Second Session

First thank you all for the feedback and encouragement you have given me.I feel that I am a member of a very special group.

Now on to the second session, I could not wait so early this morning I had my second session with the MGX and it was unbelievably prleasurable. As with the first session very easy insertion; 15 min of relaxation and then gentle contractions while stimulating my nipples. Arousal came very quickly and I started feeling many pleasurable sensations. I had more quaking than in the first session. I worked up to a dry organism that was extremely intense. The post organismic contractions were the strongest I ever had and went on a long time.

I believe I am getting closer to the super O in that I am now get the beginnings of an erection during the session.

The greatest thing is that I am still aroused. I went to the health club this morning and felt good feelings the whole time. But what comes next was pure pleasure. Relaxing in the hot tub, I sarted having involuntary contractions and throwing P-waves. Such pleasure! By the time I got to the shower the contractions had intensified. I had to hold to the shower bar as the P waves went through my body. I got a spontaneous erection.
WOW! I am still feeling light contractions.

fourth session

yesterday I had my fourth session…and again no peace to concentrate properly. this time I locked up myself in the bathroom and had no disturbances, however I discovered that a small bathroom is not a very comfortable place to try the aneros..but sitting in the toilet makes it easier to get inside you 😛 jojojojo

anyway I managed to produce again some precum…but sometimes precum and piss came out simultaneously…that sucks a lot and was very disspointing 🙁

I still haven't found the right position or found my "sweet spot" :S that sucks too

and I still have problems getting horny without touching me….

I need an advice from the expert users: first you relax and insert the aneros, then relax again to let your butt get used to it….then what???

I manage to get to that part of relaxing and being comfortable with the aneros inside me but afetr that I'm kinda lost :S what's next? contractions?
how many of them? how frequent should they be? and what next?

I still haven't felt any p-wave or anything like that..

I finish my sessions wanking and my orgasms seem to be stronger than normal wanking 😀

I think what I need is more concentration, which is awfuly hard when you are never alone for at least an hour 🙁

please I need your advice! thanks

See you 🙂


Well, some members were very encouraging and suggested to start a blog, well here goes:

Quote: … unfortunately national traditions are handed on like a hereditary disease from generation to generation through the workings of the educational system.(Albert Einstein, 1931)

As for the title of by blog – yes it is true the Energies have done some crazy things to me and I have come to some remarkable personal conclusions some of which I shall document here. When I talk about Energy I mean Life Energy. About six weeks ago I received my Helix and Eupho and using them I quickly concluded the Aneros effect and its after effect is all about Energy flow in our body. The Aneros is the most crazy and most enjoyable experience.

My Energy journey started exactly two years ago, with many bizarre experiences but these were outweighed by the many life encouraging and life revealing experiences. Why I am sharing this with you – I always wanted an outlet but so far have not found one. So far I did not want to belong to a particular group as I found that each support group has a particular interest in mind and they are bound to their self centered interest and are closed in their way of thinking and will not allow new directions of thought.

Three sessions so far!

yesterday I had my third session. after two sessions I was able to have another one. the problem was that I was interrupted around 4 times!! and that screw things up a bit..

so far what I've experienced is this:

1st session: after a couple of minutes I started feeling like something was in the tip of my penis…like when you are going to cum but nothing came out, and I had this sensation everytime I thrusted my hips forwards (I was on my belly) I was doing hip movements like when you are fucking someone it didnt feel like woow but it felt good, I was almost beggin for something to come out and feel even better but nothing did. some pre cum started to come out .the sensation on the tip of my penis was something I had never experienced before and I hadn't even touched it once. I ended up a bit sore…the problem was lubrication.

The shell rub

Definitely some of my best session stretches have come after the Full Moon romps I’ve been able to orchestrate with Mrs. J4. She really charges me up for the next week and this month was no exception.

To wit I’ve achieved a new sensation (since the “num num’s”) that I’ll call the “popcorn shell”. There comes a point in a session were I start feeling an itch similar to what I would imagine if I had a small piece of pop corn shell stuck on my interior wall just over my prostate. It feels very nice to “rub the shell” with the tip of a toy. On several occasions I have felt a vibration, timed to belly breathing, for which I have coined the mantra:

“Orgasm is the sensation emanating from the string when I draw the bow across”. I repeat this while I massage the spot.

The string is some sort of nerve cord feeling thing running from my penis base, through the prostate and up towards the belly button. I’ve got this mental picture that I am running the Helix up and down the Vagus Nerve. I swear some of my best forum stuff just gets buried so here’s the vagus nerve blurb for posterity’s sake:

“The role of the vagus nerve in orgasms is a new discovery and there's still much that's unknown about it; until recently, researchers didn't know that it passed through the pelvic region at all.”

Unreal, with no insertion whatsoever…

Okay, so last night, I had another of my six hour sessions (I rarely spend less than that, but not every day anymore), and finally achieved my third super-massive orgasm (after eight or ten days of trying since my first two). I'll write more about those later – think I got a really useful insight to share for those having trouble, but I want to test it again this evening.

But for the moment, the news is my first dry orgasm(s) with absolutely no insertion whatsoever!

Sat down to evaluate a solo masturbation vid that I hadn't gotten to last night. Was just going to check out its quality for possible use tonight. Need to go out and do some things, so despite feeling some craving for the MGX (after spending most my time with the Eupho), just wanted to review the movie quickly and be done for the moment.

Instead, I found my pelvis immediately awakened by the content (Yalta from, and quickly found myself wondering, "How far can this go?" It was a 12 minute vid playing at half-speed, so I thought I'd ride it out and see what happened.

Notably, I'm wearing boxer briefs at the moment. I DO think these get in the way. But not too badly, evidently!

Curious sensations

So yesterday, after two or three days of ejaculation abstinence, I was having a no-Aneros session in my computer chair while looking at some porn on the internet. I was having some pretty strong prostate buzzing sensations prior to this, which prompted me to have this session. And boy was I glad I did. Lately for some reason, the involuntaries have been close to non-existent in my no-Aneros sessions which is unusual. And I had no idea why. So I figured since I wasn't getting much response in that department anyway, I'd experiment with just relaxing my anal and PC muscles. And WHAM! The pleasure and energy sensations in my prostate jumped up a notch in a new way than I had experienced before and were oh so delightful! In addition to the involuntaries returning and adding very significantly to the pleasure and build up. I never got past this plateau. But it is a new record for me. And without an Aneros! The only thing I can figure is that maybe the PC and/or anal muscles need to tone up initially with the voluntary contractions. But perhaps once you get to the point where they are in shape and strong. You need to change your strategy to relaxing them instead. Just a hypothesis.

So later that day, I had an Aneros session with my Progasm. And I'm finding that lately these session don't compare much to my no-Aneros sessions. The pleasure is just not as intense, I don't feel the energy sensations, and because of this in frustration I often end up having a super-T. At least this time it was a good super-T! LOL

Just a friendly hello after some absence

I just wanted to say hello to all as I have been traveling and other family problems have kept me from being here. My adventures with Aneros have not diminished one bit over the last few months and have actually improved. Most all sessions have been very satisfying and I find that in the past year aneros has become the norm. I couldn't imagine being without my toys as I think my sex life would certainly be less satisfying and dull. Basically I am just saying hello. 🙂

One Year Anniversary Musings

Well fellow anal adventurers, I am now entrenched in year two of the journey. I wonder how many of us there are out there who have committed a year plus to this undertaking with out ever achieving any of the o’s; super, dry or mini?

When you have been on this trip as long as I have, you stop classifying your “progress” by wiki definitions. I have reclassified myself as a “grinder”: a long term user who experiences incremental progress and tends to have a good time just wandering the path. The grinder is not desperate. We already have some measure of success in our lives and because of that we must integrate Aneros use into our existing relationships.

Brian Mayfield made a comment once about how Aneros users (sooner or later) hit the “snow ball effect” where all sorts of sensations just start cavalcading together. I don’t know when the avalanche will hit; I just know I have to keep logging the time until it does.

Before I began using this product and joined this forum I thought I knew what pleasure was. I thought I was pretty in touch with my body. This process has awakened not just my prostate but my perception of what sensations my body is possible of producing and translating. My traditional orgasms are many times more pleasurable than before. This little device has helped open up numerous erogenous zones. It has rejuvenated my sexual relationship with my wife – the importance of a few rousing kick starts over the years cannot be underestimated. In addition, the forum discussions here have provided many thought provoking threads in which to help me think through my ever changing world view. This whole experience has been a big net plus.

A Senior Citizen's Progress

I turned 70 years in February this year.

For many years I have been interested in the concept of males enjoying the benefits of multiple orgasms and first signed up for Jack Johnson’s KSMO seminar in 2004. Unfortunately, I have never been able to practice the Key Sound conscientiously. However, I have over the years developed some skill in the practice of ‘edging’. This I am able to do more or less continuously for up to an hour. (I didn’t even know it had a name until I came across this site)! By the way, I have also, for several years been doing daily exercises of my PC muscles, and this has greatly helped recent events.

Meanwhile, a couple of months ago, during a routine checkup, my physician declared that I have a slightly enlarged prostate and described some rather unpleasant remedies for it. This drove me to do some research on the internet, and hence, I arrived at the Aneros site.

I first bought the SGX and MGX models, which received their initial use in late June. I have so far had four sessions with the SGX and about half a dozen with the MGX. Whilst I quickly found both models comfortable and that they both provided pleasant sensations, the MGX quickly became my favourite. (I have also tried the Eupho just once, but I am clearly not ready for its subtleties just yet)!