Sunday night we were both exhausted, it had been a very busy weekend. When we shut the lights out it propelled our bedroom into blackness. I tilted the venetian blinds open to let the light from the street lamp on the corner into the quiet blackness that surrounded us. There is something very sultry about the yellow gold lamplight from the outside illuminating our bedroom.
At 11 pm when J and I got into bed the room was cool, dark, comfortable and still; there was no traffic outside. We had shed the heavy winter quilt and pulled a flannel sheet and cotton blanket out of the linen cabinet and spread it on the bed. The flannel was light but warm; it enveloped us as we warmed each other. It was a perfect night for sleeping.
I sleep naked, I always have. J shifts her sleepwear season to season. On warmer nights like that night she shed her long night gowns to sleep in one of my tee shirts, with her bare bottom exposed; it is so sexy. The shirt barely covers her butt and it is baggy and thin giving her the innocent semi nudity of a little girl. Yet unmistakably it revealed her mature body by draping over her breasts and nipples. As she came to bed the shirt allowed her breasts to jiggle underneath it, the friction of the fabric against her nipples caused them to harden and push against the fabric. Their hardness made them very visible. My cock stiffened at the sight of her.