Round 2 – the pair of us

X came home that evening and was taken aback by what was waiting on the kitchen table. 'What's that?' he asked. 'A sex toy…you'll see' I told him.

We had a first go that night. We had been feeling romantic and were getting up to some frisky fun in the bedroom. In the middle of a blowjob session I reached over and introduced X to the Aneros.

One of the things I notice when reading entries on this site is how often guys treat this as a private thing they do on their own. Fair enough not all guys out there have a partner, but many guys who do have a partner don't seem keen on having a session with that person. Plenty of times it even sounds like they are trying to hide what they are doing.

However, I knew from experience X liked prostate massage (but only before with a finger) and I was keen to see his reaction. X had no concept of the Super-O. I had not showed him any of the videos from Xtube or entries on this site. He seemed a bit nonplussed and wanted to know 'how it worked'. I told him to try to suck it in to himself, but I think like me he wasn't comfortable with the K-tab jabbing him.

First impressions

As an introduction, I'm a gay man in my mid-30s. I am in a committed relationship with my partner (X) and we have been very happy together (and sexually active) for 10 years now.

As some straights often ask, 'Which is one of you is The Man?'. Well, sometime the stereotypes are true. In our case, X is a total bottom. He has experimented maybe 3 or 4 times over the past decade with being 'on top' but much prefers being on the receiving end. As for me, I am very happy in the active role and me being on top is our favourite way of having fun.

But it was not always so. The first time I bottomed (many moons ago), I didn't like it that much. The second time, I said to myself 'never again'. The third time, things fell into place so to speak. However, with my partner being neary 100% passive my back passage has been gathering cobwebs!

I can't recall where I first came across the Aneros and the 'Super O' phenomenon. I think it started with a video on Xtube which led me to this site and it wasn't long before I had placed my order. We have a couple toys in the wardrobe, but this looked unique and sounded the business.


Nothing! Not even a twitch. But it gets worse. I sent off for another toy on this silly quest. Somebody please stop me. This is nuts.

I read in the forums about the slightest touch so I have sent off for it. Now I will be laying around with plastic up my butt and wires hanging off of me. next I will probably be sending off for KSMO then I will be laying around with plastic up my butt and wires hanging off of me groaning and moaning like a bear rubbing my stomach doing some kinda "running antelope" tantric thing I read in here. This is getting nuts.

At some point I have got to just laugh and point "Ok Aneros guys! You jokesters got me good. I bought your whole product line, Slightest touch (that was made for chicks) and Grunt like a bear and play with yourself KSMO and was stupid enough to blog about it publicly online.

I'm frustrated. It's not going fast enough for me.

Anyway I have discovered that I can control my pc muscle and anal muscles independently of one another. I did not realize that you can do that. I thought that if I flexed one the other flexed too. Also I have noticed my pc muscle is getting stronger and I can flex it faster off and on. I do this in class when I'm bored with the speaker and it produces a warm fuzzy feeling in my lower abdomen. I suspect it helps the speaker too seeing someone enjoy their lecture.

Stimulation With and Without

It's been about 3 weeks or so since I posted last. I've been having some pretty good sessions with the Aneros MGX, but lately I feel like I've been hitting a plateau in terms of the enjoyment and growth. Mostly I've been getting pretty good p-waves going, although nothing as great as the session I posted about last time. Often a session will be scrapped after about an hour, producing only mild tingly feelings. The thing with these things is that the best sensations come when you least expect them. That said, I'm going to keep trying. It's too fun to stop!

Actually it seems like I'm making better strides without the Aneros. Last time, I posted about the sensitive spot behind my scrotum that, when gently rubbed, drives my prostate crazy. I was reading about the Male Deer exercise and was wondering if rubbing the pubic bone above the penis makes any sensations. I tried it a few times and felt nothing … but all that changed one night while reading in bed. I was absentmindedly rubbing with my middle finger nestled above my penis and my thumb in my navel, moving both in gentle circular motions. At first it was giving me a mild "oh that's nice" feeling. Then my dick started getting hard. It seemed like the blood flowing there intensified the feelings, building things up until I had an "oh my god" moment and had to drop the book and go with the flow. Wow. What a unique sensation, similar to the rubbing of the spot behind the scrotum – but distinctly different!

ed's journey

i've been having sessions everyday and sometimes more than one session a day and achieving involuntary spasms almost immediately–i bounce, wiggle and rock, waving my legs and doing whatever it takes to feel that rubbing feeling on my prostate that we all like to feel–unfortunately i have not been able to get to that second super o that i'm chasing–nevertheless it feels good–last night i got a late call from overseas and when i went back to bed just before 2 am i got so much action in my prostate and involuntary quivering in my legs etc that it was unbelievable–i have not had this happen without the aneros in since i had my reaction to a medication that gave me a severe case of hives–this was the second episode since then–i used to have this happen while sitting around or when bouncing on an automobile seat–i believe it is a good sign–nevertheless it did not translate to a super o today, but i had a nice long ride–i try not to lead too much but when the feelings come on me it makes me rock and bounce, etc and this is not totally randon but directed by me–i always hope my body will take over and leave me in the dust but not so far

Beyond Words…

This is my most recent KSMO Blog entry. These words are inadequate but I am at loss for others for now:

>As I mentioned in last Saturday's [KSMO] Chat, mrs. a and I had another amazing advance/adventure a few evenings ago…


Beginning in the Yabyum and foreheads "kissing", the energies were flowing easily and, after a good while and then briefly experimenting with other possibilities, we fell into our favourite Scissors, with still times, gentle G-spot massaging thrusting, still times, back and forth as intuition suggested…

The energy flows were all-enveloping, soothing, energizing, blissing us out…

Jack, this was the return of "through-the-body-travel" and the first time ever with a partner. Absolutely indescribably astounding!

…to be back in something like the IOs, but very different and age/body/relationship generated new and so so…

communion with all

… dimensionless infinite love…

beyond body

cosmic clouds of light



silent symphonies of total gentle ecstatic music

we, physically united in our bed but beyond that awareness, in disembodied union with all

then 2 hours later

awareness refocused for both about the same time together still, still in bed…

and a celebratory ecstatic prostatic orgasmic completion of this consciousness altering voyage

of being bliss embodied… of being in/throughout the universe/multiverse

of love without end…

ed's journey

had a very enjoyable session with various models–was interrupted once by phone call but able to get back to it after–action starts in a short time, several minutes, and progresses to involuntary shudders of the legs, when i start to rock and wave my legs to feel the aneros rub inside me–it feels good and sometimes very good and occasionally very, very good–almost progresses to super o but not quite–i can feel heat building and sometimes the aneros seems to go in deeper and almost locks on–maybe it knows that i am after the super o and so i can't get there–i think i should just do what it wants and not point myself towards anything more–i may be pressing without knowing that i am– i can't consider that i have this thing under control until i am able to produce super os at will, or at least several in a row–so far the one that i have had was just dumb luck, i guess, but so much fun that i will continue chasing it until i get it–wonder what those supper achievers feel when they get it in a couple of weeks, or tries?–do they value it or is it too simple for them?

Two more great sessions

I've had two more noteworthy sessions since my last blog. Two nights ago, I inserted the MGX while watching tv in my recliner. I recently removed the tail to facilitate this position. I did the relaxation with deep breathing for about ten minutes. I mentally decided that I would do very small contractions and to focus more on anal squeezes then PC contractions. This eventually produced small 'tremors' that grew in both frequency and intensity. After about 30 minutes of these wonderful feelings, I had an erection and decided to just finish up with a traditional orgasm. I began stroking myself and as I was building up, the 'tremors' started again with even greater intensity. I noticed that I could use a very light touch when stroking myself and could feel the orgasm building deep inside. When I finally orgasmed, it was during the fluttering and involuntary contraction stage and the MGX just seem to bury itself deeper then it had ever gone – WOW. I would definitely have to classify this one as a Super T.

When's too much?

Does anybody know if using the aneros is too much? I use it every day. Sometimes I use it 2-3 times a day for 1 hr sessions. Is it too much? Some times my anus feels a little tender, but are there potential long term side effects or irreversible damage you can cause by over usage?

Please help and thanks!


Sweet Sensations

The last week has brought me a lot of progress in my exploration, starting with the fact that my body has developed a sweet spot that can give me pleasure – without the Aneros! Rubbing or gently pressing on a small area behind my scrotum while contracting my PC muscles produces a nice, low level tingly sensation (not always, however). One night I decided to try playing around with this, and the building sensations brought me to a nice and powerful penile orgasm.

This new sensitivity has been a nice development – it even brought me towards what was the best session ever last Monday morning. Backing up, a couple of nights earlier I brought out the MGX for a little try. Even though I wasn't feeling super horny, I thought it would be worth it to get some practice in. Well, I had it in for about an hour, doing the usual motions, and I wasn't feeling anything at all. Nada. It didn't make me feel bad, though. Mostly it proves that you have to be at least a little aroused going in for it to work.