Tried something new with great results

Figured I’d pass along a simple tip/trick that I read about on a form somewhere and finally gave it a try. I’ve been using Aneros for a few years with limited success. I’ve tried almost everything but always felt that it wasn’t hitting the right spot.

I’ve tried semen retention, mindgasm, etc and had some good progress but always felt like there was something missing.

Yesterday, I decided to put some padding between the P tab and my body. I folded up a small sock and placed it between. I was actually really surprised at the outcome of my session. Like wow! I was feeling better and had way more pleasure than I think I’ve ever had in a session.

I was using the helix trident. Going to give it a try with the syn today.

My tip if Aneros isn’t “working”

I’ve used my Aneros for a long time (5-8 years), and while it feels great, especially while jerking with it in, I never got to handsfree territory- until I discovered something:

I folded up a sock into thirds and slid that underneath the perineum tab (like a cushion between it and my perineum), and holy man did that make a difference. I unlocked new levels of pleasure completely hands free🤤

I’m not sure why this works – I think it’s because I’m quite short so my prostate might not be as far in, and/or my prostate and perineum are very sensitive and this helps prevent overstimulation.

Whatever it is, I highly recommend (and experiment with different thicknesses of padding).

Extended wear?

I don’t always have 60-90+ minutes to devote exclusively to aneros play and have been trying to figure out a hack to squeeze in more short but still satisfying sessions. One thing I’ve started to try is to insert the aneros before I’m ready to fully commit to the process. I’ve tried a couple times putting it in when I have 30 minutes to an hour of work and/or chores to finish up. I’ve had mixed results and wanted to get the community’s take on wearing the device while not exclusively focused on it. Is this a hack to multi tasking during the build up, or am I missing the point and need to limit myself to the times where I can be singularly focused for an extended period of time.

Thanks for any thoughts/tips/advice. All welcome and appreciated!

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Physical Soreness After a Session?

I have been having Aneros sessions for 4.5 years and I have struggled for most of that time. I have never had a prostate orgasm, but over the past month I have been making some progress…having some good sessions with stronger p-waves and I feel like I’m building toward something.

My question is…I had a pretty good session with my Helix Trident and I am experiencing more soreness than I have in the past. Yesterday evening, my hips and legs felt stiff and sore. This morning, my neck and shoulder were achy. I’m wondering if this might be the result of a good session or just general achiness from something else.

Does anyone else get physically sore after a good Aneros session?

Switching toys mid session?

Hi all,
I have three aneros toys, a helix syn, progasm, and progasm jr. I had a session the other night with my helix, bc it’s the most comfortable for me, but after a while my mind started wandering and I decided I wanted to switch to something bigger, so I switched to the progasm. I found I wasn’t feeling the lack of mobility from that after a few so I decided to go to the progasm jr. Which felt great at first but after a few mins one of the tabs started digging into me and it hurt so I switched back to the helix after that.
It was still a fun session overall, experienced a lot of wonderful sensations in different positions, but I guess my question is do you guys ever get the desire to switch toys mid session? And is there any value in it?

How does billing appear on a bank statement?

I’m thinking about taking advantage of the Black Friday sale. I’m an adult, but I have a student bank account which my father has access to. Obviously I’d rather not have him know I’m playing with prostate toys. Does the order appear on a bank statement as something that’s clearly related to Aneros? For instance, I’ve ordered from Peep Show Toys before, and their billing appears as Hamilton Park Electronics, their parent company.

I want my story to be heard, because it helps me to deal with it (My problems following use of Aneros)

(also posted on the officifal forum)

Hey there Aneros Community,let me type my story, because I need a place to put it. I have nobody else to speak because, I feel so ashamed about it. I was too embarrassed about it to bring it up in therapy so far.

When I was younger I got interested in my butt and for a gay guy this is nothing extraordinary. Somehow I stumbled about the topic Aneros and got interested in it. One day I bought Aneros and tried it several times. Then I abandoned all toys I had, since they did not do it for me and I was still living in my familys place, a bad place for secret butt toys.

After moving out I got interested in it again. I bought aneros again and this time it worked. I orgasmed with it. One very long session (+porn) made me panic. After two hours or so I felt sore and dried out – I didn’t drink all the time and stared non stop at the screen. Something didn’t sit right with me and I was wierded out and was disgusted.

I stopped and ejaculated normally and this was a moment of panic. My dick felt so different and I was worried I had damaged it – after such very long time of sexual stimulation. I was afraid to ejaculate, but did it anyways. I was using porn and then I wanted to ejaculate a second time, which I did again on porn.I was so terrified this evening and my prostate wouldn’t stop tingling. It was there all the time. I quit the topic completely and brought the toy to the garbage – again.

Different aneros in one session?

Anyone ever switch Aneros during a session? I start to feel good with small aneros but I hit a wall. Not sure if it is too small so I switc to progasm during session but usually lose the pleasure waves after. Anyone else?

Finally found one

Since my original design Euphos Syn disappeared during a house move, I could never find that design again until lastnight when one appeared on Ebay, I snapped it up.

So excited. I have 4 Aneros models and neither have come close to the pleasure that that one gave me, it hit spots the others couldn’t. So excited to use one again. The second time I used the original model I had many prostate orgasms and I even had a HFWO too. The 2nd time was the last time I got to use it. Its been years looking for the old model.