Savoring irrepressible Aless, Thursday October 20 and early Friday morning session, October 21

Hi guys,

I am so grateful to have Aneros buddies like @goldenboy, @GGringo, and @brine who have cheered me on in my Aneros sessions in the last six months or so. Having such buddies makes me so glad that we are on an Aneros team, enjoying our sessions and saving Aless outside of sessions!

Late last night I had an urge to masturbate. I think there is a consensus among Anerosers that Aneros sessions that produce sweet Aless also make a guy real horny, so much so he wants sex, whether with his partner or with his hand. When guys such as me pass the goal of achieving Super-O’s and MMO’s, they begin to plumb the dimensions of the Aneros experience which transform their persons, their views on life, and enhance their relations with people special in their life. Yes, most guys, lead normal lives in their families, their marriages, and their work lives as well. This is true for confirmed bachelors as me who is also retired. The Aneros becomes important once you experience the goal which I mentioned above.

Yes, late last night, horniness hit me like a brick as I began to masturbate. Aless has transformed my masturbation practice. I need to masturbate every day and explore this working out of my male sexuality in conjunction with Aless. I had an irrepressible erection. So I masturbated and surfed the edge of ejaculatory inevitability for 30-45 minutes last night, but petered out because it was around midnight because it was way beyond my bedtime.

It’s gotten cold! Saturday afternoon session, October 22

Hi guys,

Cold blustery weather finally arrived this morning after our few days of Indian summer which warranted my turning on my air conditioning for some hours Thursday noon to Friday morning. We did have a few hours of showers mid afternoon yesterday with it feeling noticeably cooler toward sunset last evening.

I had to go to meeting at church this morning. When I arrived back home this afternoon, my apartment felt like a icebox. Management has not turned the heat yet! 🙁 After some hours lounging and relaxing, I couldn’t stand anymore. I was really horny for a session. It lasted probably over an hour and it felt really good with models MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE! However I found a way to remain warm during a session in an ice cold apartment. First I wear my long-sleeve Under Armour T-shirt and then over it my hooded sweatshirt with a zipper, all this despite my being naked from my waist down. Also this wore my hooded sweatshirt unzipped so that I have access to my nipples and hairy chest, albeit underneath my UA T-shirt.

Actively working with Aless : Tuesday evening, October 18 & two Super-T attempts

Hi guys,

@goldenboy has inspired me to work actively with my Aless this evening. I had a great session this morning with Maximus and Progasm which gave me incredible Aless throughout today.

@goldenboy speaks much about nipple stimulation in his Aneros blog entries. It is a practice that a you can adopt easily when you begin working Aneros. The Aneros is a potent key which opens erotic pleasures throughout your body through prostate stimulation by an Aneros device. Nipple stimulation actually enhances your Aneros sessions which enable to discover powerfully your body’s erogenous zones. This has been experience in my five plus years with Aneros.

Most guys discover erotic pleasure through direct stimulation of their genitals. Boys generally discover that their penises are dynamos of pleasure around age five. Hence many boys instinctively learn to masturbate at that age. While most boys achieve successful orgasm and ejaculation of semen during their adolescence, some achieve dry orgasms through masturbation at age nine or ten or even earlier. Hence boys derive sexual pleasure primarily through stimulation of their genitals. This sort of direct genital stimulation even continues when boys begin having sex with girls or other boys, even into their adulthood. However some males discover pleasure through stimulation of their erogenous zones, including stimulation of their nipples by themselves or through sexual relations with an understanding and loving partner. I didn’t discover the thrill of eroticism of stimulating my erogenous zones until I began working with Aneros five plus years ago.

Tuesday morning session, Tuesday October 18 : Savoring the Aneros and Aless!

Hi guys,

I had an hour’s session with both Maximus and Progasm Classic shortly after sunrise at around 7:30. I so value my Aneros sessions now that I had that I had that landmark session on Friday September 16 over a month ago when I experienced my first genuine Super-O’s and MMO’s and absolutely sweet Aless afterward.

Here in the USA the noxious election season of the presidential contest between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton has a grating and jarring affect on most Americans, myself included. It has even upset my daily routine. Last Saturday it was so cold here that I didn’t attempt a session. Management has not turned on the heat on our building yet. But this past Sunday the weather pattern changed with winds coming from the south, so I had a Sunday night session with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE which was an OK session, but really nothing special. Monday yesterday I woke up and fell into a funk. The funk and perhaps depression yesterday was the result of the noxious political discourse of late, but surges of Aless did break through yesterday.

This morning I could have continued the funk, but my body craved a session. I awoke with a low-grade Aless which I revved up by caressing and stimulating my nipples. I am now a sixty-seven year old confirmed bachelor. I am so grateful that the Aneros has taught me so much about my body and how I can turn it on through stimulating my erogenous zones. Loving and caring sexual couples, both heterosexual and same-sex, can teach each other about the erotic nature of life. That includes one’s own body, whether alone or in communion with another. This goes far beyond mere genital stimulation, whether it be masturbation or sexual intercourse.

Tuesday morning session, October 11 : Tug-of-War Technique and Aneros Elasticity

Hi guys,

Early this morning we had a low of 44 degrees, so I wore my sweats to bed last night and had one of my most soundest sleeps in months. I woke up at 7:15 a.m. thoroughly rested and listened to the news on the radio til 8 o’clock.

Since I had such a great session in the noon hour yesterday, my body hankered for another session this morning which lasted about an hour with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE. It was an absolutely beautiful, and just thinking about it right now makes me extremely horny and my Aless to have surges of pleasure!

I have become very fond of MGX in recent weeks because he ranks in the same class of Energizer Bunny as Maximus and Progasm Classic! So this morning, I inserted him while lying on my right side and he went immediately to work, with hardly an effort on my part.

Now I consider my Aneros collection as a stable of horses. When an Aneros model such as MGX, Maximus, or Progasm Classic is in Energizer Bunny mode, that is a horse in a gallop. However this morning, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE were horses in a trot. Here their massage was slower and more determined, but just as pleasurable!

First Aneros, which to get?

I’ve been experimenting with this stuff for probably 3 years now. It started with external stimulation then fingering which got better, then to toys not intended for anal/prostate used where things started to get really interesting, but I’ve hit a wall here. I feel like I know all the techniques and positions but my tools are the weakest link in my chain, I’ve gotten so incredibly close to a prostate orgasm by my toys just weren’t making enough contact for the sensations to continue long enough.

I’m finally in a position where I can safely acquire an Aneros, something I’ve been waiting years for, but I didn’t really do any research until now and my budget allows for a majority of the available models but I just want to start with one for now. So my options include the:

* Helix
* Helix Syn
* Progasm Jr
* Progasm (black, white is there a difference?)
* Progasm Ice
* Progasm Red
* Maximus
* Eupho
* DeVice

I want to play it safe and get the helix syn as that seems to be the jack of all trades, but I’m unsure if I’m experienced enough to jump to one of the more advanced models. What’s your opinion on where I should start? Thanks for any help/suggestions!

October 10 Columbus Day session, with super hot Aless following

Hi guys,

Sunday morning, yesterday, in the hours following sunrise, our first true autumn weather arrived with blustery winds which cleared away the days of high humidity, cloudy, and drizzly weather. By mid morning, we had bright sunshine and clear skies with hardly a cloud in the sky. When I arrived back home yesterday afternoon, the apartment felt cold. I woke up this morning feeling like an icicle. I had to wait for the noon hour for the temps to rise to the upper 50’s before I could attempt a session.

The session began at 12:30 and ended at 1:30 or thereabouts, about an hour. I used in order Progasm ICE, Maximus, and Progasm Classic. It’s been a while since I used Progasm ICE to begin a session. Insertion was easy because of the sleekness of Progasm Classic. I rode that model for about 20 minutes. It was a fairly good ride and it didn’t slip out which it tends to do.

Then I used Maximus, and wow! Maximus slipped to the hilt in one gentle penetrating thrust. It seemed to hit a spot of pleasure that I hadn’t noticed before. Plus Maximus reached around my prostate once again as in other previous session. Hence, I was in business as Maximus became once again the Energizer Bunny that he is. I allowed Maximus to massage and exercise me in his own way. Waves of electric pleasure ensued. Maximus was doing some amazing things I hadn’t noticed before.

Boy, that awesome f**cker, Progasm Classic! Friday morning session, October 7

Hi guys,

Once again I slept about four hours last night and woke up just around 2 a.m. this morning. So I listened between various radio stations, mostly WAVA-FM, an evangelical radio station which offers evangelical preaching and conservative political commentary. The preaching I hear on that radio station is mostly good, despite the ranting and raving of some preachers, who try to emulate the prophets of the Old Testament. However I have little patience for the conservative political commentary on that station because it is so stupid and backward!

I didn’t mind waking up so early, because my Aless was revving up and I was nursing a delicious erection. Like most baby boomers, I was circumcised as a baby boomer in late March/early April 1949. So I was my dad shortly after his birth in early March 1914. My dad passed on since late December 1990. I inherited his cock dimensions and his large, delectable GLANS, and we have similar circumcision styles. I was reflecting all this as I was admiring my tumescent penis and cock knob as I was prepping for this morning’s session just after 4 a.m.

It was nearly a two hour session with my favorite guys, Maximus and Progasm Classic. They feel so good inside me doing their thing. They swing into action of their own as I put into effect the do-nothing technique.

Early Saturday morning session, October 8, Wow that Maximus!

Hi guys,

This morning I woke up about 3 a.m. this morning. But since there was little of note on the radio to listen to, I decided to get up soon afterwards, and prep for a session. This morning I rode in order, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE. It was a real good session.

It began around 4 and ended around 5 a.m. I began with MGX. MGX and I have become real good friends since he of his own accord became an Energizer Bunny in just a day after my breakthrough session on Friday September 16. MGX fucked me real good as I went from one surge of pleasure to another. This went on for a good fifteen minutes. This morning, however, MGX was more sedate in his massage action, but still real good. When I think of MGX and his ribbed stem, I get horny, because that itself massages my anus. The very thought of MGX revves up my Aless!

Then I went to Maximus. Maximus is just as long as the Aneros Progasm series, but not as thick or Progasm, or more slender as the Eupho series which has the same length too. Maximus is just right. Maximus penetrates and hits spots along and around my prostate that are surprising, as happened this morning. Maximus truly became the Energizer Bunny that he is. I went from pleasure to pleasure over and over again with Maximus. The very thought of Maximus sends me!

My beloved Energizer Bunnies, Maximus and Progasm Classic, etc., Wednesday October 5

Hi guys,

These days I am waiting for the apartment building engineer to come to my apartment to perform his semiannual inspection which just takes a few days. Alas, I learned some months ago he is the building engineer to several apartments! Also I received a notice a good twelve days ago of his visit. So I do not know when he will come.

This morning I awoke just after 5 a.m. and listened for an hour NPR Morning Edition. Then I got up, bathe, shaved, and dressed, and then I got my coffee and pastry from the 7 Eleven. After breakfast and my coffee, I had nearly an hour’s session with Maximus and Progasm Classic. It was absolutely awesome!

Both Maximus and Progasm Classic this morning were again Energizer Bunnies! They kept going and going in their massage action! I did very little but rather focused upon the energy of pleasure emanating from my excited, vibrating prostate and anal musculature. Right now as I type this blog entry my Aless feels as though these models were still there in action! This morning’s session was similar to my breakthrough session of Friday September 16!

Take care!