Nipples and Fellatio

January 3, 2014
One of the fascinating things about learning is that often what you actually learn is not what you started out seeking to know about. For me I thought that this journey was going to turn me into an erotic mystic who could get into women’s minds and into their pussies to coax them into orgasmic delirium; maybe to a certain degree that has happened, but so much more really has.

What has really happened is that I have learned more than I ever thought possible about my own erotic mind, orgasmic capacity and sexual response; probably an equal amount to what I learned about women. I have been erotically transformed.

Aside from my MMO’s themselves the things that are most noteworthy are the change in the erotic response from my nipples, the shift in sensitivity of my my frenulum, the newly discovered orgasmic capacity of my anal canal and my erotic mind.

Relative to my erotic mind, I am drawing a renewed appreciation of oral sex.

As I have said in earlier posts, after I was rewired my entire sense of the erotic shifted. My nipples were the first realization. I discovered this one day when I was stretched out on my back allowing my wife to wander over my body and play. From the pleasure she experienced from my playing with her pink buds she decided to try the same techniques on me. First she tenderly kissed them and slowly transitioned from gentle butterfly kisses to licking slowly in a circle starting outside my areola, circling closer toward my nipple. She kept tantalizing me by zeroing in closer with her tongue. They both hardened in response and became increasingly sensitive.

My Fantasies

I don’t think I am different than most guys )or girls for that matter( in that fantasy plays a large role in my sex life, especially in MMO sessions. Just last night I had a very profoundly pleasurable session, mainly because I had not had a satisfying one in a week. In addition, as it took root I amplified it with a sensually lurid fantasy.

While many people might use fantasy when they make love to their partner, I do not. When I make love to my lady, it is the heat of being there in the moment with her, experiencing the intimate act through her and with her that makes it erotic. It would be counterproductive to imagine being with someone else.

Love making for me is a shared experience. For a love making session to be erotic I need to experience it with her; the emotional and physical sensations that she feels arouse me. I need to be connected with her.

My sex life became more expansive and complex after I was rewired, making love became a profoundly emotional experience, much more than it is a physical experience. In fact if my lady isn’t in the mood to make an emotional connection, we probably will kiss goodnight and call it quits or she will do a hand job on me and I will be happy.

3rd session

Wife went shopping for 2 hours with the kids.

3rd time use, no real big sensations whilst inserted, just some very subtle funny over all feelings.

After 1-2 of finishing has the strangest feeling that there worms wriggling around in top part of my anus.

My Rewiring

The Aneros Forum is replete with references to rewiring; in chat we refer to it all the time. Senior members of the Forum are the ones who have coined this term rewiring. When I got my first massager, a Helix )I now have 11 different Aneros models and I love them all( little did I know how this device would change my life. Beyond granting me exquisitely intense, deep and relentless pleasure these devices have had a profound impact on me even when they are not inserted in me. This impact is what my Aneros Peers refer to as rewiring.

I should add here that I am profoundly grateful to Aneros. I often think of these mysterious devices as keys that when inserted unlock magical doors of pleasure that were hidden from me for years. Other times, usually in the midst of climbing ecstasy that squeezes my anal canal in convulsions of white hot rapture, I think of an Aneros as a fuse that when it reaches its destination ignites an explosion of anguished pleasure. Whichever applies Aneros has accelerated my sexual discovery process and transformed my sexual response. The 14 year effort that I had been on prior to my discovery of Aneros was eclipsed after I first felt the exquisite penetration of that smooth plastic finger giving me my first anal orgasm. Very soon after that I was rewired. The impact of rewiring on me has been profound.

Box Lunch at the Y

The complexity of my sexuality has been getting harder and harder for me to rationalize. The relative recent appeal of erect cocks is just one such inexplicable realization. Juxtaposed to the lascivious feelings that tug at my own cock when I see a good looking guy in all his hard glory I also love to see a moist swollen vagina dripping with passion. And just as much as I daydream about sucking cum from a lust stiffened cock I also love cunnilingus. Cunnilingus itself is such a clinical word, I hate using it. But when I consider all the other names that it is called, somehow cunnilingus keeps popping up in my lexicon as one of the most common words I use. For fun though, here are a few that I can recall having read, heard or referenced: carpet munch, clam dive, dive a muff, dive in the canyon, drink at the fuzzy bowl, eat out, face the nation, growl at the badger, mouth fucking, tongue fucking, licken a chicken, munch a bearded clam, and whistle in the weeds.

Regardless of what I call it; I am crazy about performing it especially on the sexy woman I love. When I think about it, cunnilingus is my favorite sexual activity hands down. I would dare say I love mouth fucking her more than I like fucking. I know that I am not alone in my affinity for cunnilingus …many – many guys love it as well. The web is frequently peppered with questions about technique, and other practical concerns as well as roadblocks and other issues. I recently responded to one of these inquiries on line and got a rousing response from several lady friends on line about my suggestions.

Reprinted From Lingamans Log 2011

The third MMO session this week revealed to me how unpredictable and variable these amazing experiences can be. While the previous two entries describe gentle reassuring sessions, my experience this morning showed how much things can change and how profoundly pleasurable the session can be.

As a shift from the relaxed sensually erotic character of sessions I have been having in recently, I awoke last night at my old reliable 3:30 AM to launch into a markedly different and profoundly intense MMO session that was a drastic shift from the two earlier in the week.

The need for me to launch was a desperately urgent aching itch deep in my anal canal. In response to the urgency I pressed my erection into my wife’s warm rear, and in a matter of moments my anus was convulsing in delightful spasms. After a few minutes of rising in incredible sensations of bliss I slid away from her and pressed my throbbing cockhead on the mattress as I flexed internal muscles and my anus. It was only a few minutes before I was indeed sailing in a series of very deep pleasure waves which culminated in clenching hard orgasmic spasms deep inside me. After a cycle of a few dozen of these waves in a row over 30 minutes they collapsed in a flutter. But my thirst for pleasure had been whetted.

Wicked fingertip

My wife was out for an specified shopping trip, and I was feeling a bit horny. Not wanting to go through the entire hoo-hah of clensing, prepping, and cleanup for the time, I just tried putting the fingertip of my left hand onto the golden spot on the perinium that the tab sits on, and seeing what happened.

Relaxed with a moderate pressure on it. I caught a pwave that developed a mild supero … the next one filled the room and extracted a howl from me. I called it a success and tried for a T, but was not successful, probably owing to a lack of available fluids to eject.

But I got an erection and about three more super-o's trying. And I did get my shot of endorphins when mhy body tried to ejaculate. I do get that unmistakable full relaxation and blissing.

Fun at Mayo Clinic

I was having my teeth cleaned at Mayo, when I considered brightening the technician's day my creating a "hot spot" in my mouth that triggered an orgasm when her little nutpick hit it. Just for fun, I found I could trigger a pwave at will in the chair, but I strangled it at birth, having a little more sense in the big head than the small one. As my wife told me, "Don't do that in public." 8>)

Homoerotic Reality and Fantasy

Fantasy and erotic imagery provide a great deal of the fuel that powers my mmo sessions. When prostate spasms are pounding indescribable pleasure into my anal canal and my anus is flexing and opening like a baby bird begging for food, the echoes of orgasmic rapture reverberate in my pelvis and make my cock lurch and drool precum. Being suspending in orgasmic rapture for the extended time that a session takes allows for my erotic fantasies to run wild, reaching the outer limits of my normal responsible behavior to that finite border where my lurid imagination touches the sensual reality of my memory. It is at that razor thin boundary that my fantasies are so incredibly hot that they drive my mmo’s to the limits of my ability to experience pleasure. The excruciating ecstasy that grips my entire pelvis and groin pushes my mind further and further into the lurid and forbidden side of my thoughts. Those chains of relentless chains of orgasms lift my consciousness out of my body and place me in fantasies that are seemingly not anything that I would do … or maybe I would.

I have only had a few sexual encounters with men. They were very erotic; I have experienced the sexual heat of a man’s passion and I have harvested the cream of that passion to savor it and taste it. I have held a mans engorged cock in my mouth as it desperately ached to release his pleasure onto the sucking heat of my tongue. That memory and other lewd and lascivious sex acts I did with my male erotic liaisons provides the reality anchor that draws my mind to that finite border of fantasy.

Interesting …

With my wife out shopping for a couple of hours, I thought it was a good time to take a brisk canter with my trusty steed.

Cleaned up, lubed, and inserted, only having the slippery dickens shoot out once this time. It only took a couple of minutes before my anal sphincter was nibbling at it by itself.

Tried the trick of telling it to move from one side of the prostate to the other, and having it obey without trying to do it by working the muscles. Feels good.

Gradual build-up of excitement, starting me flopping after about ten minutes. Rolled from side to back. Now it started riding me. into rolling super-O's letting it work its will on me. Onto my belly, I was thrusting wildly, with the sensation of being fucked by a sweet lover, with my sex undetermined. It felt like I had a pussy being loved. That's gooooddd.

Knowing that my would be coming home before too ling, I didn't let myself totally bliss out, but rolled onto my back, and enjoyed my ecstasy for a while. Then I noticed that it was no longer riding me, the orgasms were farther apart, my base level dropped from 7 to about 3, as I had noticed with the peridise on an earlier ride.