Lets get started

I’m a little late in starting my blog, but guess it’s better than not starting at all. Anyway, a little background on me. I’m 66 years-old and have been retired for about three years. I’m happily married (35 years) and straight, and reside in southern California. I gotta’ tell ya, being retired is the cats meow, it’s kind of like being kid again, except now I’m a lot smarter (at least I think I’m a lot smarter!) and have more $$.

I ran across the Aneros product about a month back while searching the web for sex toys to spice up the wife’s and my sex life. I was really intrigued by the Aneros and decided to order a helix. (Thinking more about me than the wife at that point, but it has turned out to be good for both of us).

The first couple of times I used the helix were total busts, nothing at all really happened other than a pleasant feeling of having the Aneros up my bum. (I’m not exactly an anal play virgin).
The third go-around with the helix involved a love making session with the wife. Oooh-boy, was that sweet! I don’t think I’ve come that hard for a couple of decades! The wet spot was huge! In fact, the wife commented afterwards that it was just like being young again.

A good start to the day

When I woke up this morning it was just barely light outside. I could hear it was starting to rain. Still feeling groggy, I wasn't ready to get up. I had a few false starts, based mostly around my confusion and paranoia that someone was going to walk into my bedroom and see everything I'd been doing there.

Several hours later I was awake enough to wonder if yesterday had really happened. As if to prove it to myself, I started to bring on the familiar sweet tingling sensation in my groin and easily achieved a few dry orgasms. I struggled with finding the right balance between having these pleasures and finding the right time to end them, and eventually decided ejaculation would be best. I haven't figured out yet how to do that just with my mind alone, so manual stimulation became required. It was pleasurable as ever, and gave me just the right amount of satiation to allow me to finally get out of bed.

So far today I'm feeling good. The music is speaking to me again. With any luck the Progasm I ordered last week might arrive later today. I'm not sure I'll want to use it right away… I've got enough of a high going just from this morning's kickstart.

Wonderful unexpected euphoric session (Ain't life grand!)

Well I use my aneros tools every other day or every third day religiously. Over the past few months after attaining the ability to reach super-o level I have had some pretty amazing sessions. Some that leaves me breathless, some that leave my body numb and some that place me in other states of mind. Nothing though prepared me for last night’s session. I was in such a bad mood as my life lately has put me under a lot of stress. I have always been pretty good at dealing with life’s issues but today I was struggling. Even though I didn't really feel like I was ready for this session I forced myself to follow through. I prepped and lubed and shut myself in my office which is upstairs in my home. I started with my Eupho which has been giving me some real good rides lately. Well what happened next I can't explain. This really wasn't different than any other night but upon insertion my prostate immediately went into intense spasms. The Eupho was dragged deep inside and within 30 seconds I was riding my first O. This had never happened before. I usually relax and after about 15 or 20 minutes the pleasure builds but not tonight! Within 5 minutes I was completely detached from my body and just absorbed within this energy field. I could feel the Eupho doing its thing but I was elsewhere. My lower body was shaking as the Eupho stroked my prostate. The pleasure was incredible. Emotions rose to the surface but just random things from me distant past. But why would thoughts about my former girlfriends dad float through my mind. That was when I was 18 and I am 54 now. Intense, intense, intense!!! At 1 point I was so far out of body it was like I was looking down at myself. I have experienced this through meditation…this place of calm energy but at the same time my body was absorbed in this state of pure pleasure. This state went on for almost 1 hour. I truly didn't want this to stop but my body was just exhausted. This session was just beautiful, wonderful, and left me peaceful and relaxed. All the worries of the day seemed small afterward. I used the Helix and the Progasm also but that first hour sent me into orbit. I have never experienced such a quick launch into super-o land and I can't say why tonight was so different. I am sure todays inner peace is left over effects from last evening.

Fifth session—wonderful and bizarre

Today has been bizarre.

After waking I had a quick Aneros-less session to start the day.

My energy levels today were nothing like they were yesterday, though I was still getting into listening to my music while I worked. There was something else, though—not quite depression but a melancholy and anxious feeling about something I couldn't quite identify.

In the late afternoon I was getting horny and decided to get into using the Aneros again. The first hour was unremarkable, mostly because I couldn't get satisfied with the lube. I had generously pre-lubed, but I couldn't get any of it to stay on the backside of the Helix (away from the prostate) and it would keep getting dry and irritating as it seemed to attach to the wall of my rectum.

I probably should try another type of lube; I've only been using ID Glide so far.

After re-lubing a number of times, I was finally getting into it. The next 30 minutes to an hour were filled with a number of wonderful dry-Os. But then things were starting to get kicked up a notch or two or three.

First experience

This blog started at the request of a user here. I will update with subsequent uses. The first which was posted elsewhere is posted below.

I just got my MGX yesterday and used it for the first time this morning. I prepped and lubed like the instructions said. I laid on my stomach, one leg bent and relaxed. I wasn't expecting anything to happen right away, as I understander there is a "learning curve" and just relaxed. Then I started "flexing" and within minutes I was jerking and bucking like I was having a seizure. Is it common to feel this so soon?

Couldn't ask for a better day

Today I've been feeling high as a kite. The Aneros-less kickstart I described in my previous entry was just the incredible beginning. Who knew I could teach my body to enjoy intense orgasmic pleasure at will without any direct physical stimulation? Frankly I'm amazed it has happened at all, let alone so quickly—I've only had four sessions with the Aneros and I almost feel like I don't really need it any more. I gather my rapid progress is not a common occurrence for most guys, so I am also especially grateful for whatever it was that enabled me to get rewired almost immediately.

I've been listening to music for most of the day, and have gotten tremendous pleasure from it. Familiar songs feel new again, the intricate chord progressions and melodies… but especially the rhythm. Oh, yeah! Syncopated rhythms! I love them like never before… I can't help but move… must dance!

Something surprised me about the particular songs coming up in my random playlist. They all had something apropos to say to me about how I was feeling at that moment, either in the lyrics, the mood of the music, or in some cases even the title and album name. I don't usually listen to lyrics as I'm generally moved more by the music itself, but today these coincidences caused me to start paying attention.

Training wheels indeed

Something interesting happened last night that was completely non-sexual, and yet at least as energetic and satisfying as I've been experiencing lately. I decided to try some meditation (in bed) with the help of headphones and soothing audio. It was not long before I started to feel some tingling, mostly in my legs—not erotic at all but soothing and very relaxing. I was able to direct this tingling with my focused awareness into other parts of my body, and was soon feeling it all over.

Some other things also happened that I'm not sure I'm ready to talk about, as they are very personal. I'll just say that I think I made some significant spiritual progress and felt enveloped in loving guidance. As it relates to the tremendous feelings the Aneros is able to bring about however, I will also say I was exposed to a number of different energies of which the orgasmic energy seems to be just one in a vast spectrum.

I slept very well last night. 🙂

This morning I felt refreshed, but was also starting to feel the same urges as before. I was pretty charged up, so I experimented with having an Aneros-less session and, to my great amazement and satisfaction, achieved numerous body-shaking orgasms. I didn't feel the need to ejaculate, and finished the session instead on a great high. What a great way to start the day!

New experiences—some positive, others perplexing

In my first entry I mentioned I might try combining my pleasurable day-after effects with traditional masturbation. I did, and the result was one of the strongest orgasms and ejaculation I've had in recent memory; it was quite enjoyable.

That was last night. Early this morning I woke up to involuntary spasms and arousal sensations, as though I were having an Aneros session—but I wasn't! The convulsions literally woke me up. Unfortunately, I was still tired and wasn't in the mood to go for a spin. But there was no stopping the movements and sensations. Frustrated, I got out of bed and started my day—tired, but at least consciously able to suspend what would otherwise have been a pleasurable experience.

It wasn't long before my tiredness caught up with me, and I decided to take a nap. I slept for maybe an hour, and awoke again to the same orgasmic teasing and uncontrollable body movements. This time I was a little less tired, and kind of enjoying the experience, and since I couldn't seem to stop it anyway I gave in to getting the Helix and going for a full session. I practiced some deep breathing, trying to calm my body as much as possible. I focused on bringing the pleasurable sensations into every part of my body, filling me up. By concentrating on keeping my body completely relaxed, I think this helped spur the involuntaries as the only remaining avenue of release for the mounting erotic tension; I don't think I induced any voluntary contractions at all.

Very first experiences (3 sessions)

I've experimented with anal play a bit in the past, but have never been completely satisfied with it. In the short span of a few days, the Aneros has changed my entire outlook on sexuality and linked together a number of unlikely experiences in my life that until now simply seemed odd or unexpected. I'll elaborate after first describing the past couple of days.

Based on recommendations I gleaned from the Aneros forum, I placed an order for the Helix. However, anticipation got the better of me while waiting the few days for it to arrive, so I looked up a local retailer and picked up the MGX to get some instant gratification, so to speak.

My first session was a learning experience to say the least. The MGX was comfortable, and acceptable to me given my limited past experiences. Following instructions and the advice I've been reading, I relaxed and began becoming familiar with the sensations of my new friend. I eventually began experimenting with some contractions, and it was not long before I noticed a strong yet intangible reaction when fully contracted. I could not identify anything particularly pleasurable inside, but the P-tab was definitely doing something for me. Finding the "sweet spot" for the P-tab definitely goes a long way in getting pleasure. (As an aside, I found the pressure from the MGX P-tab to be a bit severe, and ended up adding some cushion in the form of a soft cloth.)

Getting back into the swing of things

I should preface this, with a little bit of history. I got the helix about 8 months and while I had some strong intial success I felt as though I was forcing things a little and not reaching the true potential of the helix.

I had enjoyed some great mini-O's but I didn't enjoy the way I got to them. So I began experimenting and trying unsuccessfully to find a more enjoyable method. I tried a few sessions that didn't really go anywhere and I essentially gave up on it, although I continued to use it as a masturbatory aid. Hence, my lack of posting for awhile.

Well recently I decided to try again and tried putting more effort into it. Recently I have been practicing my kegels and carefully finding the optimal position (hands and knees) when using the helix. Needless to say I think I found a winning method, hence my posting, hehe.

Well, last night was the proof and the funny thing is I wasn't even sure I should try. I had a midterm the next day and wanted to get up early to study longer for it and it was already 10:30pm. My libido won out and I rationalized that I deserved it because I had studied a lot for this one and I hadn't j/o in 2 days (a rather long time for a 21 y/o).