First Progasm session

To celebrate my first year on the road to prostatic pleasure, I offered myself the Progasm Ice from Aneros. I tried it this morning for the first time. Wow! One of the best sessions of my life. An hour and a half of orgasms, each one better than the last! And the effects continue to show up even now, more than 6 hours after taking the Progasm off… Waves of pleasure, small orgasmic sensations come through me from time to time, it’s really very pleasant!

Reach for the Floor! (or, An Uncommon Path to Awakening the Prostate) Part II (Cross posted from r/prostateplay

Part II – The Equipment

I have learned what types of pleasure my ass likes, and what types it loves. I have figured out through trial and error which types of toys work for me. And trial and error is really the only way to discover your toy preferences. Here are some concise reviews of the notable items in my toy drawer to help you in choosing your toys.

**Aneros Helix Trident** – This is a common Aneros to start with. The length and diameter of the Helix is a good ‘average’ and should give you some idea of what toys you may prefer based on your prostate’s location. The springiness of the Trident model helps with locating the toy on my prostate once I got better muscle control. Like most Aneros, this toy can quickly become uncomfortable to sit on for me but I can walk in it for miles. As in a 6 mile hike on uneven trails. Solid toy, would recommend if you are willing to work at it. Easy to insert and easy to clean.

**Aneros Eupho** – Thinner, longer, and more specific than the Helix. As is often commented, this toy is all about the delicate and gentle touch. This is a twitchy precision instrument and required patience for me to learn how to move this toy without overpowering it. I have days when I simply am not relaxed enough to use this toy effectively. The Eupho basically requires you to have excellent muscle tone and control for best results. Typically this is used for a gentle warm up or a long gentle meditative session.

Eupho Trident | Progasm | Vice2

I have a Eupho Trident | Progasm | Vice2. Bought in that order lol.

The trident was fun when i first got it but it really pokes my pspot a lot and i also wanted something fuller so I bought The progasm and hah it would fill me up and rest everywhere but kinda hard to control. I then bought the vice2 just to feel vibrations for fun but it has had me appreciate my progasm a lot more. (I should have bought and njoy wand 🤦🏻‍♂️) I haven’t really super o’d with out stimulation but when I finish with the progasm inside it’s amazing when done right.

Also since playing with the vice2 a lot I’ve been easily playing with the progasm now. It’s been a trip. Wanna try using some Shea butter soon 🧈

Although being honest i wish i went with a wand to explore and practice more. I do like my vice2 though but I noticed I settle for the progasm more.

Wonder when I’ll appreciate my Eupho Trident 😕

How are your toys?

Newbie questions about use outside of arousal.

Context: I’m a mid 20’s hetero male with a very open mind. I do enjoy anal, but never reached more than leaking on occasions (and orgasms via penis stimulation) with dildos/vibrator. Got the Helix Syn two or three weeks ago on a whim after finding a video on the progasm ice in use (you know the one). I read up on most information available on the wiki, forum, and here before starting my journey. This helped a LOT. I love it! Decided to stop my almost daily penile masturbation. I think I’m at “Pleasurable tingling in pelvic regions outside of sessions” going by the listed Milestones.


I understand this is not a butt plug, but would it be counter productive to have it inside when not actively concentrating on being aroused? As stated before I have pleasure and “cravings” for it outside of sessions (while at computer, video games, and watching TV. ie relaxing moments)

Is it bad if I fall asleep with it in?

What would be some expected discomforts to look out for?

njoy Pfun Plug Advice

I currently own 3 Aneros products: Helix Syn, Progasm Jr., and Progasm. All three work very well for me to achieve orgasms of various types and intensities.

A couple of months ago, I bought an njoy Pure Wand. I also can cum really well with the wand. I tend to use it when I’m in the mood for a more active than passive session. The wand also usually milks out some actual semen from my flaccid member.

I’m curious about the Pfun Plug and would like advice from others who have used it **and** Aneros products. I like the stainless steel of the wand in part because of the weight of it. Before I shell out more money, though, I’m wondering if the Plug is both as effective as the Aneros models (I’m not much doubting it would be, but you never know) and also if it provides a different experience.

By different experience, I mean similar to the difference in Aneros models. For example, the Helix tends to give me more bursts of p-waves and takes longer to build up to the first orgasm. The Progasm tends to start a very long, less intense but more sustained p-wave and depending on my horniness, it can jump from sustained and pleasant to that first orgasm pretty fast.

tl/dr: Is it worth the cash for the Pfun Plug or should I just stick with the toys I have?

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Session video – 11 Prostate orgasms finishing with a hands free wet orgasm

I know a lot of people have asked for successful users to post videos of their sessions. I know I love watching them so here you are. I posted Part 1 of this session with my Progasm a few weeks ago. Here’s part 2.

I annotated the video so you know when the orgasms are because sometimes the pleasure is too strong that I can’t even make any noise. You can usually tell by how my ass muscles clench and un-clench.

Anyway, I’d love to hear what you all think. Enjoy.

nJoy Electrified

Before I discovered prostate play I was really into e-stim. I have a high-end power box and a collection of monopole and bi-polar electrodes. Initially I was able to have HFWOs from e-stim, but as age (70) and ED caught up with me, I lost that ability. Enter prostate play, and levels of pleasure I never dreamed possible. I still pull out my e-stim kit occasionally and add a pair of electrodes to supplement my Aneros toys, and I did just that on my session yesterday.

I started with a stick-on patch electrode at the top of my butt crack at the base of my spine, and a conductive silicone tubing electrode around my cock and balls, and my Progasm Ice in the anal canal. Soon I was having some really great prostate orgasms. The buzzing of the s-stim really enhances the Aneros. At some point I started thinking of my nJoy wand, and then an idea hit me. What if I put another conductive silicon electrode around the end of the nJoy?

OMFG! I put the big end in my ass, lassoed the small end with the electrode, and turned up the power. That put the e-stim directly onto my quivering prostate, and led to an intense set of orgasms. I didn’t have any nitrile gloves, and so was unable to hold and manipulate the wand, which would have been amazing. And since I was just using the wand hands-free, I decided to swap it out with my nJoy pFun plug.

Do taller people have their prostate up higher?

Hi there I’m kinda curious because I myself am pretty tall at 205cm (6,9 F) and have recently bought a aneros progasm.
And I really like the feeling of walking with it, but it does not seem to hit my prostate in any position (standing or laying down), but I am able to hit my prostate with bigger dildo’s for example. So I know what I’m supposed to feel but the progasm doesnt do much for me while using it.

Could it be that I’m to tall for the progasm? And if so are there any bigger or longer prostate massagers on the market?

Auto Orgasm follow up

I posted here last week about having sessions while on the road in my car:

Auto Orgasms from aneros

I wrote then that these sessions seemed to be more dependable than my normal sessions in getting to super-Os, and this week I have more evidence that this is the case. I worked this week on a job on the coast, and had a normal session for two nights in my hotel room. Both sessions were pleasurable, but never got to orgasm, let alone a super-O. When the job was over I drove back over the coast range heading home.

Once in the National Forest, I turned off the highway onto a forest service road, and pulled into a very private campsite a few hundred feet off the highway. It was very pretty; a green grove of trees. I smoked a little weed, lubed up and inserted my Progasm Ice. Sitting behind the wheel, I felt my first p-wave within 30 seconds, and was orgasming a minute later.

I am very vocal when orgasming from prostate play, to the point of outright screaming, and soon the green glade echoed with my moans, groans, and screams of pure pleasure. It was strangely liberating to be free to be as loud as I wanted, there in the total privacy of the forest.

As the orgasms grew in intensity, I started taking hits from a bottle of poppers, and this triggered the first of several super-intense super-Os. These lasted 20, 30, 40 seconds each and were separated by maybe 30 seconds, each building on the preceding.