Major progress and first taste of prostate orgasm

I’ve been practicing prostate play on and off for about 9 months now and last night I had a breakthrough session. I’m gonna give a shout out to everyone who helped me get this far too.

Usually I edge first for quite a while before I put my toy in, but I feel like that was maybe a crutch to help me identify the pleasure in the start and now I can have a session without it. I had this breakthrough without edging, so I think that’s probably important.

So as strange as it may sound, recently I noticed the feeling of what I call a ‘prostate boner’ haha. When I allow my body to clench lightly, it can feel like my prostate is getting hard for a few seconds, like a little wave of pleasure. I’ve usually either been relaxing entirely after that occurs, or tensing too hard and killing it. I followed my body and allowed myself to tense lightly if it wanted to. Then I would relax a little and then follow my body again to clench lightly.

Often this ‘prostate boner’ (or another pleasure wave in the past, I used to get a more general feeling of pleasure in the pelvis) would cause my heart to suddenly beat really hard and fast and this would be so intense that it would scare me and cause everything to end. This has been coined as ‘terror at the gates’.

Are they magical?

From someone who has not experienced a full blown super-o, can someone explain just how good they feel? I have been practicing prostate play with an aneros for around 2 years. It seems like I have been getting extremely close.

I can feel it start to happen when I feel a deep sensation in my prostate. I start to feel it electrify within my pelvic region. That usually happens for around 5 minutes. Then I feel myself in a trance with my heartbeat and my aneros. That lasts for a few minutes. Then my heart starts to beat faster and faster and faster. Then I feel an incredibly intense sensation in my prostate and I feel it running all throughout my body. But I can tell it’s not an orgasm.

I cant seem to bring my self to the edge and feel the unimaginable ecstasy radiate through my soul. Towards the end of what is probably a “p-wave” I start to “cheat” and move the aneros with my hand. It works for a few minutes but I end up losing the sensation. At the end of every session I jerk off and have a penile orgasm. On an occasion the orgasms feel better than a penile. But they usually feel like a regular orgasm, only just a little bit better.

Does anyone else have this problem? Can some explain what the super-o feels like? What should I do to help myself go over the edge? (And yes I do smoke weed).

The feels: Prostate vs anal

How would you describe the sensation of pleasure from the anal canal vs the prostate? I’m having a lot of fun with the aneros and even some aless but I’m pretty sure my prostate is dead (quiet). Thanks for your insight!

Is this super o related? Or Mindgasm? I can have like almost an orgasm ONLY by literally thinking it just feels like I’m gonna have a normal orgasm but instead of ejaculating my pc muscle clenches hard and then it’s over? Is this a dry orgasm?

So all I do is think Lol

And I can’t explain it but I just think and kind of focus on ejaculating like having a normal orgasm but that’s in my like back mind I’m mainly just thinking or can look at porn if I want

Then what I feel is basically like a normal orgasm where it builds from the penis and when it gets really close I can touch my nipples and what happens is my body tenses up and my bouncing dick muscle clenches not bounces it just clenches hard like my whole body is for literally like 4 seconds as a normal orgasm would but this time I’m just not ejaculating I’m just like well

Is this a dry orgasm????

I can do it around 2 times maybe 3 and unfortunately then I can’t do it for some reason. No matter how hard I try

I read something about not trying to go over the edge so maybe I can try that? ALthogh like i say it’s legit the same as a normal orgasm where it builds up and then I get that type of orgasm

And I can do this fairly quick too so idk what I can do but it must be some type of orgasm

It don’t feel ridiculously good tbh it’s okay but if I could keep doing it then yeah it might feel way better ALthogh since I can only do it 2 times max most times and it requires a lot of Damn focus yeah idk if I should keep trying??

Prostate further forward tips?

I have a progasm ice and I can kinda feel some things just leaving it in and following the breathing or muscle exercising people recommend here. But I’ve recently noticed that when I put something like a rolled up towel between my perenium and the tab it feels MUCH better and I can kinda grind my hips and get results.
I think my prostate is just further in than most like towards my penis instead of upwards. Does anyone have any tips or a better model for this? The towel method kind of works but it’s not the most comfortable or practical method.

How do I even find the prostate?

So I’ve been into anal stuff for a while, but I don’t think I’ve actually ever gotten a feel for what’s going on down there. A lot of people mention that you should feel with your finger where the prostate is and what it feels like in order to get a better understanding.

So what’s the best way to feel it? Do I squat down or do I lay down? How far in am I sticking my finger? What am I feeling for? Will I know it when I hit it? How hard do I press?

Sorry for all the questions. Thanks!

I cannot for the life of me find my prostate

At this point I’m convinced that I was born without it or something.

I have literally tried everything I can think of for years: I started with fingers, then dildos, then Aneros, then vibrating toys, then even poppers, but literally nothing works.

I don’t understand how you guys are able to have these mind-blowing orgasms with just the tiniest toys, when I bought a several-hundred-dollar Lelo Hugo, and I can’t even feel any pleasure. When I go in with my fingers to try to stimulate it, I don’t even think I’ve even ever found it. I feel like there was just some elaborate conspiracy at my birth for removing it or something.

My question is to you guys, what do I do? I’ve been patient, I’ve poured a nice sum of money into this stuff, I’ve tried so much stuff for years. Do I just give up, or do I keep looking for other things? Is there a toy or method that I haven’t tried that you guys recommend? What do you guys suggest I do when the Hugo or the Aneros is in there? Sit there and do nothing, or kegel? The more detailed, the better.

I just feel like I’ve been trying for years on this and have wasted a bunch of money for not even the slightest wave of pleasure. I’m really just taking any bit of advice from you guys.


Breakthrough dry orgasms with no toy involved! Holy Crap

I had at least 3 unexpected strong dry orgasms without the use of any toy!  I had smoked a little and drank a few beers and was pretty buzzed and sleepy…not aroused in the least.

I went to bed and laid on my right side and accidentally “brushed my cock with my hand” and I felt a STRONG sensation in my prostate and I felt an orgasm building quickly …I had no toy…I was ready to go to sleep and WHAM! I clenched my PC muscles and felt the warm sensation rushing through my body. It was a very strong dry orgasm…my penis never got hard and it lasted maybe a solid minute or so. When it was over I lay there breathing heavy and enjoying the after glow, and here it came again!  I never tried to create these sensations but there was no ignoring what was happening.   My body tensed and I felt a wave of intense pleasure controlling my whole body a second time..and then a third time,..NO TOY or intentions of this happening to me.

I have no idea what made this happen but I hope it does again.  Do not give up on your journey. I have been using Helix Syn and Progasm Ice for the last year with pleasant results but nothing like I felt last night without any toy….

Wet dreams

I was thinking about it, are nocturnal emissions aka wet dreams a prostate orgasms? Most of mine nocturnals were with a huge orgasm , way stronger that usual orgasms.
What do you think?