What next

Hi There i have been on the Aneros journey for around 10 months ,as yet no Orgasms but lots of pleasure with erotic feelings .I am at the point where whenever i sit down and put any pressure on my perineum area i can feel myself start to throb and pulsate in that area,my question is will this continue to build eventually to orgasm and then plateau ie will my body become more used to these sensations.Would like some insight into this.


Hi I have a Helix syn Trident and a Progasm junior and what i find with both of them is that the P tab during normal use does’nt always stay close or touch the Perineum,i lie on my back with the toy inserted and put a couple of cushions under my lower back,sometimes i check the position of the P Tab and it sometimes has moved a reasonable distance ie 10-15 mm away from the perineum ,is this normal ?


Nearly five months ,no orgasm’s as yet but nice feelings ,and sitting at times with pressure on my perineum feels erotic. I get a lot of clamping going on during a session and sometimes that is a little uncomfortable,is that normal ? I do maybe 3 sessions a week normally 1 and half hours each time sometimes 2 hours ,is this too much ?


Hi there i am a novice at this 3 months experience,no momentous moments yet but plenty of pleasure,i have a question ,once i get the involuntries going i experience a pulling in/ Clamping of the Aneros which can be a touch uncomfortable ,is this normal and do you relax your hold on the Aneros or let it have it’s way.?

What is this

I am about 3 months into my Aneros journey,no Super o’s yet ,lately sitting on a chair i have had some lovely feelings coming from the perineum area,the last two days these feelings have ramped up a notch not only is there a lot of pleasure but there now seems to be some throbbing/ pulsating sensations and it seems that having erotic thoughts whilst on a chair with no Aneros in can bring these sensations on,also i release some semen,it this all part of the journey ?,am i experiencing an orgasm or a precurser to that ?

Aneros Newbie

I have been on this journey for almost 3 months now, no super o’s as yet but in the last 2 weeks the feelings have ramped up a lot ,just sitting down i get pleasurable waves and if i start to give my erogenous zones some attention along with gentle contractions i find i can get the involuntaries going,am i on the road to Aless orgasms ?

Pleasure when sitting.

I am a newbie to Aneros 2 months down the line,no earthshaking orgasms as yet but i have found the experience very sensual and erotic ,i wonder if other people have experienced this, when i am sitting down sometimes i have very pleasurable feelings coming from my perineum area,is this part of the re-wiring process.