Not so Silent Seduction

His lips are clean now, but I dare not stop kissing him. It started off me just wanting to lick my nectar from his lips…now he's become my fountain of youth…I cant stop drinking from him if I tried. This journey is far from over if I have anything to say about it. My heart is racing…I'm sure I look something akin to cartoons when their heart beats out of their chest when they see something/someone who they love/want. I feel powerful & weak all at the same time. I never kiss with my eyes open…but with him the connection is so deep I cant look away. His glare is searing…he breaks off our kiss but his eyes never stray from mine. He takes my hand and stands guiding me over to the huge window overlooking my city. Its dark outside, we're only 4 floors up, cars are passing on the street below. Its dark inside so outsiders cant really see us clearly but we can see them. There are no window coverings…just floor to ceiling glass. He pulls me close to him enveloping me in his embrace and capturing my lips. We stand there wrapped in each other passionately kissing naked not caring who might see. His hard hot cock is throbbing against my thigh, I want him inside me…my girly parts are weeping again.

Silent Seduction

As usual I have to put in my disclaimer…this is total fantasy. I was inspired by somebody but not fact…only fiction. Hopefully it will get some of your sessions off to a good start.

I swing the door open before he even has a chance to knock. I look up at him, "Come in." He does and sits down. He's sick, I hand him a tissue. He takes it and blows his nose, I stand there and watch him. Funny how sometimes even the most disgusting things in life can be interesting. He's sitting there blowing green goo out of his nose but its such a real moment in time, it helps me to remember he's not a total fantasy. It doesn't turn me on…but it doesn't repulse me either. Once he's finished I take the tissue to throw it away, I see him watching me in my peripheral vision. When I come back he seems comfortable, quietly relaxing, I sit next to him. I feel him looking at me, I look over at him not truly believing he's here. He trails his finger down my arm leaving goose bumps in his wake. I slid closer to him nestling into his side wrapping my arms around his torso. He feels nice warm, soft, but not too soft. I avert my gaze away from his eyes, not wanting to make it too painfully obvious how aroused he's making me. Instead I elect to caress from his chest down to his tummy and back. He puts his arm around me resting his hand on my hip. I notice he's rubbing the cotton material of my undies…I smile to myself. I wasn't expecting him so I was only wearing a t-shirt and panties. Its then that I remember how much he says he likes cotton guess he was serious because there is a suspicious bulge in his pants that wasn't there before.

Why She's Not On Board…(part 1)

Thanks to the guy who gave me my writing bug back…

So I know a lot of guys here are into what some (mostly Americans) find as "alternative" sexual practices. I don't view it as alternative but hey…I'm just one fish in the ocean. I also know there are many men who wish their wives (or spouses or mates or partners pick your word and use it) were more into it with them. Now keep in mind I'm not a doctor or any of that crap. I'm just a woman who has been in enough relationships and talked openly with enough women that at the moment I feel like putting some ideas out there for you all to ponder on. There is no way I can cover all scenarios so this will be pretty general. If you want specifics…hunt me down lol (don't literally use the inbox dummy!!!). So with that said this first part will be on the most fundamental aspect of why a lot of women are hesitant about this topic…themselves…and how they feel about themselves.

Happy Birthday Lucifer

So today is the anniversary of life for a man I should have NEVER let into my life. I'm writing this in hopes that maybe somebody else will read it and learn from my mistakes. Being a woman I have no other perspective to write from, so maybe a peek into the female psyche?

Today is very different than I thought it would be a few months ago. I bought him a birthday gift without him knowing, and it was supposed to be getting dropped off at his house today. Instead I sold it today. He has a love for Corvettes, one day I passed a dealer ship where a bunch of brand new ones were sitting, and i pulled in to the lot. I walked up to one )top of the line every option you can ask for( and it spoke to me, I could see him sitting in it driving it the whole 9. So I bought it. I didnt want to give him a totally stock car, I wanted to personalize it a bit to make it resemble how I saw him more. So I designed a custom color for it and had it painted, did some upgrades to make it an even better car, I even hand pin striped it for him, something I havent done to my cars yet. Even had the interior redone. I dont know I just felt moved to do things in regard to him that I now understand he didnt even deserve. I even asked him one time if he'd ever gotten in the latest model…he said no, and he'd better not hinting that if he did he would be inclined to buy one…little did he know I'd already bought it for him. The idiotic things I do.

Shy Guy

So he says he's new to this. Never really admitted how much he enjoyed anal play until recently. He craves more, the more the explores his ass the more he becomes open to. Says he's curious about men…but in talking with him more I get the jist he is a little confused. I dont care if he bangs a guy or not, but in describing what turns him on…its never a man. Anal play turns him on, that has no bearing on his sexual orientation. In laying out our guidelines he lets me know that his ass holds the key to most of his kinky desires. I ideas and visions play through my mind. I may enjoy this more than I thought. I've never seen him, only talked to him, he's due to be here any minute. I hear a knock at the door.

Just Joy, no Pain

So I wake up, I can still taste his cum on my tongue. He's sleeping, I decide to sneak away I need to sneak away to brush my teeth and take a shower. Once I make it to my bathroom I start brushing my teeth while reminiscing on the last 24 hours. Half way through my teeth brushing I hear footsteps, then I see him standing behind me in the mirror. Our eyes meet, I'm naked, so is he. I feel his heat radiating off of him, its making me hot, turning me on. I quickly finish brushing my teeth, never taking my eyes off of him, he caresses my skin ever so slightly. I feel his fingers running up and down my back, over my shoulders, he's making my knees weak. I rinse my mouth out, I bend over a bit to spit into the sink, when I do he grabs my hips and steps into me. I feel his erection between my cheeks at the small of my back. I braced my hands on the sink, look up in the mirror and see him standing behind me smiling slightly, he is too sexy for my well being.

Joy & Pain )Round 2(

So I wake up in the middle of the night as usual. I feel the warmth of a man next to me. The memories of last night come flooding back. I glance over at him sleeping soundly. I dont have a clue of what time it is, there are no windows in here, but it feels like its really early in the morning before sunrise. I do notice he's only wearing his underwear, and only partially covered by the sheet, must have taken his clothes off at some point. He has a pretty nice body, my eyes wander to his crotch imagining whats behind that thin layer of fabric. I reach out and touch his chest, his skin is warm and smooth. I wonder if he feels that way all over, my fingers trail down to his stomach, then right above the waistband of his undies. I run my finger through the beginning of his happy trail…soft man hair nothing like it.

Surprising New Interests

So when chatting a little while ago some interesting topics came up. I challenged myself to stretch my imagination a bit and here's what I came up with.

So generally I'm not into men who cross dress. I dont have a problem with it, its just not something I am usually drawn to. Maybe because so many men are not able to pull off wearing what could be considered "womens" clothing well. Well my mind was changed when I happened across a picture. After staring at the pic for a few minutes my mind went crazy so buckle up…enjoy the ride…

The first thing I noticed about the picture was the obvious. His outfit. It was obviously something that one would of course bill as a woman's outfit. A black mini skirt, and black lacy top. Both were snugly hugging his masculine body. The next thing I noticed was his face, then his facial expression. He looks so cunning, so confident, so very sexy in a super manly way. Its almost like he is playfully smirking at me, daring me to do what I was thinking. His presence can almost be felt. Nice pad…apparently is a hard worker. His daughter's pics on the fridge behind him remind me how great of a father he is. The washing machine beside the fridge makes me think of fucking him on top of it. Damn he looks sexy.

Joy & Pain

Gotta replace the old with some new, so this is a mix of fact & fiction )mostly the latter(. I'll let you figure out which is which.

Met a guy…broke a ton of my rules giving him a shot. The things I felt for him I hadn't felt in over a decade. He'd already shown me he's a dark man. Said he isnt into "dark arts" mystically, but he's as evil as they come. He lead me to believe I was his friend, that he respected me. At his first convenience he used me. He knew he never wanted to see or speak to me again but that didnt stop him from fucking me repeatedly. I was nothing but a cum receptacle to him. Yet he continues to try and con me into believing he respects me, likes me, and is my friend )or still wants to be that…yea the fuck right(. Last time I checked you dont lie, fuck, and kick friends to the curb…apparently his view on friendship, respect, and just about everything is warped to fit his delusional mindset. He's delusional…and I'm done with him. I've made up my mind I wont sacrifice myself, that doesnt stop the pain though. Sleeping has been in large part replaced by lamenting over my stupidity where he is concerned. This will pass…just wish it was a little faster.

Copy and Paste if You Dare

This is just a notice that there are a few of my blogs that are coming down on Monday June 23, 2014. The titles that will be removed are:

California Dreamin' in Buckhead???
California Nightmare in Hellsville
Just a little fantasy…
Mentally Induced Role Reversal.
On the Job Benefits
Over and Done with….

Reason being the person who they are about I'm trying my best to wipe from my life. I didnt realize how much I wrote about him lol until I looked up all the titles. I know some of those stories are my best, he was my muse. The muse is gone so the art must go as well. If you want them for personal reading feel free to copy and paste them…I dont care…just a heads up though. I wont be keeping any personal copies so once they are deleted they are deleted.