The Aneros autof**k & Aneros surfing

Hi guys,

I had an enjoyable session early yesterday morning using the models above. Every went well through Tempo. However I had a big bowel movement coming on afterwards which forced me to use my bathroom. That event preempted using Progasm Ivory. Nevertheless, I enjoyed sweet Aless for hours afterward. So I was thinking of having an early evening session last night with MGX which I hadn't used in a very long time, followed by Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Ivory. Some distractions caused me to scrap the additional session, maybe later on today in the early evening.

Right now I am in a very deep afterglow of Aless after having perhaps one of my intense Aneros sessions ever this morning! Damn, I am so horny! Aless sweetness has pervaded my entire sexual apparatus, especially my testicles, penis, perineum, my entire groin or "man area" [as Mark Littell, inventor of the Nutty Buddy athletic cup, calls it], even my whole body and consciousness, but the sexual energy is centered or rooted in my prostate. Doing occasional Kegels pours fuel on this sexual fire in my loins which makes me glad that I am a man!

I will now speak in some detail about the Aneros autof**k which is mentioned in the Aneros Wiki and stated as one of the Aneros milestones. At age 65, I am still a virgin when it comes to fucking. I think I will remain virgin in this primal human experience of procreation. So I have never fucked or been fucked, male or female, in my whole life. STD's such as HIV/AIDS has deterred me from this one human experience, perhaps regretfully.


On and off I've been working with the Progasm Jr. Made lots of progress and I'm able to reach the super-o very quickly within about 20 minutes. I think the intermittent sessions have really powered up my anus, much to the delight of my partner.

Current setup to the super-o:

Laying on my right side, pad between the knees. I pull my knees closer to my chest (opens the ass a bit more). I keep the anus voluntarily contracted, then begin to bring in the PC muscles. This kicks off the auto-fucking. Since the muscles have gotten so much stronger, the anal pumping makes me grunt loudly. This is my favorite part.

When I decide to have a super-o, I straighten my legs a bit and the convulsions begin. My legs shake and I begin crushing the pillow between my arms. I feel like the convulsions last only about 10-12 seconds, then I'm exhausted and need to stop. It's not that I'm out of shape, but the full body flexing uses up a lot of energy. I realized that I kept ejaculating before because the rapid thrusting was making my scrotum swing and this indirectly stimulated my penis. I have managed to keep from ejaculating for three sessions now.

Slow and Steady

It's seems to be far and few between blog entries. Things have continued better than I could hope the last few months. Every few weeks something different and usually better develops from my continued Aneros use.

The whole process for me feels more and more like it's in my head )which it is primarily(. The most tangible pleasure comes from the prostate area, but I'm grown more in tune with how my mind drives the whole cascade. There have been a few times during sessions that I'd observe to myself that this is really in my mind and a surge of pleasure filling my consciousness would overtake me for a few seconds.

Along with the idea of this whole experience being in my mind, I'll actively worked to let go even more during my sessions. This was where another step forward happened this evening. My best results have happened when I've worked to inhibit my physical reactions and contractions to the changes in pleasure and sensation. At times in the past I would "get greedy" and bear down trying to get even more from the current pleasure. It just seemed natural. I've clued into a mindset where I respond as if the Aneros is acting on me and reveling in whatever sensations occur however small or great. Usually they end up greater if I continue this way.

What a Great Day

So I decided to right a blog about my experience.

Last night I had a Aneros session with my Maximus Classic, and it was just ok. So I stopped the session after about an hour and went to bed.

Today – I was feeling pressure in my prostate, I knew that I didn't go all the way with my session and that this was going to be an interesting day.

My job requires that I travel for work and I also sit behind a desk for long periods. Through the day I kept having the tingle sensation from my prostrate and occasionally I would tighten the PC muscles and received a huge amount of energy causing me to have wonderful flow of pleasure.

Then I had to travel to a job location in the afternoon, and my car has a small vibration at 60 to 65 and this was sending me over the edge. I had to stop 2 times to go to the restroom as I kept getting the feeling of having to go.

On my way back to the office I once again began to get the feeling so I pulled off the expressway and stopped at a park and ride and just sat there contracting my PC muscles. Once again flow of pleasure, realizing that this isn't going to stop. I tried to relax and moved on.


I haven't been using the Aneros for more than a week due to work stuff, but now I'm trying for more. I began training again yesterday, holding a partial PC contraction, then slowly contracting my anus. Involuntary contractions come and go this way.

Today, I got down on all fours in front of the mirror to see what was going on back there. As the Wiki explained, the P-tab has problems staying in place and it would rotate off my perineum. However, I was able to generate some visible involuntary spasms in front of the mirror, which looked great.

XTube seems to have a lot of Aneros users, though most of them are jerking-off with it. That isn't what I want to do. In fact, a lot of XTube submissions are using the Aneros for Kegels, which I believe just makes you sore down there. But XTube does give me some idea about what's happening in other men.

Aneros horniness, session for Aug. 5, 2014

Hi guys,

It has been a long time that I have given a blow-by-blow description of a session. However this morning, I will because Aneros horniness has come upon me full force.

In the mood: That happens almost daily. But since I have been having sessions at least three or fours time a week, it is so easy for me to get in the Aneros mood. Guys who work out have this feeling, this anticipation that an athletic session is in store for them. They feel so happy and satisfied after working out because exercise or athletic activity release in their bodies feel good endorphins! Same thing with an Aneros session. I can forget my worries when I engage in an Aneros autof**k which makes me glad that I am a man!

Specifically I received two powerful stimuli for this morning's session. [1] I received an PM from a good buddy on Aneros who complimented me on my Aneros progress. Matt1008 also is a member on BateWorld where I met him in Sept. 2011. He got me interested in Aneros and the Kegel Exercises then. [2] I heard a news report early this morning which mentioned about 'muscle memory'. Aneros 'muscle memory' is an operant factor when I have Aless. Just thinking about my Aneros models and what do for me causes both Aneros 'muscle memory' and Aless which is so sublime! In Aless, I rehearse in my mind past sessions and think bout future sessions. Both Aless and Aneros muscle muscle are basic components of my horniness for the Aneros!

Another twist in the road of my journey – late July and early August

Since this is more of a journal I'll be updating my experiences semi-regularly. Skip to the end of the blog for the latest entry.

I found that I had unintentionally hijacked the topic in the"weed" forum discussion with my Salvia Divinorum experiences and thought that my descriptions of my experiences were more appropriate in a blog. So here it is. I'll keep updating it as I go.

June 25
salvia divinorum looks interesting; quick acting, short duration, not addictive, meditative affects, no hangover. I'm going to try it.

Wikipedia says "Mazatec shamans have a long and continuous tradition of religious use of Salvia divinorum, using it to facilitate visionary states of consciousness during spiritual healing sessions.[1] Most of the plant's local common names allude to the Mazatec belief that the plant is an incarnation of the Virgin Mary, with its ritual use also invoking that relationship"

June 26
Here's a poetic description of the Salvia Divinorum experience from the Pharmako/poeia by Dale Pendel:

"It's like a mirror with no frame: some don't see it at all; some do, but don't like what they see.

It's like cat paws, soft cat paws pressing, or like a bunch of bird tongues lapping the mind. Or like tiny fingers, the way ivy fingers reach out to climb a wall . . .


Day 2. Burning out my PC/anal muscles yesterday really opened some new doors today. I lubed up, then prepared the Aneros. While not really part of a session, I walked around with it inserted, doing PC/anal clamps. I took a drive, still plugged, still practicing contractions. By the time evening rolled around, the perineum tab was making me a little sore, so I slipped it out.

My partner left town after dark, so I was alone tonight. He knows I get off from wearing jockstraps and athletic cups, and tonight was no exception. It's kind of a denial/sexual frustration thing. My favorite combo is the Bauer sport cup )no longer in production( held in place with a black Bike Performance supporter. The cup is in direct contact with my groin; there's no pocket. In anticipation of a *real* session tonight with the Progasm Jr., I felt I needed to block access to my front.

Again, I relubed and inserted the Aneros. This time, my PC/anal muscles were already exhausted. Lying on my side, eyes closed, I practiced partial contractions. After about 30 minutes, the muscles were getting beyond tired. Then magic happened. My asshole and PC muscles began fighting against each other causing a throbbing sensation. I had to fight my conscious control over it )I didn't want to control it(. An hour later, I had accomplished about four or five of these throbbing spasms, but with limited durations because I kept trying to control them. Erections alternated between the spasmodic episodes. I guess the more I learn to relax, the more responsiveness I get, right?


When I started college in 2001, I remember reading about the Aneros and immediately wanting one. So 13 years later, I finally got one… for my man. It was a gift, though we both knew *I* would be first to try it. I've done the basic anal plugs before, most of which have a tapered tip design that puts an uncomfortable point somewhere in the rectum. Just getting these things past the anal sphincters sometimes wrecked me for the rest of the week. )So I'm a tight ass.(

Several reviews from various sources shied me away from ordering the full-sized Progasm; instead, I chose the Jr. size. )We're trying this together after all.(

With my partner egging me on to christen this shining black alien device, I took the dive.

From the Aneros forum, a lot of men seemed to have good luck with an initial coat of petroleum jelly followed by a topcoat of water-based lube. At the receiving end, I prelubed the same way: petroleum jelly in and around the anus and a small injection of water-base into the rectum.

With all this slippery stuff going on, the Progasm Jr. pretty much found its own way in. I think one forum poster described the feeling as "your gland being gripped from inside and out," which is an accurate description.

Starting to let go of myself and my fears.

This past week I had contact with my family in a way that stirred up anger and fear, which led to renewed feelings of self-loathing and doubt. Much of this anger and fear is about my parents and how they treated me in the past. The self-loathing came from seeing my parents as "evil" beings and seeing myself (unconsciously) as an extension of them.

That contact with my family ended on Friday. I have been reading about Buddhism and practicing Buddhist meditations lately, so I began that practice again on Friday in an attempt to "recover." I also attempted to have a session Friday night. While it was intense and pleasurable (especially since it had been a week since my last ejaculation) I found I wasn't able to "break through" into that special place where I am perfectly loved and accepted. In particular, at the gateway to that place I found an incredible loneliness and need for validation.

On Saturday I began reading some Buddhist discourse on fear and the nature of fear. Much of what I read talked about how many of our fears are an extension of the original fear of abandonment and death we develop when we leave the womb, since at that time being abandoned means death. I began to see how these ideas were at play in my relationship with my parents and my pattern of self-doubt. My parents are the type to love people conditionally, and I started to see why the fear of losing them caused me so much pain. I saw that that fear of abandonment was tied to my fears around death and survival. The book I was reading recommended meditative exercises where the inner (fearful) child was allowed to express these fears, and the adult self then comforted the inner child–reminding it that it can now survive on its own and give itself love.