California Nightmare in Hellsville

Well this is the final part to the post entitled California Dreamin' in Buckhead…took me a while to post. Took a lot out of me to post…but integrity means something to me, since I said I would do it…here it is.

Disclaimer to those who have not read the first one this is total fiction, however it was a real dream I had.

The next morning I woke up before he did. I slipped out of bed and brushed my teeth. While brushing I remembered he likes coffee. So I put on my workout clothes and made coffee. 'You must really like him or you're out of your mind…' my mind just woke up with its barage of thoughts. I do think coffee is the most vile liquid on the face of the earth that totally assaults my senses like no other, however…I want him to be comfortable…feel at home. Once done with that I jotted down a quick note:

Morning, I'm gone for my run, I'll be back. There's fresh coffee in the kitchen. I'll cook breakfast when I get back. If you're still here you're welcome to join me. If you aren't, I just wanted to tell you thank you…I had a wonderful time with you.

California Dreamin' in Buckhead???

So I'm in Atlanta at the moment, and have no clue how long I'll be here. After being here for a couple of nights I had this dream. It was pretty hot to me and happened while I had Peridise in…and had some other Aneros action in the dream so I figured I'd share. Let's jump in…hope you enjoy.

The night I had this dream I was alone, it was pretty late but I'm a night owl so…I was still up. I decided to have a session with Peridise )wasn't feeling Evi for some reason(. So after insertion I was clearning my head and a fleeting thought went through my mind. It was of somebody I kind of know but dont really know…if that makes sense. Nothing extensive just wondered how he was doing, and what he was doing…then I quickly put him out of my mind to focus on me. Well clearly I was a little more tired than I gave myself credit for because I must have fallen asleep rather quickly and ended up having this wild dream.

Disclaimer: From here on all of the things described were strictly in my dream. All of this is fiction and fantasy. However, my dream was very vivid…which is usual for my dreams.

The Mystery Man Strikes Again

So I have no idea how long this is going to last but mystery man has delivered once again. All I can say is I'll ride for as long as he does…)same guy from previous post called engergy transfer…(apparently he likes being star of the show.

At first I started not to tell him about my previous post…thinking hey if he finds it he finds it. If not secret is safe with me )he knew I was riding during our chat but had no idea the effect he was having on me(. Being the glutten for punishment that I am I mentioned it to him casually. He read it…told me he really liked it.

Later on I guess the stars must have aligned because he stumbled into chat. I didnt reallly notice at first…ok who am I kidding I noticed. However I really didnt plan on riding that day…so I just continued business as usual. Then I hear the sound of a whistle…Private Chat Request appears at the bottom of the screen…oh my I feel a change of mind coming.

We exchange pleasantries…and talk about a few other things. I happened to know at the moment where he was…not exactly where he was like GPS coordinates, but I knew enough to be able to picture him in his setting. Thats important for me, my mind's eye is the clearest of all.

Energy Transfer Perhaps??? Or just my crazy mind…

A couple of nights ago I was in the chatroom and something new and interesting (at least to me) happened. So here it is.

The usual regulars were in chat, and the topics were quite random. I love that about the chat it can be anything from sessions to whats for dinner you just never know. I got a private chat request from one of the members in the room. We'd talked before in the main room but never privately. Hmmm… I thought. I'd read some of his posts in the forums before (as i've read many peoples posts), and had a general idea of what he felt about the things he posted on. I could tell from his posts that he's a pretty dynamic guy. A pretty funny guy as well, he's always one to crack a joke, but manages to remain a level headed gentleman.

So while we were chatting privately we talked about numerous things. Just general everyday conversation about mundane things. The conversation was very pleasant however. I'd already had Peridise in before I started talking to him so I guess my slightly aroused state made me a little more ballsy than usual.

Attention!!! Calling All Women…and Men

Ok so this post is kind of a documentation of where my stance is on women and prostate/anal for men. I am not excluding anybody from reading it, but I'll be honest, I hope some woman who is struggling or needs clarification, or even a man who wants his woman or partner to understand his desires reads this and it helps at the very least. So strap yourself in…here we go!

Intro…a little about me and my blog…

Well, I've been contemplating over a while now on whether I should create and maintain a blog on this site. Well, I finally decided to take the plunge and did it! I'm actually excited about it, and the adventure that I'm taking on. I already write for another site that I dont own but the owner is so generous and welcomed me so lovingly )shameless plug devajones on there as well( where the topic matter )although aneros is mentioned on there in a post( will be different from this blog. The topic matter may overlap some but I'll try to keep this one more fitting to Aneros related things. I guess this blog will be a catch all for various things from documenting my sessions, things I've learned about myself though my journey with Aneros, or just what ever becomes my muse to write. I just go with how I feel at the moment so just stay tuned as you never know what you might see on here. I welcome any and all constructive comments )no assholes please!!!(.

About me: I am first off one of the VERY few women on this site )if there are any ladies reading this join us there are some exceptional guys on here, as well as grade A information and various points of view to draw from(. If you are a guy that has a wife or girlfriend that is hesitant, doesnt understand, or is grossed out by it dont be afraid to contact me )send a message or leave a comment(, I'd love to help women understand that there is nothing strange about this. I think I'll make a blog post about that…haha sometimes I inspire myself!

Attention!!!…a continuum…

Ignorance may also be a huge factor. Most women dont experiment with their own anus let alone a mans. Then there is the whole sexuality topic. Being a black woman in the deep south, I live in a place where you cant get any more conservative )thats a nice way of putting it…( than that. Most men are told that anything near your ass other than fecal matter )again being nice( is gay. That bleeds over to women as 'thats how you can tell if he's gay do he like his ass to be played with???' When that is simply not the case. It is misinformation that is propetuated throughout social circles.

Personally, I dont feel that any mate of mine should only feel one type of pleasure. The kind supposidly solidifies his heterosexuality. There are plenty of times when I'm close to orgasm or I am orgasming and he looks into my eyes and I know he can see the love and endearment in them, and even sometimes my vulnerability at that moment. I have the same desire to see that in his eyes as well. For a man sometimes he needs to feel a more intimate type of stimulation. A male friend of mine called to tell me how since being able to super o with his progasm, he had a moment when thinkning of his wife and he felt pleasurable waves go through his body, then he became emotional, and went into a blissful state. I found that to be such a enlightening experience that he shared with me. It made me think of how I have a feeling it will make the bond between him and his wife even more special. That lead my thoughts to my husband and I and how I have a need for him to experience similar bliss.