Long week

I felle as if I am finally starting to integrate my new found ability with normal life. Today is the first day that I haven't been constantly thinking about my next super-O and worrying whether it is going to happen.
After a long week and long hours at work I am as usual very tired. I really think that I will just sleep tonight so it will be first day without a super-O. Maybe not a bad thing I feel a bit more in control now.

21 day challenge

So i like to make my journey with aneros and prostate play interesting anyway i can. I have 4 models a fleshlight and so many cock rings and ball stretchers for penty of gooning and edging. But I wanted to do a more in depth to my sexual pique an see how far down the rabbit hole I can go. Now I have done the 21 day challenge before and it was amazing. It is a blog here of my results. But with having so much experience under my belt I wanted to see how far I can go with out having a wet orgasm or even a penile orgasm. I want all the energy to come from my ass and move through out the rest of my body. Maybe to my balls or maybe to my dick head. But I want to see what my prostate can trigger in me that has not been triggered before.

I am already on day 4. I have edged and gooned to the point of a raw dick (i love jacking off lol) but even still the feeling i get are just mind blowing. I have a steel ball stretcher and to have my saggy balls yanked down with my Progasm Ice going crazy in my hole just was mnd blowing. I instantly felt stirring my my ass and then felt energy run through my chest. My nipples got rock hard as if I had been pumping them for hours. I began to pour pre cum all over my self even leaked a few pew drops when I reached my peak or orgasmic bliss.

Some pain today

Kept getting the feeling I wanted to orgasm whilst sitting at the computer today. Managed to have an orgasm sitting at my chair which without the aneros. It was an awkward position trying to control my legs but it felt good, even had my wife look in through the door and ask me a question and I managed to bring the orgasm back straight after.
A bit later after the first orgasm subsided I kept trying again after this but got nowhere.
I was feeling a bit frustrated and told the family I was going for a lie down in the afternoon, inserted the aneros, and had another orgasm lasting about 30 minutes. This one felt really good. I went through several different types of orgasm, at one point I had pure pleasure extending into my legs and up into my back and I never wanted it to end.
I think I might have overdone it, particularly straining to have an orgasm in the morning. By early evening I had severe pain in my testicles and lower abdomen which got worse and worse. I had suffered 'blue balls' a few times in the past and soon realised this felt just the same. I ejaculated and it didn't stop which got me a bit worried but within the next hour the pain had totally settled which was a relief. Perhaps others should be aware of this happening – it really is painful and if you don't know what it is it could be very worrying.

Austin's great aneros adventure

After reading about Aneros and the idea of reaching a Super-O, I purchased both a Maximus and Progasm Ice. Both of them arrived yesterday, and I could not wait to try them both out this morning. The Maximus seemed less intimidating, so after lubing it up with KY, I laid on my side and very nervously touched my hole with the head of the Maximus. Slowly it slid in and as it went in, almost immediately pre-cum started to ooze out of my penis. Once the head of the Maximus hit my prostate, more pre-cum oozed, but I did not get hard. After about ten minutes, I started getting used to the sensation of having the Maximus in me. The feelings were great, but nothing like what others have mentioned here. I have to say I like the "handle" on the Maximus, and after gyrating my hips around and up and down, the handle helped put pressure on my prostate. I then thought maybe I would be ready for the Ice, and after removing the Maximus and lubing up the Ice, it slid in very easy, and the fullness felt great. I did a several Kegels for the next half hour or so, and did feel a few minor sensations of like a dry orgasm starting, but nothing near the Super-O everyone speaks of. All in all I think it was a good first session. I fought off the temptation to jack off to gay porn, which usually makes me incredibly horny, in hopes that tomorrow's session will be better. There is some soreness from the size of the Ice, but it was a good soreness, I think… Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Edging both with Aneros and also in Aless

Hi guys,

Most young males when they discover masturbation or are shown it by a buddy encounter one of the most thrilling experiences of their lives. The very first orgasm with ejaculation of semen is a profound experience which happens to most guys in their adolescence, although quite few young males experience dry orgasms even earlier! Masturbation is autoeroticism at its best because masturbation gets a male in touch with his genitals and his body in a most profound way.

However, most adolescent males live at home with their parents and siblings where there is little privacy. So they have "quickies," masturbation episodes in as short a time as possible. That sets them up for premature ejaculation later in life which may impair conjugational relations with the woman they may marry.

However, more experienced masturbators will prolong their sessions as long as possible in order to maximize the pleasure derived from stimulation of their genitals. They learn in many cases a technique called "edging." A guy will ride the edge or threshold of ejaculatory inevitability in order to achieve a bigger "bang" in his orgasmic and ejaculatory pleasure. He will cum big. At the same time, he develops a powerful technique to pleasure his wife first, before actually cumming himself.

With summer approaching here, dawn arrives earlier. This morning, I rose early and got some groceries from my neighborhood 7-Eleven arriving back at 6:15 a.m. Then I prepared my favorite Aneros models for my session which I began around 6:45 a.m.

First time, want an idea as to how far i got.

So I always liked the idea of anal play and in my teenage years I did some minor play with my fingers.

This year I [24] finally bought myself a dildo (7") for myself and really enjoyed the feeling it gave me when I would cum. I finally got around to dropping the extra money on an Aneros. I bought the progasm because I am 6'3" and its extra length was recommended for taller guys. The extra width was no issue for me (see dildo size).

I used it a few hours ago and followed the advice of starting on my side, but then I moved to my back. I was watching porn and focusing on deep belly breaths when I started to get tingly all over. Every time I breathed all the way in I could feel the pleasure in my prostate.

Every time I breathed in it felt like more and more of my ab muscles were contracting and locking in. My breathing became ragged and faster, and I was rocking my pelvis with my breathing. Then it intensified. All my muscles throughout my body started contracting, in partcular my eyes were forced shut and my hands locked up with my fingers extended (I could not make a fist or anything). I was starting to moan with my breaths and tried biting the sheet (neighbors). Then during an intense contraction the Progasm popped out. By the time I regained enough muscle control and popped it back in, the intense contractions had ended.
I kept breathing for a while and was getting large muscle quivering on my exhales, but nothing nearly as intense as the contractions. Felt great and ended with a Super T.

Aneros session, April 12, 2015

Hi guys,

Earlier this morning I had a session that lasted about 2.45 hours. One could say that it was heavy duty, but it wasn't because all my Aneros models filled me with pleasure, and afterward produced the afterglow of continuing, vibrant Aless!

I need to get back to Eupho Classic more and more. It penetrates deeply and reaches along the entire length of my prostate and even around it. Also Eupho Classic dances when I Aneros. However this morning, it was perhaps more aggressive then usual.

I like Helix Classic more because it delivers a more robust, yet a slightly lesser massage action. Helix Classic has become a mainstay in my sessions, also big bruiser Progasm Classic which I adore. Sometimes I Progasm Classic in men who are unavailable [generally] for sex. They are the DILF's = DADS I would LIKE to FUCK, or DADS I would LIKE them to FUCK me. The dads I have in mind are married men and fathers with children. I knew such a one at a coffeehouse I used to frequent, and what I experienced was an unrequited love which caused me weeks of heartache and weeping. I am "older and wiser" now, Progasm Classic continues to teach me important lessons about self-loving and proper care of my body and psyche.

Tempo continues to star in most of my sessions. Tempo, I consider as a pair of dumbbells for weight training and toning of my anal musculature.

Holy shit, it happened…

My SO and I were fooling around last night… I'd bought her a Doxy a few weeks back and she's still getting used to it. I figured it would be as good of a time as any to try using the Progasm I've had for a year or so with her. I'd only previously tried using it on my own and never gotten any further than just the feeling of having really intense masturbatory orgasms with it inserted.

Up until now I've only used it with hand stimulation and never had any actual hands-free orgasms ever. Ever.

Well, last night we get it inserted and she asked how it was supposed to work, natural motion, yada-yada-yada, and I just told her to jiggle it around slightly. She started rubbing me off and moving it around at the same time and there was a moment where I had a disconnect and it was like she was doing two things to me at the same time. I was being jerked off and then there was what was going on in my prostate.

I went through a full cycle feeling of having my prostate massaged and it peaked with an orgasm, and I did not cum. I was just in shock over what happened. My SO was kind of meh to the announcement of what happened "this is normal for girls!" but I wanted to do it again. She was a little non-plussed over this idea, she was more focused on getting me to cum since it was getting late.

Help! Stalled and where the F$*K is my sweet spot???

Wow, this is incredibly frustrating.

Some moments of p-wave bliss… Hours of nada. Hours of spent time.

And when you do that and dont eat or drink as much, an interesting by-product is weight loss! I've taken off 6lbs/2.4kg this week. Not entirely Aneros related but spending hours contorted in frustrating tension, you miss eating and drinking. The loss has been dramatic and I'm recovering from the dehydration now. Remember to eat and drink , ?

So, what else has been happening- picked up the MGX to try it. My thinking was my prostate isn't engorging )so I guess(, so maybe something larger than the Eupho? The Helix Syn never did much and the Progasm doesn't move so let's see what the MGX can do- nope! Conclusion: Eupho is my favorite, delivers more sensation consistently which I attribute to its thin/long design allowing it to move more.

Where the F$^K is my sweet spot?
I thought I had it, but after no increase, I decided to go hunting again. Seriously… Cant find it and I've tried all the suggestions in the Fourm and blogs. Anyone out there with more tips ???

So other than becoming frustrated, not much progress beyond p-waves that are low to just below moderate. I can only judge level by comparing to a normal orgasm as being similar for a mini-O, so on a scale 1-10, am able to get to 4 and an occasional 6-7.