First impressions

As an introduction, I'm a gay man in my mid-30s. I am in a committed relationship with my partner (X) and we have been very happy together (and sexually active) for 10 years now.

As some straights often ask, 'Which is one of you is The Man?'. Well, sometime the stereotypes are true. In our case, X is a total bottom. He has experimented maybe 3 or 4 times over the past decade with being 'on top' but much prefers being on the receiving end. As for me, I am very happy in the active role and me being on top is our favourite way of having fun.

But it was not always so. The first time I bottomed (many moons ago), I didn't like it that much. The second time, I said to myself 'never again'. The third time, things fell into place so to speak. However, with my partner being neary 100% passive my back passage has been gathering cobwebs!

I can't recall where I first came across the Aneros and the 'Super O' phenomenon. I think it started with a video on Xtube which led me to this site and it wasn't long before I had placed my order. We have a couple toys in the wardrobe, but this looked unique and sounded the business.


Nothing! Not even a twitch. But it gets worse. I sent off for another toy on this silly quest. Somebody please stop me. This is nuts.

I read in the forums about the slightest touch so I have sent off for it. Now I will be laying around with plastic up my butt and wires hanging off of me. next I will probably be sending off for KSMO then I will be laying around with plastic up my butt and wires hanging off of me groaning and moaning like a bear rubbing my stomach doing some kinda "running antelope" tantric thing I read in here. This is getting nuts.

At some point I have got to just laugh and point "Ok Aneros guys! You jokesters got me good. I bought your whole product line, Slightest touch (that was made for chicks) and Grunt like a bear and play with yourself KSMO and was stupid enough to blog about it publicly online.

I'm frustrated. It's not going fast enough for me.

Anyway I have discovered that I can control my pc muscle and anal muscles independently of one another. I did not realize that you can do that. I thought that if I flexed one the other flexed too. Also I have noticed my pc muscle is getting stronger and I can flex it faster off and on. I do this in class when I'm bored with the speaker and it produces a warm fuzzy feeling in my lower abdomen. I suspect it helps the speaker too seeing someone enjoy their lecture.

Stimulation With and Without

It's been about 3 weeks or so since I posted last. I've been having some pretty good sessions with the Aneros MGX, but lately I feel like I've been hitting a plateau in terms of the enjoyment and growth. Mostly I've been getting pretty good p-waves going, although nothing as great as the session I posted about last time. Often a session will be scrapped after about an hour, producing only mild tingly feelings. The thing with these things is that the best sensations come when you least expect them. That said, I'm going to keep trying. It's too fun to stop!

Actually it seems like I'm making better strides without the Aneros. Last time, I posted about the sensitive spot behind my scrotum that, when gently rubbed, drives my prostate crazy. I was reading about the Male Deer exercise and was wondering if rubbing the pubic bone above the penis makes any sensations. I tried it a few times and felt nothing … but all that changed one night while reading in bed. I was absentmindedly rubbing with my middle finger nestled above my penis and my thumb in my navel, moving both in gentle circular motions. At first it was giving me a mild "oh that's nice" feeling. Then my dick started getting hard. It seemed like the blood flowing there intensified the feelings, building things up until I had an "oh my god" moment and had to drop the book and go with the flow. Wow. What a unique sensation, similar to the rubbing of the spot behind the scrotum – but distinctly different!

What the Heck?

Had another session with the Helix switched over to the Mgx with the handle removed. Didn't expect anything big. Did get some good feelings with it. I'm not getting as bummed out (hahaha I kill me) over not reaching nirvana. My expectations are getting more realistic. Got some muscle twitches. And I tell you that comment one of the guru's in the forum made about "If you don't think this thing is doing something name any other time you have had involuntary contractions in your arms or legs" has really helped to keep me motivated here. I cannot argue with that point. Nearly every session I have at least one of these startling "twitches" On a couple of occasions I get this feeling of well being flow over me and then like a moron I start analyzing why I am having it and if it really has anything to do with sticking something up my butt and then I lose it! ARGGHHHH! Gotta let go.

Here is the main reason for this entry did my session it was uneventful no big deal. that evening I'm at a public function I stand up and Bam!! out of no where I get this warm tickling sensation in my lower abdomen and this warm fuzzy feeling a real happy feeling. I think it might have been a P wave Oh it was groovy! But this was 6 hours after an uneventful session. My mind was reeling and of course I start analyzing the hell out of it and dissecting it and concentrating on it and trying to reproduce it and it fades away. I remember thinking while it was going on this cannot be happening. It happened.

de ja vu

Another session, Had some good feelings with it. Went into the session expecting nothing and was not disappointed when I was done. I am just going to be patient and keep going. I am interested in the Slightest Touch device I have read about in the forum. this hobby is getting kinda expensive. however My buddy's bass boat cost him thousands and if he catches the big one he just smells like a fish. If I catch the super O I get an out of body experience and the perception that I understand the inner workings of the universe or something like that. Ha ha ha climbing the mountains of Tibet and studying for years under moody Monks is for chumps! I'm gonna reach nirvana in my mom and dad's basement watching porn with a piece of plastic up my butt!


Great advice acakactinum! You just helped me get my first super-O! (I think)

I was on my side with knees up at my chest and I needed to stretch my legs out a little bit. So, I crossed my legs as I straightened them out and got a really nice sensation from this position. With my legs still stretched out straight and crossed I thought back to your post, I was thinking; "Wasn't that guy going on about something to do with clenching your thighs?" Literally 5 seconds later I get an extreme response and get the feedback loop in overdrive. I started shaking like crazy, my head going back and forth along the pillow and my legs still crossed and straight just moved back and forth just keeping my thighs clenched. It only last about 10 seconds but it was intense! I'm getting the shakes just thinking about it now. I'm going to have to try this again with something to tie around my thighs to get it to last longer next time.

ed's journey

i've been having sessions everyday and sometimes more than one session a day and achieving involuntary spasms almost immediately–i bounce, wiggle and rock, waving my legs and doing whatever it takes to feel that rubbing feeling on my prostate that we all like to feel–unfortunately i have not been able to get to that second super o that i'm chasing–nevertheless it feels good–last night i got a late call from overseas and when i went back to bed just before 2 am i got so much action in my prostate and involuntary quivering in my legs etc that it was unbelievable–i have not had this happen without the aneros in since i had my reaction to a medication that gave me a severe case of hives–this was the second episode since then–i used to have this happen while sitting around or when bouncing on an automobile seat–i believe it is a good sign–nevertheless it did not translate to a super o today, but i had a nice long ride–i try not to lead too much but when the feelings come on me it makes me rock and bounce, etc and this is not totally randon but directed by me–i always hope my body will take over and leave me in the dust but not so far


I think I've found a new favourite lube, I was using the Astro Glide before but I was running low and I decided to try something new. So I picked up some KY warming jelly and man that stuff seems perfect, when you put it on it isn't chilly and it seems to stay in place a lot better.

Well, I followed up a session in the evening with one this morning and I don't think I had any breakthroughs but it was still enjoyable nonetheless.

Something after the session happened though, I was sitting just watching TV and reminiscing about the session when I started to get some p-waves. It felt as though the helix was still in me rubbing my prostate and perineum. I even started to shake a little.

It's been about 3 hours since my session and I can still bring on the p-waves, and I'm leaking pre-cum with no direct stimulation at all. It a little strange to say the least, good but strange.

Another try!

I don't know what part of use lots of lube repeated throughout the forums and the directions on the device itself I failed to understand. I used what I felt at the time was way too much lube and was amazed at the movement in the device. It came alive. Big change!!

However! NO super O during this session. (I'm setting my goals too high too quick I'm sure)

I do want to include my delight with the Peridise. This little thing is maddening! I can't explain the feeling and do it justice. It is as if it creates an itch that you cannot satisfy, but the itch itself is so satisfying. I could just stay on this slow burn all day. Wow.


My experimentation with having a session on my side was a success!

Things didn't start out so well and I was having difficulty concentrating on the helix making contact with my prostate. When I was on all 4's I noticed that the helix moved more compared to other positions and I thought that lying on my side it would mean less stimulation. Well after some practice I found it just requires a little more concentration to realize there is plenty of stimulation for the prostate!

It took more time but with some effort I was having mini-O's again on my side, and since I was already lying down I was able to concentrate more on the feelings it generated rather than concentrating on staying upright like before. I was also able to stay shaking for longer periods of time than before, as in minutes vs seconds.

It was quite different from my previous experiences on all 4's because before I only started the shaking when I felt the helix moving on its own quite noticeably whereas on the side it felt as if the helix wasn't moving at all, but I was shaking more drastically than before.

I also think I may have come close to a super-o.