OMG …another Wet orgasm with the Vice

I did want to update my blog but at the same time not to be going to every extreme I do feel however that i need and want to share out my experiences.Such is the great power of Aneros products,in this instance its the Vice or as i refer to it as "the plug" Since going over to the Vice i can only report that this plug is mind blowing {as far as Super O's are concerned} Add in the bullet and you will scream for mercy! as i have done. After experiencing a 1st "hands free" wet orgasm with the plug i was gagging for another one, but despite a lot of enjoyable efforts it was'nt
happening. While i can call up and still enjoy breathtaking Super O's i wanted the plug to completely empty my prostate fuel tank! Well sometimes events happen when least expected. Just a few weeks back and feeling tired i was having an early night hitting the sack. I would normally sleep just in briefs and T shirt. It was in the small hours that i was awakened by the feel of a very hard erection. It filled my briefs and woke me from my slumber.I was trying to nod off but the rock hard erection persisted. I felt so horny but i was'nt being let back to sleep! The thought then entered my mind that i wanted and needed the plug. With crumpled hair and pillow marks on my face i got from the bed stripped off my briefs got the plug and after a good lube-up got back into the bed and lying on my right side with the stiff erection inserted the plug into my anus. Maybe because it was 4am my anus felt taut and i moaned as i pushed the plug fully home. On top of the erection the plug felt soooooo good, so firm, and so healthy! Its difficult to describe how sensual this felt.
While enjoying the euphoria it was'nt long before the P waves kicked in. As always they will fire-off around my pelvic region. Lying in the warm bed i enjoyed the light P waves going through me. As always i do my breathing exercises. Big breath in and very slow out.I find these exercises keeps the P waves steady and helps out when the Super O {or O's} hit. As i added my erotic thoughts to this session i was feeling the P waves gaining strength.
I was also going into involuntary spasm twitching?
I had not experienced this before.I was tempted to jack-off but i was holding onto the pillow with my 2 hands gripping it and moaning as the P waves got more intense.Everything was in perfect sync -the hard erection-the plug in my anus- the regular P waves. The sensations were hot–very hot..It was almost like an out-of -body experience? After riding a lot of beautiful P waves they then started to subside? i was lying there totally relaxed and thinking "that was so good" and i almost was ready to go back to sleep -when suddenly totally out of the blue came this massive P wave. I just was not prepared for it.. It had the power to take my breath away,and contorted my face i bit into the pillow and screamed OMG.. It just totally swamped me.Super O after Super O (and i mean Super) shot through me. I lost the count of how many.. I was gasping for breath and with each Super O i could feel the plug involuntary contracting in my anus -which appeared to be bringing on another Super O.. With a HUGH final Super O it felt like my insides had exploded. I was gasping for a drink of water! I lay there exhausted but saying to myself "That was fookin out of this world" and praising Aneros no end. I did'nt realize it, until i moved in the bed that i was all wet and when i checked i found i had shot out a substantial amount of cum into the bed.
I have tried to repeat this scenario but so far it has not happened.. Super O is there but im gagging for a repeat of an out of body experience.
BTW despite the fact that at most times when i get a Super O you feel you might suffocate but this has never happened – in fact nothing bad has every happened to me with using the Aneros quite the opposite – its been fookin great!!

The Burning Question

Probably the main reason I came back to check in with the group is that from my earliest days I was hounded by the burning question "Can anyone who is giving Aneros a fair shake achieve the Super O?"

The answer is creeping up on "No". Some of us, for whatever reasons, no matter how long we use the product, will never get there.

I've always been slow to make progress – it is all dutifully recorded in this blog. And again – I am a happy and satisfied customer! I will continue using and who knows, someday I may have incredible news to celebrate with all the good folks on this board.

Good sessions to all!


It's All In The Wrist…

Had an interesting couple of sessions yesterday and last night.

Yesterday had an hour of free time so I tried using the Helix with a condom for lube method, and it again worked great. (I just never could seem to feel the Helix inside, but when started using condom method for lube, I could finally feel it and the pwaves it caused.) Had a 1 hour session with several intense dry-Os and at least one super-o.

At bedtime, I had more time, so had an ALess session. My prostate was still aroused from earlier, so didn't take a lot of time. Did a few minutes of PC contractions, till felt pwaves, then added nipple stimulation till I had a few Dry-Os.

Then I started pulsing my glans with my finger with nipple stim until my whole prostate felt like it was pulsing along with my finger and had some dry-o's with that. Then got bored and I played around with trying to move the orgasms from pulsing the glans into my spine. Started having Very intense dry-Os. Kept this up till my whole body felt like it was pulsing to my finger on my glans. Pretty cool…!

Finally I changed to holding the glans with 3 fingers and rotating it gently right then left, back and forth, over and over with nipple stim. Very intense pwaves in my penis. I kept it up at a rate of like 2 rotations per second initially, but after fireworks started, I played around with the rotation speed including extremely slow. For me, medium was better.

The Rope Trick

I've found that when I'm having my best orgasms, my fingers and toes are clinching. And having my hands free, sometimes I will squeeze a pillow or whatever is available, with the exception of my penis, because that will kill the super Os quicker than anything.

Anyway, I always keep a rag for clean up purposes. I twist the rag into a sort of loose rope and squeeze it.

It makes things better. I don't know why, it just makes things so much easier, longer lasting, and smoother. By smoother, I mean not so much violent spasms, but a gentle continuous wave of pleasure.

And its like I've associated the squeezing of the rag / rope so much with orgasms, that merely doing the squeezing seems to induce the orgasms.

Maybe I'm just incredibly lucky, but I think this is worth trying.

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This is my first time using the helix,I would have to say it was one of the best sexual experience I have ever had,I have never felt the "super o"

Cannot Super-O, because I’m out of shape. Suggestions on a regimen?

I've been experimenting with prostate massage (very occasionally ) for quite some time, about 10 years now (I'm 30 now). Just recently figured out how to make it feel good. Even had a wet orgasm from manual stimulation with the njoy pure wand, which is when I really started getting the hang of it.

Problem is, if I use the Aneros or Nexus Revo Stealth, I eventually become fatigued just when it starts to get good.

My back and neck muscles often are clenched because I don't know how to relax them while I'm focused on other parts of my body. Is this normal or is there a trick I'm missing?

I eventually will have back and neck spasms, and heart(?) spasms and will start feeling weak. I won't be able to finish. I worry I am even putting too much strain on my heart because my heart will be working overtime for quite awhile up to this point. Normal masturbation does not do this to me, but that's because the orgasms are much shorter and therefore less energy required.

I'm pretty light weight, about 5'7 and 130 lbs. Diet, sleep, and exercise habits not good on a consistent basis. Obviously I should be better about that but I'm trying to understand the problem better, as well as my own body.

Aneros sessions are cumulative & you have Aneros tipping point[s]

Hi guys,

A few days ago I had a realization that the effects of Aneros sessions are cumulative. They begin to produce pleasure and well-being while gradual and imperceptible in the beginning increase over time. Soon you reach an Aneros tipping point or even a series of them in your Aneros journey. That tipping point may be something great such as experiencing your first Super-O. Then afterwards your sessions become effortless, laden with even more pleasure. However as one continues with Aneros, this journey never ends. It just gets better! :-]

My first Super-O experienced on the morning of the last July 4 was subtle, but produced pleasure in Aless which grew and grew that day. Since then, my sessions have been effortless. I just want to merge with Aneros pleasure both in my sessions and Aless.

What do you think?

An Aless like no other, the rest of Thursday October 22, 2015

Hi guys,

My Aneros session last Thursday, October 22, was remarkable because it was primed by acute horniness and a gay fuck video clip which I reblogged on tumblr a few days before.
It seemed that the Aneros models I used that morning worked so exceeding well. Thus it set the stage for Aless which I experienced never before ushering me into new, exciting territory in my Aneros journey.

Once I cleaned up my session, bathed, shaved, and dressed for the day, I hopped on to Aneros chat. That is when the Aless hit me.

For a long time, my Aless had felt my ass was still feeling autof**k action from my Aneros tools. Aneros autof**k for me feels like a wave action. This is what @lonewolf8 verified for me in Aneros chat. This is actually an Aneros sine or cosine series of waves.

But last Thursday, I felt this Aneros wave series would come upon me like a tsunami, often out of the blue. Long time Aneros users @brine was in chat that morning. He complimented me on this development and just let these Aless waves come upon me of their accord, even great them.

Lastly Aneros user, @brucemarkland, was in chat too last Thursday morning. He encouraged me to change my Aless into a Super-O or even MMO's. This I do through stimulating my nipples and other areas of my body, deep, relaxing breathing, focus, and meditation.

Aneros Peridise

I though I would try something new. I'm glad I did. First of all there is absolutely no discomfort at all with this inserted. I believe I will try to sleep with it in.

I don't know IF I will be Able to sleep, as I am already experinencing Super-O's. This is only my third session since it arrived today. I did cheat, using my Helix in a mini-session to jump start my prostate.

I will have to experiment without the jump start later. I also did a better lube job. Heh.

This could be my new favorite. I am using the smaller size.

I wonder if I will be able to have my walks with this in. I've been trying to get more exercise. This could make things much more interesting if I can keep things under control.

It will be raining for a few days, so I won't be able to for a while.

Coconut oil! Yes!

I tried using coconut oil instead of lube last night, and I am a convert! This was the first time that I could really feel the Aneros freely moving inside me.

With regular lube, it would go in but there was always a little friction when it was in, so I ended up having to squeeze very hard to get anything going, and I got pretty frustrated, even though I had some great hand-assisted orgasms with it.

But, last night with coconut oil, I could just barely contract my muscles and the Aneros would wiggle around and do wonderful things. So, I could really relax and play around with doing little things and feeling the results. There were two times in 30 min that I got into a groove and my cock got so hard. It felt great! (But, I didn't super-o…)

I finally feel like I'm going in the right direction with my Aneros!
