F–k, short Aneros login times again, I lost another blog post! 🙁
Yesterday morning I laid off having Aneros sessions altogether. For a week before yesterday, I been having nearly daily sessions with close to five Super-T attempts in the late evenings. With that kind of schedule, I didn’t want to full into utter sexual depletion nor to become an Aneros addict! Moderate Aneros use suggests that you have sessions with days set apart for recovery and relaxation. This approach is analogous to a weight training regimen. Lifting weights every day actually impairs muscular development, so also with the Aneros. Plus one’s body knows what it wants. Pay attention to your body when you use Aneros. You may save yourself from serious injury.
Masturbating your penis with an Aneros inserted is the heart of the Super-T, but also anal contractions are called for in this pursuit. The coveted goal of the Super-T is an intense, sustained orgasm coupled by a monumental ejaculation of semen! Guys on the Aneros Forum have reported to me that Super-T’s hence are exhausting. Many avoid Super-T’s as much possible and concentrate on achieving Super-O’s and MMO’s. That has been my approach from the outset of my sessions leaving my penis out of the Aneros equation. However right now, I feel the unfulfilled, unrequited goal of the Super-T which has revved up even more so my Aless.