Acid Reflux/Heartburn after Using the Prograsm

I'm a total noob to the Aneros and have started with the Progasm. Each time I've used it, after half an hour or so I start to get acid reflux and abdominal discomfort. I've tried searching other forums to see if anyone else has experienced this sort of thing but haven't found anything. Was wondering if anyone here has. If so what advice do you have? As far as I know, I'm using the Aneros correctly, lying on my side with my knees up. I can't for the life of me figure out why this is happening. I've had four sessions and each time it has happened without fail. Any feedback is welcome.

Anerosing highs and lows

First couple times I used my progasm I could feel my body shaking and then about a week later I did not have the shakes but I could feel the energy in my spine several times but it never moved. Fast forward another week till today and there are times I get those shakes and times I don't I feel like a couple sessions were duds. I know I'm still at a noob status only doing it for a couple weeks but sometimes I feel like I lost the new ness of the ride. Maybe I have my expectations too high? Maybe I should get another model? Maybe I should try it for a couple more weeks? I have been doing the do nothing approach so far. I'm not new to anal play but I am new to the Aneros. I have tried different positions maybe I should change positions and see if that works

Ridiculously high heart rate + other questions…

I've had my Helix Syn for about a year now but only just now started to use it regularly. I'm progressing pretty quickly and feel like I'm getting in tune with the subtleties, sensations and how to react to them. I feel like I can just get to below the crest and no further so I will keep trying and listening to my body more. But I have a few questions:

-When I begin to feel waves and respond to them my heart begins to pound harder and faster than it ever has in my life. I've never experienced such intense heart pounding, in fact it's a little bit distracting during the session. I haven't seen much about this here but wanted to see if it happens to others or if it might go away as I get more used to it.

-Tips to maintain focus during the waves? I try hard to keep my mind clear and focus on my body during the waves and build ups but frequently random unrelated thoughts pop into my head and throw me off. Any tips to avoiding this? I smoke weed before the session which seems to help me go to 'another world' during my sessions.

-I don't feel the P-tab much. I've found that using my finger to put pressure on the perineum has helped a ton and increases the force that the Aneros puts on the prostate. I can feel the contractions very easily here, and try to respond to them but I wasn't sure if this is a best practice. Could this mean that I might need to upgrade to a progasm? I like the stronger force much more but would love to keep my hands away from the area.


What are your guys favorite position during a session? I have a progasm and seems for some reason I get the best results laying on my side (my left side) I've tried other positions but not without the same results

Progress -Trying new things with my sessions

Ive had several sessions since my last post- a few were noteworthy for one reason or another.
On one occasion the anticipation of having the house to myself was such a delicious feeling. I began having aless in the car on the way home just thinking about the session I was going to have. When I had finally prepped I remember really savouring the insertion of the progasm- my ass was SO HUNGRY for it and at about halfway it just sort of gulped and pulled it in tight and involuntarily clenched down on it. It was all I could do to try to relax and breathe.
Another session I used the HypnoAneros tracks for the first time instead of watching porn and found it to be a real turn on.
All of my sessions now culminate in heavy leaking without erection, many p waves and deep aching deliciousness and euphoric surges often with a wonderful warmth in my heart region. Many times I will let the progasm do its thing while I concentrate on breathing deeply-and then at some point manually stimulate my perenium to climax.
I always enjoy aless for a day or so after my sessions now too.
Am seriously considering adding some variation with a new model -perhaps a Eupho or Helix Syn . Will be trying shea butter as a new lube instead of the KY and other things I have tried. Coconut oil has been good to me too -but I have cleaned out my wifes supply in a short time..

Recovery from the flu & New Years with Aneros!

Hi guys,

I had my last Aneros session early Saturday morning, December 19, nearly two weeks ago. Right after the session I became sick with a "mild" flu which left me weak for some days, until now! It has become cold once again here DC with much colder weather to arrive early next week.

During my convalescence, I had periods of Aless which bordered on the painful. So I suspended sessions with Aneros, all the while feeling like an old man and out of sorts.

This morning I rose before sunrise and then went to my neighborhood 7 Eleven for coffee and a couple doughnuts. I then returned home to have my breakfast. Then I laid down to take a rest, feeling blah. Then I was hit with a desire to have an Aneros session finally! This morning I wanted to use the MGX, a model in my collection which I hadn't tried since November 2013. The MGX is distinctive in that its stem is ribbed, a feature which was designed to stimulate and exercise the anal muscles. That is when Aneros lust hit me. So I examined my MGX and noticed that it is just as large as Helix Classic.

I proceeded with my session feeling more and more excited and energized as I prepared for it. It felt like old times. I didn't feel so debilitated after all. The MGX hits and stimulates areas of my anal and prostate areas in a new and exciting way. Thus the MGX joins my Aneros first team of Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, Maximus. Tempo, and Progasm Classic.

K-tab and pilonidal abcess

Hey guys,

I've been an aneros user for a little over a year, and the journey has been amazing. I'm moving my way up to comfortable pegging with my gf, and I'm looking to purchase a new aneros to help me along with the experience. I currently own an mgx and a helix classic. I'd like to move to a bigger size for a "fuller" experience. My first thought is the progasm, but I have a problem. When I was younger, I was diagnosed with a pilonidal abcess. Google if you need to know what it is. It was an incredibly painful experience, and the last thing I need is a repeat of that situation. I'm worried that the k-tab on the progasm might exacerbate the situation. Are there any pilonida aneros users out there, and have they had any experience with problems due to the k-tab? Should I just settle for a maximus?

Just wanted to express my excitement.

Just really wanted to post about how excited I am!

Im not new to aneros, as about 2 years ago I bought a Helix Syn. I fucking HATED it. It was just simply painful to use. I was told to relax, drown it in lube, reposition it, blah blah blah. But no matter what I did it felt like someone was gently stabbing me with a knitting needle or something. I attributed it to the things size and shape. Really small, slender, and a softly pointed spot on the end.

So I gave up on it and tossed it aside, with it being the biggest disappointment in a sex toy ive ever had, and a very expensive one too. I went back and looked at all the different models aneros has and saw that the progasm was the largest, and at not even 2" around its still small for a butt toy. Well I just bought one through the %50 off sale.

Well it finally just came in the mail. So I tried it out. And omg im so excited! I ACTUALLY FELT SOMETHING. Immediately after inserting I felt a dull, but really nice sensation right where it was pressing. I left it in for about a half hour or so and then just got off by hand since I was too eager. However im totally stoked about FINALLY getting into the realm of prostate stimulation. Ive never been able to find it by hand, but im positive the progasm hits it.

After 20+ sessions with the Helix Syn, I’m stuck. Would I have better success with a different model?

I bought a Helix Syn earlier this year. It's currently my only hands-free model, but I also have an Njoy Pure Wand.

I generally get much better sensations from the Helix Syn – the Wand doesn't do much for me, and I have a hard time finding my prostate. Plus, I have a long torso, so it's hard for me to get into position to make it work.

I get the best results when I lay on my back with my feet flat and rub my nipples. It feels good and I get a small amount of precum out, but nothing like what I've seen here. I get even better results if I lift my feel off the ground like a missionary style.

More often than not, I just don't feel anything at all. Sometimes I wonder if it's even hitting my prostate. If I decide to start jacking off, then it feels good right as I'm about to cum and during it.

Would I have better success if I switched to something like Progasm? With something that large, it's practically guaranteed to hit my prostate, right? I feel like I've hit a wall and don't know what can help.

New Beginnings and big sensations

Id like to share my experiences with you all and journal them here –although I’m only six months into my journey with aneros-some recent developments have convinced me there is really something to all this- and that the aneros is something like a key that opens a whole new world beyond the sexual – but more on that later.

Some summary background before I begin: I have enjoyed masturbating with anal toys for many years although only encountered the Aneros six months ago when I purchased my Progasm Ice.

About three tears ago I read a book on Taoist energy and the male reproductive systems which changed my whole approach to masturbation. I learnt to retain my semen throughout ejaculation. And the benefits to my life in general were almost immediate. I had more energy and enjoyed a better state of mind in general.

Now six months in with the Progasm, sessions have yielded varied results-mostly subtle but also at times sublime! I tried like a noob does in the beginning to actively work at inducing results utilizing various positions and kegel excersises and weed and porn but have now ultimately surrendered to more or less one position with my focus on breathing. Porn and weed definitely help to get me in a hot frame of mind though heh