I achieved MMO after two weeks. Posting my methodology in case it works for someone.

There is a lot of advice out there on achieving Multiple Male Orgasms that works to varying degrees for different people. I have heard that it takes some people months or years to achieve MMO, so I figured I would post my experience and see if it is of any help.

When I first got my Progasm, I was beating up my prostate with it because I had the misconception many people seem to have that a prostate orgasm works the same way a regular one does. It took me a bunch of failed attempts to get the message that no, I was not guaranteed an O just because I started messing around down there. The worst part about it was that it really feels like you are making progress when you are doing that, and if you keep working it as hard as you can, that "hurts so good" feeling will turn into super O's. They never do.

The Start of Something Good

The older I get the greater the number of sexual experiences I have. In my rewired – hypersexual state it seems that I am hyper aware of the bliss and steamy eroticism of each experience. Each one becomes a unique and sensual memory that I get to savor like a special vintage or a breath taking view.

This last Friday was another one of those experiences. As I sit here savoring that experience, I am amazed at the breadth and the diversity of erotic activity so far in my life. Even after all the years of walking this sexual discovery path I am on, I continue to appreciate each intimate and erotic interaction to be compelling, arousing and deeply gratifying. My sex life is oddly reassuring. As it arouses my erotic mind there is a sensual rhythm to it that makes my days complete and oh so sensual.

Friday was a work at home day, there was no rush to get up. At 4AM I awoke at my routine time just before dawn to do a brief but intense MMO session. I slowly sank into that deeply erotic steaming pit of orgasmic delight; igniting the erotic fire of arousal in my anal tract, my balls, cock root, anus and perineum began to pulse in convulsing ecsatsy. The recurring pleasure waves honed my arousal to a keen edge. The shadow of steaming male orgasmic convulsions echoed in my balls, cock and anus all day long as fantasies of my sexy J lingered in my mind. Sometimes it is fantasies of intimate trysts with men that will harden my cock and sometimes it is day dreams of anticipated intimacy with J that makes my penis go rigid with desire. That day it was J who aroused me.

More Admissions

Two of the most amazing and wonderful things about this orgasmic journey I am on is the awakening of my sexual response and the expansion of my sexual interest, gender wise. For most of my life arousal has consisted of getting an erection when looking at naked women and feeling the desperate need to ejaculate to seek relief from the sweet frustration that accompanies arousal and erection. By its nature arousal for me was 100% cock and female focused. Ejaculation was a much desired but fleeting experience. I remember after I discovered orgasm when I was young I used to fantasize how amazing it would be if I could sustain the sensation of an orgasm for more than those extremely pleasurable seconds of pumping bliss. In the absence of that skill I replaced the fantasy with the reality of unending masturbation; I would tug to orgasm a dozen times in a day. Sadly though, the more times I came the less pleasurable each successive ejaculation became.

For years fantasies of anal penetration intrigued me; occasionally I would watch videos of guys masturbating with curious fascination as I got modest erections. I experimented with home fabricated devices for anal penetration; in the places that I lived, sex toy stores were not around every corner. I could best describe those early anal penetration experiences as not thrilling, except for the visual aspect of seeing an object penetrate me.

My Second Encounter

Last night in a chat with Brine he asked me to do an entry describing my second liaison with a guy. Brine and a few others have asked about my twice venture into male – male sexual intimacy in the last two years. It is difficult to describe the experience without putting it into context. In a recent chat Brine and few of us were explaining MMO / Super O to a newbie. Brine commented that it was an integrated physical – mental – spiritual thing. He is absolutely right.

For the last 20 years I have been engaged in a discovery process to understand my sexuality. I dipped my toes into Tantra, Zen, Kundalini, edging, anal penetration and erotic massage to name a few. There were also workshops, strip clubs, gay bars, books, pod casts and myriad toys and porn. The frustration of all of them was that they all seemed to fall short or they required a life change to really engage. I was not ready to become a monk or a sex worker LOL.

Then 8 years ago quite by chance I was surfing the net looking for porn when I wound up on the Aneros site. I ordered my first toy exactly 8 years ago this month. That following year was dedicated to learning to use it. When I had ben successful for 8 months or so the rewiring process started. I am guessing that by the end of that year I was rewired. My sexual response, spirituality, physical – sexual capability, and mental state were all synched and in a sense I was sexually reborn.

Launching an A Less Session

I am in my 8th year of Super O – MMO practice. The progression of my experience with super o has been like walking through a carefully contorted maze. Each turn brings me to another unknown place; that place opens to endless other places to reveal kaleidoscopic orgasmic pleasures that flow in torrents. It has been a never ending journey of discovery. Through it all, the most delightful discovery was the realization of my ability to use my mind to drive mmo and generate extreme pleasure. That pleasure is so intense it tests the limits of my body’s ability to cope with intense ecstasy.

Each session I do I learn some new technique or trick to amplify the erotic pleasure I feel. Often during a session I will drive orgasmic pleasure to a new spot in my body or I will use my mind to guide that pleasure to express itself in a new or intriguing way. However, one of the things that has been really positive for me is the ease in which I can initiate trembling pleasure spasms from a less or inserted sessions.

Last night was one of those A less sessions that followed two days without mmo. Two days of denied mmo pleasure results in torrents of orgasmic spasms that make my legs tremble when I eventually do a session. So last night when J came to bed with a tee shirt and slinky panties clinging tightly to the smooth soft skin of her derriere, I knew that my session later in the soft quiet night of our bed was going to be juicy and sensually surreal.

About 40 hours of Aneros session time now, time to share again

So I have had about 20 sessions since I have started my glorious journey with Aneros products and I feel it's time to share some of my personal findings!

Sit back and relax, I will probably be as wordy as I ever am! Enjoy!

I'm not sure where to start this exactly so I will talk it out as I go, I guess =D

If you have kept up with my previous blog posts you will get an idea of where I was at. Well let me assure you it as only gotten better with time. I cannot claim to be rewired, but my good lord has the experience and the pleasure been absolutely breathtaking!

I have continued my sessions moving forward with lighter contractions, on RARELY really deep contractions anymore (Unless I am going for a Super-T)

I gotta say…. sticking with the light contractions, alternating between direct anal contractions and PC contractions has sky rocketed my pleasure levels! P-waves a plenty, oooh my goodness! I haven't had any Super-O's yet, or any hands free dry-o's, but I don't even care. The build up has been glorious!

Since I have started I have added 5 more models to my collection. I have outlined each of them in the forums, but I will touch base here to keep this from being pages long, and I will include the link to the thread it's in as well.

More on Rewiring

In all my blog writing and my memoir – novel I have referred to my rewiring many many times. I would have to say that rewiring is without a doubt the most transformative thing that has happened to me in my adult life. I had heard guys talk about it in the Aneros Forum when I first joined this site 8 years ago, but I didn’t really comprehend what it would mean for me when it happened to me.

The process of being rewired is akin to finding a switch in my body and turning it on. At the same time that my sexual apparatus is awakened the switch resets the sexual responses of my body.

Perhaps the most amazing result has been the way it altered my mind and sense of eroticism. Rewiring intensified my sexual interests and characteristics, creating new ones, and altering my perceptions, and desires. I rewired myself 7 years ago when I learned how to have prostate orgasms using an Aneros massager, as my skill grew to achieving A less orgasms I practiced every night and deepened the impact of rewiring. Awakening my prostate awakened my sexual brain and created the new sexuality that has enriched me at this mature point in my life; it has made me a much more erotic, sexual and sensual man.

Orgasmic Triad

The day after Thanksgiving, the tumult had died down and all was quiet. I slept deeply and quietly that night, slowly walking through hallways of erotic fantasies in my dreams. I walked naked and aroused down hazy corridors past lurid scenarios of naked men and women, all calling to me to join them in dances of lustful erotic gratification .

Those fantasies inspired an unusually needy erection at 4 AM. As the ache of desire lapped at my rigid cock there was an equally erotic trilling deep inside my anus. The old familiar urgent and somewhat anxious desire for pleasure tingled deep inside me. It was the familiar desperate erotic itch that causes my cock and prostate to twitch and my brain to thirst for the sweet anguish of orgasm.

It is a hard battle to resist the temptation to launch into mmo when my cock is singing as it was. Over the last several years it has become easier and easier to initiate A-less orgasms. A-less orgasms are slower to build and more resonant than penetration induced orgasms. An aneros inside my canal instigates hard assertive orgasms that literally tear into me, while A-less orgasms are slow agonizing lilting song of male orgasmic magic. There is also a difference between a great session, one punctuated by extreme sensations of orgasmic euphoria that sustains itself for an hour or more and a so – so session which yields pleasant sensation and a few mild contractions and fizzles out. Those pinnacle sessions are the ones I live for.

Outside in and Inside Out

This is an entry to talk about the ebb and flow of my erotic life. It has been a week without a wet orgasm for me, which is relatively unusual. Scheduling pressures, and myriad distractions actually overpowered the chance to interact with J and be intimate. So instead, this hs been a week of MMO sessions.

I was recently talking to a friend here who was experiencing the same thing. Now as I am sitting here writing this I am telling myself the same thing I told him: “hey it happens”.

So as I sat drinking a cup of tea on the couch in the quiet of our kitchen a short time ago, I pondered this inside out and outside in character of my sexuality. It is this mysterious thing that motivates me to have liaisons with it in the remote solitude inside my own body and inspires me to celebrate it with J, showing off for her as we both admire the physical beauty of each other’s sexual response.

As a guy my sexuality was very cock focused . . . I couldn’t help it. It was engrained in me. I was and still am fascinated with my own cock, and now other guys cocks too. I do stand in front of the mirror occasionally and admire it as I tug it to stiffness. I have done videos of me self pleasuring myself in elaborate backgrounds and wearing all kinds of erotic props. I have taped and watched in fascination as ropes of thick white pearlescent cum rolls and sometimes is hurled from my swollen cockhead as I shudder in explosive orgasm.

A Wonderful Session and a Fantasy

I have not done an entry here in quite a while, but I just came off of one of the most exquisite sessions that I have had in a long time. I decided to commit the experience to writing because just yesterday I was chatting with someone in here on the magnetic pull that my desire exerts on my body. When my desire sings in my thoughts I am weak, I cannot ignore it. I have lined my underpants before I sat down to do this entry as I am sure I will be leaking profusely before I am halfway through it.

I have come to realize that my most euphoric, deep and resonant sessions occur when just the right combination of conditions, thoughts and bodily functions come together in a “perfect orgasmic storm” so to speak. Such was the case last night. My sessions over the last few days had been really half hearted and very short. None were more than 30 minutes and I was unable to maintain the mental focus or the erotic inspiration to rise to a pinnacle of sensation. Twice this week my wife coaxed a copious amount of cum from me, once orally and the other when we were in a very intense mutual masturbation session. That masturbation session was two nights ago and it literally drained my balls. Over the last few weeks I have been finalizing my erotic novel to send it to some friends for review and comment. A few nights ago I was editing a part of the story that is in a time and place of a homoerotic exchange between my character and another main character. The narrative describing their sexual liason is particularly steamy. Editing gets me extremely aroused as I can read without stopping too much; as a result I was feeling extremely sexy.