Interested beginner with a question

Hi there. I've known about Aneros for a while but never really read into their products until recently and I feel it's something I'd like to try out.

My main question is mostly about which model to get, I'm open to getting advice and opinions from everyone who visits here.

While I'm not a 100% newbie to this type of thing, my main concern is my height. I've read that while the Helix is a lot more beginner friendly, it might not work for taller people. I'm quite a bit over 6' tall, so I'm wondering if the Progasm would be a better option, even though it's for more intermediate users.

By all means, if someone can convince me that the Helix (or Syn alternate) will work out for taller people and will hit all the spots it needs to despite my height, then that's probably what I will be going with, but I am open to suggestions.

Just like riding a bike…

According to my blog, this is the first time I've used my Aneros in two years! Thankfully it didn't take me long to get back in to the swing of things, and I don't ever recall my sessions feeling this intense. Perhaps it's my memory.

I bought an MGX, which is a model I haven't used before and it seems to fit me better than the Eupho, Helix or Progasm. The handle is a little irritating though.

I had a session today that was really nice. Lots of subtle sensations in my lower abdomen. One really intense feeling in my left thigh, right on the inside. Who know it could feel like your leg was cumming?!

I feel like I'm being rewired again, which is awesome. Hopefully this time I can make some big progress :)

Kegeling & Reverse Kegeling refinements, session for 11/5/15

Hi guys,

I would like to thank my Aneros buddy, HopefulMMOer, for our long, fruitful personal/private correspondence on this site. As many of you know, he is into both Kegels and Reverse Kegels.

The Kegel Exercises have been recommended for guys undertaking an Aneros practice. They are very good for developing anal muscle tone and strength which enables a guy to use the various Aneros models with greater confidence.

From the very beginning of my Aneros journey which started on June 3, 2012 with Helix Syn, I have incorporated the Kegels especially with Maximus and both Progasm Classic and ICE which I began using respectively in August and September of that year. In many ways, Kegels and Aneros practice then was hard work and often exhausting. However, when I began using Tempo just after Thanksgiving 2013, the result was instantaneous. Not only was Tempo a pair of dumbbells in my butt developing muscle tone and strength, Tempo propelled my sessions on a higher level than ever before. My sessions became effortless and exciting.

So let me tell you more about Kegels and Reverse Kegels as envisioned by HopefulMMOer. A Kegel is an anal contraction which pulls the Aneros in as far as it can go. A Reverse Kegel is the opposite, almost like taking a shit, but you do not expel the device.

[advice] I’m lined up to have a massive session tonight but could use some pointers/tips

I was out of town since Friday, sharing a hotel room with family, so I haven't gotten off in about 72+ hrs. I typically ejaculate at least once a day before I get out of bed in the morning, so this is rare for me and my sexual energy has been building and building. This evening I will get the place to myself for a bit, so it's basically the perfect storm to have a monster session. So I'm asking for advice:

During your best session(s) what are some things you did before/during/after the experience that really made a difference in separating it from a normal experience to an amazing one. Things that brought on really hard super os, or rolling orgasms, or multiples with short lag periods, etc.

I'm thinking about things as simple as a hot bath before hand, to more complex things like a very specific body positioning or listening to music or porn. Just about anything that really made a difference for you that I could easily replicate.

I'll be using the helix syn but I also have the progasm, eupho syn, peridise, MGX, and Maximus. I also have some Lelo products and dildos that are fun to use after I've been riding the aneros for a bit.


Questions about boners, precum, vibrators, and getting turned on

I've got some general questions that I've been wondering lately as I continue to figure out the prostate orgasm.

I feel like I've hit a bit of a dead end doing handsfree stuff. Whenever something is in my ass, I have a hard time getting turned on. I close my eyes to visualize, and sometimes watch porn, but it's hard for me to get horny if the Aneros is inside.

When I first start, usually fresh off a movie, I can keep turned on. It feels good early on – I thrust the air a little, and sometimes the tip of my penis feels tingly. But after about 10 minutes it starts to go away.

I have no clue why I can't focus and get horny, other than maybe worrying about the ensuing mess I'll have to clean up. By that I mean lube and other fecal stuff that comes out. No matter what I do (evacuating 60 minutes prior, showering), it's always a chore to clean up. I tried using a enema bulb but holy shit that thing was sharp and really hurt my ass.

Some other things I"m pondering:

1) What does it mean when you get a boner maybe 10 minutes into a session and then it goes away?

2) What does precum mean when using an Aneros? Sometimes a little dribbles out, and then other time I get these long thick strings.

What just happened? Was this the Super-O? How do I make multiples happen?

Straight male here with very limited anal play experience, save for the stray tongue or finger from a girlfriend. When instances like that would happen, I noticed I didn't shy away from them, but rather let them happen, which is what got me interested in the Progasm. That being said, I finally picked one up and decided to give it a go. The first time was rather eye opening for me. Once I got past the slight pain of the initial insertion, i settled in and got comfortable. I began to mimic the breathing techniques recommended by another post on here, along with focusing on the toy, the contractions, etc. Eventually after about an hour or so, I started to fell this euphoria come over me. I was tingling, heart racing, breathing quickly. However my brain sort of came back to reality and interrupted this state of bliss and that was that. I called it quits. The next time i decided to try it, I followed the exact same routine and achieved pretty much the exact same result. Same interruption and everything. However, i gave it another go and sort of started spacing out and just relaxing. The sensation started back up and i began to embrace it. Mind you, i'm laying on my side, knees sort of tucked up to my stomach. While this sensation is happening I begin trying to embrace it by thrusting. I'm shaking at this point while thrusting and eventually I can feel almost what a traditional orgasm would feel like when you feel it about to happen…only more intense. I kept going and finally came. hands free. It was great. However, my question is I hear so often about multiples. After that orgasm, I felt like I was absolutely done. Ive reached this 2 or 3 times now and have felt the same way after each session. Any advice?

Continuing with Aneros Tug-of-War

Hi guys,

I have been having daily Aneros sessions since early Sunday morning. It appears that my body craves them and so does my male psyche. :-] I plan to have another first thing tomorrow Friday morning. We are supposed to have a cold snap this weekend, so I do not know about Saturday afternoon. Management still has not turned on the heat at our apartments.

This morning I began with Maximus for a change. Maximus performed exquisitely. I had great tug-of-war with Maximus.

Program Classic this morning didn't perform as well as I wanted. But I *love* big buddy Progasm Classic and what he does for me. Maybe some session very soon, I will start with him!

As always, Tempo stars in most of my sessions which he did this morning. I have found that slow, gentle rhythmic breathing activates Tempo! I just love how Tempo tones and strengthens my anal musculature.

Finally, I concluded with Helix Classic which did quite well with Aneros Tug-of-War.

I cannot say enough about my Aneros models and what they mean to me. They have become my best buddies in my Aneros journey as a man in his 60's.

Stumbling upon Tug-of-War technique

Hi guys,

As I said in my previous entry yesterday or last evening, I wore my Nutty Buddy Cup to bed last night. I wore it over a pair of Munsingwear Kangaroo Pouch Boxer Briefs in the pouch of a regular Duke jockstrap, men's medium. I slept like a baby with this cup combo underneath sweats. Then woke up and listened to my walkman radio from 3-4 a.m. Then I fell asleep again and slept until 5:45 a.m. when I got up for an early morning session. Last night, I had amazing Aless as I let the Nutty Buddy Cup stimulate me, especially the base of the cup which stimulated my perimeum. That in itself served as powerful foreplay.

In most of my sessions, I use both Eupho Classic and Helix Classic as openers to get me hot in a session.

But it was Progasm, Tempo, and Maximus that performed exceedingly well this morning. It seemed that I stumbled upon the Tug-of-War technique which seems to be one of the most natural things in the world when it comes to Aneros! So this morning as I worked with the Tug-of-War technique, it seemed that crescendos of pleasure occurred with peaks and valleys. I just rode and let go types of pleasure in Anerosing that seem so new and fresh. Please it continues in Aless since this morning which has given me many sorts of pleasant surprises. What I discovered today is that I can work with the Tug-of-War technique both during my Aneros and Aless!

Rewiring: Aneros sessions 10/11 & 10/12/15

Hi guys,

I believe that Aneros rewiring is a process that can continue for as long as a guy works with and enjoys the Aneros. I know that this has been my experience during my three years' Aneros journey. While I enjoy an occasional Super-O now and then, my Aneros sessions in recent months have led me to deeper and more profound subtlety which is more delicious and even powerful!

Saturday I had hoped to have my usual afternoon session, but some things happened that prevented me. I was not happy because apartment staff late Saturday afternoons go off duty for the weekend. Then I went to bed Saturday night earlier than usual. But Sunday morning I awoke at 2 a.m. feeling horny in Aless and hankering for a session. So I had a session from 2:45-5:30 a.m. which was immensely enjoyable with my usual Aneros models. Then I got up and went to church at my accustomed early hour.

What impresses me the last week or so is how Progasm Classic inserts so easily and pleasurably and thus fills me up. My prostate and anal musculature are so happy now to see Progasm Classic and that model is so happy to oblige me of my desires. Just thinking about Program Classic and what he does for me is enough to through me into sweet Aless. Likewise when I deliver a slight touch to my nipples, hairy chests, abs, navel, pubes, scrotum, glans penis, hairy thighs produces Aless, also relaxed breathing.

Getting discouraged

Have the progasm and I love the way it feels inside of me. I love the fullness and sensation of having it in my ass. I guess I am just not getting this whole retiring deal everyone talks about. I never seem to get erect…go from limp to semi. Fair amount of pre cum. I follow the guides on Aneros website … Never touch my dick but just don't seem to get those feeling everyone else writes about. I can get instead feelings from the in and out motion of a real dick or dildo but not from this Aneros plug. I would love to hear from any of you guys that have had success. I have had mine for sine February. Have used it a fair amount of times but ended up pushing it to the back of my underwear drawer as it was doing nothing for me. I have brought it back out and giving it a try agin. Hopefully you guys have some spot on tips for me.