New High

I just had the best ejaculation of my life a couple of days ago, after a three hour session with the MGX.

This came as a surprise, since all of my sessions during September were strictly okay. Although pleasurable, it didn't seem like I was making much progress … good feelings, but nothing intense like the "pleasure spreading" sensation I wrote about on August 18th. Perhaps introducing the Peridise into the mix was confusing my body. That in mind, I decided to just concentrate on the MGX. All last week, the partner was at home so it didn't give me much time to play. By Monday it had been nearly a week since I masturbated and my prostate was sending those telltale "massage me" signs. I had a pretty good session that day. Wonderful, but it paled next to what would come the following day.

I wasn't planning to bring the MGX back out on Tuesday, but early in the day my entire midsection was going crazy, all aflutter. So I took a fish oil tablet, ate a little dark chocolate, and lubed up with some new KY. Almost immediately it was hitting all the right spots, in the right ways. I did some time lying on the couch, striking a groove with a position that was on my left side with my right lower leg resting on the top of the couch. The combination of anal contractions and having a finger rubbing the "sweet spot" above my penis was driving my body into an insatiable tizzy. I would drive myself into an orgasm-like peak, then rest a couple of minutes, then go into another peak. This went on for about 2-1/2 hours.

Amazed by what happens

My session today was about my normal length, although I usually do 2 or 3 sessions every day. I have alot of time on my hands. I am constantly amazed how my Super-O's manifest themselves. It seems every day they are different. Although I own the Progasm, MGX and Helix, I have become almost solely a Helix user. Today I inserted the Helix and as usual the sensations started imediately. Within 15 minutes I had the first Super-O, followed by a few more over the next 45 minutes with varying degrees of intensity. My Super-O's have no shaking or jerking, just an amazing intense orgasm that at times makes me yell to stop. But it won't. Well, today I went onto my stomach with my legs close to each other. I felt the orgasm building deep inside me. My head came up and my back arched and the orgasm started, then my anus pulled the Helix deeper inside me than I have felt. I went ballistic as wave after wave came over me while the Helix took so much precum out of me that I thought I had pissed the bed. It pulled my ass down which seemed to arch my back more. This lasted for about 20 minutes and I was spent.

Peridise Test Drives

After three and a half months of MGX pleasure, it was inevitable that I might want to try something new. So — on a whim, I decided to order the Peridise Beginners Set, which arrived a couple of weeks ago. Those things are tiny!

After a few uses, I'm going to go through the pluses and minuses of the Peridise. Plus: it's comfortable. I love being able to insert it and comfortably sit down, walk around, etc. Plus: I've been able to get some great sensations going. The feeling is great, different from the MGX in an indescribable way. One night, I had the thing in for three hours humming along, thinking I could very well go on all night with it. Minus: as yet I haven't gotten to the ecstatic heights that the MGX has taken me. Maybe it's because I'm still relatively new at this and need a little more learning time to control the muscles better.

For instance, today I had a session with the MGX that built up some really strong "think I'm cumming but my penis is soft" sensations. I was on my back in a special chair we have in which I can recline comfortably on my back, knees bent, and crunch my abs to enhance the feelings. Keeping my eyes closed, breathing shallow breaths, things were getting really hot. I was doing this nicely for almost two hours before turning to the larger of the two Peridises. Although it felt good and comfortable, I couldn't get it to go where I wanted it to. On a scale of 1 to 10, the MGX routinely takes me to the 8 or 9 level. With the Peridise I've only been able to do about a 5 or 6. Pleasurable, but not stunning. After about a half hour, I had to go back to the MGX.

Some P-Waves and spasms but no Super O last night. Lots of involuntaries.

Last night I went through a lot of spastic activity and some mild p-waves using the MGX but no Super O's. It was relaxing though. I used a some ID Glide and a little Vaseline around the opening of the anus. Had lots of involuntaries anal contractions. I began either 1:30 or 2:00 a.m. and ended at 4:00 a.m. Got tired.

Equalityboy81's Aneros Experiences

I’m now almost 27. When I first saw the Aneros on the shelf at a local adult store in late 2006 I was excited and bought it right then. I believed what I saw on the website over the years about it. It made scientific sense. I was excited and that night I went home and used it. My ass literally sucked the Aneros right in. I felt it hit my prostate immediately. It was a great feeling. A sweet feeling! I felt like my whole lower abdomen and ass had all this energy surrounding them. I also felt it in my ass cheeks. It felt a little bit like electricity. I had alternated between lying on my back and lying in this position with my legs bent and feet facing down. After about an hour my breathing became deeper and my heart started pounding heavier and I could hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears where it blocked out sound, ears buzzing and ringing, and put me to different level or reality. I felt all the same things when I first inserted the Aneros and lightheadedness and the back of my head was slowly spinning around in circles. It just snuck up on me. My perineum had a nice sensation and my penis had a somewhat numb, tingly, and prickly feeling, more so in the base. Then things were less concentrated in the penis. I felt this warmth, electricity, ringing in my ears, and buzzing through my face, cheeks, and head. I felt like I was floating. It felt so safe, warm, and peaceful. It felt right! This warmth flooded my body like it was shielding me from the cool air around me. It was somewhat like an electrical feeling. My eyes became fixated and vision a bit blurry. I felt in an altered state of consciousness. There was all this sexual energy and emotions. It was like being so horny and submissive. I thought all these sexy/erotic thoughts. It lasted almost a minute or two in all and my penis was unusually, extremely erect toward the end and it spewed out a long string of pre-cum with intense pressure. Then my body felt like it was lowering back on my bed and the stiffness from my back from the experience subsided like I had been levitating and slowly lowered to earth.

Changed Mind

At the last second I changed my mind to the MGX from the Helix. I read the specs and the MGX looks a little more beginner friendly. I guess I will just need to graduate to the Helix.
Well the order is in and I'll give you the low down when it arrives.

Mind Control

Things are moving along in interesting ways … first off, my "sweet spot" has now moved from behind the scrotum to just above the penis. Don't know why. I still get slight tinglies massaging behind the scrotum, but rubbing my finger in little circles just above the penis, along with muscle contractions, drives my prostate into a flutter of loveliness. I can do this in bed, sitting at the computer or watching TV and it gives me the same wonderful reaction.

With this in mind, I set out to do another session of exploring without the Aneros. Last week, I lied on my back and rubbed the sweet spot, seeing if I could "train" it to move up my body as outlined in the Male Deer Exercise. Before I was noticing that I could get it to go about an inch up my torso, so I decided to set aside a couple of hours and try it. Sure enough, the exercise did work. I was able to slowly move the spot up the groin, to the belly button and even higher all the way up to my sternum! It was amazing, to think that you can awaken the prostate by twirling your finger inside the belly button! I remember at one point I was rubbing around thinking "it couldn't have gone north of the belly button." Then I touched the skin above that spot and it sent me into ecstacy (wow). The sensations were less pronounced on the upper belly up to the chest, but they were still there. It's strange to think how this works (mind control?), but it made for a pretty thrilling night nonetheless.

Stimulation With and Without

It's been about 3 weeks or so since I posted last. I've been having some pretty good sessions with the Aneros MGX, but lately I feel like I've been hitting a plateau in terms of the enjoyment and growth. Mostly I've been getting pretty good p-waves going, although nothing as great as the session I posted about last time. Often a session will be scrapped after about an hour, producing only mild tingly feelings. The thing with these things is that the best sensations come when you least expect them. That said, I'm going to keep trying. It's too fun to stop!

Actually it seems like I'm making better strides without the Aneros. Last time, I posted about the sensitive spot behind my scrotum that, when gently rubbed, drives my prostate crazy. I was reading about the Male Deer exercise and was wondering if rubbing the pubic bone above the penis makes any sensations. I tried it a few times and felt nothing … but all that changed one night while reading in bed. I was absentmindedly rubbing with my middle finger nestled above my penis and my thumb in my navel, moving both in gentle circular motions. At first it was giving me a mild "oh that's nice" feeling. Then my dick started getting hard. It seemed like the blood flowing there intensified the feelings, building things up until I had an "oh my god" moment and had to drop the book and go with the flow. Wow. What a unique sensation, similar to the rubbing of the spot behind the scrotum – but distinctly different!

What the Heck?

Had another session with the Helix switched over to the Mgx with the handle removed. Didn't expect anything big. Did get some good feelings with it. I'm not getting as bummed out (hahaha I kill me) over not reaching nirvana. My expectations are getting more realistic. Got some muscle twitches. And I tell you that comment one of the guru's in the forum made about "If you don't think this thing is doing something name any other time you have had involuntary contractions in your arms or legs" has really helped to keep me motivated here. I cannot argue with that point. Nearly every session I have at least one of these startling "twitches" On a couple of occasions I get this feeling of well being flow over me and then like a moron I start analyzing why I am having it and if it really has anything to do with sticking something up my butt and then I lose it! ARGGHHHH! Gotta let go.

Here is the main reason for this entry did my session it was uneventful no big deal. that evening I'm at a public function I stand up and Bam!! out of no where I get this warm tickling sensation in my lower abdomen and this warm fuzzy feeling a real happy feeling. I think it might have been a P wave Oh it was groovy! But this was 6 hours after an uneventful session. My mind was reeling and of course I start analyzing the hell out of it and dissecting it and concentrating on it and trying to reproduce it and it fades away. I remember thinking while it was going on this cannot be happening. It happened.

More of the same (sigh)

Haven't blogged in a while. Been using the helix and mgx about 3 times a week with poor results. 1-2 hour sessions with an occasional muscle twitch in my arm or leg. 2 days ago I cut off the handle of an extra mgx I ordered two of by mistake and noticed actual movement in the device (Woohoo!) all the rest of the time I have felt kinda silly with a piece of plastic up my butt that was not moving anywhere. 2 days ago when I did this I could swear I felt the device moving so quick it almost felt like it was vibrating. have not been able to reproduce that again.

today I got the new peridise beginner kit in the mail and tried it for 1 hr and then went to the mgx without the handle and noticed that it was moving on it's own with out me doing anything. Odd but really no earth shattering groovy feelings to go along with it. Girl friend thinks I'm kinda silly.

Honestly at this point I wonder if I am imagining any of this movement, "vibration" muscle twitching. I will keep going.