3 days in the hole

Being this is my first entry, I'm starting with an introduction. I purchased my first aneros product about 8 months ago. I had been having a increasing interest in anal play after discovering how amazing it could feel. My first model was a progasm. I must say it was definitely a little bit of a jump to just start out with this, but my body adjusted accordingly. Within the first couple of weeks I had what I think is a full body orgasm. The next couple of times were definitely not the same. Frustrated I put it away for a while. Since then I've been on and off with the aneros since I bought two more models the MGX and the Helix.

3 days ago I decided I would stop penile contact altogether for at least a week. Every night since then has been an increasingly better session and I can feel my arousal growing. I'm very excited to see how different my session will be by the end of the week and see if I can go even longer. So far I have had no real desire to have a super t or even stimulate my penis in the traditional sense. I am really starting to get into this "sexual journey" that everyone speaks of and am enjoying my experiences as they come. I've been doing pc and sphincter excercises everyday and trying to master the "tug of war" technique. A couple of other techniques such as KSMO and certain tantric exercises have caught my eye and I'm looking into them.

Less session contemplating a good Zen reminder for Anerosians too

Here is the core point at Aneros that was recently shared as the core point at KSMO too, by KSMO member Sky_walker:
A Zen student goes to a temple and asks a Zen master how long it will take him to gain enlightenment. "Ten years," says the Zen master. The student replies, "Well, how about if I really work hard and double my effort?" The Zen master smiles and says, "Twenty years."


as we rewire
we are all reconnected


Wife is away let the marathon begin.This is the first time in years when desire, opportunity and freedom have converged. Big snow storm,wife in Florida nothing pressing to do. In my life this was a rare opportunity.Started on Monday reading porn with helix syn in 2 hrs. just lounging. Shifted to progasm and listened to some hemisync music.Felt like progasm was moving with the ease of my helix.Prostate aching went into similar spasms as previous entry just a few days ago.My whole perineum was rocking sending sensations all over.I had enough got up had some dinner went to bed. Next day again some porn to ramp up took dog for walk but not before putting helix syn in. The sensation was awesome after several sessions of length the past days my anal canal was looser and the up and down action of helix while walking was more than I could handle cut walk short and laid down again with progasm for an couple of hrs. This slothing stuff is radical.Session not as dramatic as day before but very satisfying with major body waves and prostate responding and getting a major work out. Next day had chores get some wood in and clean up the place.I was giving a Jin Shin Jyutsu energy session for a friend at 6pm Laid down with just pro-ice for 2 hrs. All the previous sessions have been tied together with major dry o's and echoes every time I put my legs together or think of previous sessions.This time I placed my hands on certain energy locks and my whole experience widened and deepened. My whole presence was electric and dancing with the pulses radiating from my perineum and penis. All these days no hard on or ejaculation. Some soft precum releases but avoided ejaculation.I also need to mention the effectiveness in KSMO during all of this to re-engage rounds and rounds.Went to energy session with client and meeting after. The energy session went fine but amplified my already expanded state, by the time I went to take notes at meeting I had a hard time to write.I was so internally charged that all I could do was scribble!This lasted for about a half hour as my taking minutes began to improve and an hour later I was fine.I was feeling so charged I stayed up to the early morning watching movie but I knew I had reached my limit. Slept a good 8 hrs. Today I had no desire to repeat,I am totally satiated.My perineal area is glowing and I feel internally charged with no congestion anywhere.This has been a major breakthrough on many levels for me. The effects of the marathon should last till the wife gets home just 2 days from now but I can't wait to be all over her.

double the fun

This session was my longest to date and first using 2 models. Actually the length of this session could not have previously occurred without the comfort of the helix syn. Started with syn around 2 pm and went about my business. It felt great to have the syn up snug and being able to sit comfortably while driving and doing errands. My practice is just starting my fifth year and I have enjoyed all the advice on the forum.I have had success with aneros and Ksmo. Most of my sessions have been sublime. Not alot of involuntary spasms but waves of pleasure and dry o's for days. Actually all I do is cross my legs now and can have dry o's.
This session was different, as I said I put the syn in for a good three hours at this point I am having perineal and abdominal spasms. I read some porn to ramp up a bit before the wife was going to yoga. I switched to pro ice and laid down, by this time my prostate was humming. I put my ear buds on and enjoyed "ecstasy" by Kelly Howel. The hemisync sent me into zone and the pleasure waves kept building.I began to have a tingling sensation in my hips as I focused I started bucking wildly and my whole right side would begin to spasm and shake. Most notably my hand which I had a hard time feeling because of the deep body zone.The pro ice was bucking also as my prostate radiated pulses of pure pleasure engaging my entire body with waves of sensation and pleasure,this lasted for over 90 min. The wife came home got up removed ice had diner and enjoyed dry o's and echoes for days.

Spring 2012 – Fully Immersed

As Spring came on this year my wife was required to be away from home for a few weeks. We hate to be apart, and I dreaded it. But I also know that I make my best progress with Aneros play when I have privacy. For me, knowing that there is no one around gives me the freedom to really shout and moan and reach further into my fantasies, to say what I want from my imaginary lover.

Several things really accelerated my experiences at this time. First, I ordered the "Hypoaerosession" CD downloads. My first session using this turned out to be my best, and gave me new concepts to think about. These concepts are, first, security: I articulate that I am safe to do this and that it is good. Second, I think about "what it is that I want." "What do you want? What do you want?" Answering this question always pushes me into greater arousal.

Around the same time, I purchased the Helix Syn. I really like getting my perineum pounded, but now find that I like the more subtle tickling of the P-tab on the Helix Syn. And it seems to me to be a warmer, softer f**k inside me.

Everything seemed to come together for me. I was becoming aware of some great variables to play around with: cannabis, hypnotic music, position, which toy, relaxation, KSMO techniques, and fantasy/visualization.


I have been writing several installments to this blog which provides some of my history. But now, I want to jump into the present.

Today, my wife had a job interview. I wished her love and luck and she was on her way, and I decided to have a short Aneros-less session, using iDoser. I set up a 15-minute dose of "Green". It was our first cold morning of the year today, and I was already wearing a super lightweight silk longsleeve shirt for warmth. I slipped on a silk thong. Then I lay on my back, knees up, just like I do in my Aneros sessions. Within seconds I had a contraction in my perineum. Through the silk I gently made light circles around the outside of my nipples. Then I ran my hand across my stomach. I began incorporating vocalizations and humming, and some of the things I've learned from practicing KSMO techniques.

Normally I do my sessions naked, and this was my first time stroking my nipples through cloth, particularly silk. I've often used baby powder or KY Warming Gel on nipples, and this was one of the things that really accelerated my rewiring.

My first touches telegraphed straight from my nipples to my prostate. When I do this, it feels almost like an electrical jolt about an inch deeper than my perineum, with additional low-toned vibrations which spread through my pelvis, especially into my penis bulb, balls and ass. Those vibrations remind me of the touch of a bow on a cello string. The string is big, thick, and the low, scratchy but mellow vibration instills whatever is in its path.

Retrospective on One Year Anniversary

I'm just finishing my first year with Aneros toys and other dry- and multiple-orgasm explorations, and what a fabulous year it's been. I started as a complete skeptic at age 54. Now I'm more than just a believer. I now have access to so much pleasure, so much enjoyment, and a whole new frame of mind. I've learned much about how my mind works in the process. I think it is fair to say that I have had great success with these methods, incorporating Aneros, KSMO sessions, amygdala tickling/clicking, music, binaural beats, cannabis, nipple play, stomach rubbing.

My goal today is just to establish this blog, get something down in black & white, so that I have a place to explain my journey thus far. As I organize my thoughts offline, I'm hoping to go through some of the steps I've gone through, and especially focus on some of the many things which have helped me along the way. Perhaps the most important piece of the puzzle has been allowing myself to open up even more to many new types of sexual fantasy, which has greatly increased my arousal level. Raw desire and arousal are the drivers of this process, I believe. The other techniques are here to enhance that arousal, to drive the desire to greater heights.

My greatest joy is that my wife is now becoming a greater partner for me in this journey, and her arousal is getting stronger after a difficult time for her over the past year.

The Wildness of Five Super-Os & a \\

Condom Lube + Maximus + Nipple Suckers + Pillow Hugging = Wildness

Sometimes just dumping several randomly selected kinks into the mixing bowl and stirring gently can yield amazing results. In this case, the 'yield' from the recipe was five Super-Os.

My introduction to nipple suckers had only been with Lady Vice and I'd wanted to try them without a vibe. Stepping into the shower, I found the threads stripped on the shower-shot nozzle. What to do? Messing with a bag or bulb over the toilet wasn't an attractive option so I though, "how about Condom Lube."

Having become more involved with Vice and now Helix-syn I'm a bit spooked by the thought of residual silicone oil in my ass. So, I've avoided Darwin's new Condom Lube routine. However, I had bought some Bare, un-lubed, oil-proof condoms recently. With no threat of silicone-lube my interest was spiked.

Instant plan. Condom lube with Vaseline & some I.D. Glide that I wanted to get rid of, a nice bulky tail-free Maximus and my new nipple suckers. Imagination at work! On to the shower for a nice scrub.

Thinking ahead to nip play, I put on a pair of Nitrile gloves to keep the greasy fingers issue at a minimum. Also had a mirror handy to avoid the Braille approach to finding the 'mouth' of the condom.

Joy of Soft Penis Sex Part 3: Solo Soft – The Wheel of the Galaxy – Full Penis Retraction

Following an early morning Quickie session recently, like the one described in Part 2, mrs. a had to get up and leave for an appointment. The difference this time was using my Helix instead of mrs. a's finger. We had begun this session with mrs. a lubing my anus/rectum and my Helix and inserting it lovingly into me. The Helix had been unusually quite mobile and massaged me to Super-Os and the great Super-T climax with her.

She climbed out over the colourful landscape d'amour we created earlier that morning with our recently acquired Liberator Shapes. I had long had the hunch that they might be the answer to the muscle pain and cramping that I get in too many desirable positions for sex. And was that hunch correct!! The Wedge and the Ramp and Whirls allow us now to do many things now for as long as we want, things that I previously could only sustain for a couple of minutes. This Quickie had included an extended time of cunnilingus by me comfortably and artfully bringing her to repeated full body, highly vocal, opening orgasms. Then into penis/G-spot and all the energetic orgasmic variations…

The Joyous Benefits and Art of Soft (and Semi-Soft) Penis Sex with your Female Partner: Part 2

The Inflation Cycles

Over time, Mrs. a and I found that we really enjoy taking the M/F Energies Balancing experience further and in a counter-intuitive direction. As we began to experience the energies exchanges more clearly and quickly, we also felt my flaccid penis taking that stimulus back to an ejaculatory circuit, or more frequently, a mixed circuits response and starting to erect, at least to semi-soft or slightly firmer state, what I have earlier here described as the "leatherman".

As this happens we do some "old fashioned" higher speed humping, until we have teased up anticipatory pleasures and more aroused excitement. This too does not take as long as it used to. Sounds a bit like premature ejac about to go off, yet Mrs. a is also getting this more rapid buildup. There is even a hint of edging to it sometimes. Very delightful for both!!

Right about then my body says: "Hold it!" (in every sense)! And wanting a great chain of Super-Os before anything ending in ejac, and wanting the mounting and distracting pains from earlier injuries to ease off, and having the ED timer run out of buzz; my penis deflates and we both are thrilled!