Eupho Trident Syn or Helix Trident?

Previously I’d tried various methods to find my prostate but I’d never been able to feel anything noticeable.

Thus I decided to get some help from Aneros, but which should I go with? The Helix have a much larger head but I’m not sure is it gonna have any significant difference in experience compared to Eupho.

Also, Is the ABS plastic better interms of durability compared to the Syn?


Quick question

Quick question guys, I have recently been using the helix, I used to have a eupho and had no avail, however with the helix Ive noticed I get amazing feeling that feel abit like a release of energy, they feel great, I’m wondering if this is the super I we all desire or if this is just the build up.

I tend to get a feeling of needing to tense alot, and then lots of pleasure through my body and then that feeling when you have a random shiver you need to get rid of, similar to this.

First session using whippets

Following a recent post from u/accomplishedJuice5, I decided to try a new combination; hitting whippets in combination with poppers. I’m a long time poppers user, and have had many amazing super-Os triggered by a hit of poppers. According to aj5, hitting some nitrous before the poppers adds a whole new dimension to the experience.

Being a whippet newbie, I had to first buy a whipped cream charger, a pack of whippets, and some punching bag balloons. Luckily, my local sex shop had all the supplies needed. I bought a ten-pack of whippets, but only needed two in the first session.

I started the session last night with my Eupho Trident, while watching some VR porn. Everything felt great, and after a short warm-up, I loaded up the first balloon, and inhaled the entire thing. I was only able to hold it in for 20 seconds or so, and took a pair of deep breaths to get the oxygen flowing, before taking a deep hit from my sippy-cup of poppers. As reported by accomplishedJuice5, this triggered an incredible series of super-Os that lasted 4-5 minutes.

Once the first cascade faded, I repeated the whippet/popper cycle, and was again almost instantly enveloped in another amazing super-O cascade, even longer and more powerful than the first. I remember thinking that I had to tell myself today just how incredible these orgasms were; definitely some of the best I’ve ever experienced.

Still finding new levels of pleasure!

Last night I spent a few hours with my Eupho Syn. I am accustomed now to getting pleasurable sensations almost immediately upon insertion. In fact, even pulling out my toy bag the anticipation of a session can start the mini Os before insertion.

I’ve had a bunch of Super Os in the past several months but last night I was hit with something new.

Already having had a couple hours of ecstasy, the pleasure was not relenting even after multiple Super Os of maybe 10-15 second duration and several hand-assisted wet orgasms along the way.

I noticed a different pressure suddenly build at one point late in the game and it was uncomfortable unlike most sensations I get from the toys. I didn’t have long to ponder the discomfort, though, because within moments I felt like a balloon was quickly being inflated inside my ass and the uncomfortable pressure turned directly into the most intense full body experience I’ve ever had. From head to toe I was on fire and filled with electricity for several minutes straight. I could barely even breathe and was worried I would pass out or have cardiac arrest from how direct and intense the pleasure was! I think the duration was limited only by how long I could hang on before falling apart.

I’m in awe of the possibilities with these simple devices! Just when I thought I’d reached the peak experience, I level up again!

Added a dildo to my Aneros collection

I am 71, and have been on my journey for a couple of years now, with some great success. I have enjoyed many amazing sessions filled with super-Os. I have several Aneros toys; Eupho Trident, MGX Trident, Helix Trident, Progasm Ice, Vice 2 and Peridise, and enjoy them all. I have the nJoy wand, pFun plug and the Ergo super soft plug, small and large. But I’m always searching for new ways to enjoy my awakened prostate.

I’ve been reading accounts of men getting great orgasmic results from riding a dildo, and a couple days ago I bought a 6” realistically modeled silicone dildo from Blush Novelties ( the D Thang model, in hot pink, linked above). This dildo has a prostate-positive curve to it and a strong suction cup base. It is 1.25” in diameter and has a 6” insertable length.

I have had three sessions with the new dildo so far, and each session was simply amazing! My setup allows me to ride the dildo doggie style on my knees with my chest supported on a low ottoman. I can thrust into the dildo easily, and can take the entire 6” length, until the balls on the dildo slap my ass.

Buying Advice Needed

I am looking at adding to my collection. I currently have the Helix Syn Trident and the Progasm. I like my Progasm the most for HFWOs and in general, but the trident is better if I am just going for the multiple O’s. I was looking at getting the Tempo and possibly the Eupho Syn Trident. How do these two stack up against what I have now, what are the pro’s and cons, and are they worth buying?


Asking For Advice re: CompariSYN Special Offer

Gonna get my “second first” Aneros (I had the original MGX? way back maybe 10 years ago; probably gave up on it too soon tried it out for a few weeks and got impatient). I was intrigued by the special offer of getting the Helix Syn Trident plus another non-silicone Trident model; Helix, Maximus, MGX, & Eupho, for just US$99.95

Getting two versions of the Helix seems like a waste. I’d appreciate some input before I buy. Not really new to prostate play, or the Aneros. But I’m approaching this like a beginner. Thoughts on what to bundle with the Helix Syn Trident?


Reach for the Floor! (or, An Uncommon Path to Awakening the Prostate) Part II (Cross posted from r/prostateplay

Part II – The Equipment

I have learned what types of pleasure my ass likes, and what types it loves. I have figured out through trial and error which types of toys work for me. And trial and error is really the only way to discover your toy preferences. Here are some concise reviews of the notable items in my toy drawer to help you in choosing your toys.

**Aneros Helix Trident** – This is a common Aneros to start with. The length and diameter of the Helix is a good ‘average’ and should give you some idea of what toys you may prefer based on your prostate’s location. The springiness of the Trident model helps with locating the toy on my prostate once I got better muscle control. Like most Aneros, this toy can quickly become uncomfortable to sit on for me but I can walk in it for miles. As in a 6 mile hike on uneven trails. Solid toy, would recommend if you are willing to work at it. Easy to insert and easy to clean.

**Aneros Eupho** – Thinner, longer, and more specific than the Helix. As is often commented, this toy is all about the delicate and gentle touch. This is a twitchy precision instrument and required patience for me to learn how to move this toy without overpowering it. I have days when I simply am not relaxed enough to use this toy effectively. The Eupho basically requires you to have excellent muscle tone and control for best results. Typically this is used for a gentle warm up or a long gentle meditative session.

Eupho Trident | Progasm | Vice2

I have a Eupho Trident | Progasm | Vice2. Bought in that order lol.

The trident was fun when i first got it but it really pokes my pspot a lot and i also wanted something fuller so I bought The progasm and hah it would fill me up and rest everywhere but kinda hard to control. I then bought the vice2 just to feel vibrations for fun but it has had me appreciate my progasm a lot more. (I should have bought and njoy wand 🤦🏻‍♂️) I haven’t really super o’d with out stimulation but when I finish with the progasm inside it’s amazing when done right.

Also since playing with the vice2 a lot I’ve been easily playing with the progasm now. It’s been a trip. Wanna try using some Shea butter soon 🧈

Although being honest i wish i went with a wand to explore and practice more. I do like my vice2 though but I noticed I settle for the progasm more.

Wonder when I’ll appreciate my Eupho Trident 😕

How are your toys?

Prostate orgasms for HOURS everyday for a week in a hotel. Here’s what I did…

About me: I’ve posted on Reddit before about my experiences, so feel free to read through those. I’m <30 y/o. Gay male. Bought my first Aneros SGX in 2009, forgot about it for a few years, and then in 2013 started picking up more Aneros models until now. My new fav models: Eupho Syn Trident, Progasm, and Peridise.

**tl;dr:** I used my Aneros everyday for a week in a hotel room and orgasmed for hours everyday. I did some great things and learned some great things. Sessions are only getting better with each use. Life is great.

A few weeks ago, I was away on business and stayed in a hotel for a week. I brought my Aneros ended up using it every night with incredible results (I have videos that I will upload at some point). It was during this time that I really had a chance to discover myself, my body, my prostate, and how to really use the Aneros to its fullest potential. I had back to back dry orgasms lasting 1-3 hours every night, and finished off with hands-free wet orgasms every time because I get really bad blue-balls if I don’t cum. I alternated between Eupho Syn Trident and Progasm.

What I did:

1) Got myself really horny throughout the day by watching porn and surfing Reddit, but never touched my dick

2) Practiced kegels throughout the day