24-hours later

I just couldn’t resist the siren call of mistress Aneros…so in she went. I nixed my usual 20 to 30-minutes of deep breathing / relaxation exercises and went for a “do what-ever feels good” approach. Hard contractions (Kegel exercises) felt pretty good so I did a bunch of those. When I became bored with the Kegels I thought I’d see just how long I could hold a medium-hard contraction. After about 10 minutes I started experiencing involuntary contractions. WOO-HOO, those felt really, really nice! I rode wave after wave of pelvis rotating / pelvis thrusting involuntaries for a good 30-minutes, writhing and moaning in ecstasy each time I stimulated my nipples.

Around these-here parts I here tell of something called the “super-O”… if it feels as good as people say I don’t know if I’ll be able to take it when (if) it happens!


Another morning session…

I’ve experienced some intestinal cramping in just about every session I’ve done so far so today I changed up a couple things. One, I skipped the anal douche, and two; I used Surgilube instead of Maximus lube. And guess what… cramping appears to be thing of the past! All I need to do now is narrow it down to either the douche or the Maximus. I suspect the douche is what’s causing the cramping…we shall soon see.

Another thing I changed up is how I approach my sessions. I feel I’ve been somewhat “short circuiting” my sessions by thinking too much about the path to the super-O. So from now on I’m going to attempt to put the super-O (or any other O) out of my mind and just enjoy the journey for what it is. If one day the super-O does show up on my doorstep that’ll be terrific, if not, that’s just fine too.

Just like the last session, today’s session generated very few involuntaries, but with the super-O thoughts banished from my mind I was able to concentrate more fully on the subtle movements of my Aneros. Every breath, every contraction, every movement, no matter how slight, produced the most exquisite feelings in my anus and prostate. It’s now been several hours since this morning’s session and I’m still floating on cloud nine.

I continue to be totally amazed how a little piece of plastic can generate such nice feelings. The Aneros has truly changed my life for the better.

Fast forward a couple of weeks

During the past couple of weeks I’ve discovered quite a few things that work for me. (And some that don’t).

1. As mentioned quite often in these forums and blogs, trying for a session every day is not productive, I’ve found I need to take a day or two off between sessions to make any progress.
2. So far my best sessions have been in the early morning (7:00 ~ 8:00 am) shortly after breakfast, kicked back in my recliner, mostly fully clothed.
3. The relaxation / deep breathing exercises work well for me, but the suggested 20 to 30 deep breathing / contraction exercises seemed to make me numb. I don’t know, maybe I was contracting much too hard and wearing myself out. I still may do a couple of hard or medium-hard contractions, but it mostly depends upon the feedback I’m getting at the moment on whether I do them or not.

This morning I had my best ever session…

Took a nice dump after breakfast, gave myself a quickie douche, lubed up the hole with a couple-three of cc of Maximus lube, lubed up and inserted my handle-less helix and headed for the recliner.

The other day while browsing the forums I saw where someone mentioned they took a towel, folded it in half length-wise, and then rolled both ends towards the center stopping when the rolls were the same width as their butt cheeks. When placed under the butt there is then plenty of room for the Aneros to maneuver. Today I tried this, and it was a winner.

Lets get started

I’m a little late in starting my blog, but guess it’s better than not starting at all. Anyway, a little background on me. I’m 66 years-old and have been retired for about three years. I’m happily married (35 years) and straight, and reside in southern California. I gotta’ tell ya, being retired is the cats meow, it’s kind of like being kid again, except now I’m a lot smarter (at least I think I’m a lot smarter!) and have more $$.

I ran across the Aneros product about a month back while searching the web for sex toys to spice up the wife’s and my sex life. I was really intrigued by the Aneros and decided to order a helix. (Thinking more about me than the wife at that point, but it has turned out to be good for both of us).

The first couple of times I used the helix were total busts, nothing at all really happened other than a pleasant feeling of having the Aneros up my bum. (I’m not exactly an anal play virgin).
The third go-around with the helix involved a love making session with the wife. Oooh-boy, was that sweet! I don’t think I’ve come that hard for a couple of decades! The wet spot was huge! In fact, the wife commented afterwards that it was just like being young again.