Help me choose an aneros

Ive had progasm ice which I’ve lost. I have a trident eupho which i cant get access to because isolation. So I’d need a new one.

Ive been considering trident helix, Trident maximus or progasm jr (as I couldn’t get ice to move much, but when I achieved it once before losing it gosh it moved)

I also have an issue with the k tab on the eupho being far too low compared to what I remember with my old progasm, so I’m a bit worried the other trident line would have this issue.

I need help choosing one.
Thank you kindly.

Amazing session

The farther I travel on this journey, the better it gets! Last nights session was beyond amazing. As my prostate awakens I find that I can tell when a session is going to be good. I start feeling a wam dull ache in my pelvis that tells me the prostate is wanting attention. I definitely felt that signal last night.
I think that my pre-session preparation rituals are also important in having a successful session. I start off an hour before with taking my supplement stack, which includes Horny Goat Weed, L-Arginine, Maca root, Saw Palmetto, and others. After a warm shower, I consume about 50 mg of edible, high-THC cannabis. I pre-lube with a homemade coconut oil suppository. I start building arousal with some edging to a bit of porn. When I feel the THC kick in, I insert my first Aneros device. Last night that was my Eupho Trident.
Sometimes the Eupho gives me terrific Pgasms, but last night it it didn’t kick the session into high gear, so after 15 minutes of the do-nothing approach I switched it out with my Helix Trident. I started getting some Pwaves almost instantly. Once I start getting good feelings in my prostate I start doing hits on my popper bottle. After that first hit last night I tried to drop into my deepest relaxation and erase any expectation and welcome whatever my prostate decides to give me and the first big orgasm hits like a runaway freight train and lasted a good 2 minutes. I know, I watched the tape…
A second hit of popper triggers another 2+ minutes of orgasm. I remember thinking, “This is the best it’s ever been!” just before the next peak in intensity felt twice as good!
At a break in the action I swapped in my Progasm, always one of my favorites. As before, another couple of popper hits led to two breathtakingly massive orgasms over another 5 minutes time. Needing a break, I removed old faithful and just relaxed, enjoying the involuntaries that were making my anus twitch, and the warm glow coming off my prostate, asking for more.
Finally, I inserted my nJoy pFun to end the session with a bang, as it were. Damn, that plug is amazing! The three big Os that followed were, here I go again, “the best ever!” I am pretty vocal during these orgasms, and these had me sobbing, laughing hysterically, and moaning in pleasure all at once. All this time, my cock had been pretty hard, unusual for my typical session, but not this time. I was able to end on a high note with a great super-T. This morning I came again as my wife gave oral while I stroked with the small end of my PureWand. I don’t know how something a can just keep getting better over time like this and never top out!

PFun Plug

I consider myself an advanced (between beginner and expert) aneros user. I have a MGX Trident, Tempo, Progasm, and Eupho. I have the most consistent pleasure with the tempo so I tried the eupho as it is angled and more aggressive with movement and I get nearly nothing out of it. I get the second most from the progasm.

So I ordered a Njoy Pfun plug. I love the heavy steel of the tempo and the size and aggression of the progasm, so the Pfun seems like the perfect combination.

Any users here? Any advice before my first ride? I have pretty good control of my various muscles.

I think I am getting close. Need some advice

I have been using Aneros on and off for a couple of years now. I have been really close for a year now (I guess) but I have not made it yet. I still have some fun s and each session is a pleasant experience. I have the Helix Syn and the Eupho trident right now. My default position has always been on my back with the legs close to my knees. Since I haven’t been close recently, I thought I would try laying on my side.

So, last night I took a warm shower and slid in the eupho. I was just relaxing and listening to some GW audio. I could suddenly feel my prostrate (or at least something down there) buzzing and feeling warm. I kept concentrating on that and suddenly my body went into a series of convulsions. I let them go over me and would relax my muscles and the next one would hit. I had that happen around 7-8 times before it subsided. While this is similar to how a lot of people would describe the super O, it didnt feel that pleasurable. So I would like to know if that was the super O or if I should be doing something when the convulsions start. Thanks for any feedback.

Ordered an Eupho Trident, and an MGX Trident arrived…

Hello people, as you can read, I finally decided to purchase a new Aneros toy, and after a year using an Helyx (which leaves me sore and, yes, it’s been great as a first toy, but I wanted a different, more advanced experience now) I decided to get an Eupho.

However, the on-line retailer sent me an MGX. What a surprise when I opened the bag and the box (with the QR code and the box with magnets, I mean, it is authentic) contains an MGX. I am curious because I imagined it smaller? But now I’m not sure if I will keep it, or just return it and ask the model I purchased.

Honestly my intention was to get the Eupho because people talk very good things about it, and I wanted a less aggressive experience than the Helyx. But now I’m reading that the Eupho is super subtle and maybe I won’t notice it. So maybe the MGX is a good fit after all…

What’s your opinion about those two Aneros? Keep the MGX or return it to get my Eupho?

The Quick and Dirty Path to the Super-O

Taken from the Aneros forum, from user CaveOfMystery… With all the problems inherent to their forums, I thought this should exist outside the forum, lest it should disappear one day… Enjoy and good luck:

The purpose of this post is hopefully to help a few people who are not getting the results they hoped for with their Aneros. By no means will these techniques necessarily guarantee you a Super-O, but they may help you on your journey.

I bought my Aneros models a couple of years ago (Eupho and Helix) and during that time they were a point of curiosity but nothing more. I didn’t do a whole lot with them, and I didn’t really do deep reading on either device. The few times I used them, they provided some interesting sensations, Super-Ts, and the like, but nothing close to a Super-O. In fact I pretty much thought a Super-O was a Super-T. I did do some reading in the forums, but when I read the accounts of the Super-Os, I thought they were impossible exaggerations designed to hype an overpriced piece of plastic. Boy was I WRONG.

Recently I’ve revisited these devices with incredible results. This time I went through and read everything, the Wiki, forum posts, etc. I took note of the advice and set off to see if I could get these doohickeys to fulfill their ultimate purpose… The Super-O.

Next step after Helix Trident.

Well, now I’m going to purchase my second Aneros. I’ve only had one, the Helix Trident. With that toy I’ve had great sessions and joy, but also lately it was leaving me sore and with some discomfort on my low area. I think it is a bit too big.

Few moths ago I was planning to purchase the Progasm Jr. but I definitely won’t because I don’t think bigger is better at least in my case. At first maybe I don’t notice heavily the prostate but when I get aroused, my prostate grows much bigger? And I feel like there’s no enough room. And I don’t want to injure myself.

So the two Aneros that I am considering is the Eupho, or the MGX, one of them. I feel I should’ve started with the MGX but anyways the helix has been fun anyways. It’s just that I haven’t achieved great experiences, and just once I was near of what we call a “calm sea climax”, nothing more.

My Helix is not a syn version, and I’ve been thinking that, on a Syn version the P-tab will probably hurt less on my taint. With my Helix it ends up hurting after a couple of hours. And I don’t want to damage my pudendum nerves, which go through the perineum. I’ve read that Syn versions are made of a rubber coating, and the P-tab is flexible so it bounces and it doesnt hurt as much. I love the texture of the regular Helix, but anyway, I think maybe it is time to try a Syn version.

Finally, some great progress!!

So I’ve had a helix syn trident for about a year. I sorta felt some good stuff, like a couple waves of pleasure and like a feeling like an electric shock running up my dick when I flex and it’s been in for an hour or so. I wasn’t quite ready to give up yet because what I had felt up to this point was nice. So, I order a eupho trident. Well, holy shit. It’s like a whole new world of possibilities. Those sorta nice feelings I felt over the first year with the helix all hit at once within the first five minutes with the eupho in. I’m honestly just really excited lol. I didn’t have a hands free wet orgasm, but I think I might have had my first dry ones. It felt so nice and I’m just really looking forward to learning what my body can do with the eupho. I guess my body is just build for this one!