As a young boy discovering the pleasure of ejaculation I tugged at my cock incessantly. It felt so good for that fraction of a second and it expanded my mental erotic state to such a degree that it was almost impossible not to do it; so I did. The repeated sessions were my attempt to experience a sustained state of pleasure. I know now that I was pursuing an unachievable goal with the tools I had. It has only been in the last ten years of my life that I finally have reached my goal of experiencing extended orgasm. It came as a result of rewiring.
With rewiring and mmo capability came not only sustained orgasm without ejaculation but also greater precum flow and much thicker and copious volume of semen in ejaculations. My cum volume increased significantly and it became creamier with an ivory color to it. I became totally fascinated watching my cum eruptions.
Beyond the physical enhancement came deep psychological changes including a greater appreciation of sexual pleasure, sensuality, and erotic beauty of men and women. However as my sexuality deepened I preferred to have J masturbate me rather than doing it myself. Having her induce my ejaculations and having her watch me hurl ropes of cum in fascination became a huge turn on for me and made me cum harder. Not only did my ejaculations change but I became more patient in achieving them. I no longer saw ejaculation as a goal it became a side effect. I came to embrace sexual desire not as a source of frustration but as a state of heightened sensual awareness; a state of mind to be savored and appreciated. I learned to view the sensual world around me through the erotic lens of intense arousal.