My personal experience with the Aneros Helix SYN

I purchased my first prostate massage toy, an Aneros Helix SYN, one and a half month ago and would like to share my personal journey with you. I haven't yet experienced an orgasm with it, but reading the Aneros wiki as well as personal experiences of other users helped me understanding my body better. Questions, comments and suggestions are welcome.

My pre-Aneros experience

One of my favorite things to do (if time permits) is watching porn without touching my penis. I like the warm, pulsating feeling, the feeling of my erect penis rubbing against the fabric of my underwear and I also enjoy the flow of pre-cum. I guess this started when I was a teenager and couldn't whip out my dick in front of the computer. I still do this sometimes until I got quite a bit of pre-cum in my pants. I have never experienced a hands-free orgasm in all these years. At some point I get so horny that I need to jerk off using my hands.

Sometime around 2008 I discovered a video of someone using an Aneros. Interest in Hand-free orgasms and prostate milking led me to exploring my own anal canal and prostate. I had (and have to this day) severe problems finding my prostate with my finger. I did manage to get a flow of pre-cum running, but I didn't find the whole experience very enjoyable. Although I didn't find a magical button that is giving me instant pleasure, I enjoyed getting to know my body a bit better.

aneros and mdma

long time lurker here. I've owned an aneros for about 6 months. I use it about 4-5 times a month for roughly a half an hour to 4 sometimes even 6 hours. I can't seem to get the super o. I've definitely had p waves, but no super o as of yet. I'm thinking trying my aneros while rolling on mdma. experienced user, just never thought to combine the two. anyone have any experiences or tips they wanna share to help me achieve a super o?

Made some progress! :D

So after several boring sessions, I'm glad to say I've made some progress. During my last session, after 50 minutes I finally feel what it's called P-wave, I assume. My whole body was in spasm mode and the spasm starts from my thighs, and then it flow to the butt cheeks, and then around to my pubic area. I always thought the feeling of P-wave is something like a continuous prolonged orgasm (similar to the female orgasm) but apparently it's not! The spasms feel good, satisfying and subtle.

One question though, since it took my 50 minutes to get to that state, how long can I enjoy the body spams? In the manual it says between 60 – 90 minutes for each sessions for beginners but I already wasted 2/3 of the time relaxing. I just don't want to push myself too much and risk injuring my prostate.

EDIT: I enjoyed the body spasms for around 15 minutes only. I'm just too afraid to continue.

The perfect Aneros for beginner?


Ive owned a aneros knock-off (Nexus Excel) and got really great P-waves from it after a few uses. Now i wanted to go the official route and bought a aneros progasm. I dont have any problems with insert it, but i wont get any involuntarys (i got them with the Nexus). Now ive read that it could be because the progasm is to big for me (so it doesnt move much). Now i want to try out. Now my question is: What is the perfect and most famous aneros model for a beginner. When i´m advanced i can use the progasm, but i think i´m not ready yet.

Third time is a charm?

So finally I had some free time with no one else home. As usual, I lubed up the Ice, laid on my left side, and gradually nudged the Ice inside. This time, I felt more relaxed, and as I clenched the anal sphincter muscles tightly to the point of fatigue several times, on the last time out of 5 or 6 times, when I released I pinched both nipples and then felt some p-waves and twitching as if a dry orgasm was going to start. I repeated this process a few times, clenching to the point of fatigue, and on then on the last time I got a slight sense of a dry orgasm. Also what I did differently was lay on my back, knees bent, alternating between thrusting upward with my cock and balls between my legs and then not between my legs as I thrust my pelvic area upward while clenching. The sensations were great, and I felt my entire lower area become aroused. Unfortunately, I got too aroused, and since it had been nearly two weeks without release, I could not resist the urge to grab a hold of my now pulsating rock hard cock and finish the job. I nearly shot my chin with one of the most intense orgasms I've had in awhile by myself. While the ending was great and all, it was not really what I had planned, but given the progress from start to finish, I'll take it. No longer feeling stressed from life's challenges, I can now go to work with a smile on my face.

Mind, Body and Soul

The scent of her feminine desire radiates from deep within the warm recesses of her moist pink furrow filling my nostrils with the warm musk of her sexual need. The sexual cauldron between her thighs is boiling over. It spills its mysterious power onto the bed where it laps against my body, stiffening my cock as it’s warmth touches my thigh.

Her sensual femininity slowly begins to assume a shape; invisibly it becomes an exquisitely delicate and slender hand that inches its way up my thigh and tenderly grasps my penis. Then lovingly caressing my pulsing purple hued cockhead in her warm grasp she toys with it, mercilessly teasing the wetted cleft under my cockhead. The erotic torment she inflicts on my sensitive cock cleft causes me to fidget.

I feel the sweet tingle of the virtual pleasurable of her hand; it sends shivers up my spine. Waves of erotic bliss collect at my ears and nose and fill my head. The sweet desperation of growing arousal encircles my neck and envelops my head, making my scalp vibrate and my ears ring. As I lay there I give myself to her as I shudder and quake in her grasp. Arousal tenderly caresses the swollen head of my cock; ever so daintily a finger extends from the hand and searches for the slit at the tip of my lust swollen cock shaft. She knows my penis so well, and she is in no hurry; there is a glee in the way she torments me.

Thoughts That Inspire My MMO's

I am incurably erotic and sensual man; that eroticism expresses itself in my own hardened cock or in the twitching anticipation of my anus. My erotic desires extend to visions of cocks hardened, arched and aching in arousal and cunts reddened and open, dripping with the nectar of feminine lust. I came to this realization as I began this journey many years ago. Since then I have turned my writing energy to recording my intimate and erotic thoughts.

The act of writing and weaving my intimate and vulgar erotic narrative into the complex sexual fabric that is me is in and of itself a very arousing process and it fuels my MMO's. I seldom finish a piece without an erection that is aching and throbbing in my pants and my anus twitching and tingling. Almost every night I lay in bed pondering some of the memories that the writing that I have done as I pleasantly suffer in the desperation of arousal.

The erotic maelstrom in my head as I mmoed this morning is now hanging heavily between my thighs. Recalling some of those thoughts provides the fuel for hours of unbridled orgasms and it has inspired me to write an entry to share them with you … so here goes.

Cock Craving Continued

Your anus is contracting and sucking on my finger as the precum drools from your lurching cock; it is semi erect and I hanging helplessly between your thighs as the mmo tugs mercilessly on it. At the same time excruciating pleasure is flooding your anus as it sucks as much in as it can. Your face is buried in the bed as ecstasy tortures you with unbridled glee. You thrust your convulsing anus out at me as if offering it to me will make the exquisite anguish of deep anal orgasm either increase or go away; you cannot make up your mind which you want.

After 20 minutes of the most agonizing rapture that a man could ever be expected to endure I remove my finger from your gaping hole. I marvel at how red and swollen it is. However I don’t waste much time admiring the view and instead lay down next to you on the bed so my face is adjacent to your knees and my own pelvis is next to your head. Then carefully urging you back to reality I guide your knee over my head and you lift your arm to allow my pelvis to slide under your face. I am on my back with my face underneath your suspended cock and your face is between my thighs just inches from my own lust engorged penis.

Super O Plateau

One of the most mysterious and exciting things about this Aneros journey is its subtlety and the connection of mind and body in experiencing sexual pleasure. When I started this journey of sexual discovery almost 20 years ago I knew that it was as much a mental experience as it was a physical one. Even though Aneros practice is rooted in the use of a physical device, the power of the mind to facilitate extreme pleasure through that device is manifest. Even more mysterious and fascinating however is the power of Aneros to instigate anal pleasure and facilitate an altered mental state at the pinnacle of a chain of multiple orgasms.

My normal sessions usually are between an hour and 3 hours. Typically a session will consist of back to pleasure spasms that flow in waves of building and ebbing pleasure. The waves never disappear they just modulate slightly from peak to peak. If I am going to go for a 2 hour session I will deliberately let the wave dissipate slightly to relish the sublime sensation of climbing higher again. It will typically build up on its own to start the second hour as I wait for it to lift me in renewed waves of ecstasy.

However the interesting thing for me is the way that prostate and penile bulb focused pleasure waves build in me eventually becoming contractions of mind numbing euphoria.

Seasons of My Sexuality

As you can read from the previous posts my sexuality is a complex thing. Like the seasons it transforms itself within the measure of a year, each season bringing its unique conditions, qualities and sensibilities. The torrid heat of desire for a woman and the vulgar intimacy of being with a man each bring their own memorable pleasure that resonates in the moment but lingers as an echoing memory; both harden my cock and make it ache with need. The calming chill of ecstasy and the urgency of arousal also speak to the sense of sexual seasons that I experience.

Homoerotic desire is one of those seasons that swings in and out of my life like the much anticipated chill of fall in the end of a sultry summer. Yet at the beginning of a summer with the anticipation of bathing in searing feminine sexual lust fantasies of sex with a man seem like a distant activity like raking leaves would seem in June.

The thought of male intimacy ebbs and flows. When it surfaces it finds me like a butterfly seeks a bloom. It is silent. I never know when it will land on me. The desire for male intimacy is so mysterious and secretive that one night as I lay naked in bed it lands on me, seeking my sticky male stamen. It finds me with grace and elegance that belies its masculine character; it alights on my wetted swollen cockhead which is exuding the sweet nectar of my arousal.