Keeping cock and balls behind legs?

Any of you guys that lay on your side or stomach, do you keep your cock and balls behind your legs? Do you feel it helps your session? It feels good when I do it, especially if I keep the base/inside part of my shaft stretched really hard. But I’m not sure it really helps or it’s just in my head. Any thoughts or related tips?



  1. I have done this in some of my sessions and I have noticed a difference, but I’m curious to see what others say too.

  2. i find it feels amazing for around 10-15mins and then it starts to hurt and kills the progress of my session

  3. I stay pretty soft, so it’s super comfy and I feel hot doing it. All my hfwo were this way.

  4. This is a little secret I discovered. It seems to really accelerate things. I can cum within a minute of gentle probing with a dildo. Vigorously- within seconds. It’s wild really. And even more intense when hard. As someone suggested it seems to strain at the root. Standing is awesome but I also very it but squatting, bending over at various angles, and of course laying down or doggy. Then, when I really want to let go I release it from between my legs and within no time I’m squirting.

    My sessions are always better when I start this way. After a couple of years of progress, this was the single most Important key I discovered. Other than mental … that’s a biggie too.

  5. Anyway, it’s all in your head. So if it seems to help you there is no reason not to do it.

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