Wow, wow, wow. I'm getting hard again just writing about this. I don't understand it. I had an incredibly intense session last night, to the point where on the bucking stage of Super Os, my left testicle got pulled right into my body. As I went to gently cup my balls (as I sometimes like to do), I noticed there was only one and realised the left testicle had been sucked inwards. This hurt a little as the muscle contractions were very solid and long-lasting.
During these wonderful moments, it occurred to me how much the First Noble Truth in Buddhism applies so much to using the Aneros. The rule says that suffering is caused by attachment, and applying this to using the Aneros, I've found that if I have a nice feeling and want to hold on to it, it messes the whole process up. Instead, I've found it works better if I let the feeling or sensation do what it wants to do (after all, it's not really my conscious brain producing these feelings, so interference isn't needed) and either let it grow or let it pass, it matters not – it's all part of the journey and the process.