TRUE Aneros autof**king: Session for March 21, 2012

Hi guys,

I believe that I reached a milestone in my Anerosing this morning. I think it has to do with the true nature of Aneros autof**king. I'll tell you more why in a bit.

Sequence of models used: Helix ClassicProgasm Black IceHelix Syn — Maximus — Progasm IceProgasm Classic.
Duration: 3.5+ hours.

This morning once again I began with the Helix Classic. He gave a direct, prostate massage and an awesome autof**k. Then I switched to Progasm Black Ice with his usual length and girth in motion!

But it was with Helix Syn this morning, I tried something different. I inserted my original buddy as usual on my side, but then sat at my PC with him inserted. The sensations I experienced while seated were new and unusual, although verging a little on the uncomfortable. Then I placed myself with Helix Syn still inserted in my usual position on my back with my butt on a folded pillow. I wasn't able to do much with Helix Syn in that position though. So I "necked" with him for a while. Very little ensued.

Then I continued with Maximus again seated at my PC. Again some new and unusual sensations, although more intense. I think it had to do with the P-tab in more direct contact with my perineum than usual. More discomfort was the result of sitting with my Maximus inserted. So I returned to my futon in the same position as before. Initially it seemed that the fire had gone out in my session. But then the erotic fire again began to reignite, this time around, building in intensity in my prostate. I was on to something new and exciting.

Now I understand it

* Tingling around the abdomen
* Constant, quick involuntary contractions
* Rock solid erections
* Breathing kept things going
* Dry-O

My last proper session was a dud, but that's likely due to either anxiety or lack of arousal )or both(. Few days later I tried the Progasm, to see if a change in model would spur anything new. It did, in fact, and the results were quick – but due to supposed internal haemorrhoids, the session was aborted quickly. Bummer.

But regardless – the session last night was pretty great. I felt horny, and looked forward to a session, albeit I figured the anticipation would kill it. Not at all. About half an hour into it, the sensations would build primarily from my breathing. It helped a lot to focus on the inner-feelings of the anus with the Aneros. I think I even felt the prostate being touched.

At one point, when trying different positions, my erection grew to a point where it felt like it was ejaculating. Maybe this was the Dry-O? Nontheless there was a constant, warm and sweet feeling from the PC muscles and anus. I felt this before in my previous entry and I did not expect to have it occur again.

What a great session. Even afterwards I feel the results of the Aneros, although that may just be the effect of abstaining more than anything. Will try another session tonight, but I won't be surprised if it's a dud.

New Sensations!

I've had to take some time off )again( from using the Aneros due to a hectic University schedule and a severe lack of alone time!
Thankfully that's all changed and I'm finding myself with a lot of me time :(

This morning I was browsing the forums and I saw this video that somebody had posted.

I gave it a watch and it made me incredibly aroused. I prepared myself and put in my helix. Ahhh.

The subtle involuntary contractions started right away and continued for 20 minutes or so. I then started to feel a great deal of pleasure in my anal canal and my stomach tensed up, which felt like it made the pleasure spread to my torso. My abs kept tensing in waves pushing this pleasure up my body.
The feeling in my anus was much more intense than the pleasure that was running through my body.

These feelings died down after a short while and I was left with the feeling of my Helix twitching and pulsing. My groin began to sort of 'grind' around in a circle and I could feel some muscles contracting in my pelvis. I presume these are some of the PC muscles. The contracting became more and more frequent and suddenly I felt a very pleasurable feeling on my prostate. It was getting more and more intense before this feeling shot out to my limbs before quickly disappearing. This happened two or three times and it felt better and better each time. It also felt like it lasted longer and longer each time. Amazing!

Session with leg in plaster – aneros-induced healing?

I was working at home yesterday, and getting hassled and stressed, when it hit me – I needed to have an aneros session. I say it hit me, because it did – it was a SUDDEN intense desire, and I knew I had to do it. I was home alone, needed a break from work, and so why not?

Of course, having a leg in plaster after a knee operation makes it a bit difficult to get all the bits one needs for a session together, and also restricts one’s movements and position somewhat. Having worked out how to do it, I lubed the aneros, and shot 2 ml of lube into my arse with the syringe, and started to insert. Straight away there was a tremendous sensation that filled my body with what I can only describe as something like a sudden shot of alcohol – it was as if I became instantly drunk and incredibly relaxed. I moaned in appreciation.

Once the aneros had settled in place, there were some immediate mini-orgasms that came over me like a shiver. Some relaxation, and then the dry orgasms started. The slightly inebriated sensation carried on. The aneros would also very rapidly cause an explosion of sensation all over my body and repeat, causing me to shout out “oh, oh OH!” repeatedly, in the bliss of it all. I decided the shortest frequency of repetition matched my heart rate. The aneros was drawn deep inside me each time. There were tens of these dry orgasms, but even the spaces between were sublime.

Longest O yet!

Hello again! It has been a while since I last posted but it has been fairly uneventful. I have noticed something strange, though. I seem to be more successful during anerosless sessions rather than normal sessions.
I have actually been able to achieve multiple prostate orgasms without the aneros inserted! These orgasms are a bit less intense than ones that the aneros helped make but they are fun none-the-less. I simply begin to clench exercise my pc muscles at any time during the day and I am on my way to an anerosless orgasm. I just have to be carefull with the power and timing of the clenches in order to orgasm this way. I have gotten better and better at it over the last few weeks. Speaking of which, here is what happened last night:

We don't have to try – it's always a good time

* Stare into space + do nothing = p-waves.
* But I may be completely wrong, as usual
* Looking at pictures/nipple stimulation is a no go
* Pleasures would build when simply enjoying what's there
* Shaking doesn't completely stop things, nor does damping
* Erections, however, do )Stops the contractions(
* Different positions kept things going – simply laying down worked best.
* Heavy breathing, paced, often gets things going
* That was much longer than I anticipated
* PC Muscles/Prostate ached a fair bit

Before this session, my previous one a few days back was a dud. Per usual, I take it too seriously and freak out over making no progress.

Day after I went back to basics and again, just focused on what felt good. Since it's typically the PC muscles, I focused on them and remained frozen solid. Not sure what, exactly, but something sparked and felt great. Visual imagery helped )and probably did most of the work(.

Last night was fantastic nonetheless. My main goal was to just drop expectations and not care at all for trying to achieve anything from it. If it's a dud, it's a dud. No loss. In any case, I started off with the MGX on a whim. Since the P-Tab was causing my prostate to ache a fair bit, I dropped it off half an hour in and switched to the Helix Syn.

Practice makes perfect

Hello again!

Hi, I'm back after quite a while of not posting. It has been a month since I got my first Super-O's and things haven't gone quite as well as that first time, unfortunately. For some reason I had a masterful touch that first night, I managed to coax several super-o's back to back. I have lost a bit of progress since then, though.
For the past month, I can never really count on a session to be successful and if I do manage to get a Super I usually only get one or maybe two. Even though this may seem like a setback I think that first night of mind-blowing success was an early birthday present of sorts. It gave me a glimpse into just how amazing sessions could be. I know I could get there again but I must perfect my technique.
I have noticed that it has been more difficult lately to prevent myself from clenching my pc muscles hard in anticipation so I will try and tackle that obstacle first.

P wave evenings

After this session with Alana that ended in the best traditional O i'd had in a long, long time, I was keen to move on. I spent the next few days looking for alternatives to the hypnaerosession and found the I-Doser sexual simulations session. No spoken word here, just chilled out music…perfect I thought. Another new discovery that evening was instead of lying on my back which I found tended to tense up my stomach too much, I lay on my side as suggested in the forums. This I found later would be key for me. The session started. I had my progasm in and I was relaxed on my side listening to the session. That's when it started…the twitching I'd read about. I was breathing with it and there were twitches…just small but still this was a significant moment. It meant that things were beginning to happen. At one point this wave of pleasure just washed through me…wow. It felt like a wave too rolling up my body..i wanted it again and the odd twitch was there. The audio session was coming to the end and strangely my mind was taking it in and things were happening but I did think they were disconnected to the progasm. I was becomming pretty turned on and near the end of the session was experienceing I guess what i'd describe now as an edging feeling…that point a little before you cum but not a full orgasm. For me this was an amazing feeling. I hadn't touched my cock at all and it was still pretty limp but these almost orgasmic feelings were in my body. The session had ended but I just had to listen to it again. I detected twitches from the progasm but I don't think i was really focussing on them enough at that point. The 2nd run of the session ended and again although I was very highly aroused I hadn't experienced a whole series of p waves that I'd have been expecting. Still, it was progress compared to my previous sessions. I took the progasm out and slipped into a relaxing sleep. Then….something weird happened….i was awoken an hour later…wtf was that…..the progasm wasn't inserted but this intense p wave just went through me. I was taken aback but wow, just wow and then it happend again. I wasn't doing anything but another one hit again. What was happening to body just seemed to take control and send these waves through me. I contracted just slightly and another wave hit…yes! I was getting there…another wave…i was lovign the feelings. I just couldn't stop the waves and the night was rapidly disappearing. Eventually I think I did fall asleep but a whole hour before my alarm went off to get up for work. I seemed to be exhausted the next day but I was in a blissfully relaxed mood all day and very chripy. Wow, I needed more, just wow.
I know it's suggested that you have a break inbetween sessions but I couldn't wait to experience these what I now recognised as p-waves again. The next night I was back again with the progasm. I put the simulation session on again and my toy started twitching but i wasn't getting any waves. I could feel it moving ever so slightly but no waves. Hmmm, what was going on? I ended the session and took it out. I didn't masturbate normally for some reason. I was just lying there on my side after the session breathing slowly and relaxed. Hmm i thought, what happens if i make a contraction, so I did. The unexpected happened..contraction then a second or 2 after, p wave! Loving the feeling i went for another contraction and again it happened. I was hooked and yet another sleepless night occurred but I wasn't experiencing this body shattering, shaking super O I'd read about. However it seemed that without the progasm in i was able to experience these p waves. I think it was around this point that I starteed realising that I was using the wrong muscles. I staarted contracting different muscle sets and realised that i was probably just making anal contractions alone and not really involving the pc muscles. I started to concentrate on working this new muscle set. It took a bit but sure enough this is where the pwaves for me were working from without the aneros inserted. My current line of thought is that the progasm was actually just that little too big to get my pc muscles really working and that a smaller model would be more appropriate. I might still go back and buy a smaller model just to see if it provides a different experience, but for now I was just enjoying the p waves. Again sleepless nights occurred as my body took over and uncontrolled pwaves went through me….how could I stop them??? I neeeded to stop but at the same time i didn't want to.
Still nothing what I would describe as a super O though.
I was still trawling through the forums looking for that final piece of the jigsaw. Was there anything there that would take me over the edge. Focus and breathing was the next thing I started working on. I still wasn't getting any great pleasure from having the progasm inserted, so I'd start off using it and get it twitching and then later take it out and just concentrate on the pw aves without it inserted. I decided one eveing that I was going to take it really slow and let things build and focus on any minute sensations that occured. Any tingles I'd try to mentally focus on and enlarge through deep breathing. I was working and the p waves were setting in. It was around this point that I started feeling anal contractions too and also contractions in my stomach muscles. My body was beginning to tense up too. The first anal contraction was amazing..just surged up through my body. I guess this was an anal orgasm? I continued on breathing with my p waves and the feelings grew and grew.
Then it hit…..bang across my whole body…..I hit this new plateau of pleasure I'd never felt before. It didn't subside like a p wave and went on for a few mins. My whole body was rigid and tense with this pleasure rolling around me, precum oozing out. No shaking though like i'd seen in some videos but then again i read that it's diferent in everyone… but yeah I think I just had a super O, my first one. I don't think it was major but it was definately different from a p wave. Pretty exhausted after this I tried to get to that point again but couldn't manage it. I settled down that night in knowledge that I'd come a pretty long way in quite a short time…weeks infact when i'd been expecting months or nothing at all.
I tried again I think the next night but I had consumed a few glasses of wine too many and I have come to the realisation that this numbs the sensation. You do need to be mentally able to focus. The pwaves came but nothing else.

Final Thoughts of Peridise

For those that have been following my progress, I apologize for not taking care of this sooner. I had finished up my Peridise training about a month ago, and haven't really used it much since then. However, I figured now might be the best time to go over my usual training sessions with these wonderful little training tools.

For the most part, I would insert anywhere from the moment I get home (between 6-7pm) to about an hour before bedtime. On the days I insert upon getting home, I'll give myself a short half-hour to an hour session in bed or on the couch, just to get the blood flowing. This is always the same regimen, with 5-10 minutes of relaxation, followed by 20 minutes light exercise (inhale and contract, exhale and relax). If it goes to an hour, then I'll try and maintain medium contractions (minimum 50%) for as long as possible (usually between 1-3 minutes per) while keeping the rest of my body relaxed. These are straight PC contractions, mind you, as I don't involve any other muscles until I can really focus on not only the sensations, but also the muscular fatigue.

I treated myself to the beginner Peredise set… amazing!

I ordered myself a Peridise set about a month ago. I've only had chance to properly use it twice due to work commitments but both times I've used the set it has felt AMAZING.

I read that some people weren't stimulated by the Peridise at first, and that it took a little bit of getting used to so I wasn't expecting anything the first time I tried it out.

I pre-lubed and relaxed myself, lubed up the larger of the four models and popped it in. Just the tip. I followed the instructions and contracted to pull the Peridise in to myself. I was greeted by a lovely feeling in my anal canal. I continued these contractions maybe ten or so times until I was sure the device was properly inserted.

I relaxed myself and started deep breathing. I was greeted by more of these pleasurable feelings in my anus. It was working for me! It made me really happy. I relaxed myself further and enjoyed these feelings. Pretty soon my legs started to vibrate, and my anus started to twitch. It felt so so good. My PC muscle was contracting all by itself and I kept having short subtle bursts of pleasure in my anal canal. The peridise was also 'tickling' the outside of my anus and this felt great too. I ran out of time so I had to stop the session, but I'm pretty sure I found my new favourite toy… I didn't even have chance to switch to one of the smaller models I was enjoying it so much.