Miscellaneous Points

Dear all,

I thought I'd write a few thoughts down, having had an enjoyable session last night which, nonetheless, did not produce the Super 'O'. I'd like to think I'm a kind of intermediate at this now. Things are happening and I'm gradually mastering control of some of them, but I still haven't reached that orgasm yet, and every session seems to yield a new sensation which I have to familiarize myself with and try and understand. I won't bore you with talk of positions or lube – I just have a few points which might encourage those of you who are really struggling, or yield some advice from those of you who are really gunning.

1. The Prostate

To put it bluntly, it's a tricky little blighter! Suddenly I find that the Aneros has got it right there, and I'm like "ooooooh that's so good", but then it feels as if the Aneros has gone past, beyond the spot, or the spot has moved away. Another thing that happens is that there can be a strong, random contraction from my penis (or something related to it) which dislodges things somehow. I'm guessing that managing to maintain this sort of contact is one of the keys. Would any of the guru's amongst you agree with that?

2. Contractions – which ones?


I recently received my Helix. I have tried it two times with no reactions. I would like to communicate with someone personally to ask questions regarding techniques, experiences, recommendations, etc.

Please contact me at [email protected]


New User Question

Hello- I just purchased my Helix and have been reading the material here on the Web. SInce I usually release my sperm sitting in a chair with my legs stretched out or on my desk top, I wonder if this type of position is OK for the prostate stimulator. Most of what read suggests that you lay on your side or flat? Has anyone advice on sitting forward or on the edge of a chair. I can't wait until my materials arrive- I will post again as my experience starts and as I lean to use this amazing sounding device!

First time

My first time with the Helix was an extremely relaxing experience. After taking some time to get to know it I eventually jerked off to a satisfying orgasm, but I think I'm a way off the non-ejaculatory O. As a gay man I have experience with anal penetration, and have found my prostate to be incredibly sensitive in the past. During anal sex the feel of my lover's penis on the gland makes me feel like I could ejaculate without any penile contact.

I am looking forward to getting to know the product more, however I am a little concerned that 2 days after I am still feeling a little sore. It's not a pain as such, more of a warmth and a feeling like the day after lifting weights after having not exercised for a long time. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm not sure how long to wait before trying again, but I'm keen.


I was wondering if anybody noticed any changes down there after using this thing, and how much.

need advise

Hello I just ordered my new aneros and cant wait to try it. Are there any groups out there to join for information and pictures? I will keep you informed of my experiences. My concern is that i will cum to quickly. I get hard when i think of using the aneros. should i cum before i use it?


I guess I am a 59yr old Nubbie. I Need help!!. I have been reading all of your experiances with no sucess yet. I used to be very sexually active until a few yrs ago. I Have enjoyed anal stimulation for many yrs. whenever my wife will do me. She is not into it for herself. I have been taking anti-depression drugs for about six years which I am aware that they are an direct corelation. Beleive me the trade off is worth it.
I purchased the MGX about 3 months ago without coming close to the "Big O". I have tried differant relaxing methods I have read in this forum. I have tried not to be too angious. I also tried the slight contractions as well as just letting it do it's on thing. Although it feels very comfortable and I enjoy using it. Reading these resent entries about using the Eupho. Do any of you think switching from MGX or are there other suggestions any of you might have for me.
Happy sessions,


Giving up ejaculation pleasure to try for the Super O.

Hello Everyone.

First time on here – been using my g-spot massager for about a month now, with 3 sessions under my belt.

However, having arrived on this forum and read about some of the techniques, I realise that I have been using my massager wrongly. I've been using it more as a dildo, getting it to thrust/rub against my prostate in a kind of "being f*cked" movement.

Whilst the experience has been very rewarding, and leads to penis orgasm with ejaculation, it ultimately doesn't lead me to an anal or prostate orgasm.

So, that's the setup, and I tried in this new session to work some of the techniques I read in here (twitching the anus, holding in the massager halfway etc). Not very successful, I'm afraid. Some nice feelings with the twitch technique but nothing like what I was getting before.

However, I am going to persevere! I want to achieve something like the anal and prostate orgasms you guys are starting to have.

All advice welcome.
All technique suggestions considered.

Session #2 will commence later this evening.

Happy Easter,


Hey guys, just joined the blog here. Have been reading all your posts and it is giving me encouragement. I bought the original years ago, but didn't get much result, so put it away. Now after reading this site (they didn't have it back then) I took it out of hiding. I took some of the suggestions as far as more lube etc. This session was uneventful, a few twitches, but I was more aware of the unit massaging my prostrate, it was like it got into a groove, and I could manipulate it better with my anus. I was having alot of precum, didn't get an erection, but the feelings were slight, they were there….but no shakin' or rattlin'. I guess is practice practice!
After reading the posts on the Euro, I just placed an order for it, maybe a differant unit will be better. In the meantime, I'll keep reading your posts and let you know what happens. I plan on a session this evening and will post what happens. The other thing I didn't realize that was important was the placing of the nub on the "sweet spot" that did change things a little. OK, enough now, if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know and thanks for letting me be a part of this forum, I hope soon I'll be gettin' those big "O's" LOL

Prostate milking?

After almost 2 weeks since any sexual activity of any sort, I finally had the time for another session tonight. I took my time, had a few beers, relaxed, watched a favourite movie etc.

For the first time, there was no feeling of need to defacate, so I think my body must be getting used to this, and I was rock hard and dripping with pre-cum throughout the session. I did the usual contractions, and breathing while playing with myself, being careful not to play too much.

Then, after 20 minutes or so, a feeling started somewhere other than my penis, it's hard to define where (sorry, I know this doesn't make sense). It felt like a mini orgasm, not as strong as a traditional orgasm, but very pleasurable. This lasted for a couple of minutes and white, milky fluid, more runny than cum oozed out of my penis. SO the question is … did I milk my prostate tonight, as I've read so much about?

There was definitely no 'super O' as not long after that full of the feeling of success, I relaxed and masturbated to completion, having a fantastic orgasm, with much more cum and a stronger ejaculation. It was like a real pornstar cum!

Feels like I'm making real progress, if I can just control myself!

Love, peace and good happiness stuff