Sunday, Oct. 30, 2016

My previous session was on Wednesday evening, so 4 days ago. I will say, just for comparison, that it was OK, but nothing special. I have found my fatigue and frame of mind at the end of a long day at work often results in a less interesting Aneros session than when I am better rested on the weekend, but I generally take what I can get in terms of my schedule.

My previous technique had been to lie down after insertion and just relax, usually reading something for about 10 minutes, to clear my mind and let everything “settle down” with the Helix, and then proceed to work on some contractions or whatever I was thinking about trying, and see what happened.

Today, however, after a bit more than 5 minutes, I started feeling a tingling, warm sensation around the Helix. I have felt this before, but generally not so early in the session. So I decided to resist the temptation to do any contractions or anything and just breathe and concentrate on feeling what was happening. I continued to have the tingling sensation as I worked on deep breathing. I sort of alternated between concentrating on the breathing and sensations; doing some erotic visualization; and thinking about situations at work or errands needing to be done. (No, the last was not voluntary or planned, dammit, but my mind wandered and sometimes I had to refocus.)

“Oh, What A Night!”

OMG! Where to start? it is early Sunday morning about 12:30 AM. I can’t sleep any more for now. I am in Day 8 of SR and still feeling extremely horny. I woke up with an erection and decided, instead of loose boxers, to put-on some tighter boxer-briefs. They are one size too small so they fit my package nice and snug. I put my safety towel in place. I feel that today may be the right time for a release of all this pent-up sexual energy. So I chill on the sofa for a while, maybe an hour-and-a-half, and, getting sleepy, decide to go back to bed. That is when things started getting crazy. Let me explain…….

While back in bed, I got a distinctly strong “buzzing” from my prostate and began to do some kegels, first very lightly, then stronger until I “held” them for about 30 seconds or longer. OMG! Now, realize that I no longer practice my Aneros prostate stim. There are various reasons, but primarily, the last few “sessions” I had were essentially duds. They didn’t last too long either. I feel that I have reached a point in my sexual life that my prostate has feelings independent of my other sexual “tools” and that the Aneros “training” is permanent (re-wired to the max). However, while continuing these kegels, I realized that I would not be getting back to sleep any time soon. In addition, I began to get an INTENSE craving for something in my anus. I did retain my anal beads and decided that I would put them to use.

It could’ve Danced all Night

On Wednesday night, I had a good session with my Helix Syn. With increased number of daily Kegel exercises, my PC and floor muscles are stronger than ever and it helps me conduct my HS like a maestro. The sensations were good but not nearly as good as in my session with my Progasm Ice last night!

My two hour session started with 20 minutes of do nothing with minimal results and when I started very mild contractions coupled with nipple stimulation, that’s when things started to happen. The P-Ice was dancing, creating very strong P-waves and my sphincter was generating sensations I usually feel with my Helix. I was getting involuntaries, something I had not had in a long time.

The session was absolutely GREAT and come midnight, it was time to wrap things up but I could’ve dance all night! I hope to repeat this wonderful experience tonight!

Life is wonderful.

Savoring irrepressible Aless, Thursday October 20 and early Friday morning session, October 21

Hi guys,

I am so grateful to have Aneros buddies like @goldenboy, @GGringo, and @brine who have cheered me on in my Aneros sessions in the last six months or so. Having such buddies makes me so glad that we are on an Aneros team, enjoying our sessions and saving Aless outside of sessions!

Late last night I had an urge to masturbate. I think there is a consensus among Anerosers that Aneros sessions that produce sweet Aless also make a guy real horny, so much so he wants sex, whether with his partner or with his hand. When guys such as me pass the goal of achieving Super-O’s and MMO’s, they begin to plumb the dimensions of the Aneros experience which transform their persons, their views on life, and enhance their relations with people special in their life. Yes, most guys, lead normal lives in their families, their marriages, and their work lives as well. This is true for confirmed bachelors as me who is also retired. The Aneros becomes important once you experience the goal which I mentioned above.

Yes, late last night, horniness hit me like a brick as I began to masturbate. Aless has transformed my masturbation practice. I need to masturbate every day and explore this working out of my male sexuality in conjunction with Aless. I had an irrepressible erection. So I masturbated and surfed the edge of ejaculatory inevitability for 30-45 minutes last night, but petered out because it was around midnight because it was way beyond my bedtime.

on my way

Today I can finally say i had a totally hands free prostate dry orgasm that felt amazing. It was supprising also because I thought for sure It was going to end with a ejaculation. I try not to blog after every session because most of them have been the same with nothing real amazing to report. I have been going back and forth with the ps new model and helix synn, favoring the helix more often for better results. I have been starting out on my side with the do nothing technique and As I relax the sensations build and I get intermittent pulsing in my prostate with a warming feeling. This subsides after about twenty minutes so I roll on to my back and pull my knees up feet flat on the bed. The moving around and re positioning gets the feelings to start coming back. I then just rock my legs slightly from side to side or open and close gently and sometimes rub my thighs together imagining they are touching someone else. This little bit of movement is enough to get the Aneros moving without forcing it by contracting. My cock also moves around gently during this process that adds some good feeling. the combination of everything and some nipple stimulation really gets me on my way with out any forced contractions or touching of the cock. The pleasure builds and my cock start s to get hard but not fully erect.If i move around a little bit more agressivly the aneros massages my prostate with out contracting anything. I try and relax my pc muscles as much as possible and just let the movement of my legs get the aneros in motion. finally the feeling builds to a warm tingling sensation in my prostate and the urge to ejaculate and in the past that is what has happened, but not this time the feelings built again the urge was there and then my prostate and anus started to orgasm very gently for 10-15 contractions and to my supprise no ejaculate just a small amount of pre cum leaking out. I stopped and relaxed and it felt just like i had had a ejaculatory orgasm, I was running out of time so I could not wait it out to see if I could build up to another orgasm. Looking forward to trying a gain and if I have the same results going a little further for more pleasure. Not sure who labels us in our profile but I am still listed as a newbie. I think after all this time and considering my advancements I am on my way to the next level not that that it matters just sayin.

Tuesday morning session, October 11 : Tug-of-War Technique and Aneros Elasticity

Hi guys,

Early this morning we had a low of 44 degrees, so I wore my sweats to bed last night and had one of my most soundest sleeps in months. I woke up at 7:15 a.m. thoroughly rested and listened to the news on the radio til 8 o’clock.

Since I had such a great session in the noon hour yesterday, my body hankered for another session this morning which lasted about an hour with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE. It was an absolutely beautiful, and just thinking about it right now makes me extremely horny and my Aless to have surges of pleasure!

I have become very fond of MGX in recent weeks because he ranks in the same class of Energizer Bunny as Maximus and Progasm Classic! So this morning, I inserted him while lying on my right side and he went immediately to work, with hardly an effort on my part.

Now I consider my Aneros collection as a stable of horses. When an Aneros model such as MGX, Maximus, or Progasm Classic is in Energizer Bunny mode, that is a horse in a gallop. However this morning, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE were horses in a trot. Here their massage was slower and more determined, but just as pleasurable!

Session 30/09/2016

When I’ve started writing this blog days ago, it has been many months since I had a “good” session. By good I mean getting something more than the background pleasure.

I had a good session yesterday.

Like most of my sessions, when I have them during the week, it happened after dinner, because before I was at work. This brings a problem – I’m tired. Most of the sessions I try at night end up with me falling asleep, and today the same happened but not before I got good things.

On the problem of being always tired and why I think in the last years things have regressed/stalled I will explain a next post, let’s go now to yesterday’s session.

In the last weeks when I attempted sessions I’ve been using Maximus. After pre-lubing inside (which I only rarely do) with Johnson’s baby oil, I used vaseline and a coat of a slippery silicon lube named Millennium, I inserted Maximus.
I watched just a little bit of porn in the form of other guys using aneros, just some minutes. The guy was using Progasm and I was like, why not use Progasm Ice again? In my last tries with it it didn’t gave me anything, which is “normal” for me, so after a while I switched to Progasm Ice, lubing the same way.

I fought a bit against my sleepiness but I was able to keep awake.

Question about kegel exercises.

I’ve done a lot of research on the kegel exercises and the PC muscle. What people describe the contractions of that muscle is similar to how I have practiced it but I don’t know if I am doing it properly. For me it feels like there is a muscle in my shaft that I can flex and makes it move upward very slightly and that is the same thing I use to stop my stream of urine. I can’t hold this muscle though, I can tense it then it immediately un-tenses. From my research of Kegel exercises it says that you must hold the contraction of the PC muscle. So do I need to keep repeating the contraction I use as practice so that I can eventually hold it?

“A Split Surfing Session”

An interesting session! I awakened VERY EARLY this morning with a rock-hard erection in bed. Really thought I would be headed for an ejaculation (with just a little bit of hand coaxing). I decided to lie downstairs on the sofa for a while and just chill with some relaxing music. I put-on a track which I have listened to before (name escapes me now) and it was about an hour long. I fell-into a “mild” fantasy: I have visited a massage parlor and a masseuse was going to give me a “soft and gentle cock massage (with no happy ending). I have never experienced this before and so I was intrigued. I laid down and we began…..

Monday morning session: “Really into you!” : September 19

Washington DC weather is one of extremes. We have had several months of relentless heatwaves, but hardly any rain. Recent weeks we have had drought conditions. So today we are having a rainy day for a change with very high humidity. Even the keys of my PC keyboard are laden with yucky moisture!

Also I had mostly a sleepless Saturday night/Sunday morning, so church was a huge drag. I finally arrived home at 3:30 p.m. exhausted, but managed to hang on until I went to bed just after 10 p.m., my usual time. I craved rest and slept like a log until just after 7 this morning, very unusual. I rise usually between 5:30 and 6:30 a.m. I laid in bed this morning and listened to the radio until just after 7:30 a.m. I had serious Aless and really wanted a session.

The session lasted about 1.5 hours with the following models: Progasm Ivory, MGX, Maximus, Progasm ICE.

Since my breakthrough last Friday morning with Super-O’s and MMO’s, I am “really into” my Aneros tools. “Really into someone” is an expression of developing intimacy in a couple that leads to sex usually, but most so intimacy that leads to communion of souls. It seems that I am really getting to know my Aneros tools and they are getting to know me. Such knowledge leads to intense, sweet pleasure which leads ultimately to Super-O’s, MMO’s, and even beyond!