Hi, I'm new to aneros toys, though not to anal play, I'm thinking about getting a progasm, but wondered if it would be a good place for a beginner, thoughts?
Tag: Progasm
Session for July 8, 2015
Hi guys,
I must have pulled a muscle somewhere in my right hip when I had my first Super-O, subtle as may have been on the morning of July 4.
Sunday afternoon after my ride from church let me off at the east entrance of my apartment, I climbed the three flights of steps to the entrance doorway. I felt a tinge of pain in that area, but I gave no notice of it. I was able to go the neighborhood 7-Eleven effortlessly after changing into my summer casual attire afterward.
Then Monday July 6, I had a session during which I experienced several strong Super-O's with my Progasm, and Classic and even a couple with Maximus. I had wonderful Aless afterwards like never before, but it all exacerbated what seemed like an injury. I limped during my couple brief jaunts that day. This continued yesterday Tuesday and it seemed that my Aless had intensified pain.
This morning, I awoke about 4:30 a.m. and listened to my pocket sized radio for about an hour. I found the news very depressing and yes, my charlie horse was still there. So I went back to sleep and fell into a deep slumber during which I had two profound dreams. When I came to about 7 a.m., I had a throbbing, delicious erection. And wow, the pain was gone!
More and more Aneros and Aless pleasure!
Hi guys,
With the achievement of my first Super-O, albeit subtle, yet profound, which happened during my Aneros session Fourth of July morning, I achieved a major long sought goal. The pleasure that I derived from the Super-O just grew and grew especially afterwards in Aless this past Saturday.
It was even more so this morning. I had a session which began shortly after 5 a.m. I used the following sequence of Aneros models: Eupho Syn, Helix Classic, Progasm Classic, Tempo, and Maximus.
I enjoy using Eupho Syn. It is subtle in its action. Eupho Classic is a little more aggressive. Both models are great in opening and warming me up in my sessions. Eupho prepares me more serious Aneros action later on in my sessions. But this morning, I lost myself in the subtlety of Eupho Syn and was richly rewarded.
With Helix Classic, while I again focused upon it hitting my prostate such sweet fashion, I derived abundant pleasure in how it awakened my anus and the musculature just inside my anal tract. I find myself swooning with sweet pleasure.
With Progasm Classic, it was more so. I let go and let Progasm stimulate my prostate like never before as well the anal musculature. This morning I spent quality time Progasm. I just can't believe the heights of pleasure it was taking me. I believe I had several Super-O's with Progasm, and even one or two with Helix Classic!
Afterglow following my first Super-O, July 4, 2015
Hi guys,
I think guys and gals who have had that first time sexually that went well often experience an afterglow which is to be savored and treasured.
I know this was true when I masturbated and achieved my very first full-fledged orgasm complete with ejaculation of semen around age 14. No one helped me. It just happened of its own accord. Thus began long journey as a masturbator through the years to even now!
Likewise as a sophomore in college when my college roommate and I engaged in mutual masturbation and cock sucking. I had a profound afterglow which lasted whole night long. Also some years later, when a guy and I got together for a more serious affair that lasted some months. While I never became promiscuous by long stretch, sexual encounters of this type had a profound influence upon me.
Many years later at age 63, I began my Aneros journey with Helix Syn in early June, 2012. In the two years which followed, I developed an Aneros routine that enabled me to enjoy my various models more and more. Getting Tempo just before Thanksgiving 2013 caused my sessions into a much higher level of fun and pleasure. So whenever I have sessions now, I focus on the fun and pleasure that my Aneros models avail me now. I seldom have dud sessions. Invariably I came away from my sessions with profound Aless.
Celebrating Independence Day 2015 with Aneros
Hi guys,
I think this morning I had one of the best Aneros sessions ever, and I may have experienced my first Super-O!
I rose about 5 a.m., intending to spend the day with some of my translation projects. First I took a walk outdoors in my immediate neighborhood, getting some groceries from the 7-Eleven a block away. Then I hopped on the Internet reading the news and surveying the weather forecast. Of course here in the USA, today is the Fourth of July, a major holiday. For many years living here in DC, I have observed the Fourth of July in somber reflection, forgoing the fireworks on the National Mall, a couple miles away. It is too much a mob scene, closely akin the Halloween. So I stay close to my apartment on such holidays. But this year, my observance of our nation's birthday seemed even more somber. I was beginning to get really depressed.
However, my body was telling me that today is absolutely free, no obligations, Georgetown where I live is quiet and calm. My body told me that it was hungry, even horny for an Aneros session. So I quickly set up my session by pulling out my Aneros best buddies in the following order: Helix Classic, Progasm Classic, Tempo, and Maximus.
This morning, I decided to surrender to the pleasure these four good buddies give me, and I believe that I was rewarded with my first Super-O, albeit a subtle one, but the energy of which grows and grows and grows in Aless!!!
Using the aneros with a partner
I've been playing with MGX for a few weeks now and although I've had lots of pleasurable sensations, I have yet to reach a spasming super-o. I've heard of a lot of people that reached a super-o when stoned and I had an idea.
I've got a gay friend that I sometimes hook up with to do weed with and fuck. I only do weed with him since I don't know anyone that sells it or trust anyone else to be discreet, so I figured we might as well use aneros' together. I already ordered a helix and progasm to try since the MGX hasn't quite gotten me to the super-o. He seemed pretty excited about the idea so we're set to meet up on Thurday night and I'll probably lend him my MGX to practice with beforehand.
Has anyone else ever used an aneros at the same time as another male? What was the experience like and did it help to better reach orgasm?
Has anyone started shaking this quickly? (video)
Just found this video where a 19 yr old is already having uncontrollable orgasms two minutes into his session. Has anyone here ever gotten to that point that fast? Is it normal? http://www.redtube.com/399769
Also, I've been playing with the MGX for a few weeks with some interesting results but no big orgasms and certainly nothing this good. I've heard many have gotten better results with the more advanced models and I'm about to receive both the progasm and helix in the mail tomorrow. Any tips anyone has when upgrading? Has anyone here upgraded and gotten better results themselves? Thanks.
Amazing Session!
I don't want to come off as Bragging (even though I kinda am) but I have had three of the best sessions of my life the last 3 nights. I go in spurts, I wont do it for a week or so and then bam like 5 nights straight and I am in the middle of one of those streaks and it has been a wild ride. Before this week I could only ever Super-O on my right side and it took about a half hour to get the first one and I would usually have 3 or 4 in an hour and a half or so. But this week I have come on my back, doggy style, even standing up leaning against a wall and I swear each one is better than the last but what happened last night blew me away. I started on my side as I always do and the first came on in no time, I mean like 4 or 5 minutes and they kept coming for like 30 mins every 4 or 5 minutes I wanted to switch it up so I laid on my back and same thing they just kept coming rolled over onto my stomache with all my pillows under me so I was propped up and had 45 or 6 more and they last one was so strong I couldnt beleive it was real, One for the history books. after coming down from that one my progasm slipped out and I just laid there in a heap breathing deeply completely satisfied for awhile I didnt want to jerk off and ruin the afterglow so I rolled back over onto my back with my knees together and flipped on the TV (GOT!) but as I was laying there my ass was still just buzzing away which felt awesome so I started squeezing a little bit and it got stronger and stronger until I full on Super-Oed without The aneros Inserted! Which I thought was a myth, I was only able to get one but it was awesome, it was about 2 in the morning at this point so I cleaned up and fell asleep. If you havent gotten there yet you will and you will love it, Sorry for bragging 😉
Things get weirder and weirder, in a nice way.
My last 4 orgasms have been interesting. They haven't lasted long. Each time I start to orgasm I feel my pleasure ramping up rapidly but I don't have time to enjoy it much because I feel something building that I have to concentrate on. It's a very deep almost unbelievably powerful pleasure, maybe just another super-O I'm not sure. It sits there and I have no option but to feel it build, my whole body convulsing uncontrollably, but with anticipation rather than any realised pleasure. Each time it gets stronger and it's driving me mad that I can't have it. Each time it seems to get closer I think it's starting to spread and then it stops, and eventually I have to give in because the pressure is starting to get uncomfortable and I have to stop. I try relaxed observation, I try just enjoying it and feeling the pleasure building, but it's like my body just can't quite accept it yet and give in to it, it's too powerful for me.
Somehow if feels like a super-O building, but in other ways it feels different, even more powerful. I will only know once it hits me and I can't wait because it's going to be good.
Cock Craving
Over the last few days I have come to the conclusion that I am a guy who binges on cocks. It’s kind of like it is with wet orgasm itself. Immediately after ejaculation your libido drops like a rock. Depending on your age and sex drive it can build back up in ten minutes or ten hours. With me and cocks my craving reaches a pinnacle of arousal ending in sating it with a tryst with a guy; there upon my desire for male – male sexual intimacy drops like a stone; weirdly though my recharge of desire for erect cock and cum takes months or years to build back up. In between I would classify myself as interested – intrigued. Typically the thing that is the “thresh hold” between intrigued and aroused is some male porn, especially things that I like to do with guys.
Admittedly I am no expert in male – male sex as I have only had 3 partners in 5 years. I am an anal virgin, which is fascinating as I was transformed by my rewiring through prostate or anal orgasm. My sex life with men started out as fantasy with no reality. Gradually with the first guy it became a little less fantasy and a little reality. The second guy added more reality and a little less to fantasy. Having been with my 3rd guy about 3 months ago reality is slowly gaining on fantasy. Also my nervousness is diminishing with each experience. As my nervousness dissipates it leaves more room for my arousal to fill the gap.