Reached a Plateau again..

Month 7 . I’ve continued my sessions and got some progress, but I’m still not there. I don’t think I’ve had p-waves; I haven’t had strong ones anyway

Progress: I feel that I have awakened my butt (Pc already awake). I sometimes get radiating sensations around anus when I have a session or when I try kegels . At times the pleasure starts extending up the area underneath my pubic area. But I haven’t had any overwhelming pleasure. Haven’t visited cloud 9. I have involuntaries of varying pleasure (could be as low as no pleasure). I also have what I’ll call second nature contractions . I kind of just think of a contraction pattern and my body does it in pretty much the same way that involuntaries happen. I don’t really have any conscious effort being put into the contraction. Both of these at least start off on the gentler and short side and change intensity on their own;

Not exactly progress, but my legs sometimes shake more frequently when I am on my back with my legs spread, feet flat on the bed.

What I have done differently: I practice what I believe are kegels and reverse kegels. I am not sure I am doing them correctly, but…I got a new toy:the eupho trident. For now, it is my favorite toy since its use coincided with my butt awakening. I like the way it’s p-tab naturally rests on my perineum/taint. I feel I have to manipulate my helix trident to do the same.

Just sayin hi (/I’m not dead…lol)

Hey guys.

I’ve not been on the sub for a while. Covid blahs have really hit my libido.

I was initially going to take a couple of weeks away from prostate play to see if it was some kind of post cum hangover from awesome pgasms that was affecting my mood. 6 weeks later and it’s fairly safe to say that my mood was tanking from, most likely, the months of lockdown and loss of my normal routine.

So, on a positive note, that means that pgasms are back on the menu once I’ve figured out where the fuck my libido has fucked off to…lol.

U/Pantsyr made a post recently about state of mind being key to PGasm success. I totally agree with that and am living proof. You can’t fit a square peg into a round hole. If you ain’t in the right mental space then it’s really not worth the frustration of trying.

Ontario is hopefully coming out of lockdown in a couple of weeks so I could be in a gym in about a month 🤞🤞🤞🤞. Here’s hoping that the boost in endorphins, testosterone and self image will kick start my libido again.

I’ve not even been interested in porn…wtf????

Anyway, just wanted to say I’m still around. It was good to learn that it’s okay to take a break. It’s also a relief to know that pgasms weren’t responsible for fucking up my mood.

My prostate seems to be dead after long break from Aneros… any help?

Long story short: after a long break (that was because of health problems) I don’t feel anything when using Aneros (helix syn)

So I’ve bought Aneros helix syn in the late 2019 and since beggining I was achieving amazing effects with dry orgasms, mind blowing waves etc… I took then a break ( I think something like 3 months till late 2020) and then I still was having great time using it. I’ve got to the point where I would feel that amazing ‘twitching’ feeling where your ass would literally ask to put aneros in and as soon as I put it in Ive felt amazing pleasure ..

During that year (2020) I was taking med drug called isotretinoin (skin problems) and had worse libido from time to time but it didn’t really affect my aneros sessions , I could had sex the same day and later in the day still achieve great results.

Then I’ve stopped taking isotretinoin (as my treatment was over) and after 2 weeks I’ve had some diarrhea problems that led to problems with my anus because my skin was dry (isotretinoin side effect). I’ve even visited a doctor to check if I’ve got hemorrhoids or something because the little pain and discomfort in that zone was still present and it lasted some time.

My adventures so far

Hi everyone,

28 year old virgin here. Thought I’d share my journey that I have had with prostate play over the past two to three-ish months. No guarantee that any of these steps will work for you. it is just my personal experience. Also I really hate labeling super-o’s or prostate orgasm. As I believe some people miss out or not realize they’ve had one. As they expect them to be exactly like other peoples experiences. My reminder to anyone struggling; just go with what feels pleasurable don’t try to label it.

I first got interested in prostate play because I was disappointed that supposedly only women can have multiple orgasms. I was raised in a very conservative religious home so it has taken me a while to discover things. I am still learning sex related things to this day. I came across the fact that the prostate is the male equivalent to the female g-spot. My Interest was piqued but of course it had the taboo of mostly being accessible through the exit only hole. After mulling it over in my head for multiple months and seeing a reddit post about how its natural to pleasure ones self via anal. I went for it.

First HFW, Question for Vets

Well, after a fun ride last night, woke up to my postate and cock buzzing. I’m also having constant spasms in my abs like I’m fucking. Did my morning errands and returned home. I was so horny and everything pumping, so I laid down and started a little nipple play. Started spasming and flailing like when I ride or go aless. This time my cock was much more involved and got that bright red super swollen tip. After 30 seconds to a minute of flopping and twitching on my back and my cock hard as a rock and bouncing like crazy, I felt the unmistakable urge to cum. I have had the feeling before during rides or aless sessions, but this time I knew it was going to be wet. Sure enough…I started pumping ropes of cum. Unlike a normal T, this was all initiated internally and it felt fucking amazing. I layed there after in stunned amazement. This journey has taught me things about my body I never knew were possible. I did have a short refractory period, but even now as I write this, my body continues to pump and spasm with horney excitement.

Now, for my question…

Specifically for vets that have had both multiple rolling prostate O’s/super-O’s AND have had hands free wet O’s. I am worried now that my body knows how to pump itself to wet O, that this will interrupt or become a problem for my prostate O sessions where I want multiple dry O’s which I have had plenty of. Are you able to control or recognize the urge to spurt and either push it over the edge OR keep it dry and continue to pleasure the prostate?

Didn’t cum in 1 week to archieve a prostate orgasm

Hey guys (and girls?) I’m into the aneros thing for about 3 months. In my past sessions sometimes I had very pleasurable feelings, nearly as pleasurful as a normal orgasm. But these feelings only last a few seconds, then there gone and I have to start again to come back to this level of pleasure.
Last week I decided to stop having normal orgasms caused by stimulating my cock.
I’m very horny all the time because today is the 7th day of my chastity.
I’m having an aneros session every evening. I often feel great pleasure but I want to finally archieve a prostate orgasm.
Which methode works the best?
In my first sessions I used vaseline and coconut oil, but now I switched to waterbased anallube which works much better for me, in the next days I’ll get a high quality silicone anal lube. I hope the new lube will increases the movement of my Aneros Helix Syn
Any tips concerning lube?

Go big or go home

So I’ve decided to pull pin on purchasing my first aneros. Well, I decided to purchase my first 2 amperes at the same time. I’ve purchased the Progasm Prostate Massager & the Vice 2 remote vibrating stimulator.

I’m not a stranger to anal play as I’ve been chasing the prostate orgasm for probably a year and a half now with lots of fun along the way but to no avail ultimately. I have many toys, including the Giddi Thor but nothing hits my Pspot as good as a curved dildo does.

So…. did I make the right choice? Are these 2 aneros products good for what I’m chasing? I didn’t go to small or too big off the hop did I?

Any thoughts, concerns, questions welcome.

A Tale of two sessions. An Example of mindset importance.

Exhibit Saturday Lunchtime.
Backdrop – Much work with a carport build still to be done.
Son is stressing out about meeting his GFS parents.
But I do have 90min to myself for some playtime.
Smoke half a joint. Try to relax. Sniff some poppers.
Small PGASM results, but it’s weak and I struggle to get
the next three PGASMS. After thirty minutes I give up and have a
short nap as there is too much on my mind to relax adequately.
In short – I can get to PGASM but it’s a struggle and nothing
much is developing from them.

Exhibit Sunday afternoon.

Son is at girfriends and things have gone well. Carport all done.
Wife has gone shopping and will be some time.
As she left she handed me a towel and put my hands on her breasts saying ‘enjoy, you’ve earned this’ a wink and she left me and my prostate to well.. go mad I think.

Because I am now very horny with an achy grumpy prostate that is making it’s presence felt – a quick brush of a nipple is all it takes
to tell me that things are more than ready back there.
Smoke a full joint. Meditate for 10mins. Get out Progasm and Mason Jarfor poppers. Mini PGASMS are occuring non stop at this point. Lube up with liberal amounts of cocunut oil. Insert very slowly. PGASM on insertion. Another on lying down. Both knee wobblingly strong. One long inhale of poppers from Jar. Focus on relaxing everything. Touch nipples lightly.

What’s your technique?

I’m a straight man trying to have pgasm for a number of years on and off and all in secret when I get a free spare hours on my own.
I’ve got a small slim dildo
A longer but still not too girthy dildo
A thick long girthy dildo
A prostate massager
Anal beads
And a few other.

I’ve been putting plenty of lube on and trying to relax and whilst I feel like I may have got close in the past I’ve never actually orgasmed from it.
I’ve had a lot of pre cum leaking which I’m guessing it where the milking phrase comes from but no physical pgasm and I’m jealous of everybody else..

I know I have a good few hours tomorrow so wanted to know your Techniques.. ive seen some people so don’t get yourself all horny (which I have been doing) and just relax .. and other day making sure your horny first so your prostate is swelled..

Any help would be appreciated

First Super-O…my god…

Been using the trident syn for a few months now with mixed results. Until last night had better success and achieved multiple prostate O’s Aless, but I knew there was more to be unlocked with the toy…boy, was I right…

I started Aless with no real intention of inserting the toy (I think this “lack of expectation” that everyone talks about is key). I had a few drinks earlier in the night and smoked some weed. The Aless was going pretty well, but nothing mindblowing, so I decided to take a ride.

Fingered myself with some lube and the toy seemed to slide in alot easier than usual. It wasn’t a crazy active session from the start. On my back, feeling most of what I usually do…some good vibes, things building, trying my best to stay relaxed and not “scare” the feelings away. This went on for an hour or so and I figured I was on my way to another decent but not great session. I decided to change positions and lay on my side on the couch….

The next part is when things got interesting and my mind was blown…let me start by saying there’s alot of talk on these forums about labeling feelings and how to tell a wave, from an O, from a super-O and how to tell where you are in the journey…when you reach the super, you will know…there is no mistaking what my body went through…