Found Reliable way for me to get Dry-O's with Helix

Had another intense session today with the Helix. Did the same as last session – warmed up the prostate without the helix till I could feel it itching occasionally, then when the prostate was more aroused to the point of feeling it swelled occasionally, I inserted the Helix.

It worked great again. I just use petrolium jelly and have a limited time between re-lubing. As it is, I had to re-lube once after that.

Wow, I had a few small dry-O's, but had to continue PCs and nipple stim for maybe 30 minutes. Eventually, the prostate was so aroused that I could feel the Pwaves )tingling( with every movement. Then I started to find reliable Dry-O's.

I kept that up for 30 min, and eventually, the prostate got even MORE aroused, so I could also feel it swollen inside all the time.

Then the fun really started!!!

I noticed that my scrotum sack was becoming really sensitive, when I was rubbing my knees together during some of the Dry-O's. So figured I'd just try kneeding my ballsack. Man, that was wonderful. Worked at that for 30 minutes. Got to where I could just run my hand across my balls and get excellent pleasurable feelings. I was kneeding it like Pizza dough.

Previously I'd had T-O's from massaging my ball sack, bu this time, my testicals weren't turtling up, and I wasn't feeling the semen build up. I think that the prostate was SO sensitive, that I wasn't haveing any problem focusing on the prostate no matter what else I was rubbing.

Reliable Quick A-Less Dry-O's & more

Recent A–Less sessions with Dry–Os.

So far it looks like the best way for me to warm up and get my prostate hard for lots of Dry–O’s is to lay on my left side and do a bunch of PC contractions and lower ab pushes before I even start stimulating my nipples. I do this until my prostate starts to feel electric shocks like a chiropractors muscle machine. This can take 1 to 20 minutes depending on my body and mental state I guess… Then I can seek to find a PC/Ab muscle state with nipple stimulation that keeps the buzzing on constantly, then work with slow movement contractions to discover good orgasm positions.

I’ve also been able to go into orgasm mode without a constant prostate buzzing, but it takes a lot more work…

Sometimes, it really magnifies the contractions to take my hand and pull on my top butt–cheek to spread the cheeks apart. Don't know why this works, but it makes it really easy to feel every muscle movement inside my groin. Maybe it's just a mental thing or maybe it tightens up the muscles around the prostate….??

Had the most intense dry–O's so far last night.

Had tried yesterday morning to get my prostate to the electric buzz, but no matter what I did, it just wouldn't go there. It was definitely being aroused, but something was blocking it.

Met my new friend Helix-Syn

Monday the Helix-Syn arrived and I wanted to check it out so I made it home a couple hours before the wife. The Helix Syn is like a work of art. I did not know how I would do as I started massaging with the Progasm Ice and just had a sleep over with it. Well my new buddy Helix was right at home. It rockets in to your center and doesn't know when to quit. I was surprised how good it feels. I had my first mini dry orgasm! Yep I feel good with my progress. I looked down my dick got harder and thick and I had to check if I had cum. I try to lay on my side with the top leg bent for most sessions. I do try some other positions before I end it. I also learned from the groups on here just slow down and feel things easy. My buddy knows what to do.

Well the wife called coming home I tell her I am in the pool and I just could not take the new Helix-Syn out so thats where she found me sitting in the pool. I found laying with my back on the noodle and cheeks on the in pool bench or steps I could just balance and everything was nice. I did not want to leave the pool :( wife came home got in the pool got out and I am still doing my balancing act with a smile on my face.

Tantric sex

I’m a bit disillusioned with orgasming using the aneros method. I have had some good success but it seems to take hours of effort to get any returns at the moment, probably just me. I have been meaning to read about tantric sex for a while and found some good information this morning; it’s similar to what I am doing but involves direct masturbation or sex and subverting energies away from a normal ejaculatory orgasm, together with energy circulation. What I like about it is the emphasis on meditation and energy circulation rather than the rather vague technique of aneros.

I tried it quickly and managed to get 2 quick dry orgasm before I accidentally ejaculated. That was quite a good start. I tried again later in the day and managed to get into a continuous state of orgasm with a few small prostate contractions but I was frightened of ejaculating, possibly concentrating on that too much, and of course ended up ejaculating )again!(. I am going to keep experimenting, and try to circulate the energy more, at least I am guaranteed an orgasm of some sort each time I do it, so in many ways it is way better than the aneros technique.

I meditated again today and managed to hold some long periods of a clear mind. I gave up after only 20 minutes because my mind was starting to chatter too much.

Third time is a charm?

So finally I had some free time with no one else home. As usual, I lubed up the Ice, laid on my left side, and gradually nudged the Ice inside. This time, I felt more relaxed, and as I clenched the anal sphincter muscles tightly to the point of fatigue several times, on the last time out of 5 or 6 times, when I released I pinched both nipples and then felt some p-waves and twitching as if a dry orgasm was going to start. I repeated this process a few times, clenching to the point of fatigue, and on then on the last time I got a slight sense of a dry orgasm. Also what I did differently was lay on my back, knees bent, alternating between thrusting upward with my cock and balls between my legs and then not between my legs as I thrust my pelvic area upward while clenching. The sensations were great, and I felt my entire lower area become aroused. Unfortunately, I got too aroused, and since it had been nearly two weeks without release, I could not resist the urge to grab a hold of my now pulsating rock hard cock and finish the job. I nearly shot my chin with one of the most intense orgasms I've had in awhile by myself. While the ending was great and all, it was not really what I had planned, but given the progress from start to finish, I'll take it. No longer feeling stressed from life's challenges, I can now go to work with a smile on my face.

Cock Craving Continued

Your anus is contracting and sucking on my finger as the precum drools from your lurching cock; it is semi erect and I hanging helplessly between your thighs as the mmo tugs mercilessly on it. At the same time excruciating pleasure is flooding your anus as it sucks as much in as it can. Your face is buried in the bed as ecstasy tortures you with unbridled glee. You thrust your convulsing anus out at me as if offering it to me will make the exquisite anguish of deep anal orgasm either increase or go away; you cannot make up your mind which you want.

After 20 minutes of the most agonizing rapture that a man could ever be expected to endure I remove my finger from your gaping hole. I marvel at how red and swollen it is. However I don’t waste much time admiring the view and instead lay down next to you on the bed so my face is adjacent to your knees and my own pelvis is next to your head. Then carefully urging you back to reality I guide your knee over my head and you lift your arm to allow my pelvis to slide under your face. I am on my back with my face underneath your suspended cock and your face is between my thighs just inches from my own lust engorged penis.

Seasons of My Sexuality

As you can read from the previous posts my sexuality is a complex thing. Like the seasons it transforms itself within the measure of a year, each season bringing its unique conditions, qualities and sensibilities. The torrid heat of desire for a woman and the vulgar intimacy of being with a man each bring their own memorable pleasure that resonates in the moment but lingers as an echoing memory; both harden my cock and make it ache with need. The calming chill of ecstasy and the urgency of arousal also speak to the sense of sexual seasons that I experience.

Homoerotic desire is one of those seasons that swings in and out of my life like the much anticipated chill of fall in the end of a sultry summer. Yet at the beginning of a summer with the anticipation of bathing in searing feminine sexual lust fantasies of sex with a man seem like a distant activity like raking leaves would seem in June.

The thought of male intimacy ebbs and flows. When it surfaces it finds me like a butterfly seeks a bloom. It is silent. I never know when it will land on me. The desire for male intimacy is so mysterious and secretive that one night as I lay naked in bed it lands on me, seeking my sticky male stamen. It finds me with grace and elegance that belies its masculine character; it alights on my wetted swollen cockhead which is exuding the sweet nectar of my arousal.

Quiet, but nice

I'm meditating regularly. Yesterday I was circulating energy into my sacrum and up my spine, I suddenly got an immense surge in my lower back during the day, I thought at last the real Kundalini is on its way, and was able to meditate immediately and I concentrated on the feeling. It became very powerful but nothing broke through. I really think that I have to be careful.
My theory is that my original experience was forced in that I pushed energy up through my chest and into my head and triggered a partial Kundalini. It went through the wrong channel rather than rising up my spine.
The lesson learnt from yesterday is that you can't force it, much like trying to force an orgasm. If I am not ready for it, I am not ready for it. I have decided that it will happen naturally if I work on meditation, relaxation and positivity. It might take years but it will come when it is ready.

I'm also having slight difficulty with dry O's again. I'm sure it's because I tried to force a Kundalini yesterday and I have put things out of balance again. I certainly haven't got anywhere near a super-O again yet. I feel like it's a prize waiting for me once I have balanced myself sufficiently and it will happen when I have truly given in and accepted myself and that I'm not in control.

Corona Stim & Dry-O's

Had a weird experience last night and this morning.

I had a two hour session last night stimulating my penis topside corona. The position I use is two fingertips just under the edge of the glans. When my dick's hard, there's a little depression valley that runs around the penis there, just below the glans. With fingertips in that valley, I just jiggle them lightly back & forth )toward then away from penis tip(. If I do this and play with my nipples, there's a p-wave that extends from my penis top down the base and shoots probably into my prostate.

With the other hand, I play with one or the other of my nipples. Usually, the fingers on my nipple hand are doing a "run in place" manuever lightly )twiggling( on the skin where they are.

So I was playing with that and got the thought that I could walk the pleasure around my dick by moving my nipple hand around )while keeping up the corona stim with the other hand(. So I walked my nipple hand )twiggling all the way( down progressively to the abs skin just above the base of my penis )2 in up toward chest(, because that's normally an extremely sensitive area for me.

When I did that, the electric pleasure MOVED from my penis head, progressively down the shaft and sort of went down into my prostate. Really felt good. I could stay there a while, but I think if I stay there too long, it arouses the pathways that lead to ejaculation. )Because I ejaculated one other day playing around there too much.(

Had Penis corona Dry-O.

Saw a post on the site about the area around the upper corona on the penis being somewhere you could play with to orgasm, so figured I'd try it.

I'd started out playing with my nipples since found that really has a prostate pleasure connection. Got tired with that, and looked on the forum to see if anyone ever experienced pain in their nipples the day after playing with them.

Instead found a post )sorry, don't have a link( talking about using the topside )abs side( penis corona.

So started touching and rubbing a little there. Took a good 15-20 minutes before I felt anything at all. Then I felt one pleasure twinge, and so I figgured it'd just be a matter of time, so I continued and it was.

For me, it seems like its a little harder to start up pleasure feelings there. but I guess with more use, my brain will realize what I'm up to quicker.

So once I started feeling pleasure, I experimented with what to do. Seems like feather touches to the outer edge of the Glans there can REALLY cause high pleasure points. Anyway, once while feeling one of those, I remembered the guy said you could just press on the sensitive area in the corona. So I put my finger there and pressed the penis down onto my scrotum )was erect, but not fully(. It felt mildly good, but no fireworks. Then I remembered I had to let it build, so just lay there focusing and enjoying, and I kept up playing with my nipples.