did some more work on the size and shape of the hot glue and inserted it just to see if it hit the spot even though i had 2 good sessions today already–it was a bit better, even though i didn't prelube beforehand cause of all the sessions i had already had today–i will have to try the helix again as i've been copying the mgx glue without trying it–have been getting some action from echos, all very nice–a bit of both but mostly prostate ones
3d session
Before I describe my new very good session, let me tell you what happend last night when I went to bed. I was almost sleep when suddenly I felt very pleasing tingles in my anus. Also I think that I`ve got one P-wave.
Today my session was better of all. I woke up this morning and did a light enema. Then wached some porn and jerked my penis off without ejaculation. After 30 minutes I lyied on my bed and inserted my new friend with a lot of lubrication in my ass. Immediately after the insertion I felt one or two involanture contractions. It was so good. Then I relaxed about 10 minutes and started the contraction. This time I had a lot of pre cum falling down from my cock. After approximately 40 contractions my body suddenly started to shake, my hеart strated beating faster and I felt very veryyyy good. I had the feeling I`ll almost ejaculate for a few seconds. It was sooo good, so I think I`m on the right way to my first dry orgasm. I`m very very horny now and I`m watching porn again and jerk my cock off. I have to do some work after 30 minutes but I will make second session for today because I feel that my anus wants the aneros in again. I`m very addicted to my new toy and think only for this. I`m a gay man and I`ll be happy if someone of experienced users make a lesson video for new users just like me 🙂
2nd session
Today was my second session and it was definitely better than the first 🙂 I felt some new very good feelings and I think I`m on the righ way. I also shot a short video with my aneros in. You can find it on xtube. I`m very horny now but I`ll not ejaculate and I`m very impatient form my tomorrow session.
1st session
Finaly today I got my Aneros Helix. I went to the Post office to take it and when i got home I immediately start my session after a light enema. It is the first time when something enters in my ass. I inserted the aneros and relaxed for a 10 minutes. Then I started to contract my spfinkter but nothing speccial happened, only a few good feelings. Most of the time I have the feeling that I got to pee. My session continues about 40 minutes and finally i decide to have an ejaculation whit aneros in, bacause I didn`t ejaculate about 5 days.
ed's journey
good session, much better than the last several sessions–trimmed back the hot glue and reshaped it–also prelubed before insertion, which i will have to do all the time–had some nice anal feelings with a lot of in and out of the mgx–quite pleasant–not too violent so i could enjoy them and not let them get out of control like when it darts without warning deep into my ass–had mostly anal but a few prostate feelings, the ones i like that feel like rubbing down my prostate, warm and cozy–the anal feelings were of the mgx going slowly in and out with not too much movement–almost pure bliss!–i was able to sustain them for more than 1/2 hr, but they never got really big, at least not too big for me to handle–also after they subsided i was able to start them again with a slight anal contraction after complete relaxation–i even took a pee break and after calmly lying there until relaxed i started them again with the slight contraction, then i could keep everything going with shallow, low abdominal breathing–i liked it and thought that i had lost it this last week–i must have a session without too many days in between (2 at the most, i think) so that i don't loose the gift–really interested to see what happens tomorrow as i usually go downhill after a good session like today–it will be interesting to see if i have "echo" sessions the next times i lie down without the aneros inserted
ed's journey
i have been doing the last few sessions without prelube cause everything seemed to be going fine just before that, but then they slowed down, so yesterday i prelubed again–this is something i think i should do all the time no matter how well things are going–i got a lot more movement although nothing to sustain and nothing earth shaking–i will continue reshaping and repositioning the hot glue until i get back to where i was more than a week ago–i really think that i am not on my sweet spot and that makes all the difference in the world–i will also try the advice i read today about lightly rubbing myself between my p-tab and my balls–several reported that this works quite well for them–they said that they could feel the aneros under their fingers–sounds like completing the loop with their fingers instead of the p-tab–also tried the butt cheek spreading trick but it didn't seem to work for me–maybe i didn't hold them apart long enough, although i did for as long as i could–it is hard to position my fingers and hands down there and to hold the position for a long time–i feel that i am quite a bit farther behind than i was several sessions ago–it seems like i am nearer the beginning than the orgasm
ed's journey
today's session with the mgx didn't go anywhere–took it out halfway and cut off some hot glue and relubed it–got a little better but i think the hot glue amount and location are not right–when it's hitting the right spot with the right amount of aggressiveness it's very obvious and this certainly is not right–nothing remotely resembling any waves or hot blips
ed's journey
well i did the second session today , but with the helix–gave it 40 minutes but it was not too profitable–will have to shave off some hot glue from both messagers and try again tomorrow
ed's journey
well, i was finally able to hold off having a session for a few days–funny though, i didn't have any echo sessions without the aneros even though i lay down several times each day and tried to feel the waves–i had some slight waves, but not long lasting nor large–it was completely the opposite of what i expected and had been experiencing–added some more hot glue to the mgx and helix but based on today's test with the mgx i think i may have gone beyond the limit for adding stimulation–i will have to continue the experiment with less and maybe a different shape on the tab–when it is right it immediately starts my heart racing upon insertion and sends waves through my prostate–i think that i may have configured the tip so that it hits in a slightly different place, farther from my anus, the distance or dig in may still be right–anyway today's session was pretty tame and i don't think i will lay off so long between sessions again–maybe every day for a few days and then every other day for a few sessions will be the right mix–only time will tell–i laid off cause i thought that i may have worn out my prostate with so much stimulation, although it was never sore, just less responsive–i tried the progasm for the last 10 minutes just to see what would happen and the answer was not much
General O-zone Activated
The following four paragraphs set in quotes is a Forum post from April 15th. Increasingly I am, as I said in this post, "activated in the abdomen" almost all the time. It seems to be a form of continuous after effects or "echo effects". If I am not but feel like it anywhere, anytime, a silent Key Sounding, using the throat muscles but silently, or just imagining making the sound will instantly bring into the O-zone and the energies are there.
"Many spontaneously make sounds during erotic arousal and orgasm. In the emerging science on neuroplasiticity, music is as key a flexible deeply wired/rewirable mental experience as erotic response and apparently deeply linked. Synaesthesia is the experience of one sensory phenomenon in the response form of another: seeing a note of music as a colour for example.
KSMO works amazingly well, particularly as a trigger for erotic body energies. These energies can be triggered, amplified and transformed using the Key Sound, aloud or silently, once you and your body have learned the essence of the triggering mechanism.
Like Hlaser, I have a proclivity for Chairgasms, and Cargasms, examples of the day after a session echo effects that KS can trigger.