I could get used to this soooo fast!

Phase 1: Initiation

Welcome welcome welcome, on my blog.
I'll share my experiences here about my journey to become "rewired".

About me:
I'm a 20yr old gay guy, so I've had my share of anal play.
This will hopefully be an advantage on my journey.

Start of Phase 1: Initiation
So I unpacked my first aneros (Progasm), I tought it would be larger but it wasn't (thankfully).
So after lubing up the aneros for the first time, I inserted it and it went in smoothly.
I hear some novice people find it quite big at first. I certainly didn't (first advantage of have anal play experience YAY).

The Progasm was very comfortable inside me, I didn't wait 10 minutes as often said.
I felt it wasn't really necessary.

So I started doing some anal contractions and Kegel exercises. I started feeling it in my prostate. It felt really good.
Now the problem I had was trying to keep the imbalance between the anal and pc muscle.
The more I focused on it, the harder it was.

The session ended with me having a Super-T. No super-o's yet.
I think it was because I wasn't relaxed enough and I couldn't keep my focus on the pleasure (my mind wandered a lot).

Session Summary:
– Pleasurable prostate feelings
– Not relaxed enough
– Not focused enough

3 days in the hole

Being this is my first entry, I'm starting with an introduction. I purchased my first aneros product about 8 months ago. I had been having a increasing interest in anal play after discovering how amazing it could feel. My first model was a progasm. I must say it was definitely a little bit of a jump to just start out with this, but my body adjusted accordingly. Within the first couple of weeks I had what I think is a full body orgasm. The next couple of times were definitely not the same. Frustrated I put it away for a while. Since then I've been on and off with the aneros since I bought two more models the MGX and the Helix.

3 days ago I decided I would stop penile contact altogether for at least a week. Every night since then has been an increasingly better session and I can feel my arousal growing. I'm very excited to see how different my session will be by the end of the week and see if I can go even longer. So far I have had no real desire to have a super t or even stimulate my penis in the traditional sense. I am really starting to get into this "sexual journey" that everyone speaks of and am enjoying my experiences as they come. I've been doing pc and sphincter excercises everyday and trying to master the "tug of war" technique. A couple of other techniques such as KSMO and certain tantric exercises have caught my eye and I'm looking into them.

Further info on the start — my history

Where am I? I had my first really big orgasms in my 20's. I took a sensuality class from Maxine Sanini [Rey Anthony]. She taught us about pushing out when your orgasm starts. She said you could lose a few when you were learning to do it, but if you could get into it, it was amazing. You bet it was! For me, if I pushed out hard, my ejaculations felt like my consciousness was blowing out through the top of my skull, splattering against the ceiling, dripping down the walls, and slowly flowing back to me. I taught a lover, and she was having two-minute orgasms, almost bucking me off the bed.

When I married, however, my vife, although orgasmic, had very little interest in anything not plain vanilla. And having five kids in the house cut down the joyous noises from the bedroom.

But now the kids are all gone. I found the internet, and, having never lost my deep and abiding interest in sexuality, I found symatico chat rooms. Bianca's Smut Shack; State of Insanity )still there.; and the Verandah.

I loved cybersex, and at the Verandah I presented myself as Poly. Polymorphously perverse, with a whole bunch of repressed personalities that loved to get out and play; Recreational multiple personalities, as it were, I never broke character when I was in one. If IThey got the action; I got the orgasms. Seemed like a fair trade.

Session #? Oh boy, definitely onto something here.

Losing track of my session numbers because I feel like keeping track of them leads to expectations and having expectations for the journey is a bad thing!

Okay, I'm definitely onto something here.

After finally learning how to separate out my PC and Anus muscles, after taking plenty of time each day to exercise the PC muscles, and after truly getting myself into the grove, I believe I've felt my first rael P-waves.

Mind you, I am still unsure if I'm feeling my prostate at all. I am still unsure if my contractions are real or self-made. I am still unsure if this is the correct path to take. However, I derived pleasure from my experience. It wasn't orgasmic, or even mini-orgasmic, but it was on the cusp. Unfortunately, I went too wild, lost the feeling, and needed to finish myself off by masturbating due to feeling massively blue-balled. But here's what happened.

I was nearing the end of my 60 minute session, it was minute 50 or so, and I decided to try for the weird spazzy contractions one last time. I managed to get them a few times during the session but it never leads to anything too pleasurable, it doesn't really make my aneros auto-fuck me like other people describe, and it consists of me simply trying to hold a PC contraction for as long as I can which, in turn, tired me the hell out.

Session #4, a huge leap.

Session 1's big milestone was getting the Progasm in.
Session 2's big milestone was understanding that a Super-T doesn't work on its own.
Session 3's big milestone was feeling my prostate finally wake up.
Session 4, however, was the biggest milestone yet. I got my first contractions and my first P-waves.

The most important thing I learned was the difference between all the muscles going on in my pelvis. The contraction section of the wiki should be required reading that comes with the device. I also managed to figure out how to properly apply my lube so I would have no discomfort during insertion.

So there I am in Session #4, finally using my PC muscles correctly, finally noticing an interesting sensation coming from my prostate. It's this strange pleasurable feeling combined with the feeling of holding back pee while also occasionally getting an urge to purge. While I'm holding a stronger contraction, I notice that the muscle begins to move on its own. Finally, my first involuntary! This combined with the pleasure makes me ecstatic that I can actually get this thing to work. I didn't care what happened next, I was just glad I finally got to this point.

on the path of success

Had a very good session last night, started on my back, leg up, feet flat on bed, listen to some Hypnaerosession i found. I experienced some very new sensation, was like very small orgasm, but over and over and over for 15min, it had me do some pc muscle squeeze, then i try to go back to relax, but everytime i relax, it stop. it was strange but fun
i got so excited that my penis felt like a rock hard pole, dripping in precum, never seen that much precum before, and at one point, with some very very light touch on the head of my penis, i came like a mad man, cum everywhere, and a feeling of deep satisfaction. I know it still not the super O, but the small O i experienced, was a good reward after 2 months of nothing


So no session yet. i Don't think I will have time until Tuesday. Which is completely okay. I have used this time to do some kegel exercises…and to get to know my body a little better!

I have obstained from all regular jack-off routines, and have been practicing flexing and moving my PC muscles at all times of the day; work, home, driving in the car, etc. the results have been fun and interesting! It has been hard not to release, as my partner and I like to just pay around from time to time. It's been a very busy week or both of us, so it helps I've chosen this week to experiment!

There is definitely something to be said about doing this experiment. While inexperienced…I almost feel like it is a tease. I was at my desk at work doing my exercises, and felt some great waves of pleasure up my stomach to my throat, and up through h back of my head. My vision went blurry and I was lucky I was alone at the time. Got a few twitches in my head and then I subsided. It felt amazing.

I'm so happy I have joined this site to aid in my aneros awakening. Lots of really cool and open minded guys who are eager to help! Thanks to everyone so far for welcoming an eager newbie!

More to come early next week…

Getting into the Autof**k [Action]

Hi guys,

The path to the Super-O or MMO's can be quick and easy, or long and arduous. Many guys can achieve a Super-O in many cases after a few months with the Aneros and some in just a few weeks. For me, it seems that my journey to experiencing my very first Super-O has been long and slow, but I would not say arduous, because it seems most of my sessions since the beginning of this year have been just laden with pleasure! And most of them have been just plain fun! I enjoy it that way, and perhaps with my least knowing it and by surprise, I'll experience my very first Super-O that will transform my life.

I am glad that in September 2011 that I began a regimen of Kegel Exercises. In October 2011, I met a guy on BateWorld who told me about the Aneros for the very first time and that the Kegels were just fine for the Aneros. It was only when over a year later in October 2012 when I began working with the Progasm that I discovered that the Progasm and the Kegels work together so well synergetically. It seemed that the Progasm and the Kegels were made for each other. That discovery in itself began to transform my Aneros sessions on a much greater level.