Unwanted aneros afterglow

So I've been using my aneros for about a week straight before bed and it has been going pretty well. I feel like I'm coming close to the super o. I'm having great prostate waves and nice euphoric feelings. However, now I'm getting waves and overwhelming awareness of my prostate during the day. Its not just here and there. Its happening almost all day long. Has anyone else ever had this happen? It sounds like it would be great, but it has been terrible. Walking…sitting down…any movement start a mellow warmth buzz and light twiches. Its been happening for two straight days and I'm getting worried at this point and I'm hoping it goes away. I'm going to take a break from the aneros.

Another super-O

I wasn't expecting much last night but got the best super-O in weeks that I could actually enjoy without interruption for a change.

At first I thought it was going to be dud session. No sensations at all for the first 5-10 minutes and I almost gave up. The it started to build, very slowly. As I slipped into an orgasm it immediately became a whole body experience, electricity shooting through me into my arms and legs and I was determined to enjoy it to the full. Wave after wave of orgasmic energy flowed into every bit of me, my body convulsed and I could hardly catch my breath. I love feeling of losing control giving in to the intensity if the pleasure flowing inside me. It was like magic and lasted 20-30 minutes.

I'm not sure quite why some sessions give me a super-O, others just a pelvic orgasm, although I throughly enjoy those as well. The super-Os seem to take longer to develop, I'm not sure it's got anything to do with relaxation, I'm going to keep experimenting.

Maximus . . . Optimus

braveneworld's review and endorsement of the maximus classic (https://www.aneros.com/forum/discussion/16763/progasm-jr-vs-maximus#Item_2) convinced me to buy one. As I imagined, the maximus and MGX have a lot in common because of their similar shapes. Both have an assertive presence; I can't forget either of them is in there. The main difference I feel is the MGX is more insistent. It demands attention in a way the maximus doesn't. braveneworld succinctly described it with the phrase “hugs you inside and out.”

I 've been using the maximus almost exclusively since receiving it. I've had fewer dud sessions than before, and the non-dud ones get cooking faster and get into super-O territory more frequently. Maybe I'm getting more adept at lighting the fuse on my orgasm, and getting the maximus simply coincides with that. Or maybe the maximus is 100% responsible for my increased success. More likely it's some of both.

Increased success brings increased confidence. I used to see my orgasm as a precious, delicate thing, and I avoided doing anything that might disturb it. Now I find myself more willing to try flexing internal muscles during the incipient or in-progress orgasm. An inept squeeze might ruin everything, but it's never more than a temporary disappointment. I still don't have an orgasm cheatcode, but the first levels of the game are familiar.

The Road to Enlightenment Is Not Always Paved, Even, or Straight

After my excellent Peridise experience at work, I was hoping for some advancement with my Progasm. But I had a pretty uneventful bedtime session )2+ hours( following steps that had been fairly successful previously. The next night, I opted for the Peridise and experienced another unrewarding session. I was going to lay off for awhile, but I couldn't resist trying another work session with the Peridise and had only limited response from my body. Disappointed to say the least! But that night, following my workout, I inserted my Progasm at bedtime, fell off to sleep, and was awakened with an erection great p-waves. The intensity ebbed and flowed for at least an hour with the best sensations I can recall.
I took my Peridise on a my weekend trip and inserted it on Saturday night with no meaningful results. Upon arriving home from my trip, I followed the same steps that have been successful with my Progasm two nights prior. Some ok sensations, but nothing memorable in what would have to be classified as another step backward.
Oh well, Rome wasn't built in a day, and clearly neither is my rewiring and enlightenment.

The Heart Chakra opens, and a super-O!

Woke early and had a good orgasm. I'm sure it was going to be a big one, but my wife suddenly woke up as I was going into it and got out of bed, which slightly threw me and I lost concentration but it was still good.

I was sitting listening to some music before having a shower, I find Angels and Airwaves )probably not everyone's cup of tea( very uplifting and quite 'spiritual'. I listened to one of my favourite tracks and felt very happy and full of life, but didn't think too much of it. I then went into the shower. Out of the blue I started to feel a great sense of being very loved, but more a sense of loving myself more than anything, and a sense that something almost like God )I am absolutely not religious( had given me something very special. I felt energy pouring out of my chest and above all I felt deeply grateful for everything, then I started crying in a very happy way. The pressure I have felt on my upper chest for days vanished and I was able to breathe properly again. The family were around in the house so I didn't allow myself to sink into it too much but I could have probably sobbed myself silly with the feeling of gratitude.

Quiet, but nice

I'm meditating regularly. Yesterday I was circulating energy into my sacrum and up my spine, I suddenly got an immense surge in my lower back during the day, I thought at last the real Kundalini is on its way, and was able to meditate immediately and I concentrated on the feeling. It became very powerful but nothing broke through. I really think that I have to be careful.
My theory is that my original experience was forced in that I pushed energy up through my chest and into my head and triggered a partial Kundalini. It went through the wrong channel rather than rising up my spine.
The lesson learnt from yesterday is that you can't force it, much like trying to force an orgasm. If I am not ready for it, I am not ready for it. I have decided that it will happen naturally if I work on meditation, relaxation and positivity. It might take years but it will come when it is ready.

I'm also having slight difficulty with dry O's again. I'm sure it's because I tried to force a Kundalini yesterday and I have put things out of balance again. I certainly haven't got anywhere near a super-O again yet. I feel like it's a prize waiting for me once I have balanced myself sufficiently and it will happen when I have truly given in and accepted myself and that I'm not in control.

Quiet at last

Well, I can now get into an orgasm again at will. I seem to be getting closer to having a SuperO again, it felt as if I was almost having one last time but I still don't think it really was. I can't stop lying there analysing as I orgasm so once I stop doing that it will probably happen.

All the Kundalini awakening stuff seems to have stopped now and I feel rather back to normal. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not as I was sort of expecting to feel different forever. Some of the manic phases were rather good if not slightly out of control. I suppose only time will tell. I was even quite grumpy at work yesterday just like normal.
I sort of suspect that once I start superO-ing again it will re-energise things and hopefully this time I can control it. I'm meditating regularly to get myself ready, it would be nice to find someone to teach me more about how to use the energy but I don't really know where to start.

Thanks to Linghaman I Found Peridise

I took Linghaman's advise and ordered a Peridise. I arrived at work this morning )plain box(. I made a quick visit to the men's room, lubricated the Peridise, and went back to work )desk jockey(. Although it took a few hours, the waves started happening without any effort on my part. The last two hours of work have been terrific. Luckily I have a office because there have been periods where moaning was has been required. More later…

Almost super-O again

I'm managing to get to orgasm again easily now. I had forgotten how intense a super-O was until tonight although I still didn't actually have one I was on the verge of it for ages – it was painful feeling the full intensity of one just about to happen, it reminded me of how good they were, but it just didn't quite get there.
Whilst I would have loved to feel it burst out and I'm sad that it didn't, I really could feel the power there and I was probably willing it too hard rather than just allowing it to happen. It's exciting that I have got so close again and I'm sure next time it will happen. It's strange that I thought I was having super-Os again but this has made me realise that without any doubt I am not.
This is really exciting. I feel a bit like I did when I just couldn't even to into an orgasm at all, but not so disappointed just excited that there is so much more just about to happen.

Corona Stim & Dry-O's

Had a weird experience last night and this morning.

I had a two hour session last night stimulating my penis topside corona. The position I use is two fingertips just under the edge of the glans. When my dick's hard, there's a little depression valley that runs around the penis there, just below the glans. With fingertips in that valley, I just jiggle them lightly back & forth )toward then away from penis tip(. If I do this and play with my nipples, there's a p-wave that extends from my penis top down the base and shoots probably into my prostate.

With the other hand, I play with one or the other of my nipples. Usually, the fingers on my nipple hand are doing a "run in place" manuever lightly )twiggling( on the skin where they are.

So I was playing with that and got the thought that I could walk the pleasure around my dick by moving my nipple hand around )while keeping up the corona stim with the other hand(. So I walked my nipple hand )twiggling all the way( down progressively to the abs skin just above the base of my penis )2 in up toward chest(, because that's normally an extremely sensitive area for me.

When I did that, the electric pleasure MOVED from my penis head, progressively down the shaft and sort of went down into my prostate. Really felt good. I could stay there a while, but I think if I stay there too long, it arouses the pathways that lead to ejaculation. )Because I ejaculated one other day playing around there too much.(