Opening Up

Examining my sexuality has been a slow journey of discovery and exploration. I’ve cum to the conclusion I’m Hetero Open. Just like my Avatar description – Shy guy who gets loud, bold and kinky when aroused! Discussing my journey helps explain.

Finally opening up and admitting to myself I really liked ass play, forced me to re-examine my sexuality and prejudices. Very quickly the typical American hetero male sexual prejudices came crashing down. The realization: “It's my body and I can enjoy and take pleasure however and I like and what feels good.” was so liberating. During sex my wife and I really starting exploring what we liked. Much more touching of my body and especially nipple play for me! It added another dimension to our married sex life and a continuing urge to explore each other more and more.

Realizing how great Anal Pleasure is immediately changed my attitude towards gays. I was never anti, but never understood—or tried for that matter—the attraction or pleasure. Watching and jerking to lesbians, always thought, can picture man in there or they’re doing what a man could do. Guy-Guy, I didn’t ‘get.’ Few mind-blowing orgasms later I got it! Pissed off at my myopic self for not being more open and understanding or having the courage to explore my known true desires for a long time. We’re full sexual beings and pleasure can come from anywhere or one. With this newfound openness, I set out to see what I really am.

Routine ecstasy

Well, bedtime with my wife asleep in the other room.

Cleaned up, lubed up, snitched a bathtowl from the laundry to handle the problem of small towels under me, inserted, and lay back to let it happen.

About 20 minutes in, I was starting to flop from time to time. Playing with the Eupho, telling it to move from side to side without forcing it with the musces.

My superO's started with my belly hardening, and my conscousness expanding to the whole room. Thrusting started instead of mere convulsive flopping. Got the feeling again of being a woman being done in my pussy by my beloved … welcomed it this time.

Blissed out for about an hour and don't recall just what was happening.

Came back to myself enough to realize I didn't want to be riding all night. Drove two logs through my belly with the exercise, which pumped up an erection. Beat my meat for about four increasing supero's, getting closer and closer to ejaculation feelings.

No fluids available to ejaculate. Last really huge one, collapsing, gasping for air, with a load of endorphins coursing throug my body.

Barely able after about 10 minutes of reducing-level after-orgs to remove the Eupho, clean everything up, and tuck under the Pendleton Blanket with that sweet feeling of being in the warm house with the bitter cold outside. )True in Minnesota today. First temps this year below zero last night(

Thank you, Lord!

Woke up and peed, I'd like a ride if my wife were out shopping. Nope, napping in the other room.

Back in bed, trying a little fooling around.

I tried that exercise where you tent your hand and push a log through your abdomen. WEEEEEEEEEE! SUPER-O

Wow, let's try *that* again! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWW ROOM-FILLING SUPER-O with a lot of convulsive thrashing.

Didn't want to waste the privacy, and I was really feeling horny, so I tried the log again concentrating on the front. It took two logs to inflate a lovely hard woodie.

Stroking, I go bigger and bigger super-o's until I was ready to pop (I deflate between them, which makes intercourse difficult.) I was short on fluid, but I had a super=T regardless, with a few drops. Not enough to fill the tubing and give me the full ejaculation sensation. But what a shot of endorphins!!! My boss told me once when he the medics shot him up with morphine in Viet-Nam, it felt like he was on a bearskin in front of a cozy fire in a cabin on a snowy night. Well, I just curled up like that in my Pendleton Blanket and cozied off to sleep for a couple of hours, with just a couple of minis shaking me as I drifted off. Except for my hands flapping against my chest for a few minutes.

Ya cain't never tell …

My knee was giving me fits in the morning, and I took two alleve tabs. When my wife went shopping, i thought it was a good time to relax … I cleaned and lubed and put in the smallest peridise. But instead of howling ecstasy, I just got a couple of mini-O's and one small thrash. After a good whil lying there dozingly, I gave up and moved to the next size up. Again, I had my pc's playing soccer with the bulb, and went nowhere but to sleep. Gave up, cleaned up. and my wife came home.

I'm suspecting that the Alleve interferes with more than pain coming up the nerves.

However, when I went to bed, I was thinking of telling my internist about my newly found gift of calling up dry orgasms at will, tried calling up a couple of p-waves that brought minis, licked the end of my finger, WOOOO! I got a Aneless super that kept me rolling with p-waves and supers for an hour before I collapsed into sleep!

Now I'm sort of scared of what the Eupho Syn will do to me next time it rides me. Last time, I was hallucinating I was in a woman's body having intercourse with my beloved. And I haven't had a dick in me since high school when my best friend and I, with inadequate lube, tried to find out what sex felt like.

First real eupho ride.

2013-11-27 04:49:56] aneros_2010: Helix Syn here
[2013-11-27 04:50:28] WarrenGWonka: HELLO! Shake hands in there little buddy!
[2013-11-27 04:50:57] WarrenGWonka: Semi-erect, even with my ED
[2013-11-27 04:51:30] WarrenGWonka: more… hard. cool!
[2013-11-27 04:52:27] WarrenGWonka: Last time around, I just got to the poinr where I could tell it to switch sides, and it would
[2013-11-27 04:53:19] WarrenGWonka: gotta be careful it doesn't squirt out when I cough or change positions
[2013-11-27 04:53:22] aneros_2010: Good !
[2013-11-27 04:53:55] aneros_2010: On my side here too
[2013-11-27 04:54:00] WarrenGWonka: Still standing here by the bed. breath caught twice
[2013-11-27 04:54:49] WarrenGWonka: Last time was a long slope up. maybe fater. Gonna li down
[2013-11-27 04:55:02] WarrenGWonka: faster tonite
[2013-11-27 04:55:30] aneros_2010: Feeling nice already ?
[2013-11-27 04:55:33] WarrenGWonka: What's up, aneros?
[2013-11-27 04:55:44] Guest1: User <Guest1> left the chat room.
[2013-11-27 04:56:04] WarrenGWonka: yeah.
[2013-11-27 04:56:23] WarrenGWonka: really hard…unusual
[2013-11-27 04:57:21] aneros_2010: Great! Semi here
[2013-11-27 04:57:26] WarrenGWonka: doing notng and it isn't feeling like doing anything, …. unex-pected mkjni
[2013-11-27 04:57:49] aneros_2010: was riding Eupho and switched to Helix Syn 5 min ago
[2013-11-27 04:57:56] WarrenGWonka: lie down, lad shaky knees
[2013-11-27 04:58:25] aneros_2010: i do nothing mostly and get best results that way
[2013-11-27 05:01:02] aneros_2010: Great involuntary contractions…. Feels awesome
06:16:21] WarrenGWonka: Lordylordylordylordy! THANK YOU, little buddy!
[06:18:04] djblackknight: ‹@WarrenGWonka› That good huh?
[06:19:18] djblackknight: ‹@Michelangelo› welcome
[06:19:51] Michelangelo: ‹@djblackknight› Hello
[06:20:18] djblackknight: ‹@Michelangelo› what's new
[06:20:39] Michelangelo: ‹@djblackknight› not much, how are you?
[06:20:43] WarrenGWonka: JEEZ, DJ.
[06:21:32] WarrenGWonka: Nothing like that. Literally howling at the moon, smothering it.
[06:23:15] WarrenGWonka: Wow, Mike. woooow. SuperT
[06:24:04] WarrenGWonka: licking and sucking my fingertip … transferred the feelings to my glans… ooooooooooooo
[06:24:59] WarrenGWonka: Havent had my pipes cleared like that for a looong time.
[06:25:57] WarrenGWonka: Massive shot of endorphins …. had to get it out or have a really roe butt in the morning. May fall over into my keyboard.
[06:26:08] WarrenGWonka: sore butt
[06:27:44] WarrenGWonka: Rode from 5 to 6:15. Totally blissed and timeless for more than an hour.
[06:29:12] WarrenGWonka: Got up on my knees thrusting …. for the first time inyears, my leegs didn't cramp. My wife will love this.
[06:31:26] WarrenGWonka: The time it was ***ing me, on my back, I could feel a body on me. Someone I loved …
[06:32:41] fun1: User <fun1> entered the chat room.
[06:33:21] WarrenGWonka: Hi.
[06:33:43] WarrenGWonka: First real euphos syn ride
[06:33:52] fun1: hi
[06:34:33] fun1: eupho syn- that's a bit smaller than helix syn I think
[06:34:52] fun1: do you have others
[06:36:06] WarrenGWonka: Yeah. I've ridden that three timee. This is far subtler. While I could still think, I could think at it to move from one seide of the prostate to the other, and it would.
[06:36:57] WarrenGWonka: The helix is relativeiy solid in there. This is mobile.
[06:37:39] djblackknight: sounds like @ fun1
[06:37:47] WarrenGWonka: A longer and subler buildup. Had a surprise mini while I was still standing at the computer typing.
[06:38:15] WarrenGWonka: You wouldn't believe it, dj.
[06:38:47] djblackknight: I only have a week left
[06:40:15] djblackknight: ‹@fun1› sup
[06:40:53] WarrenGWonka [»] djblackknight: Cher: I was invited in when he was being ridden by it. sooooo gooddd in me. It felt like a lover was in me.
[06:41:23] WarrenGWonka: I could really get used to that.
[06:43:41] WarrenGWonka: ‹@fun1› It hasn't felt like that in 50 years.

Just joining

So my Progasm arrived yesterday. It looks pretty large, but not frighteningly so.

I'm a straight man, married, and very sex-positive. I've been jealous of my wife's multiorgasmic capabilities, and want to see if I can achieve the same either on my own or with her.

I'm inexperienced with anal play. I've had a couple prostate massages that ended in awfully strong orgasms, but I've found that it takes some skill to do that well )others have used fingers inside me and I've not found it pleasurable, usually too rough or jarring(. Since "if you want something done right, do it yourself" makes sense to me, I've decided to give Aneros a try.

So why did I get the Progasm, with so little experience? First, I think I have the temperament and patience to go slow, relax and take my time. Second, the description of that "fuller feeling" matches what I'd like. Third, it sounds as though for an inexperienced person, positioning is easier than with say the Helix. The larger size gives me pause, but as I said I expect to be able to be patient.

So why have I decided to blog this?

First, if I run into difficulties, I'm guessing I'll get some useful input via this mechanism. Second, I'm hoping that in a few months or more, a guy who's a total n00b like I am today, might get some encouragement.

So; experimentation and Mark Twain's Remarks on the Science of Onansim.

Well, my wife and daughter went off to visit another daughter and my grandchildren for the day and night. Around midnight Friday, I was wondering how my regular reflexes and possibilities were doing after the previous day's hypersensitivity. So down in my lounger, I undressed, lay back, put my laptop on my belly and found nice a porn of sweet young things making love. (; search lovers orgasm over 10m to get ones by, who specialize in female/couple-friendly artistic HD porn They kiss a lot, laugh a lot, and seem like they give a damn about one another.

My standard jack-off to ejaculation worked fine, and I'd had time enough since the last time to have some secretions available. )It seems to take me about four pwaves, losing my erection between them to get there.(

So, there I was, a few hours later; wondering how things would go with the helix; considering …

I still don't have the tight kind of control; I lost it onto the rug in the bathroom getting up from loading it in. Got onto the bed and reloaded it. A half-hour into it, using my normal doing-nothing, I had progressed from a few timid flutters to waves of super-Os howling at the moon; literally this time, since I was alone in the house. I could get used to this soooo fast!

This is absurd

Well, I gave it a rest for a couple of days, and tried the peridise again. After about half an hour of just letting it happen and settling in, I was howling at the moon. )Quietly, my wife was asleep in her room( I was having a super-O every pwave, my consciousness expanding to fill the room, locked with a hard belly for about 20 seconds, and either getting harder into it if I did anal contractions, )like the last involuntary push into her at the end of your ejaculation( or relaxing into convulsive spasms and bounces for about 10 seconds or so.

I was feeling experimental … I know ears are erotic for some people. I flicked my right earlobe a couple of times and it set off a pwave. WOW! About 15 years ago, I was off on a new job and separated from the family; so I did a lot of experimentation with my sensuality. I could ejaculate by jacking off the forefinger of my left had. I guess there was enough conditioned reflex from the right hand stroking it. So, for the hell of it; I tried giving that finger a blow job, and just licking the tip was enough to set me off.

Holy fucking crap!

My wife came home before the helix sym came. I went to bed to catch some z's before she came upstairs. Still don't have the helix in my hands. But, I just had a full-blown star-spangled peridise Super O. Four peaks, three convulsions, and my prostate feels swollen like a plum. The odd part was that all of my peridise boys were in their case, and none were in my

Well, I'm up now, and I'll see if it came. I sure as hell just did!

Indeed it did come, I found the package outside the front door a couple of hours later. I quietly tucked it away without drawing my wife's attention to it.

Now I has it, and it's two thirty in the morning, and my wife is going to sleep. My edge is off, but maybe that's better for a new experience than the quivering need my tail was feeling earlier.

The starting gun is ready to go off as soon as I get upstairs and prepare for action.

The Mapping of Greater Orgasmic Responses

[11:04:43] artform: By awakening our prostates, we are awakening the energies that power our regular ejaculatory orgasms, and we learn to separate those dry energetic Responses from the wet orgasms Response. That separation of those two elements of regular sexual orgasms is the great key and great gift from the aneros practice.

[11:04:48] djblackknight: It's my body telling me it's fun time

[11:05:11] artform: could be indeed, most likely!!

[11:05:42] djblackknight: O wow

[11:05:42] artform: Could you take a bit of time and have a hands-free, no ejac session then?

[11:06:10] artform: Although that could make the 3:00 am thing a habit tough to break too.

[11:06:35] djblackknight: Yeah

[11:08:02] djblackknight: This chat has helped open my eyes a bit and I have gained understanding in this

[11:08:39] djblackknight: I will take all the understanding I can get

[11:09:09] artform: The guys talking hallucinations are experiencing some of the possible effects from the higher levels of dry orgasms, and there is no need to fear those, as I will explain now.

[11:09:29] artform: Evere do Tai Chi or any Kung Fu?

[11:09:41] djblackknight: No

[11:10:15] djblackknight: Would that help

[11:11:20] artform: Those practices are based on the same energies we all have that drive our Orgasmic Response, as separated the Ejac Response.

[11:12:03] djblackknight: Okay