Stuck on a plateau? Here’s what finally worked for me, no substances or special tricks needed

Some background: I’ve been using Aneros on and off since November. I’ve been practicing kegels regularly since then, too. In that time, I’ve had one strong prostate orgasm, a few weak ones, and a lot of “close but not there” frustration. The strong orgasm I had happened maybe a month in while drunk and I had very little idea what I was doing or what was working. I couldn’t replicate it at all.

I was frustrated that I had to fantasize hard or really focus on porn to feel like I’m getting “close”, or that I had to drink or be on some other substance. The former is a bit of a strain and the latter is not something you want to make a habit.

Now, I’ve been spending a few hours on Aneros each day since Friday, and I haven’t masturbated since last Tuesday. I think that helped. I use the Aneros Helix Syn with a fairly large amount of lube (I use a lube shooter). I didn’t do any special relaxation technique, nor did I try any nipple play.

What finally worked for me was:

1. Sitting on the bed, knees bent and up, legs kind of spread outward so your knees can be together without them tipping over

2. Listening to music. Any music on youtube that claims to be good for meditating, relaxing, or focusing should be fine. I think it helps keep part of your brain occupied

Buzzing all the time now

A bit of background!

I’ve been exploring prostate play almost daily for the last two years. I started out with a 4-sized plug kit—the same plugs I first had a super-o with at my initiation into prostate play when I subbed for a femme hookup. It was an incredible experience to spend hours just slowly massaging and working up.

I’ve never had the same super-o again, but have learned so much and rewired extensively with other plugs and toys. For a while, I have been hooked on anal orgasms that come from thrusting and girth.

But I missed the delicacy that lead to the super—o. I got a progasm last week, and the sessions are incredible.

During a lot of anal play in the past, I wouldn’t get an erection at all. I would leak, and have p-waves, and sometimes dry o’s.

With the progasm, I am rock hard almost the entire time. I didn’t know I could leak that much seminal fluid. I’m a wet mess after 30 minutes of just breathing and light kegels.

Better yet, it feels so much healthier? My prostate is buzzing all the time. Every day. All day. There’s an extremely comforting relaxation and stretch that remains after my sessions.

I think I’m going to hang up my other toys for a while! I just feel so connected to my own body these days, and am really impressed with how well the progasm is shaped to turn me into a mess

should I do kegel exercise while aneros is in?

Hey guys, I just got my first aneros today and I am very excited to give it a proper go tonight. Also, I am new to kegel exercises, but I find them quite pleasurable and it makes me wanna train my PC muscle.

Should I do my kegels exercises with my aneros in every once in a while? I’ve just done a few trainings with an app and it felt a lot better than I expected (my hands were trembling and my knees were weak. Never felt that before lol). However, I am afraid if I continue doing this I will neither train nor enjoy the device properly.

I would very much appreciate if you guys could share any thoughts!

Advice for a noobie

Hi, I have been using Aneros Helix Syn for months now, attempting for a handsfree orgasm – yet so far unsuccessfully. I practice kegels regularly, work out a lot, eat healthy and still not there… Basically, I can feel some sensations when I focus on flexing my prostate, but I am clueless about what to do to actually reach the O. I tried so many tactics on this, relaxing my prostate, flexing my prostate(on various speeds) for 10%, 30%, 50%, 100%, holding it on 100% for 20s(kegels), repeatedly. I abstain from masturbation, I tried using enhancing substances, watching porn, listening to ASMR porn… so it is not about me not being horny enough, my testosterone is through the roof…I just try to follow the sensations whenever they start feeling a bit better but they last just a while before disappearing, but I simply cant reach the end.

Also, I have grade 3 bilateral varicocele clearly visible on both testes, so that might affect my endeavor, too.

Will be glad to hear any advices from more skilled than me and from the pros as well

Thanks a lot

Reached a Plateau again..

Month 7 . I’ve continued my sessions and got some progress, but I’m still not there. I don’t think I’ve had p-waves; I haven’t had strong ones anyway

Progress: I feel that I have awakened my butt (Pc already awake). I sometimes get radiating sensations around anus when I have a session or when I try kegels . At times the pleasure starts extending up the area underneath my pubic area. But I haven’t had any overwhelming pleasure. Haven’t visited cloud 9. I have involuntaries of varying pleasure (could be as low as no pleasure). I also have what I’ll call second nature contractions . I kind of just think of a contraction pattern and my body does it in pretty much the same way that involuntaries happen. I don’t really have any conscious effort being put into the contraction. Both of these at least start off on the gentler and short side and change intensity on their own;

Not exactly progress, but my legs sometimes shake more frequently when I am on my back with my legs spread, feet flat on the bed.

What I have done differently: I practice what I believe are kegels and reverse kegels. I am not sure I am doing them correctly, but…I got a new toy:the eupho trident. For now, it is my favorite toy since its use coincided with my butt awakening. I like the way it’s p-tab naturally rests on my perineum/taint. I feel I have to manipulate my helix trident to do the same.

Kegel vibrations

I have been practicing my kegels without any toys and getting good feeling vibrations (muscle spasms) as I contract – can make it last for 10-20mins or more . I am getting a bit of Precum leaking while doing this.

Is this a sign I am on the right path?

I presume when I next get time to insert my Aneros Helix Trident, I will be able to move things up a level.

Love to here from more experienced guys what they think.

My prostate seems to be dead after long break from Aneros… any help?

Long story short: after a long break (that was because of health problems) I don’t feel anything when using Aneros (helix syn)

So I’ve bought Aneros helix syn in the late 2019 and since beggining I was achieving amazing effects with dry orgasms, mind blowing waves etc… I took then a break ( I think something like 3 months till late 2020) and then I still was having great time using it. I’ve got to the point where I would feel that amazing ‘twitching’ feeling where your ass would literally ask to put aneros in and as soon as I put it in Ive felt amazing pleasure ..

During that year (2020) I was taking med drug called isotretinoin (skin problems) and had worse libido from time to time but it didn’t really affect my aneros sessions , I could had sex the same day and later in the day still achieve great results.

Then I’ve stopped taking isotretinoin (as my treatment was over) and after 2 weeks I’ve had some diarrhea problems that led to problems with my anus because my skin was dry (isotretinoin side effect). I’ve even visited a doctor to check if I’ve got hemorrhoids or something because the little pain and discomfort in that zone was still present and it lasted some time.

Where are my sensations on a scale from 1 to 10?

I have a question on where I am at in the journey?

I inserted the Helix and watched TV for about 1/2 hour. Once in a while I would do a mild kegel and get good feedback but mostly tried to ignore it.

Next step was to turn the TV off and lay on my stomach. Started holding half strength kegels. At some point my body took over and I started shaking. Weird feeling. After a bit, my body fully clinched on the Helix without any effort on my part to tighten. I mean really clinch, my innards and my core muscles were as tight as I can imagine. I would force myself to relax and catch my breath. After about 5 seconds I would go into another half strength kegel and hold it. My body would take over and go back into the fully clinched mode. It was great. I did that over and over until I was to exhausted to keep going.

When I was in a fully clinched state, it felt great but I don’t know what condition I was in? Body O, Supper O, Just feeling great?

First Super-O…my god…

Been using the trident syn for a few months now with mixed results. Until last night had better success and achieved multiple prostate O’s Aless, but I knew there was more to be unlocked with the toy…boy, was I right…

I started Aless with no real intention of inserting the toy (I think this “lack of expectation” that everyone talks about is key). I had a few drinks earlier in the night and smoked some weed. The Aless was going pretty well, but nothing mindblowing, so I decided to take a ride.

Fingered myself with some lube and the toy seemed to slide in alot easier than usual. It wasn’t a crazy active session from the start. On my back, feeling most of what I usually do…some good vibes, things building, trying my best to stay relaxed and not “scare” the feelings away. This went on for an hour or so and I figured I was on my way to another decent but not great session. I decided to change positions and lay on my side on the couch….

The next part is when things got interesting and my mind was blown…let me start by saying there’s alot of talk on these forums about labeling feelings and how to tell a wave, from an O, from a super-O and how to tell where you are in the journey…when you reach the super, you will know…there is no mistaking what my body went through…

Toy recommendation after Lelo Hugo?

I bought a Lelo Hugo a while ago and find I can not really reach a PO because I lose sensations just at the edge (or at least what feels like the edge). Now I’m looking at Aneros toys but I can’t really wrap my head around what makes each model different and which model would fit me. Could anyone help push me in the right direction?

Helpful information:

I have anal experience with a few FunFactory toys (Stronic Drei/3 and Tiger G5), Lelo Hugo and an assortment of dildos. I love the feeling of fullness but I don’t know whether that really adds anything for a PO.
I sort of did my kegels, I think my muscles down there are at least a bit trained. Getting into regular training though so I guess I still have some work to do before they really are there, control and strength wise.
Love weed and find it puts me into a sort of zone that is helpful, but I also feel it might keep me from getting over the edge.

I hope this is enough info for anyone to help me a bit. Thanks so much in advance and I look forward to your reactions 🙂