Help! Stalled and where the F$*K is my sweet spot???

Wow, this is incredibly frustrating.

Some moments of p-wave bliss… Hours of nada. Hours of spent time.

And when you do that and dont eat or drink as much, an interesting by-product is weight loss! I've taken off 6lbs/2.4kg this week. Not entirely Aneros related but spending hours contorted in frustrating tension, you miss eating and drinking. The loss has been dramatic and I'm recovering from the dehydration now. Remember to eat and drink , ?

So, what else has been happening- picked up the MGX to try it. My thinking was my prostate isn't engorging )so I guess(, so maybe something larger than the Eupho? The Helix Syn never did much and the Progasm doesn't move so let's see what the MGX can do- nope! Conclusion: Eupho is my favorite, delivers more sensation consistently which I attribute to its thin/long design allowing it to move more.

Where the F$^K is my sweet spot?
I thought I had it, but after no increase, I decided to go hunting again. Seriously… Cant find it and I've tried all the suggestions in the Fourm and blogs. Anyone out there with more tips ???

So other than becoming frustrated, not much progress beyond p-waves that are low to just below moderate. I can only judge level by comparing to a normal orgasm as being similar for a mini-O, so on a scale 1-10, am able to get to 4 and an occasional 6-7.

Butterflies got the best of me..

couldnt handle the tickle in the stomach any longer so prepped the area and followed yesterday's protocol. I rushed the bath and didnt get my core up as high and also had higher than acceptable expectations and a time constraint.

However, I was closer than ever with fewer p-waves )missed them really(.
I also tried tantric quick breathing which helps along with a subtle rocking motion on my left side. Porn was back and images only was great.

It was awesome and better in different ways than previously but my time constraint started to weigh and I had to finish with a super-t.

I know I am breaking all the wait-unbtween rules – and will try again tonight at a very slow pace.

Its a great workout too!

Happy hunting all!

The next day… A-less butterflies…

Many users have reported how they can experience A-less P-waves… I had my doubts but after so much enjoyment last night and the excitement of this pending evening, the butterflies remain in my 'core' … a little contraction here and there slightly intensifies it )mainly while standing(. And my nipples are fully erect and incredibly 'sensitive' not in any painful way but very lightly flickering them increases the butterflies…

I am beginning to believe in this re-wiring, A-less ability.

Definite Progress – 2

after a lengthy day of minor progress, i decided I needed to re-read and try differently.

I was exhausted and intrigued about the do nothing method- wow. If you havent tried that, go for it.

Took a long very hot bath with eucalyptus and worked on enjoying and relaxing.
Jumped into bed steaming hot and heart racing from the bath. Remained naked on top of the bed and my prep area just resting for a few minutes.

Rolled over on my left with knees together at 90 degree bent at waist and ever-so-slowly inserted the eupho. And did nothing but deep stomach rhythmic breathing.

Really nothing but breathing and concentrating of relaxing and seeing if i could slow my pulse from the bath.

Deep diaphragm breathing… Concentrating of my spot. My pulse was way up. And within 7 to 10 minutes, a flutter. Deep and low stomach flutter. Followed by a slight roll sensation deep in stomach for one of my breathes.

Pulse was still up and picked up slightly more in anticipation and excitement. Deep breathing, do nothing else except for concentrating on my spot. No contractions- nothing.

A few minutes- then a slight deep internal tingle- incredibly small but just enough to feel it and raise my excitement once again. Focus on that, breath and nothing else but relaxing.

More stomach flutters and a greater awareness of my prostate been strangely teased- so small but there.

Progress – 1

so had a day off and was eager to start early.

Some porn and on my left side with knees bent. Trying the exercises and spent too much time chasing it- but started to feel the buildup and a slight p-wave or too.

I think porn – visual images, videos, audio is a distraction.

So, finished with a super-t. Was exhausted really.

Past Anal-Play History and Introduction

hello there!

I thought I’d also track my journey to the Super-O. Also, since this is an incredibly personal journey, there isn’t anyone I can share with – except for you and this community. Thank you for being there for me and thank you to all the previous posters in the forums and blogs- I have learned huge amounts about my body, the potential experience and your intimate teachings.

So… Every journey must have a beginning… And as I eagerly await my 3 new arrivals tomorrow, let me start from the beginning. …

I’m a 47 yr heterosexual married father… But my wife is not GGG )never very sexual( and so I have always sought release through multiple other avenues. I travel a lot internationally and have safely played but never the intimacy i seek. I have always been “in touch” with my anus and found my internal prostate a few years ago. Not frequently but always enjoyed the addition of a finger while masturbating. I have also tried penile estim which was very interesting but the contraption and setup never made it easy or spontaneous. I also tried an Aneros long ago but didn’t give it the proper time and understanding… So I binned it.

Starting Notes

Figured I'd put my notes on my blog instead of in a Word file. These may be disjoint. Some just random.

Got a Helix about a week ago and just got a Vice (BEAST) yesterday.

I'm not sure yet what can be called a Mino/Micro-O, but I think I've experienced some of those. Am SURE I haven't seen any Super-Os yet!!

My Notes:
My first Orgasm type Experience )Just with Perineum Massage alone(

When I started chasing the big SO, I started out with prostate massaging for like 20 min then perineum massaging my sweet spot for another 20–30 min. Best I can tell, there’s a spot ON the north rim of my anus sphincter (my Button) that connects movements there straight to the prostate. And after a while of massaging/twiggling it, the whole ring of nerves there engorges and gets bigger and stiff (like the penis erecting, but of course on a much smaller scale..) Also there’s a point on the top of the perineum cord about an inch or so north of the “Button” which if pressed, greatly magnifies the connection to the prostate. So I end up doing a two finger salute to twiggle there.

So that was my perineum massage. Twiggling those two spots. Got lots of great feelings from the perineum massage, almost nothing from the prior prostate massage, and definitely nothing I could remotely call an orgasm let alone Super–O. So after getting nowhere that evening, I just stopped, rolled over and went to sleep.

Runaway Freight Train

In the 8 years that I have been a practitioner, I continue to be amazed at the continual learning process involved in anal / prostate orgasm. There seems to be endless opportunity to experiment with stimulation, erotic imagery, and breathing to climb to new heights of pleasure. Each session as I learn more and more I get greater skill at coaxing serene ecstasy from my anus, cock, and perineum.

The key seems to be getting the pleasure to a level that is intense enough that it can fall back into latency, requiring only simple encouragement to get it to reemerge, blossom and express excruciatingly divine euphoria. For me performing A Less it can take me 20 minutes to get to that point; with my Tempo inserted or an N Joy Phun Plug …. It can take 10 minutes.

So after between 10 – 20 minutes of pleasure waves my anus will be primed. In that state I can stop urging the orgasms to rise and fall and leave the erotic sensation to just idle quietly. I can leave the orgasmic ecstasy laying just beneath the surface of my awareness, where it waits for me to release it. When the super o is loaded deep in my anal tract and ready to fire, I can experiment and manipulate it causing indescribable bliss. The hardest part about being poised in that mental – physical state on the verge of super o is maintaining mental clarity and focus and remembering to breathe. I will also sustain erotic images in my mind to keep the pleasure teetering on the edge of an ecstatic precipice. It is all too easy to become totally passive and let my body do what it wants as opposed to being relaxed and aware and consciously controlling what I am doing to keep the orgasmic fire stoked and make pleasure flares soar to yield agonizing orgasmic euphoria.

Older guys, what worked for you?

I am a 45 year old straight guy who suffers from occasional hemorrhoids. I have up until this point never really done much anal play. I have experimented here and there with fingers but never got anything out of it and thought it just was not for me. I am fairly open about sex but just never got much from anal play. Recently though I ran across the Aneros site after reading about it while browsing /sex, which, by the way, not sure you younger guys realize just what a treasure having all this info at your fingertips is. Wish I had that resource when I hit puberty! At any rate. After reading about the therapeutic effects of prostate massage and it's benefits, that it helps with prostate health, hemorrhoids, and the awesome pleasure, I decided to give it a try. I bought a few cheap massagers but none of them did much of anything. After browsing Aneros for awhile, I decided to try one out. I bought a Helix Syn and have had 10 or so sessions with it in the last month or so. I am in a relationship and have not shared this with my wife yet, though if it goes well, I will. Just not ready to share this yet. That does limit the times I have to play around with it. The first session I immediately got mild P-waves, which, while not close to intense, was a result I had never gotten before. Second session more P-waves at about the same intensity. Both times it started off well and then tapered away as I tried to control things or focused on form too much. Some sessions not much of anything happened, then the last few sessions things seemed to progress a bit. One session I had my first involuntaries, which were interesting but not necessarily pleasurable. Then the last session I seemed to zero in more on which muscles to use and which ones to relax and felt the first stirrings of good sensation, including Pwaves, involuntaries and the tingling. All were fleeting and only happened a few times, but I see progress. reading this sub, the forums on Aneros and the Wiki really helped. The Tug of War method from the Wiki was what helped with the correct muscles to use and I noticed that the less is more approach really helped. I am just fighting a lifetime of muscle memory from traditional orgasms and sex but I can see where the rewiring comes in. Quite awhile back I discovered nipple play and that has been fantastic and the wife takes full advantage of it as do I. That definitely seems to help. My usual method is to wait until after a BM, then get out the Helix and lube up with Vaseline, Coconut oil and water based lube. I do plan on ordering unrefined Shea Butter to see how that works. I have tried lots of positions. The best results seem to come from being on my back with a pillow under my butt, knees straight up with feet on the bed. Standing, walking, sideways or on all fours did not seem to do much of anything. I can tell that I need to strengthen muscles that have seem little use ever to get further down the road. I am excited about the journey. I would love to hear from other older men on their experiences getting started with prostate massage and what worked for them. I wish I had come across this when I was younger and orgasms were still mind blowing experiences. As I have gotten older they have lessened in intensity and I find myself trying to find more and more ways to turn things on, though things are still quite enjoyable. Looking forward to the path ahead!

The Mighty Super-O! (Sorry it’s long)

I finally created an account after lurking for a few years, i have wanted to for awhile and for some reason decided that i would wait untill i acheived the Super-O. Achievement Unlocked! I'll start by saying that i am in no way new to anal play (small town gay kid, not much to do haha) I bought my first Aneros (Progasm Jr) about 4 months ago and almost immediately got to the point of having P-waves and involuntaries which was fantastic, but i knew i could go higher and there was no way my sexual curiosity was going to let me stay complacent. I started trying all kinds of things starting with reading a lot on the forums and on reddit about what other people were doing. I tried laying on my back, side, stomach, doggy style, sitting in a chair, standing and breathing really deeply, standing against a wall, standing with one foot propped up on a chair, really hard contractions, really soft contractions, no contractions (do nothing method) Nothing was getting me over the edge so i said screw it and bought the Progasm Classic, i think its a full inch longer than the Jr but im not sure, and some different lube. The Progasm got me ever closer and i also started inviting the only girl i have ever had the hotts for to my sessions, Mary Jane. 1 week ago today as i sat at my desk i could just tell that tonight is the night. When i got home from work i did things around the house and played with my dog untill he fell asleep all the while i knew "tonight's the night" i headed to my room and as soon as my door shut i started ripping of my clothes lubed up and inserted Mr Progasm ( whom i nicknamed Grant by the way) and right as i laid down i realized that i had forgot to take a puff before i started so i reached for my dugout and took a couple big rips. i laid on my right side and just waited for the weed to take effect and right as i started to feel it i started with light contractions, then a little harder. the pressure started to build and i just focussed in on the feeling and kept steady on my contractions. Building, building holy, shit this feels good, my hands were running all over my body, everything was like it was amplified to the max, i was so in tune with what was going on with my body it was incredible. I noticed that i couldn't control my breathing, i was gasping from the pleasure that was coming from my ass, I knew i it wasnt a Super-O yet but remember "tonight's the night" The pleasure was still building and at this point i was already practically comatose, then all of a sudden my eyes (not kidding) rolled back into my head and i knew i was there. it was Absolutely insane, so much so that i had to grab a shirt from my bedroom floor to stick in my mouth to muffle the moans ( i have roommates) i dont know how long it lasted but it wasnt long enough so when it subsided i started contracting and no more than two minutes later i had to grab my shirt again. This went on for an hour, an hour of sheer drooling, eyes rolling, i cant beleive this is real pleasure, i was a slave to it after i couldnt take anymore i pulled it out and cleaned up and just sat in the afterglow of it, i didn't jerk off, i didnt need to, totally satisfied but i started thinking about how i had inserted Grant before taking a rip of pot and if this had anything to do with it so i tried again the next night, insert before inhale and same thing happend ( Holy shit where's my shirt?!?!) I did this 5 nights in a row, each session lasting longer than the night before and last night was able to do it without smoking any pot!. Does anybody else feel like it's a lot easier once you've had your first one? Anyway thanks for reading my first post but not last post about my first but definetly not last SUPER-O!!!!