Tempo and Masturbation

As a young boy discovering the pleasure of ejaculation I tugged at my cock incessantly. It felt so good for that fraction of a second and it expanded my mental erotic state to such a degree that it was almost impossible not to do it; so I did. The repeated sessions were my attempt to experience a sustained state of pleasure. I know now that I was pursuing an unachievable goal with the tools I had. It has only been in the last ten years of my life that I finally have reached my goal of experiencing extended orgasm. It came as a result of rewiring.

With rewiring and mmo capability came not only sustained orgasm without ejaculation but also greater precum flow and much thicker and copious volume of semen in ejaculations. My cum volume increased significantly and it became creamier with an ivory color to it. I became totally fascinated watching my cum eruptions.

Beyond the physical enhancement came deep psychological changes including a greater appreciation of sexual pleasure, sensuality, and erotic beauty of men and women. However as my sexuality deepened I preferred to have J masturbate me rather than doing it myself. Having her induce my ejaculations and having her watch me hurl ropes of cum in fascination became a huge turn on for me and made me cum harder. Not only did my ejaculations change but I became more patient in achieving them. I no longer saw ejaculation as a goal it became a side effect. I came to embrace sexual desire not as a source of frustration but as a state of heightened sensual awareness; a state of mind to be savored and appreciated. I learned to view the sensual world around me through the erotic lens of intense arousal.

My Male – Male Fantasy

The last ten years of sexual self discovery for me has been the most amazing and freeing period of my life. I attribute my wondrous erotic enjoyment of the last ten years to two things.

First is my rewiring, accomplished by ten years of Aneros use. My rewiring awakened the orgasmic power of my anus and prostate; it made me a sensual man who appreciates the erotically arousing attraction of men and women and it opened my eyes and mind to expressing my erotic thoughts.

The second thing that has opened the doors to sexual pleasure for me over the last ten years is the internet. It has provided the safety and security for me to anonymously express my erotic thoughts and it has opened the door for me to meet other guys who feel the same about their sexuality without risking exposing my lurid interests to anyone I know. Indeed just the fact that I can make this post and admit some of the things I have is itself a testimony of the power of the internet in my life.

Yet another Corner Turned

After a while it begins to get redundant when I write these entries expounding that this session was the best or I discovered a new technique that pushed me even higher. But the truth is, that is what this journey is about reaching new heights each time. Each session I do does teach me some new technique as I get to feel the wondrous new pleasure that results. And yes every session does allow me to open a door to a new level of ecstasy that I never experienced before.

So that being said here I go again. It is necessary to keep in mind that there are certain triggers that are necessary for me to have a pleasurable A Less or A session. Typically they need to occur between 2-6 AM. They are usually best if I have had an emptying ejaculation within the last 12 hours. For me that image of thick semen spewing in rolling spurts from my cock slit is often stuck in my mind as an erotic image that will help to launch me. Also for me pressure on the underside of my cock head is also a trigger. Until now that pressure has been from pressing my cock head into my wife’s derriere or even better against the heat of her anus if I am erect to my full length and sufficiently hard, which is typically the case in the early morning hours.

Morning Wood and sharing the love on Christmas day

Waking up with a morning wood used to be a common occurrence but in my later years, it became a very rare event. That is, until I discovered the Aneros, with resultant rewiring and eventually fully ALESS. My prostate is now working like it did when I was 14. Morning woods are common and delicious. Usually, they occur in the early hours of the morning, 4-5 am, but can happen any time. The latest was on Christmas morning at 4.30am. I woke in the darkness and uncovered so that my naked body and throbbing erection was exposed. I couldn’t see it, but I sensed that it was a huge one that seemed to fill the room. Pulses of pleasure rippled through my body, including the length of my cock. I relaxed into it and decided to see how long it would last. After about 20 minutes, I became uncomfortable and lay on my left side. The slight pressure on my prostate produced a range of strong and deep sensations. After about 5 minutes on my side, the erection subsided but not the lovely cascading orgasms which continued for another 40 minutes until I needed to rest.

Orgasmic Symphony

When I don’t make these posts I feel like a part of my sex life is missing. Describing the experiences I have is as much a part of my sexual response as is having them. There is an erotic excitement to writing these that I miss when I skip them. I savor all the things I write about as they happen to me, then I get to savor them again as I remember them and commit them to words. The act of recalling erotic sensations and experiences allows me to indulge myself like I woud with a favorite wine or chocolate that I have been craving. They satisfy me as they turn me on. Savoring the sensations, emotions and rapture I experience and describing them to readers is as sensual as the experience itself.

When I write these entries I am fully erect and dripping precum; I am now. I am embarrassed to say that I use ladies panty liners to keep from soaking through my pants when I write; indeed I have one in now. I have just learned that they have come out with a version of underwear liners for men. I will have to get some and see if they work as well as ladies. I must say however that the understated fetishist in me secret is turned on when I slide a women’s liner in my underwear. What can I say?

Riding Eupho

Last night I felt ready to have a session. I have been stressed and busy so I was happy to have some alone time. The Mrs dozed off and I awoken ready for a session. It is funny when I know I am ready I will awaken my self from sleep no alarm needed. My body needs it. I was thinking that the rewiring process is a journey with all of the effects of Aneros sessions are cumulative. Every session has been getting better than the last as long as my body is rested and ready. If I am exhausted I don't ever bother. So last night I am riding with my buddy Eupho and the feelings were great and kept getting better and stronger. They would not stop. I would stop my slow gyrating to catch my breath for a moment and than start back right where I left off. Things got so intense I finally passed out. When I awoke I was saying OMG, my dear lord, wow. I was exhausted and could not continue so I just went back to bed and slept soundly until the Mrs. Alarm went off. I rode Eupho and it screwed the hell out of me so I am feeling good with how great it was. I can't wait for my next session. If it was up to me it would be now. SoFunLoving…

Just like riding a bike…

According to my blog, this is the first time I've used my Aneros in two years! Thankfully it didn't take me long to get back in to the swing of things, and I don't ever recall my sessions feeling this intense. Perhaps it's my memory.

I bought an MGX, which is a model I haven't used before and it seems to fit me better than the Eupho, Helix or Progasm. The handle is a little irritating though.

I had a session today that was really nice. Lots of subtle sensations in my lower abdomen. One really intense feeling in my left thigh, right on the inside. Who know it could feel like your leg was cumming?!

I feel like I'm being rewired again, which is awesome. Hopefully this time I can make some big progress :)

My Journey with Prostate Massage

Barely into my 20s, I experimented with solo masturbation. Meaning, I was already well-versed in jacking off, but…was there another way? One night, under cover of darkness (ha) I tried something new. I noticed when I jacked off, something "inside" would tighten. This, together with "rubbing" would produce the desired result. So, I figured, how about if I just "tightened"; no rubbing? It took a while, but paid off in a most sublime climax, lengthy and…peculiar. Delightful. It seemed to take a lot of effort, and what seemed like an hour, as delightful as it was, I wouldn't be going back there for a little while. My normal second-hand forays would have to do. And so they did. Of course, often after that, would you believe 40 years?.. I'd try to recapture that same feeling, with the same climax. The "feeling" was possible to recapture but it never crescendoed once into it's desired result. Not once.
Into my 60s I was going through a rough time romantically, sexually. One time, getting ready to have nap, I flopped down on the bed, on my side, knees bent. That "feeling" was there, quite strong. I realized it had something to do with my position (lying on left side). I noted this.
I noted this and "concentrated" on this feeling and while experimenting one day, my feelings rose to a pitch where it hovered and crossed over a point of no return and I dry-orgasmed. It was delightful. Aha! It was back. I tried over and over, over perhaps a year and had many pleasant experiences. I noted two major requirements: Concentration and Time. They usually took an hour to accomplish. Something I could only do if I had time and was alone. Business trips were good. I'd lie down for a nap and go to town.
My procedure was to lie down, on left side, remove pants and underwear, and bend my knees. And not do anything, but concentrate on the feelings, and perhaps let erotic thoughts waft into my head. Most times I'd get off, trip into a dreamy dry orgasm land and have multiple soft, gentle climaxes. Some sessions were better than others. Some were duds, one or two were so powerfully erotically, I have not been able to supersede them, even with a device up my butt.
I began to look up this phenomena on the web and somehow I got hooked up with Aneros and High Island. The experiences they portrayed sounded like mine, so I made the connection.
To backtrack a little. When I first started to experiment again, in my 60s, I was going through a rough spot even with my sex life, as I began to have lovemaking sessions with my wife that 'didn't work". First time ever, as for our 30 years or more this had never been a problem. Seems like my member, though initially it was eager, soon dried up sexually, with interest, excitement gone. So, this revelation was welcome. Somehow it kick-started me into being more turned on, more active, so it helped and to this day, thank God, that impotency problem has hardly every returned.
OK, so I discovered the Aneros website and wanted to "try one of those". I felt like I knew what they were capable of. All the talk of "rewiring" I immediately understood, as I had been, in a sense rewired.
I now have 5 models, the SGX, MGX, the Eupho, Heli and Prograsm Classic. And I still occasionally go device-less with comparable results.

Prom night

Since my last entry I have had 4 sessions and all spent with my new best buddy Eupho-Syn. Meeting Eupho was like going out with the most popular person. I was amazed how big a punch he gave me and always was left very satisfied. Last night was like Prom night and I was sneaking away as Eupho took full advantage of my sexuality and had his way with me. I was so overwhelmed with the biggest longest lasting O’s or OMG’s. I had several and they lasted from 10-20 minutes. I would get up for a quick stretch and Eupho laid back down with me and took me to ecstasy over and over again. This was the best session way-way better than all the good rewiring previously. I am so pleased and very happy with the aneros dream lover’s. I had to stop due to the Sun coming up and get ready for work. Poor Helix doesn’t know I have a new squeeze and he is my best friend. I will have to see him again before he suspects I have found another lover. I do hope Helix is up for the BIG o’s now that Eupho opened my door. SoFunLoving

“Sleep Orgasms are Real”

So I found what I thought was a very informative article about how women can "think" themselves to orgasm and often do in their sleep. This is currently the mindset I've been using, by focusing on inner pleasure, rather than outer pleasure, to distinguish orgasm from ejaculation, which I had always had wired together. I thought it might help some people with their rewiring process 🙂 http://fusion.net/story/152129/sleep-orgasms-are-real/