1st attempt

Hello everyone

I had a some awakenings this past years through some life experience and I definitely had quite a big boost going through craniosacral work and rolfing. Basically a lot of emotional release, whole body highs etc… Since those episodes I have been experiencing full body orgasms and the ability to cicle and move and expand something in my body which I am not yet aware what it is or what it dose. Reading the aneros forum and some KSMO post, what people where talking about seemed familiar. So I went ahead and orderd a helix, after two weeks a progasm, and now peredise is on its way.

I dont know how I fist heard about aneros, but it stayed in the back of my head until I started to run into information and testimonials that gave me indications that this was a valid route for me to take. Although Ive experimented with the anal root on my own at points, Ive always been very turned down.

My experience

I have to say that the progasm isnt doing too much compared to the helix, but I guess it will have its place and its time! Although come to think of it, it dose reach some spots that the helix dosent, I miss the movement from helix.

Coming clean

From 5/6/09

Ok, this blog entry is based on some personal feedback I exchanged with one of my PM buddies who noticed that my writing style had changed and that I was conspicuously absent from forum, PM and blog discussions. As it is, I am suffering through my moments of Aneros doubt. I did not want to write about it because I pride myself on being an optimistic lighthearted Aneros grinder – willing to joyfully plod through the long Aneros plateaus of non pleasure and no progress just to enjoy the sensations, not loose focus and in the prevail. This is the blog entry I should have written instead of that lame last blog post.

So, in response to a PM about “what’s wrong with you, you don’t seem the same lately, what’s going on are you frustrated” I wrote the following:

Alright you got me pegged. I got nothing else to write. I’ve been writing my “riding off into the Super O sunset” swan song for the forum (in my head) for awhile now. I wrote two or three blog posts before scratching them all in favor of my latest lame blog entry.

I’m just logging the hours before I can tell people to “keep trying for years, look at me, I did, and it’s just so darn worth it”. Blah, blah, blah. I completely understand your previous frustration, and maybe my blog is really just a chronicle of all my futility and blunders. I, however, am more than willing to write the longest blog ever to have never reached a super o!

Moving on down the road

After scrapping my two previous blog journal attempts, I think I’ll settle on this one. Here I am, closing in on my 10th month of Aneros use. Pressing on regardless, I seem to have crept up on to another plateau – so here it is…

It’s all about the p-waves! Didn’t know I was having them, but now it’s what I seek. Finally, after months of sessions, I am getting back to the point of being able to produce pleasurable anerosless moments utilizing simple small scale contractions and light Male Deer massages. I can have a session during the day with my favorite model de jour, and then again at night – all with p-waves rolling up and down my nether parts.

Putting the wraps on fish oil: It may or may not help – It’s just pretty expensive to keep up, and I have too many ramp up/ramp down periods with vacations and such. In the long run, I just don’t see myself quaffing down 10 fish oil pills a day for the rest of my life. In addition to the fish oil, I gave up cigars and drinking during that time. While I may have had an increase in spontaneous p-wave generation outside of sessions, I couldn’t see continuing to spend the money when I have a series of vacations coming up that will most likely bump me off the path.

M/F Couples Mutuality: Mutual Ejaculation Orgasms

Mrs. a and I are so charged and thrilled with the erotic > ecstatic energies and the floating bliss we have discovered within us together on this Aneros/KSMO "training wheels" adventure.

The times when our energies combine to create a full "flowing waters of the goddess" ejaculatory orgasm for mrs. a, and we then bring me to a rollicking rocking rocket of a Super-T, and "we all flow together when we flow" as we did about a week ago a few days after the Full Moon Club, are so swirling and mutually engulfing and energies sharing inside and outside that they are always a highlight for weeks and months, even if we do not specifically pursue them in most sessions. They can be physically exhausting and are NOT still-body floating! – they are active body soaking!!!

For example, our ecstatic Full Moon Club session previous to this latest Super-MEOs (Super-Mutual Ejaculation Orgasms) event, after some initial jumping Super-Os, was ssssoooooo…. such beautiful and all-enveloping bliss ecstasy energies that as we returned to Earth, there was no need, desire, or thought of Super-T-ing and we carried that still-body flowing joy with us for several days, even into the Super-MEOs session above.

At our age the still-body flowing joy is such a gift and where we seem to fly more frequently. Yet we always love to visit the full flowing waters and semen, and touch our youth from time to time…

Rumel’s Ruminations – Part II

This Blog is in two Sections : Part II (this one) is my periodic blog of experiences (most recent at the top), Part I is just copies of some of my earliest Forum entries (oldest at the bottom)

3/21/10 – There have been a couple of inquiries/comments in the past about my personal avatar, so I thought I'd put into writing what it is.
While the Aneros WIKI states "Super-O's come in all shapes and sizes. Some are small, some are large, some are single, some are multiple, some are centered in one area while others are in another. Some are particularly intense, while others are more subdued." I liked a post by 'BF Mayfield' wherein he said "Super-O's come in many colors and flavors."

When I first joined the Forum, avatars were not an available option for members. It was many months after I had experienced my first Super-O that avatars became available. I believe it was 'hlaser99' who posted the first animated avatar shortly after they were possible here. I then started thinking about what mine should be. For a short time I was using an animated graphic of the Super O Society logo which I created as my avatar but I decided against that as I wanted that particular graphic to represent much more than my identity.

Day-After Effects: The Best So Far

From early in my practice, Day-After Effects have been a very significant part, beginning with Butt Buzz, expanding over time into the day of joy in the O-zone, where mini-Os and greater dry-Os (hlaser's Chairgasms/Cargasms) begin as spontaneous, become more regular and then are available at will when you choose out of the that delightful background O-zone buzz.

The best and most unique Day-After Effect so far though goes beyond these. In a previous post here I described the Mitochondrial Orgasm and at first that seemed like it might have been a one-time experience or interpretation.

And yet that experience was so wonderful and affecting that I felt a yen to "get back there" and also to try to research the possible science of this if the M-O was name was anything more than a metaphor. Because of my earlier interest in Tantra and Tao and the recent readings and interpretation of the results of my practices with Aneros and KSMO, I joined The Tao Bums this past January but got little response/feedback there until August and since then have really enjoyed the discussions there, which are by no means primarily sexual as the basis of Taoist practices.

By late September, after getting smaller events that had the same millions of tiny campfires sensations, I had the first purely Aneros Day-After Effect full Mitochondrial Orgasm and posted the following in the Forum here:


Nothing! Not even a twitch. But it gets worse. I sent off for another toy on this silly quest. Somebody please stop me. This is nuts.

I read in the forums about the slightest touch so I have sent off for it. Now I will be laying around with plastic up my butt and wires hanging off of me. next I will probably be sending off for KSMO then I will be laying around with plastic up my butt and wires hanging off of me groaning and moaning like a bear rubbing my stomach doing some kinda "running antelope" tantric thing I read in here. This is getting nuts.

At some point I have got to just laugh and point "Ok Aneros guys! You jokesters got me good. I bought your whole product line, Slightest touch (that was made for chicks) and Grunt like a bear and play with yourself KSMO and was stupid enough to blog about it publicly online.

I'm frustrated. It's not going fast enough for me.

Anyway I have discovered that I can control my pc muscle and anal muscles independently of one another. I did not realize that you can do that. I thought that if I flexed one the other flexed too. Also I have noticed my pc muscle is getting stronger and I can flex it faster off and on. I do this in class when I'm bored with the speaker and it produces a warm fuzzy feeling in my lower abdomen. I suspect it helps the speaker too seeing someone enjoy their lecture.

Beyond Words…

This is my most recent KSMO Blog entry. These words are inadequate but I am at loss for others for now:

>As I mentioned in last Saturday's [KSMO] Chat, mrs. a and I had another amazing advance/adventure a few evenings ago…


Beginning in the Yabyum and foreheads "kissing", the energies were flowing easily and, after a good while and then briefly experimenting with other possibilities, we fell into our favourite Scissors, with still times, gentle G-spot massaging thrusting, still times, back and forth as intuition suggested…

The energy flows were all-enveloping, soothing, energizing, blissing us out…

Jack, this was the return of "through-the-body-travel" and the first time ever with a partner. Absolutely indescribably astounding!

…to be back in something like the IOs, but very different and age/body/relationship generated new and so so…

communion with all

… dimensionless infinite love…

beyond body

cosmic clouds of light



silent symphonies of total gentle ecstatic music

we, physically united in our bed but beyond that awareness, in disembodied union with all

then 2 hours later

awareness refocused for both about the same time together still, still in bed…

and a celebratory ecstatic prostatic orgasmic completion of this consciousness altering voyage

of being bliss embodied… of being in/throughout the universe/multiverse

of love without end…

Micro-cosmic Orgasm!: A Mirror Intellectual Orgasm?

The following is a recent post I made in Tantricguy's wonderful Forum thread Rewiring & Women's Orgasm:

"Johntrevy, I have come close to what you describe [becoming a disembodied or transformed wholeness-of-being], but rather than the strict geometry of a sphere, it is more amorphous, like a cloud, for me. It can be part of the floating bliss states and frequently is, solo or with my partner.

Alana, thanks so much again! What a wonderful set of vivid, imagery-enhanced, cosmos connections. These recall my IOs of my youth, which keep whispering from behind some thin veil now, as I/we explore and rewire, or more accurately for me apparently, reconnect the experimental circuits of youth and middle age, from IOs, yoga breathing, inner body visualization and healing, Tao and Tantra, hypnagogic voyaging, "touch-for-health", chi gong, and others to those of a lifetime of periodic prostate massage.

A couple of days ago, the morning after mrs. a and I had another great couple of hours of bio-electric coupling to bliss and bliss union with all, we were reading and chatting in bed. I showed her a diagram of the typical structure of a neuron in a recent article on the huge expansions in neuro-sciences lab results and theories. Aesthetic triggers have worked for me for years to set off erotic energies, but this seemed like just a simple even homey diagram…

Tantra and Bio-Electric Sex

We recently acquired Davis and Ellen Ramsdale's book Sexual Energy Ecstasy, a wonderful compendium of information and experience. We were really taken aback when we came to page 304-307, "BIO-ELECTRIC SEX", and found such a detailed description of essentially the practice we have stumbled into intuitively during our explorations with Aneros and KSMO.

Many of the benefits explained here have certainly worked for us, with no prior knowledge or expectations, no "belief" or debate!

The "Scissors" position recommended and illustrated for bio-electric is our favourite over many years, as it minimizes the stress and distraction of pain from my old injuries etc.

After reading about this, my wife and I had a great session of energy generation and sharing based on the techniques I've developed with my Aneros (MGX alone initially) "polishing the knob" and its extensions, and with the Key Sound to trigger, amplify and direct the orgasmic energies tied to the aneros muscle memory training. The reading has helped her sense of this energy generation feeling and she generated significant energy that I could feel happening and that we could share!

This information and the much related material in the book are wonderful help for couples on a Tantric and/or Tao path with Aneros. Here is more detail from a recent post on my KSMO Blog of the same title: