My father has been suffering with Cyatica for the past
5 or 6 months.
He also had a urine infection recently which postponed the treatment for the Cyatica.
He eventually got an appointment to see a Urologist.
The diagnosis is Prostate cancer.
His PSA count or level is 609, a normal count is 5 so I am told.
The doctors said they have seen counts of 2000+.
He is to take 4 tablets a day and an injection once a month.
They said it is the cancer which is causing the Cyatica.
I just hope that they have caught it in time.
At the moment I feel as if my body is operating on one plane and my brain is somewhere else.
The wife told me to make sure that I use my Aneros models regulary.
That is something I have not done recently due to various factors.
I visit he forum from time to time but not as much as I did.