first session and agreement with my wife

In my teen years I masturbated to porn so often, 16 being my record as far as I remember. Sometimes I’d get into the shower and stick a finger up my butt and massage my prostate while I masturbated my penis. That’s the extent of my butt play.

Today, I’m in my early 60s and I had continued to masturbate every day, sometimes twice a day, and I was a compulsive porn user.

But I stopped both masturbation and porn about 8 years ago as I adopted “Tantric” sex with my wife and we were having sex 4 times a week, and I’d cum maybe once in 10 days, inside her mostly.

The tantric sex was good because unlike my best friend and many others my age, we had a lot of sex and I could focus on my perineum relaxation and bring sexual energy into my whole body and have basically half hour whole body Os of a type.

And I see my wife as mega attractive and the greatest woman in the world, which she is, but I really see her that way.

Except after I have ejaculated and then it’s usually depression, loss of feeling in my penis, and loss of interest in my wife.

I have recently realized that “edging” during sex results in fallout that makes an ejaculation necessary, and creates ED if I don’t have an ejaculation.

First real session and trying to get arousal without expectations

Last time, my first session, I inserted the toy wrong. This time I oriented it correctly and everything went much easier. I think my rectum is getting benefit from this practice, actually, rather than hurting in any way.

I had been edged by my wife, and hoped this arousal would spill over into the session but I’m not sure it did.

I tried on my stomach, on my sides, on my back. It was difficult to feel much and my focus was feeling something and actually I was able to rock and feel what may have been a prostate massage of some kind and it was extremely pleasurable. At one point my legs were shaking. I just calmed down and tried some more movement, contractions of the rectal muscle, PC muscle (I am not able to tell them apart and contract them pretty much separately), and nothing at all.

I tried some fantasy to get my arousal up, thinking of my wife in various scenarios, and I suppose that helped build my arousal. After about an hour it was time to stop and go to sleep.

Next morning I had intercourse with my wife and haven’t had good erections (or any erections) for a few days. It may be supplements I’m taking but more than likely it’s just being fired up about sex and what I’ve been reading, kind of exactly how porn affects me, so today I’m backing off on that.

My First Week

I am normally an introvert and don’t like to put myself out there (specially with this topic) but I do now in hopes that someone can get something out of my journey with my Aneos and to also keep the blogs and forums thriving with new interaction. I bought my first Aneros which was the Helix Classic in 2015 through Amazon. For the past couple of years I have had it in hiding until recently has I couldn’t get anything out of it. I tried leaving it in and walking around with it, laying down with it, sleeping with it in until I gave up because of no effect. That changed when I started reading the forums online and found a post about not having it inserted to the T-Line which I kept doing. It recommended putting it in half way and let your body put it where it wants. After I tried that, that is where my experience turned around and my week took off.

Dud First Session (Before I read about proper inserting).

My Second:Day:
I laid on my back in bed with my knees up, lubed my hole with a medicine dropper with water based lube and put some lube on the Helix. I laid there and did kegels in groups of ten (not holding them long) and between each group belly breathing. That’s when my legs started to twitch and twitch they did. For about an hour my legs would twitch off and on and I would let out a moan once in a while. Then it all stopped randomly and that was the session.

Rumel’s Ruminations – Part VI

Hi Guys, the following was taken, several years ago, from the website ->…/male-ass-fuck-and-ass-gasm, which, unfortunately, is no longer in existence or I would have just referenced it in my Rumel’s Ruminations – Part V blog entry. I’m glad I copied it because it contains some insightful information which users of this forum may find helpful. I’m sorry I don’t have the authors name to give proper credit but if anyone knows please let me know and I’ll credit them appropriately.

“Male ASS FUCK and ASS GASM” (Found this on another BLOG.) It is a compendium of anal play for men, and from what I have read, in-depth and comprehensive. Should be good for men and women, who want information on the male anal exploration experience! Enjoy.

Male Assfuck and Ass-gasm – (Some notes on Male Assfuck and Ass-gasm, since I have never seen this critical arena of sexual response discussed in detail anywhere, even by radical LGBT sexologists…)

Hard Truths of Male Assfuck
When a man is assfucked whether by cock or strap-on or other toy or tool, whether by male or female, the man’s cock may:
_stay soft, _stay hard, _start soft and finally get hard, _get hard then go soft, _get hard then go soft then get hard again at the end, _whatever the state of his cock, the guy may orgasm or not experience anything like orgasm, and/or…, _may ejaculate or may not ejaculate…!
All variations are possible…! And the next assfuck he receives, if done differently, could produce different results…!

Why are my dry orgasms so rare?

I think my blog posts are gone but it doesn’t matter 🙂
I’m 32 year old from Portugal with very little sexual experience (just been with other men occasionally and curious to be with a women but in general much less interested in women).

In super resume I’ve had aneros for 8 years now and I’ve got dry os but very rare, and never got a super o.
Some sessions I had in the last week kinda exemplify what I was able to get with aneros and how I think I have much to evolve.

In general my aneros sessions are pretty uneventful.
They generally take 3-4 hours (I use do nothing), and I can get some background pleasure but it generally don’t evolve much.

It’s extremely common however for me to quickly (especially if I just take a quick look at porn or just sexual images) start having some rhythmic movements of the aneros and my dick, because it’s hard when this happens. There rhythmic pulses are pleasant but I won’t call them pleasurable, because they’re just “nice” and nothing special.
Like I said this is extremely easy to get, but also they do pretty much nothing.

Rumel`s Ruminations – Part IV

To Whom It May Interest,

Over the last few years I’ve posted numerous comments in other peoples threads and authored a few threads of my own. In hopes it would aid in the understanding of the Aneros Journey I’ve decided to consolidate some of the more salient posts of my thoughts here.

from “Do Nothing” What does that mean?

Hi Guys,

Frequently mentioned on this forum is the “Do Nothing” method but what does this really mean? It doesn’t mean stick an Aneros up your butt and stop thinking about it as you go about your daily activities, nor does it mean you should ignore its presence as if you were anesthetized or asleep. It is really about taking a very passive approach to your Anerosessions. It is one of the techniques found in the Relaxation group versus Sexual frenzy group.

From the Aneros WIKI The “do nothing” technique is mostly for the Aneros only. The idea is to dispense with thinking about holding contractions, controlling your breathing, conscious relaxing, or anything else for that matter, in favor of just lying there and letting the pleasure and Aneros do their thing. This technique is probably best after you have at least started feeling pleasure from the Aneros.

I’d like to expand upon that description a bit. Most descriptions of techniques one may employ during their Anerosessions are of the Sexual frenzy group and involve rhythmic (or mixed rhythmic/static) contractions of different pelvic floor muscles combined with breathing techniques and stimulation of “erogenous hot spots”. These are what constitute very active approaches.

My Super-O experience and tips

I’m typing this mere minutes after having the most intense orgasm of my life, even now my body is twitching and contracting in pleasure able aftershocks. It started as a normal session, I decided to up my dose of weed for this one and hadn’t ejaculated in the last 3 days. I watched porn for an hour beforehand then listened to asmr with my aneros in, getting the tug-o-war started. I kept clenching too hard so decided to try and keep my clench at a constant 80% after taking a whiff of amyl. This time I came, dry, the waves emanating from my P-spot and added sensitivity helped after that. I came another 6-8 times repeating that method, each getting more pleasurable. Then the 9th or 10th time I switched to a dildo and when i felt the special spot with it i rubbed it firmly, thrusting a centimetre at a time. I orgasmed, but this time when I felt the start of orgasm rack me it happened not once but 5-6 times, rapidly. Then I couldn’t do anything but writhe on my bed as multiple orgasms flooded my body, it felt like my entire body was orgasming, like fireworks of pleasure bursting everywhere, bouncing around. I was convulsing for a good 30+ seconds and then ley there twitching, still feeling the pleasure echo through me. I then finished my self of with masturbation and came for another minute, cum pouring out my dick, feeling like I’m peeing cum it was the best I’d ever felt from masturbation too.

An amazing session today

It’s been several weeks since my last really memorable session. Work, family visits, more work, no time until recently to devote to p-spot play. I had some free alone time today, so I decided to go all out. Began with my supplement stack, about an hour before, then 30 mg of THC gummy. Got the room ready while waiting for the buzz to build by laying out my Aneros toys, and setting up my 6” dildo for doggie style. Layed out some towels, turned down the lights and brought up some light porn images on my iPad. Finally, got my popper supply ready for using the sock method, and inserted a coconut oil suppository up my rectum.

First in was my Eupho trident, but it wasn’t doing much for me, so I swapped in my old standby Mr. MGX. Right away I felt my prostate fire up. I waited for a bit of a build-up before taking my first popper hit from the sock, and was pushed over into a series of strong orgasm almost immediately. I kept this up for about 10 minutes, then made my move to doggie style on my dildo. It was all set up on the floor so I could kneel in front of it while resting my torso on a padded stool. As the tip slipped in I took another deep hit from the popper sock. This dildo has a prostate friendly curve that lets me put pressure fight on the spot. I just kept the pressure steady, and was literally screaming into the pillow for several minutes, enjoying my first super-O in weeks.

A beginner that discovered a jump pad to great sessions with my Progasm.

First the disclaimer, I’ve only been serious about this journey for about couple of months. My fist toy was the Progasm and love it but wanted to experience other toys and see what they have to offer. I also bought an Edge 2. Last night I was extremely horny after watching porn on and off all day and been abstinence for about a week I went a different route and it paid off big. This route is something that I haven’t really seen talked about yet so I figure if anyone is struggling they can have a different play to try to get them into the red zone. So he is my break down.

A realization I had as I had a mini prostate orgasm

I was watching porn of a girl reaching nipple orgasm as I had an Aneros in my ass.

I made a profound and beautiful realization of how anal play and nipple play unites both genders and both girls and guys can experience the same pleasures.

Versus the narrative that girls have better and longer orgasms this realization has made me feel proud of myself (and you should be too, straight guys especially) of being open minded and trying out prostate/nipple play to experience better pleasures than the penile orgasm shoved to us by media all the time.