Aneros muscle memory

Hi guys,

At age 66 and near the end of July, I signed up for Social Security. Wednesday a week ago, I had an appoint with a Social Security representative at the SSA office in my part of town. They told me that I have a handsome monthly income payments. So with this new found security, I celebrated by having my Aneros sessions regularly once again.

There is so a thing as Aneros muscle memory which is instilled in experienced Aneros users. You can have regular Aneros sessions, but not as frequent as before. Well this week, I have had sessions ever day beginning this Monday.

Usually I use in order the following models: Helix, Progasm Classic, Tempo, and Maximus. But I may use Eupho Classic as an opener and may substitute Progasm Ivory for Progasm Classic.

It feel so good nonetheless, lots of Aneros pleasure and Aless outside of sessions. So sweet too. All because of Aneros muscle memory. Take care!

Wife finds Ice Buddy

I had another great day alone with my Aneros buddies as the wife called and would be late as she was having a bite to eat with the girls after work. I actually started with Helix then Helix-Syn and ended up with Progasm Ice and a dip in the pool. I feel great with all the sessions and will be trying to restrain for a few days rest. I have still stayed away from traditional orgasm since last reported and most happy with my prostate giving the O's. Well big news after washing my toys I forget Ice is hanging from my hand towel ring. The wife finds it and asked what is this? So I tell her it is a prostate massager and went to bed. I am sure I have not heard the last of it. All is good. I just hope she does not connect me being tired during the days with my late night sessions in the peace and quiet. She thinks I got the flu from the flu shot. One day at a time. SoFunLoving…

Progasm Jr.

I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this model. There aren't really any good reviews of it out there and from what little I've read, people claim it's more difficult to achieve MMOs and ultimately Super-Os with this model. Would love to hear some feedback regarding this severely curvaceous younger brother of the Progasm.

A major rewiring milestone

I apologize in advance for the length of this post. I’m still trying to collect my thoughts from what happened last night and need every word below to explain it.

Yesterday while at work, I started to feel my prostate swell, which eventually made my PC muscle twitch a little. This was quite pleasurable and my prostate started feeding on the motion of the twitching by swelling even more. A couple times during the day, I had to go to the bathroom to mop up the precum, which had made the tip of my dick stick to my underwear. By the end of the day, my PC muscle was twitching without me initiating it. Earlier in the day, I would feel my prostate swell, sit up straight to put pressure on the money spot and flex my PC muscle once. This would make that muscle twitch for about 15 minutes on its own. It was kind of like lifting the ball on the end of Newton’s Cradle and feeling the inertia of what I had set into motion. This was very nice.

1 week until my aneros ships!

Ok I ordered a helix syn and a progasm, also some water based lubricant. I was wondering if i should prepare for it at all? It will be my first time with an aneros should I abstain from masturbation and sex to increase my arousal? Should I already be flexing and doing contractions?

Met my new friend Helix-Syn

Monday the Helix-Syn arrived and I wanted to check it out so I made it home a couple hours before the wife. The Helix Syn is like a work of art. I did not know how I would do as I started massaging with the Progasm Ice and just had a sleep over with it. Well my new buddy Helix was right at home. It rockets in to your center and doesn't know when to quit. I was surprised how good it feels. I had my first mini dry orgasm! Yep I feel good with my progress. I looked down my dick got harder and thick and I had to check if I had cum. I try to lay on my side with the top leg bent for most sessions. I do try some other positions before I end it. I also learned from the groups on here just slow down and feel things easy. My buddy knows what to do.

Well the wife called coming home I tell her I am in the pool and I just could not take the new Helix-Syn out so thats where she found me sitting in the pool. I found laying with my back on the noodle and cheeks on the in pool bench or steps I could just balance and everything was nice. I did not want to leave the pool :( wife came home got in the pool got out and I am still doing my balancing act with a smile on my face.

Progress- mini-Os

have been traveling the Journey for a while now and this week am alone, so I treated myself to a new Progasm Jr.

Had some good p-waves immediately with it but then was interrupted. Returned after soaking in a hot bath and some porn. I continue to break my no-porn rule… Seems the only way I can help distract the mind.

After the bath, back to PJr and went for a seriously long ride.
On left side, knees together, bent as in a chair generated some great p-waves again but flipped to right side after a couple hours, same position.

The PJr seems to fit me well- can control it for various movements. Found a really good porn clip as my p-waves were hovering, and then concentrated on making a 'come hither'/g-spot movement on the prostate. Slowed my thrusting even further to just below a subtle rocking… Let it build and enjoyed 5 or 6 mini-Os over probably 3/4 hour.

Wanted to see what the eupho would do for me, so swapped and flipped back to left side and almost had another mini. Swapped back, flipped back but could not regain and was very tired. Finished with a whopper of a super-T.

The minis were dry and great. It was nice to ride without the recovery from a normal O.

All in, pleased with the session and satiated for a while – until tomorrow probably!

Another mini-O after months and months.

I finally have had another mini-O with my Progasm! And it was glorious feeling! Only about 7.5 months since my last one. And it hasn't been for a lack of trying. What I find odd is that this was only a few hours later after I had a super-T today. Totally unexpected as my ass and prostate was feeling rather aroused and ready for another Aneros session. I had forgotten how the orgasmic feeling spreads outwards while the involuntary anal contractions happen and there is this feeling of giving in to it. So wonderful feeling, and certainly kind of dream like too. I wanted it to go on and on, but it only lasted probably as long as a regular ejaculatory orgasm. And I wasn't able to make any others happen within the same session.

What I find interesting was that I was focusing on and paying attention to this imaginary convergence of where the stimulation of the perineum from the P tab occurs and the Aneros body stimulating my prostate. That's what seemed to make it happen while relaxing, letting it happen, and stimulating my nipples. Damn it was good! I so want to be able to do this rather regularly! I'm confounded as to what the answer is for that to happen. It's been over eight years since I started this journey. I've certainly been a slow grinder making progress. Ah well… I'll take what I can get. It was amazing feeling to have this tonight and I'm thankful for it.

Three weeks away from Aneros and wanting it so bad!

Hi guys,

From July 11 until this evening Saturday August 1, I was forced do without Aneros. I had a financial emergency come up which caused me to suspend my Aneros sessions. Yet, the Aless continued unabated during the interim, and wow, I wanted to have a session real bad. Fortunately the crisis cleared up and later on tonight, I am having a session to celebrate.

I have washed for my session my usual Aneros buddies. They are in order tonight: Helix Classic, Progasm Classic, Tempo, and Maximus.

This morning I awoke this morning before sunrise with a delicious erection. That in itself is an indication that I am hungry for a session. My glans was engorged and I enjoyed stimulating it. But I could not linger in bed this morning. [In fact, I seldom do]. I had a function to attend this morning.

Most guys realize that their sexual apparatus is a dynamo of power and pleasure. It is not only their cock that is the wand of this pleasure, but also they know that their testicles, prostate, and subsidiary organs there are involved too. But also, many guys discover that the Aneros unlocks new worlds of experience for them also!

The perfect Aneros for beginner?


Ive owned a aneros knock-off (Nexus Excel) and got really great P-waves from it after a few uses. Now i wanted to go the official route and bought a aneros progasm. I dont have any problems with insert it, but i wont get any involuntarys (i got them with the Nexus). Now ive read that it could be because the progasm is to big for me (so it doesnt move much). Now i want to try out. Now my question is: What is the perfect and most famous aneros model for a beginner. When i´m advanced i can use the progasm, but i think i´m not ready yet.