
how long should i be contracting my pc muscles? i bet it’ll eventually come down to just learning my body but what do you guys recommend?

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Not Quite There (Pls help)

So I have had a helix trident for about a 1.5 years. I tried it maybe every 2 or 3 months until last month, where I started using it every week or two. Throughout all my sessions (with one exception) , the furthest I have gotten in pleasure is a mildly pleasant ( Does it count as p-waves) in my perineum when I am contracting my PC muscles (I think). That exception is my first session, where my lower abdomen also felt nice at the end of the session. I don’t feel I am making much progress, if any.

Anyone have any tips/ideas on what I could do to get better results? I think it might have to do with how I contract my muscles…maybe. I do a couple of things. I my focus on my pc muscle or outer anal sphincter (mostly pc muscle); I also will “poop” it (rectal muscle?) out a tiny bit, use my anal sphincter to suck it in , suck it in further with my pc muscle, contract my pc muscle a bit further–rinse and repeat. I think I have had the most consistent pleasure when contracting my pc muscles. Doing that, however, makes my dick hard and I’m not sure its supposed to happen from the contractions. Am I also contracting something else? How long should contractions be? Time and more practice should help, but I want to be sure I am not missing something. This whole process of pleasure is a bit abstract, yes?

Helix Syn Trident first time use. WOW.

I finally decided to buy the toy and wowza is it a different experience. The pleasure was intense, but i wasn’t able to orgasm. Every time it seemed like I was getting close I forgot how to control my PC and sphincter muscles. Does anyone else have this problem? If so do you know how to fix it?

So I had another Super Dry – O… question about intesity levels

Hi guys I wanna share my strange week to you guys^^”.

I am doing kegels now regulary and even tried this big squeeze technique from [](
I cant do it regulary but its getting better..

Wendsday I was doing some kegels in my office during lunch time (i have a workplace for me alone) and then i thought ok lets try the big squeeze… and holy what a orgasmic rush for 1 minute. I could alteast control my voice, i really wanted to moan xD. My pc muscle and sphincter where fluttering like hell and it just got stronger to the point where i felt in my whole body.

Then after that i had a aneros sessions after work and had another super long dry o for idk how long. I was rock hard all the time and felt it pumping nonstop.

Here comes my question about the intensity. I am using kinda tha aneros atleast every night before bedtime because it feels good and its a good way to relax before sleeping.

Is it to much? Because the Super Dry – O was long and but intenstiy on a scale maybe 6/10(?).
Could the intensity higher if i would maybe take a break^^?

And 1 last question: Is there way to archieve the Wet O after unlocking the Dry-O’s. I just wanna experience alteast 1 but i believe the Dry Os are better because you do it frequently^^”

Once I have the toy inside, what do I do?

Recently got the Helix Syn Trident, it’s great to have in during normal penile masturbation, but I read that it can be used alone for hands-free orgasms. How do I accomplish these? All the stuff I’ve read on here has been super vague so far. I know you have to be horny and start contracting your PC and sphincter muscles, but I’m so confused as to how to get pleasure from it alone.

i think i need something bigger

so last week, i got my helix syn. ive only used it about 3 times and it just doesnt hit my prostate the way i want it to. i want a decent amount of pressure simply having it in, and doing the pc exerises increase the pleaseure. the helix syn only barely touches and there really isnt any pressure. i know that i still need to practice with the exercises and with the toy itself, but its simply too hard to relax fully. even though im pretty young, i feel like im just too emotionally unstable to really let myself go and relax all the way. before i got the aneros i used a 6in makeshift toy and it hit my spot way better. but because of its shape and being plastic, it would start to hurt. once i start getting the pleasure going, im able to relax a lot more. i can only do about 2-3hr sessions so its been a struggle so far. do you think an upgrade would be good and if so, what are some good toys including and excluding the aneros lines for a resonable price(around $40-$70).

How do you separate your PC muscles from your sphincter muscles?

I’m fairly well-versed in anal play, but I have yet to experience an anal orgasm. Currently I’m using the Helix Syn, and I’m trying to figure out how to flex the PC muscle and the sphincter independently to induce that wave-like imbalance. Are there any tips to help with this separation? I know it’s mostly practice, but what exactly am I practicing?

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I’m Stuck, But I’d Like to Offer My Progress.

Hi there, I’m a lurker but I’ve decided to share my progress in hopes of getting some advice in what to do next in order to progress. This could also help others too.

So far the most successful method I’ve done is this:

1.) Put it in and relax completely, not even PC contractions. Remember to breathe deeply and with each exhale let go of all tension.

2.) I keep doing it until it feels like I don’t have a toy up my butt. I heard some get a sort of “tickle” in that general area. I don’t get a tickle but more of a noticeable change in feeling.

3.) Now this is when I start playing with my PC muscles. For me, I keep the same rhythm of breathing deeply and slowly, with each inhale I slowly contract then hold. Then with each exhale I slowly relax. After doing this 10-20 times I’ll relax from a contraction and start getting mild involuntary contractions.

4.) Once I get there I just hold the level of contraction that started the involuntaries. I found that playing with my nipples here had great results.

5.) Now here’s where I’m stuck. Once I’m holding that contraction the involuntaries start to feel better and better. The problem is that once they get to a certain point, my PC muscles start contracting like crazy, and I don’t know whether to just let it happen or to try and relax back down to the point that started them. I’ve tried both, and the feelings never got any better. I’m yet to have a prostate orgasm, that I’m sure of.

what position is best ?

tonight is night 2 of using my helix syn that just came in the mail. it only feels like its barely scratching the sweet spot compared to my makeshift toy i used to use. im going to get some work done with it inside for about an hour and then ill really focus on the pc squeezes. what position maximizes how deep it goes and pleasure for you guys ?

And after 7 years I think I’m getting somewhere 😁

So I had some free time and wass like “ah what the heck” lets just chill and see what happens. No high hopes as it never works. Just relax and enjoy it for what It is.

So I did…..

I set a timer for 45 mins and id stop there.

I lubed up and popped my Helix Syn in to place and layed on my bed. Completely naked and placed my feet up on the wall with my knees at around 90 degrees. Just relaxed for a while taking slow deep breaths.

After I got fully comfortable I slowly started squeeze my PC muscles and holding them for as long as I could as I relaxed I exhaled. I repeated this cycle having a good couple of breaths between squeezing. Eventually I started to feel a subtle warming right behind the pubic bone.

The best way I can describe it and I’m sure you’ll all know. That initial feeling where you’re like “oh, if carry on like this im going to cum” feeling.

It slowly grew and slowly went away. So I squeezeed again. It it came back.

I had a brief moment where It away went completely. But I stayed with it and It came back again this time every time I felt like it was as much of a warming feeling I was going to get I would squeeze again. And then relax.