ed's journey

well, this session was good–there was no dead time with no feelings–i prelubed with jelly and lubed the mgx with albolene–the tab had the 1/4 in hot glue and it was inside a ping pong ball–the feelings started almost immediately while i was on my back to relax–i think i have some good techniques now, that seem to be working–i found out today that when i fully relax and my legs start to tighten up or i have twitches shooting off all over them so i can't relax fully, i can slap or pat them on the upper part and the feelings will continue–the jiggling or slapping doesn't disturb the continuation of the buzzing or pulsating or whatever i'm experiencing– i used to wiggle my legs but the patting or slapping is better as it not only relieves the tension but also promotes the feelings–i can also lightly tickle my lower abdomen now to promote the feelings when i'm fully involved–the feelings are not self propelling yet but at least when they appear they do not go away because of what i do to relax further–for me, complete relaxation of the ass and legs is the key to starting and promoting any feelings in the prostate and balls, etc–

I finally ordered an Aneros

One day I was surfing porn videos on xtube.com and saw a few videos of aneros users, and I was immediately intrigued.

I have already read the book "ESO: Extended Sexual Orgasm" and have been practicing edging on and off over the past couple of decades. I have also always been very aware of how my sphincter and anus feels when I am sexually aroused and also when I am ejaculating, and have practiced using my PC/Kegel muscles for awhile as well.

Another thing that I like to do, when I am aroused, is gently squeeze the head of my penis between my thumb and the first knuckle of my pointer finger, waiting about 2 seconds between each squeeze. While doing this I feel three "spasms" in my penis and sphincter. The first spasm happens in my penis which is then quickly followed by my anus constricting and then my penis flexing again. These are not huge spasm, but enough to feel really good. I don't have to be hard, just slightly aroused, for this pleasure to take place.

Originally I ordered a MGX, but right after I ordered I logged in to the aneros forum and found a poll that indicated that men had better luck with the Helix, so I canceled my order for the MGX and ordered a Helix instead. I just checked the tracking, and it should be here on Monday or Tuesday. I will try it when I get it and report my results from that session here in my blog.

ed's journey

added a little hot glue to the tab of my mgx, about 1/8 in, and put it inside a ping pong ball–got better response than without the glue but still seem to be stuck at the same place, namely when the feelings come i can't seem to relax any more to keep them going–it is very tantalizing when this occurs as it seems as though i could keep them going and get over the hump if i could stop tensing up a little with my legs–added another 1/8 inch of glue, i now have 1/4 inch on the tab–i wish i knew exactly where on the curved tab i should add it but i don't know what part of the tab contacts my body–is it simply the part of the tab opposite the stem or is it up the curve more because of the anatomy of the body there or the geometry of the tab pivoting in the rectum, thus contacting higher up the curve?–wish i knew

yesterday, 2 hrs after my session, i sat down to watch some tv and i got really pleasant echos from my workout–they were enjoyable and i was able to keep them going for about a minute or so–it felt like my prostate was engorging and pulsating

ed's journey

well, i had 2 bms this morning and i prelubed with jelly and then inserted my mgx without the hot glue, but with the tab inside a ping pong ball and didn't seem to get much action–i can only hope that i'm getting rewired from all these sessions and that someday all hell will break loose

ed's journey

lubed up the mgx with k-y again and had another session–still progressing, but only slowly–had the pulses in my ass and some other feelings in lower abdomen–like the abdominal quaking cause i believe it signifies that some rewiring is taking place and will bear fruit in the future–maybe i'm still too directional and goal oriented and not laid back, even though i relax as much as i can–one thing different was that i took some contractions very hard and held them as long as i could instead of holding only very slight contractions–i held the contraction that buried the mgx up to the hilt and gave good contact on the p-tab

ed's journey

tried the mgx like it was yesterday–not too much going on–had the ass pulses like yesterday but this time with the mgx–i think that if i could maintain the pulses for a considerable length of time it would lead to some pleasure–the pulses are surely more enjoyable than the buzzing

ed's journey

started with the modified mgx–still slow going–brought the p-tab contact point a little farther away from the stem–still where i was a week or so ago–some ass buzzing and a few dives in the ass

tried the helix, unmodified, with a little more success in that i got what i call ass pulses instead of the buzzing–the pulses are more enjoyable but harder for me to maintain–had very little considering the amount of time i used

ed's journey

well, i think part of my problem the last two days was that i was slightly constipated–today was a bit better after some bms, but not entirely satisfying–there is very little movement of my mgx–i think i will have to continue moving the contact point on the p-tab until i get constant, aggressive contact on my sweet spot–i know it's right when i get a constant buzzing in my prostate–this seems to be a critical point for me–when the contact is not there or is only slight, i don't get the increased heart rate and the buzzing in my hole–well i was never told this would be easy!

ed's journey

well i don't seem to be progressing after adding hot glue to the tab of my mgx–i think i overdid it and added way more than i had with the candle–the contact spot is now higher and closer to my balls–will cut it back and try it that way tomorrow

ed's journey

tried my modified mgx again today and it still gets the heart rate and buzz going right away–haven't been able to keep the good feelings generated long enough to string anything out, no matter how much i try to relax–but i have noticed that whenever anything happens it always gets better or remains longer if i can relax my legs more than when it starts–i guess that i should start out with the contraction a bit higher so i will have some room to come down in intensity before i run out of room and hit the completely relaxed bottom, but it seems that i have to be totally relaxed for it even to begin–it seems too that my good feelings don't start out with those shaking involuntaries that i have read about, but are rather very slight, almost unnoticeable quivers, which i guess are involuntary–i still think i should play with my sweet spot location–wish i could find my hot glue gun so i wouldn't have to use the candle, whose soot makes everything black and i suspect, of less structural integrity