My previous session was on Wednesday evening, so 4 days ago. I will say, just for comparison, that it was OK, but nothing special. I have found my fatigue and frame of mind at the end of a long day at work often results in a less interesting Aneros session than when I am better rested on the weekend, but I generally take what I can get in terms of my schedule.
My previous technique had been to lie down after insertion and just relax, usually reading something for about 10 minutes, to clear my mind and let everything “settle down” with the Helix, and then proceed to work on some contractions or whatever I was thinking about trying, and see what happened.
Today, however, after a bit more than 5 minutes, I started feeling a tingling, warm sensation around the Helix. I have felt this before, but generally not so early in the session. So I decided to resist the temptation to do any contractions or anything and just breathe and concentrate on feeling what was happening. I continued to have the tingling sensation as I worked on deep breathing. I sort of alternated between concentrating on the breathing and sensations; doing some erotic visualization; and thinking about situations at work or errands needing to be done. (No, the last was not voluntary or planned, dammit, but my mind wandered and sometimes I had to refocus.)