Progasm Classic in Blue est arrivee!!! Sessions for March 31 & April 2

Hi guys,

The saga of my couple months' attempt to secure a Progasm Classic in Black ended last week when Pleasure Tease in New Jersey sent as a consolation a Progasm Classic in Blue. It arrived by USPS Priority Mail at my apartment building last Good Friday afternoon. Also last week I contacted Support about the availability of the Progasm Classic in Black. They wrote back to say that that model had been replaced or superseded by the newer Progasm Black Ice.

The next day, Saturday, I observed my 64th birthday. I had some important errands to run. My mind was other places that day as I remembered vividly my boyhood growing up in Connecticut those many years ago and how our world has changed radically in the last several decades. Hence, I was not up for an Aneros session on my birthday.

But Easter Sunday afternoon several hours after I arrived home from church, I took my new Progasm Classic in Blue out for a test drive. He performed admirably on his maiden voyage along with his new teammates. Progasm Black Ice also performed superbly in giving me an awesome autof**k. In the last month or so, I am focusing my attention on how my various Aneros models stroke and massage my prostate. Both Progasm Ice and his brother, Progasm Black Ice, give me such a smooth, sleek ride. But Progasm Classic with its heavy-duty Acetal/Polystyerene Plastic give me a rugged, masculine ride. Like I have said many times in the last couple months, Progasm Classic has shown me what Anerosing is all about as it autof**ks me BIG TIME!

The consolations of heavy duty Progasm Classic autof**king, sessions for March 23 & 25

Hi guys,

Pleasure Tease, the adult store in New Jersey near Philadelphia, PA is doing all it can to rectify a problem of a misdelivery in a recent order of mine. On Monday March 6, I ordered from them a Progasm Classic in Black. Unfortunately they were out of that model's color, so they give me a choice to wait until they got it back in stock in their store. Unfortunately one of their clerks sent me the Progasm Black Ice instead. It arrived by USPS priority mail last Saturday. I was rather displeased by the snafu in service. But a few days ago they allowed me to return to them the unwanted Progasm Black Ice in lieu of my much desired Progasm Classic in Black which they special ordered from a store in Colorado this past Thursday. It is expected to arrive here today! My fingers are crossed and I am dying from horniness!!!

Otherwise I had a great session earlier this morning, filled with lots of Aneros necking and Aneros Autof**king!

Sequence of models used: Helix Classic — Progasm Black Ice — Maximus — Progasm Ice — Progasm Classic.
Duration: ca. 2.5 hours.
Lube: Extra virgin olive oil.

Again I just love Saturday mornings. Quiet, peaceful, hardly any distractions from fellow tenants and building staff. I got up just after the morning news on the radio just after 5 a.m. I shaved, bathed, and dressed for a morning constitutional in my neighborhood, getting a coffee and doughnut from the 7-Eleven, before returning home with a refill cup of coffee. Before going outdoors, I had pre-cleaned all my Aneros buddies and set up for the session.

TRUE Aneros autof**king: Session for March 21, 2012

Hi guys,

I believe that I reached a milestone in my Anerosing this morning. I think it has to do with the true nature of Aneros autof**king. I'll tell you more why in a bit.

Sequence of models used: Helix ClassicProgasm Black IceHelix Syn — Maximus — Progasm IceProgasm Classic.
Duration: 3.5+ hours.

This morning once again I began with the Helix Classic. He gave a direct, prostate massage and an awesome autof**k. Then I switched to Progasm Black Ice with his usual length and girth in motion!

But it was with Helix Syn this morning, I tried something different. I inserted my original buddy as usual on my side, but then sat at my PC with him inserted. The sensations I experienced while seated were new and unusual, although verging a little on the uncomfortable. Then I placed myself with Helix Syn still inserted in my usual position on my back with my butt on a folded pillow. I wasn't able to do much with Helix Syn in that position though. So I "necked" with him for a while. Very little ensued.

Then I continued with Maximus again seated at my PC. Again some new and unusual sensations, although more intense. I think it had to do with the P-tab in more direct contact with my perineum than usual. More discomfort was the result of sitting with my Maximus inserted. So I returned to my futon in the same position as before. Initially it seemed that the fire had gone out in my session. But then the erotic fire again began to reignite, this time around, building in intensity in my prostate. I was on to something new and exciting.

Aneros Carnal Knowledge, Session for March 19, 2013

Hi guys,

I have suspended for the time being blogging about every Aneros session I have now. Generally now I Aneros first thing in the morning three to four times a week: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, or Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. I find Saturday morning sessions the best day of the week for me. The rental office is closed Saturday mornings and there is hardly any staff roaming the corridors of our building then. Plus most of my fellow tenants sleep in late Saturday mornings. That means I can have long, leisurely sessions with hardly any distraction.

In many ways, my sessions in the last couple months have become routine. Generally I begin my sessions with a small Aneros model such as the Helix Classic or Helix Syn. Often I enjoy using the Maximus as an "opener" despite his length. Then I'll move on to either Progasm Ice or Progasm Black Ice before using a smaller model for the mid session. Finally I move on to the main course, consisting of first Progasm Ice or Black Ice introducing me to big, bruiser Progasm Classic. It is with this big bro twosome that I have some really serious Anerosing and autof**k action which makes me glad that I am a man! Sometimes I'll conclude a session with a smaller model as well. Also I work with each model on the average of 30 to 45 minutes, but I let each session dictate the action. All this is subsumed in the sensations which I feel from each model, but all this is different and changes constantly as I Aneros away. My Aneros buddies are so good to me. They have helped me to get in touch with my body in a mighty way in the nearly nine months I have worked with them. Of course, the epicenter of all this erotic feeling and energy is located in my now awakened prostate. In essence, I am working with my erotic male intuition emanating from my prostate, the center of my sexual apparatus. I come away from most of my Aneros sessions, profoundly affirmed, so glad I am a man!

Can't get enough of Aneros lovin', Sessions for February 11-14

Monday morning session, February 11: Necking with my Aneros buddies.

Sequence of models used: Progasm Black IceProgasm Classic — Helix — Progasm Ice — Maximus
Duration: ca. 2.75 hours.

This morning I "necked" with each of my Aneros buddies during much of the session just letting the pleasure build. It felt so nice when the "boiling" centered in my prostate reached critical point when the autof**k action began. It really felt good!!!

Thursday morning session, February 14: Quality time with my big Aneros buddies.

Duration of models used: Progasm Ice — Progasm Classic — Maximus — Progasm Black Ice
Duration: ca. 2.75 hours.

This morning I spent a good 75 minutes with each of my Aneros big buddies which I just love and adore. I used long and firm Kegels with each of these guys and was richly rewarded with good, hot autof**k action! I just cannot get enough of these good Aneros buddies!!!

Saturday morning session, February 16: A full court press!

Sequence of models used: Helix Syn — Maximus — Progasm Ice — Helix ClassicProgasm Classic — Maximus — Progasm Black Ice.
Duration: A good 4 hours!

Wow! What a session I had this morning! In the last few months, certainly when I began to gain confidence in using the Maximus and Progasm models, I have had quite a few amazing sessions that have left me speechless. This morning my session was a full court press, man-to-man action of my Aneros buddies on a basketball court, actually a sequence of smaller models sandwiched between larger models.

Recovery from a brief illness : Sessions for the week of February 2-9

Hi guys,

Last Saturday morning, January 26, I had one of my best Aneros sessions ever. However, I took a chill from my frigid apartment on a winter's morning. We have had several weeks of real winter weather recently in comparison to the balmy January a year ago when daffodils were blooming in my part of DC. However this past Wednesday we had temperatures near 70 degrees before the arrival of a strong cold front which arrived Wednesday evening. So we are back to the winter stuff.

The chill I received last Saturday developed into sore throat that evening. Yet I went to services at church last Sunday at a church complex without heat. Before the day was out, I had a full-fledged cold along with chills with a slight fever. I may have suffered a mild form of the flu. I had to let the illness take its course. That meant suspension of my Aneros sessions and my customary long walks. Yet Aneros rewiring went on unabated during my illness with my awakened prostate, much like the purring of a V8 engine in idle. I found that very reassuring during my frustration of being kept away from my Aneros buddies. Now that engine is ready for some action this morning!

)Session just below composed late Sunday afternoon, February 3(

Saturday morning session, Febrary 2.
Sequence of models used: Helix Syn — Progasm Black Ice — Maximus — Progasm Classic.
Duration: 2.5 hours plus.
Lubricant: Extra virgin olive oil.

My now "Three" Progasm Buddies which I love and adore! Sessions for January 23-26

Hi guys,

Since last September 2012, I have been working with first, Progasm Ice, and then Progasm Classic. They along with the Maximus have joined my regular lineup of models on my Aneros Team. Both models of the Progasm have been mainstays in just about every session. You may remember that I had gotten Progasm Classic along with MGX and Helix Classic in December 2011. But they sat unused in my closet because they, especially the Progasm, seemed so intimidating. Like how could I insert such models up my anus?!?! But it was Helix Syn with his deft, soft silicone overlay that led the way when I started Anerosing early June 2012.

Last September during a session on a Friday morning on a lark, I inserted Progasm Ice for the first time. While he didn't slip entirely to the hilt, I did certainly feel a rush a pleasure that I never felt before when I attempted to insert him. That rush of pleasure through my body was a harbinger, or a promise of good times coming. But it took me several weeks of patience and persistence to insert Progasm Ice easily to the hilt without pain. More so with his big bruiser bro, Progasm Classic. But it was during a session in October that I discovered that these two models were made for the Kegel Exercises and visa versa. In fact, both the Progasm and Kegels were made for each other. My blog entries describe in detail how the Kegels improved my Anerosing in recent months. Likewise, now it is always delightful how Aneros sessions naturally lead me to doing the Kegels outside of sessions.

Aneros Autopilot, Long Autof**k Strokes, and Focus: Sessions for January 19 & 21

Hi guys,

This morning )Saturday January 19( I arose at 5:15 a.m. after hearing the hourly news on the radio. Then I had a leisurely breakfast with some cups of coffee during which I did my laundry. Afterwards around 7 a.m., I had a BM, shaved and bathed, and set up for the session this morning which began later than normal at 7:30 and concluded 10:45 a.m.

Sequence models used: Helix ClassicProgasm Black Ice — Maximus — Helix Syn — Progasm Classic:
Lube used: Extra virgin olive oil.
Duration: ca 3.15 hours.

My session this morning helped me settle upon extra virgin olive oil as my lube of choice, although I will continue to switch off with Astroglide. I can use little amounts of extra virgin olive oil for lubing my butthole and my Aneros tools. Insertion and withdrawal of my Aneros buddies along with massage action is so smooth and easy with olive oil.

I began with Helix Classic. He slipped easily to the hilt. I performed a few 60 second Kegels upon him as I felt the pleasure build in my prostate. Once again my prostate was a V8 engine revving up easily with the slightest motion. This morning I decided to just "sit quietly" with this good buddy as two lovers would. Then I would let Aneros autopilot take over as I laid both my hands at my side on the towel. I began to focus on the autof**k strokes of my Helix Classic upon my prostate. It was beginning to feel really good, but the best was coming for sure!

Those "long" Aneros autof**k strokes: Sessions for January 10-18

Hi guys,

When I had my first successful masturbation to orgasm and ejaculation of semen that memorable Satuday night in April 1964, I felt empowered. Despite the disapproval of my parents and my newly retired U.S. Navy physician, this empowerment became a closely guarded secret. This empowerment was the activation of my developing manhood. So also with my Aneros sessions. Quite a few people on the Net know about this secret, but I have only one friend here in DC who knows and applauds, I am sure.

Session for Thursday morning, January 10:

Sequence of models used: Helix Syn — Maximus — Progasm Ice — Helix ClassicProgasm Classic.
Duration: ca. 3 hours.

For Thursday's session, I followed a sequence of Aneros models in the order that I first used them pretty much. I began first with Helix Syn who introduced me to Anerosing early last June. Now he inserts easily and I am ready for business! I performed perhaps a good five or six 60 second Kegels on him. Yesterday morning, I was amazed that my prostate revved up almost immediately like the V8 engine he is! We spent a good 55 minutes together in an amazing autof**k of great ease. The same thing happened with Maximus. I noticed yesterday very clearly the long autof**k strokes Maximus is capable of. This type of action continued with Progasm Ice and Progasm Classic, although the autof**king action was definitely fuller. Once again Helix Classic performed wonderfully through his utmost directness.

My Aneros Team: A Show and Tell

Hi guys,

A good buddy who lives near me and I had a telephone chat early this morning mostly to exchange belated New Year's greetings and just catch up on our lives. He has used the Aneros some years ago and still has a couple of the prostate massagers in his possession. He has expressed an intense interest in my Aneros sessions.

As a promise to him and as a benefit to all who read my blog, but especially to those who haven't gotten into Anerosing yet, tonight I will have a show and tell of my good buddies on my Aneros Team. I have become so fond of all my Aneros buddies that I have both personified and sexualized them. In a way, they are like a hunky baseball or football team. Thinking about my Aneros tools in this fashion helps me anticipate my working with them when I have my Aneros sessions every other day. In fact, I get horny just thinking about them!

In this blog entry, I will hyperlink to each Aneros model I introduce. Hence, you will see and study each model for yourself, perhaps even purchase one or several Aneros for yourself.

A year ago, I purchased my first Aneros models from Amazon at discount. They were the MGX, Helix Classic, and Progasm Classic models. They looked so formidable that they sat unused in my closet until this fall.