Reflections on My First Session

Reposted from the forum…

First of all, thank you for the kind encouragement and comments. From what I have read on this forum so far it is apparent that the members who post here are extremely supportive. On this journey, which in and of itself is ultimately a personal and solitary endeavor, having others to share experiences and insights with is vital.

I may take up the offer of starting a blog of my progress. I think it would be of general and personal interest.

As a brief follow up to today’s session, I wanted to touch on a few things. The most immediate is the “state” I find myself inhabiting. By “state” I mean my current emotional/psychological condition. I find it extraordinary that the feelings of well-being continue to persist. Throughout the day, I have reflected not a few times on how good I feel. I have been under the heavy cloud of depression for most of my adult life. I have taken medication for it. I have practiced meditation. I have experienced contentment and quiet joy at various times through medication and meditation. What I experienced today was very much like those occurrences. The major difference is that I haven’t been on medication in over four years or meditated for even longer.

Who could imagine a supposed medical/sexual device as an instrument of mental well-being? Though it’s early yet in my exploration, this first experience bodes well for this kind of application.

Experience, The First

I'm jump starting this blog by reposting my forum entries…

I recently bought a Helix after considerable reading here and on the web. Today, with the house to myself (a rare occasion), I thought I’d give it a try. Going into the session, I had in the back of my mind all the positive experiences I’ve read about. The negative ones were there as well. I though of them as guideposts along a middle path—one I would endeavor to travel with an open mind. I wanted this to be my own experience, not set against the expectations, hopes, and dreams (achieved or not) of those who went before me. There would, of course, be similarities in my experience, since the journey covers familiar terrain, and we are all human.

Guideposts. Markers along the way. With those acknowledged, I began…

I’ll not detail the usual prep and position—just that I lubed sufficiently, lay on my right side, right leg straight, left bent at the knee. I lay with the Helix within me for around 10 minutes. It did not feel uncomfortable—merely a sense of pressure (or fullness).

I began some gentle contractions of the sphincter. I felt pressure and then slightly more pressure. My penis moved with each contraction but did not become erect. At this point in the session, perhaps 15 – 20 minutes after insertion, I would categorize my experience as being minimal.


I thought I would start an entry in this section as my posts lately, in the Forum, have been a bit depressing. Why depressing you might ask – well, I'm on my 5th month, and to date I've only experience some interesting waves of sensations, (no Big-O) – BUT, these are significant. They are unlike anything I have ever experienced, and completely engulf my body. The other point that you should know is that these waves are full body. Let me explain. I meditate on a regular basis. Meditation, when done correctly, can bring about deeply eurphoric feelings that wash over you, (by the way – those are highly effective at healing the mind/brain and body.) The sensations that I've experienced with the Aneros very similar to the meditative states that I've experienced. It's like an interesting high that washes over the entire body, and it's pleasurable.

I can't even begin to image what a full-blown Super-O is all about – but I bet its VERY good.

I'm hopeful that I'll get over the top and complete my re-wiring soon.

In my case – rest and relaxation are the keys. I really can't relax enough during the week to really enjoy a session so the weekends are the best for me.

More later.

If you're a newbie to this experience – do your best to enter this realm of male (prostate based) orgasm with an open mind, and above all Do NOT HAVE EXPECTATIONS.

Parting words

Do to the number of requests I’ve received I’ve decided to leave this forum, so here are my parting thoughts.

The Aneros is a toy.
Yes some of you use it for prostate health, but the main focus of this forum is using it for pleasure, which makes it a sex toy.

The Aneros is not the Holy Grail of prostate massagers. I know this is an Aneros Forum, but its still sickening to listen to people almost worshiping it. Stop making your posts sound like your making a paid infomercial.

All models are not the same; out of the box the Progasm is the only Aneros product that worked for me. Modified I also like the Helix. So if yours isn’t working for you after 3 months max. Try something else and yes some other brands work just as well.

If you haven’t achieved a super O within 12 months, something is wrong. Either there is something wrong with you or you need to find a different path.

I really liked Darwin’s idea about the Aneros men’s club, but it missed the mark. It should be the men’s sexual awareness clinic where guys can help other guys achieve their sexual potential and would include using the Aneros. I have helped a friend achieve the super O and it was almost as exciting for me as it was for him. Someone else has recently asked me to help him reach the super O, so who knows, I hope mentoring will catch on.