Following a recent post from u/accomplishedJuice5, I decided to try a new combination; hitting whippets in combination with poppers. I’m a long time poppers user, and have had many amazing super-Os triggered by a hit of poppers. According to aj5, hitting some nitrous before the poppers adds a whole new dimension to the experience.
Being a whippet newbie, I had to first buy a whipped cream charger, a pack of whippets, and some punching bag balloons. Luckily, my local sex shop had all the supplies needed. I bought a ten-pack of whippets, but only needed two in the first session.
I started the session last night with my Eupho Trident, while watching some VR porn. Everything felt great, and after a short warm-up, I loaded up the first balloon, and inhaled the entire thing. I was only able to hold it in for 20 seconds or so, and took a pair of deep breaths to get the oxygen flowing, before taking a deep hit from my sippy-cup of poppers. As reported by accomplishedJuice5, this triggered an incredible series of super-Os that lasted 4-5 minutes.
Once the first cascade faded, I repeated the whippet/popper cycle, and was again almost instantly enveloped in another amazing super-O cascade, even longer and more powerful than the first. I remember thinking that I had to tell myself today just how incredible these orgasms were; definitely some of the best I’ve ever experienced. Read more »